952 resultados para Vertebrate Genomes
Isopentenyl diphosphate (IPP) is the central intermediate in the biosynthesis of isoprenoids, the most ancient and diverse class of natural products. Two distinct routes of IPP biosynthesis occur in nature: the mevalonate pathway and the recently discovered deoxyxylulose 5-phosphate (DXP) pathway. The evolutionary history of the enzymes involved in both routes and the phylogenetic distribution of their genes across genomes suggest that the mevalonate pathway is germane to archaebacteria, that the DXP pathway is germane to eubacteria, and that eukaryotes have inherited their genes for IPP biosynthesis from prokaryotes. The occurrence of genes specific to the DXP pathway is restricted to plastid-bearing eukaryotes, indicating that these genes were acquired from the cyanobacterial ancestor of plastids. However, the individual phylogenies of these genes, with only one exception, do not provide evidence for a specific affinity between the plant genes and their cyanobacterial homologues. The results suggest that lateral gene transfer between eubacteria subsequent to the origin of plastids has played a major role in the evolution of this pathway.
Morphological specialization for a specific role has, until now, been assumed to be restricted to social invertebrates. Herein we show that complete physical dimorphism has evolved between reproductives and helpers in the eusocial naked mole-rat. Dimorphism is a consequence of the lumbar vertebrae lengthening after the onset of reproduction in females. This is the only known example of morphological castes in a vertebrate and is distinct from continuous size variation between breeders and helpers in other species of cooperatively breeding vertebrates. The evolution of castes in a mammal and insects represents a striking example of convergent evolution for enhanced fecundity in societies characterized by high reproductive skew. Similarities in the selective environment between naked mole-rats and eusocial insect species highlight the selective conditions under which queen/worker castes are predicted to evolve in animal societies.
The availability of complete genome sequences and mRNA expression data for all genes creates new opportunities and challenges for identifying DNA sequence motifs that control gene expression. An algorithm, “MobyDick,” is presented that decomposes a set of DNA sequences into the most probable dictionary of motifs or words. This method is applicable to any set of DNA sequences: for example, all upstream regions in a genome or all genes expressed under certain conditions. Identification of words is based on a probabilistic segmentation model in which the significance of longer words is deduced from the frequency of shorter ones of various lengths, eliminating the need for a separate set of reference data to define probabilities. We have built a dictionary with 1,200 words for the 6,000 upstream regulatory regions in the yeast genome; the 500 most significant words (some with as few as 10 copies in all of the upstream regions) match 114 of 443 experimentally determined sites (a significance level of 18 standard deviations). When analyzing all of the genes up-regulated during sporulation as a group, we find many motifs in addition to the few previously identified by analyzing the subclusters individually to the expression subclusters. Applying MobyDick to the genes derepressed when the general repressor Tup1 is deleted, we find known as well as putative binding sites for its regulatory partners.
Mitochondrial genomes of all vertebrate animals analyzed to date have the same 37 genes, whose arrangement in the circular DNA molecule varies only in the relative position of a few genes. This relative conservation suggests that mitochondrial gene order characters have potential utility as phylogenetic markers for higher-level vertebrate taxa. We report discovery of a mitochondrial gene order that has had multiple independent originations within birds, based on sampling of 137 species representing 13 traditionally recognized orders. This provides evidence of parallel evolution in mitochondrial gene order for animals. Our results indicate operation of physical constraints on mitochondrial gene order changes and support models for gene order change based on replication error. Bird mitochondria have a displaced OL (origin of light-strand replication site) as do various other Reptilia taxa prone to gene order changes. Our findings point to the need for broad taxonomic sampling in using mitochondrial gene order for phylogenetic analyses. We found, however, that the alternative mitochondrial gene orders distinguish the two primary groups of songbirds (order Passeriformes), oscines and suboscines, in agreement with other molecular as well as morphological data sets. Thus, although mitochondrial gene order characters appear susceptible to some parallel evolution because of mechanistic constraints, they do hold promise for phylogenetic studies.
