957 resultados para Volatilidade Realizada


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The present paper has the purpose of investigate the dynamics of the volatility structure in the shrimp prices in the Brazilian fish market. Therefore, a description of the initial aspects of the shrimp price series was made. From this information, statistics tests were made and selected univariate models to be price predictors. Then, it was verified the existence of relationship of long-term equilibrium between the Brazilian and American imported shrimp and if, confirmed the relationship, whether or not there is a causal link between these assets, considering that the two countries had presented trade relations over the years. It is presented as an exploratory research of applied nature with quantitative approach. The database was collected through direct contact with the Companhia de Entrepostos e Armazéns Gerais de São Paulo (CEAGESP) and on the official website of American import, National Marine Fisheries Service - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NMFS- NOAA). The results showed that the great variability in the active price is directly related with the gain and loss of the market agents. The price series presents a strong seasonal and biannual effect. The average structure of price of shrimp in the last 12 years was R$ 11.58 and external factors besides the production and marketing (U.S. antidumping, floods and pathologies) strongly affected the prices. Among the tested models for predicting prices of shrimp, four were selected, which through the prediction methodologies of one step forward of horizon 12, proved to be statistically more robust. It was found that there is weak evidence of long-term equilibrium between the Brazilian and American shrimp, where equivalently, was not found a causal link between them. We concluded that the dynamic pricing of commodity shrimp is strongly influenced by external productive factors and that these phenomena cause seasonal effects in the prices. There is no relationship of long-term stability between the Brazilian and American shrimp prices, but it is known that Brazil imports USA production inputs, which somehow shows some dependence productive. To the market agents, the risk of interferences of the external prices cointegrated to Brazilian is practically inexistent. Through statistical modeling is possible to minimize the risk and uncertainty embedded in the fish market, thus, the sales and marketing strategies for the Brazilian shrimp can be consolidated and widespread


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Dissertação de Mestrado em Contabilidade e Análise Financeira


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Crítica descentrada para o senso comum: MUNIZ, Euzébia Maria de Pontes Targino; DANTAS, Juliana Bulhões Alberto; ALBANO, Sebastião Guilherme (Orgs). Amostragem da reflexão acerca da comunicação contemporânea realizada na Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte. Natal, RN: EDUFRN, 2012.


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Mestrado em Contabilidade e Gestão das Instituições Financeiras


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Mestrado em Contabilidade e Análise Financeira


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Mestrado em Contabilidade e Análise Financeira,


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En este trabajo de grado se pretende realizar una aproximaci?n a la sistematizaci?n de una salida pedag?gica de aula realizada con los estudiantes de grado d?cimo del Colegio Luis Horacio G?mez de la ciudad de Cali. Este acercamiento se hace alrededor de la aplicaci?n de las seis relaciones trigonom?tricas de un tri?ngulo rect?ngulo, (ley de senos y de cosenos) vistas en trigonometr?a a trav?s de diferentes experiencias concretas, que permiten que el estudiante no se quede con la imagen de lo abstracto y te?rico de las matem?ticas -en este caso de la trigonometr?a- si no que puedan darle un sentido a la matem?tica y su relaci?n con otros campos; adem?s de esto, para que los estudiantes a quienes les cuesta la comprensi?n de algunos conceptos trigonom?tricos, puedan lograr un acercamiento diferente a esta asignatura por medio de experiencias pedag?gicas significativas.


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Los avances tecnológicos en el mundo actual han impulsado el uso del comercio electrónico como herramienta de comercialización de productos o servicios, por lo que las empresas han optado por la utilización de este medio para realizar sus transacciones, al mismo tiempo se han visto en la necesidad de contar con personal que evalué la veracidad de todas las operaciones, es aquí donde surge la auditoría de los sistemas de información en la que el auditor se encarga de la revisión y la evaluación de los controles, sistemas, procedimientos de informática; de los equipos de cómputo, su utilización, eficiencia y seguridad de la información. En este tipo de auditorías habrá que evaluar los sistemas de información en general desde sus entradas, procedimientos, controles, archivos, y obtención de información. Se requieren varios pasos para realizar una auditoría, el auditor de sistemas debe evaluar los riesgos globales y luego desarrollar un programa de auditoría que consta de objetivos, alcance y procedimientos que le permitan obtener evidencia para sustentar los hallazgos encontrados y poder emitir así su opinión sobre el área que está evaluando. En nuestro país la auditoria de sistemas informáticos no es tan ejercida como otros tipos de auditoría (auditoría financiera, administrativa, operacional, integral, de cumplimiento fiscal). Según la investigación realizada este suceso se debe en primer lugar a la falta de capacitación del personal para realizar ese tipo de auditoría y en segundo lugar a la falta de recursos tecnológicos. La naturaleza especializada de la auditoría de los sistemas de información y las habilidades necesarias para llevarla a cabo, requieren de un amplio conocimiento y capacitación de los auditores, ya que el avance de la auditoría no se detiene y requiere una mayor especialización en la evaluación de las áreas y ramas del desarrollo tecnológico, esta es la razón por la que las auditorias son cada vez más singulares, lo que hace necesario la creación de programas de trabajo que permitan simplificar y desarrollar de una forma lógica la auditoría en esta área.


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Cómo la libreria de la Universidad de El Salvador hace labor de función social con la comunidad universitaria y sociedad en general,importancia de la lectura y de la promoción de los títulos distribuidos por la librería UES.


