990 resultados para Vinter v UK
Jones v Kernott [2011] UKSC 53 (SC) Stack v Dowden [2007] UKHL 17; [2007] 2 A.C. 432 (HL). Casenote explores the implications of the ruling in Jones v Kernott by the Supreme Court and assesses its implications for English Property Law. Building on the commonwealth experience the casenote calls for the intorduction of a statutory scheme so as to allow courts to reallocate property rights to unmarried cohabitants in the event of relationship breakdown.
Casenote considers nature of ruling in Fitzkriston v Panayi and its implications for the interpretation of S.54(2) Law of Property Act 1925
Casenote considers meaning and impact of ruling of High Court in Hanchett Stamford v HM A.G. The decision of Mr Justice Lewison in Hanchett-Stamford v HM Attorney General and Dr William Johnston Jordan1 provides us with a useful analysis of the legal principles relating to the thorny issues of: (i) how unincorporated associations hold property; (ii) the applicability of the law of charities to unincorporated associations and (iii) the property rights of a declining membership upon the dissolution of such associations.
Legislation: Directive 89/104 on trade marks art.5 Directive 84/450 on misleading advertising Directive 97/55 amending Directive 84/450 concerning misleading advertising so as to include comparative advertising Case: O2 Holdings Ltd v Hutchison 3G UK Ltd (C-533/06) [2008] E.C.R. I-4231 (ECJ (1st Chamber)) *Comms. L. 155 Long, long ago a trade mark allowed a craftsman to be identified and held accountable for shoddy goods. Today in the era of the ‘Lovemark,’1 due to extensive advertising hopes and aspirations a lifestyle can be purchased with a brand. For many products a trademark is no longer merely a badge of origin but has a commercial value of its own. Through advertising an emotional attachment is created in the heart of the consumer for particular brands. Brand owners are determined that the value of this attachment be preserved and protected against any encroachment into the aura that has been painstakingly created. Comparative advertising, the allusive use of a mark, is seen by the owners of such emotive brands as likely to jeopardise the character of the brand that they have so carefully nurtured. As they have invested so heavily in creating their concept these owners want to control its use by others. There is an issue however as to how far this control ought to extend when the image is used in the marketing of a rival's goods or services.
Recent UK government initiatives aim to increase user involvement in the National Health Service (NHS) in two ways: by encouraging service users to take an active role in making decisions about their own care; and by establishing opportunities for wider public participation in service development. The purpose of this study was to examine how UK cancer service users understand and relate to the concept of user involvement. The data were collected through in-depth interviews, which were analysed for content according to the principles of grounded theory. The results highlight the role of information and communication in effective user involvement. Perhaps more importantly, this study suggests that the concept of user involvement is unclear to many cancer service users. This paper argues the need for increased awareness and understanding of what user involvement is and how it can work.
Allergy is an overreaction by the immune system to a previously encountered, ordinarily harmless substance - typically proteins - resulting in skin rash, swelling of mucous membranes, sneezing or wheezing, or other abnormal conditions. The use of modified proteins is increasingly widespread: their presence in food, commercial products, such as washing powder, and medical therapeutics and diagnostics, makes predicting and identifying potential allergens a crucial societal issue. The prediction of allergens has been explored widely using bioinformatics, with many tools being developed in the last decade; many of these are freely available online. Here, we report a set of novel models for allergen prediction utilizing amino acid E-descriptors, auto- and cross-covariance transformation, and several machine learning methods for classification, including logistic regression (LR), decision tree (DT), naïve Bayes (NB), random forest (RF), multilayer perceptron (MLP) and k nearest neighbours (kNN). The best performing method was kNN with 85.3% accuracy at 5-fold cross-validation. The resulting model has been implemented in a revised version of the AllerTOP server (http://www.ddg-pharmfac.net/AllerTOP). © Springer-Verlag 2014.
Objectives: To determine the best photographic surrogate markers for detecting sight-threatening macular oedema (MO) in people with diabetes attending UK national screening programmes. Design: A multicentre, prospective, observational cohort study of 3170 patients with photographic signs of diabetic retinopathy visible within the macular region [exudates within two disc diameters, microaneurysms/dot haemorrhages (M/DHs) and blot haemorrhages (BHs)] who were recruited from seven study centres. Setting: All patients were recruited and imaged at one of seven study centres in Aberdeen, Birmingham, Dundee, Dunfermline, Edinburgh, Liverpool and Oxford. Participants: Subjects with features of diabetic retinopathy visible within the macular region attending one of seven diabetic retinal screening programmes. Interventions: Alternative referral criteria for suspected MO based on photographic surrogate markers; an optical coherence tomographic examination in addition to the standard digital retinal photograph. Main outcome measures: (1) To determine the best method to detect sight-threatening MO in people with diabetes using photographic surrogate markers. (2) Sensitivity and specificity estimates to assess the costs and consequences of using alternative strategies. (3) Modelled long-term costs and quality-adjusted life-years (QALYs). Results: Prevalence of MO was strongly related to the presence of lesions and was roughly five times higher in subjects with exudates or BHs or more than two M/DHs within one disc diameter. Having worse visual acuity was associated with about a fivefold higher prevalence of MO. Current manual screening grading schemes that ignore visual acuity or the presence of M/DHs could be improved by taking these into account. Health service costs increase substantially with more sensitive/less specific strategies. A fully automated strategy, using the automated detection of patterns of photographic surrogate markers, is superior to all current manual grading schemes for detecting MO in people with diabetes. The addition of optical coherence tomography (OCT) to each strategy, prior to referral, results in a reduction in costs to the health service with no decrement in the number of MO cases detected. Conclusions: Compared with all current manual grading schemes, for the same sensitivity, a fully automated strategy, using the automated detection of patterns of photographic surrogate markers, achieves a higher specificity for detecting MO in people with diabetes, especially if visual acuity is included in the automated strategy. Overall, costs to the health service are likely to increase if more sensitive referral strategies are adopted over more specific screening strategies for MO, for only very small gains in QALYs. The addition of OCT to each screening strategy, prior to referral, results in a reduction in costs to the health service with no decrement in the number of MO cases detected. © Queen's Printer and Controller of HMSO 2013.
Acknowledgements We thank Ruth B Murray for reviewing and editing this manuscript. We thank Joan B Soriano for his critical review and constructive comments. We thank Helga Mikkelsen and Alessandra Cifra for their assistance with manuscript editing and revision. Finally, we thank the Journal blind peer reviewers, whose suggestions and critical appraisal significantly improved our original submission. FUNDING This study was funded by Meda, Solna, Sweden. Data acquisition and analyses were funded by Meda. The study was conducted by Research in Real Life as an independent research organisation; Meda had no role in the conduct or reporting of the study.
© 2016 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Funding: our thanks go to NHS Education for Scotland for funding this programme of work.
Peer reviewed
Acknowledgements This research has been conducted using the UK Biobank resource, and was funded by the University of Aberdeen. The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.