We have shown previously by Southern blot analysis that Bov-B long interspersed nuclear elements (LINEs) are present in different Viperidae snake species. To address the question as to whether Bov-B LINEs really have been transmitted horizontally between vertebrate classes, the analysis has been extended to a larger number of vertebrate, invertebrate, and plant species. In this paper, the evolutionary origin of Bov-B LINEs is shown unequivocally to be in Squamata. The previously proposed horizontal transfer of Bov-B LINEs in vertebrates has been confirmed by their discontinuous phylogenetic distribution in Squamata (Serpentes and two lizard infra-orders) as well as in Ruminantia, by the high level of nucleotide identity, and by their phylogenetic relationships. The horizontal transfer of Bov-B LINEs from Squamata to the ancestor of Ruminantia is evident from the genetic distances and discontinuous phylogenetic distribution. The ancestor of Colubroidea snakes is a possible donor of Bov-B LINEs to Ruminantia. The timing of horizontal transfer has been estimated from the distribution of Bov-B LINEs in Ruminantia and the fossil data of Ruminantia to be 40–50 My ago. The phylogenetic relationships of Bov-B LINEs from the various Squamata species agrees with that of the species phylogeny, suggesting that Bov-B LINEs have been maintained stably by vertical transmission since the origin of Squamata in the Mesozoic era.
The aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AHR) is a ligand-activated transcription factor through which halogenated aromatic hydrocarbons such as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) cause altered gene expression and toxicity. The AHR belongs to the basic helix–loop–helix/Per-ARNT-Sim (bHLH-PAS) family of transcriptional regulatory proteins, whose members play key roles in development, circadian rhythmicity, and environmental homeostasis; however, the normal cellular function of the AHR is not yet known. As part of a phylogenetic approach to understanding the function and evolutionary origin of the AHR, we sequenced the PAS homology domain of AHRs from several species of early vertebrates and performed phylogenetic analyses of these AHR amino acid sequences in relation to mammalian AHRs and 24 other members of the PAS family. AHR sequences were identified in a teleost (the killifish Fundulus heteroclitus), two elasmobranch species (the skate Raja erinacea and the dogfish Mustelus canis), and a jawless fish (the lamprey Petromyzon marinus). Two putative AHR genes, designated AHR1 and AHR2, were found both in Fundulus and Mustelus. Phylogenetic analyses indicate that the AHR2 genes in these two species are orthologous, suggesting that an AHR gene duplication occurred early in vertebrate evolution and that multiple AHR genes may be present in other vertebrates. Database searches and phylogenetic analyses identified four putative PAS proteins in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, including possible AHR and ARNT homologs. Phylogenetic analysis of the PAS gene family reveals distinct clades containing both invertebrate and vertebrate PAS family members; the latter include paralogous sequences that we propose have arisen by gene duplication early in vertebrate evolution. Overall, our analyses indicate that the AHR is a phylogenetically ancient protein present in all living vertebrate groups (with a possible invertebrate homolog), thus providing an evolutionary perspective to the study of dioxin toxicity and AHR function.
Cloned PCR products containing hepatitis C virus (HCV) genomic fragments have been used for analyses of HCV genomic heterogeneity and protein expression. These studies assume that the clones derived are representative of the entire virus population and that subsets are not inadvertently selected. The aim of the present study was to express HCV structural proteins. However, we found that there was a strong cloning selection for defective genomes and that most clones generated initially were incapable of expressing the HCV proteins. The HCV structural region (C-E1-E2-p7) was directly amplified by long reverse transcription–PCR from the plasma of an HCV-infected patient or from a control plasmid containing a viable full-length cDNA of HCV derived from the same patient but cloned in a different vector. The PCR products were cloned into a mammalian expression vector, amplified in Escherichia coli, and tested for their ability to produce HCV structural proteins. Twenty randomly picked clones derived from the HCV-infected patient all contained nucleotide mutations leading to absence or truncation of the expected HCV products. Of 25 clones derived from the control plasmid, only 8% were fully functional for polyprotein synthesis. The insertion of extra nucleotides in the region just upstream of the start codon of the HCV insert led to a statistically significant increase in the number of fully functional clones derived from the patient (42%) and from the control plasmid (72–92%). Nonrandom selection of clones during the cloning procedure has enormous implications for the study of viral heterogeneity, because it can produce a false spectrum of genomic diversity. It can also be an impediment to the construction of infectious viral clones.