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O presente relatório é fruto da Prática de Ensino Supervisionada, realizada no ano letivo 2014/2015 na Escola Básica 2, 3 com Ensino Secundário Cunha Rivara, no âmbito do Mestrado em Ensino do Português no 3.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico e Ensino Secundário e de Espanhol nos Ensinos Básico e Secundário, sob a orientação do Professor Doutor António Ricardo Mira. Esta fase prática do mestrado assume-se como momento charneira na formação de futuros professores, porquanto representa o espaço ideal para aferir e testar métodos e técnicas aplicáveis aos processos de ensino/aprendizagem. Nesse sentido, e partindo do pressuposto de que o aluno deve ser o ator principal ao longo deste processo, este relatório assume uma função descritiva, mas, em simultâneo, outra dimensão, tão ou mais importante, no domínio da reflexão e da interiorização de práticas pedagógico-didáticas e de comportamentos relacionais, assumidos durante este processo. Assim, desenvolve-se em cinco componentes, que se complementam: preparação científica, pedagógica e didática; planificação e condução de aulas e avaliação de aprendizagens; análise da prática de ensino; participação na escola e desenvolvimento profissional; ABSTRACT: This report is the result of Supervised Teaching Practice, held in the school year 2014/2015 at the Basic and Secondary School 2, 3 “Cunha Rivara”, within the Master degree: “Teaching Portuguese in the 3rd cycle of Basic Education and Secondary Education and Spanish in basic and secondary education”, under the guidance of Professor Ricardo Antonio Mira. This practice of master stage is assumed as a key moment in the training of future teachers, because it is the ideal place and moment to measure and test methods and techniques applicable to teaching / learning processes. Accordingly, and assuming that the student must be the main actor throughout this process, this report takes a descriptive function, but at the same time, another dimension, equally important in the field of reflection and practices internalization, pedagogical-didactic and relational behaviors made during this process. Thus it develops into five components, which complement each other: scientific, pedagogical and didactic preparation; planning and conducting classes and learning evaluation; analysis of the teaching practice; participation in school and professional development.


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Es un estudio de tipo descriptivo ya que se pretende evaluar el nivel de actividad del Lupus eritematoso sistémico, el grado de afectación renal por medio de los resultados de los reportes de biopsia renal en pacientes con nefropatía lúpica; transversal ya que se analizará en el período de enero del 2010 a diciembre del 2012. Observacional, no se realizará ninguna acción ni interacción con el paciente; retrospectivo donde se analizarán expedientes de pacientes con diagnóstico de nefropatía lúpica en un período de tres años. El método utilizado fue la revisión de expedientes clínicos, completando la hoja de recolección de datos instrumento creado para la obtención de la información útil para este trabajo de investigación. La investigación está conformada por un total de 45 pacientes con diagnóstico de lupus eritematoso sistémico la mayoría pertenecen al género femenino en una relación de 1: 2.75 masculino: femenino; más de la mitad provienen del área rural; la manifestación clínica más frecuente de enfermedad renal es la hipertensión arterial seguida por el edema, la alteración renal más frecuente por lo que se les realizo biopsia renal fue la proteinuria que representa el 50%, seguido de la elevación de la creatinina; la clasificación según la histopatología de la biopsia renal según la clasificación de la OMS fue la Clase IV que representa más del 40 %.


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The financial crisis that occurred between the years 2007 and 2008, known as the subprime crisis, has highlighted the governance of companies in Brazil and worldwide. To monitor the financial risk, quantitative tools of risk management were created in the 1990s, after several financial disasters. The market turmoil has also led companies to invest in the development and use of information, which are applied as tools to support process control and decision making. Numerous empirical studies on informational efficiency of the market have been made inside and outside Brazil, revealing whether the prices reflect the information available instantly. The creation of different levels of corporate governance on BOVESPA, in 2000, made the firms had greater impairment in relation to its shareholders with greater transparency in their information. The purpose of this study is to analyze how the subprime financial crisis has affected, between January 2007 and December 2009, the volatility of stock returns in the BM&BOVESPA of companies with greater liquidity at different levels of corporate governance. From studies of time series and through the studies of events, econometric tests were performed by the EVIEWS, and through the results obtained it became evident that the adoption of good practices of corporate governance affect the volatility of returns of companies


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The present paper has the purpose of investigate the dynamics of the volatility structure in the shrimp prices in the Brazilian fish market. Therefore, a description of the initial aspects of the shrimp price series was made. From this information, statistics tests were made and selected univariate models to be price predictors. Then, it was verified the existence of relationship of long-term equilibrium between the Brazilian and American imported shrimp and if, confirmed the relationship, whether or not there is a causal link between these assets, considering that the two countries had presented trade relations over the years. It is presented as an exploratory research of applied nature with quantitative approach. The database was collected through direct contact with the Companhia de Entrepostos e Armazéns Gerais de São Paulo (CEAGESP) and on the official website of American import, National Marine Fisheries Service - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NMFS- NOAA). The results showed that the great variability in the active price is directly related with the gain and loss of the market agents. The price series presents a strong seasonal and biannual effect. The average structure of price of shrimp in the last 12 years was R$ 11.58 and external factors besides the production and marketing (U.S. antidumping, floods and pathologies) strongly affected the prices. Among the tested models for predicting prices of shrimp, four were selected, which through the prediction methodologies of one step forward of horizon 12, proved to be statistically more robust. It was found that there is weak evidence of long-term equilibrium between the Brazilian and American shrimp, where equivalently, was not found a causal link between them. We concluded that the dynamic pricing of commodity shrimp is strongly influenced by external productive factors and that these phenomena cause seasonal effects in the prices. There is no relationship of long-term stability between the Brazilian and American shrimp prices, but it is known that Brazil imports USA production inputs, which somehow shows some dependence productive. To the market agents, the risk of interferences of the external prices cointegrated to Brazilian is practically inexistent. Through statistical modeling is possible to minimize the risk and uncertainty embedded in the fish market, thus, the sales and marketing strategies for the Brazilian shrimp can be consolidated and widespread