Gnathostome vertebrates have multiple members of the Dlx family of transcription factors that are expressed during the development of several tissues considered to be vertebrate synapomorphies, including the forebrain, cranial neural crest, placodes, and pharyngeal arches. The Dlx gene family thus presents an ideal system in which to examine the relationship between gene duplication and morphological innovation during vertebrate evolution. Toward this end, we have cloned Dlx genes from the lamprey Petromyzon marinus, an agnathan vertebrate that occupies a critical phylogenetic position between cephalochordates and gnathostomes. We have identified four Dlx genes in P. marinus, whose orthology with gnathostome Dlx genes provides a model for how this gene family evolved in the vertebrate lineage. Differential expression of these lamprey Dlx genes in the forebrain, cranial neural crest, pharyngeal arches, and sensory placodes of lamprey embryos provides insight into the developmental evolution of these structures as well as a model of regulatory evolution after Dlx gene duplication events.
A plastid-derived signal plays an important role in the coordinated expression of both nuclear- and chloroplast-localized genes that encode photosynthesis-related proteins. Arabidopsis GUN (genomes uncoupled) loci have been identified as components of plastid-to-nucleus signal transduction. Unlike wild-type plants, gun mutants have nuclear Lhcb1 expression in the absence of chloroplast development. We observed a synergistic phenotype in some gun double-mutant combinations, suggesting there are at least two independent pathways in plastid-to-nucleus signal transduction. There is a reduction of chlorophyll accumulation in gun4 and gun5 mutant plants, and a gun4gun5 double mutant shows an albino phenotype. We cloned the GUN5 gene, which encodes the ChlH subunit of Mg-chelatase. We also show that gun2 and gun3 are alleles of the known photomorphogenic mutants, hy1 and hy2, which are required for phytochromobilin synthesis from heme. These findings suggest that certain perturbations of the tetrapyrrole biosynthetic pathway generate a signal from chloroplasts that causes transcriptional repression of nuclear genes encoding plastid-localized proteins. The comparison of mutant phenotypes of gun5 and another Mg-chelatase subunit (ChlI) mutant suggests a specific function for ChlH protein in the plastid-signaling pathway.
Operon structure is an important organization feature of bacterial genomes. Many sets of genes occur in the same order on multiple genomes; these conserved gene groupings represent candidate operons. This study describes a computational method to estimate the likelihood that such conserved gene sets form operons. The method was used to analyze 34 bacterial and archaeal genomes, and yielded more than 7600 pairs of genes that are highly likely (P ≥ 0.98) to belong to the same operon. The sensitivity of our method is 30–50% for the Escherichia coli genome. The predicted gene pairs are available from our World Wide Web site http://www.tigr.org/tigr-scripts/operons/operons.cgi.
The database of Clusters of Orthologous Groups of proteins (COGs), which represents an attempt on a phylogenetic classification of the proteins encoded in complete genomes, currently consists of 2791 COGs including 45 350 proteins from 30 genomes of bacteria, archaea and the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/COG). In addition, a supplement to the COGs is available, in which proteins encoded in the genomes of two multicellular eukaryotes, the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans and the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster, and shared with bacteria and/or archaea were included. The new features added to the COG database include information pages with structural and functional details on each COG and literature references, improvements of the COGNITOR program that is used to fit new proteins into the COGs, and classification of genomes and COGs constructed by using principal component analysis.
The SWISS-PROT group at EBI has developed the Proteome Analysis Database utilising existing resources and providing comparative analysis of the predicted protein coding sequences of the complete genomes of bacteria, archaea and eukaryotes (http://www.ebi.ac.uk/proteome/). The two main projects used, InterPro and CluSTr, give a new perspective on families, domains and sites and cover 31–67% (InterPro statistics) of the proteins from each of the complete genomes. CluSTr covers the three complete eukaryotic genomes and the incomplete human genome data. The Proteome Analysis Database is accompanied by a program that has been designed to carry out InterPro proteome comparisons for any one proteome against any other one or more of the proteomes in the database.
GOLD is a comprehensive resource for accessing information related to completed and ongoing genome projects world-wide. The database currently provides information on 350 genome projects, of which 48 have been completely sequenced and their analysis published. GOLD was created in 1997 and since April 2000 it has been licensed to Integrated Genomics. The database is freely available through the URL: http://igweb.integratedgenomics.com/GOLD/.
We have generated transgenic medaka (teleost, Oryzias latipes), which allow us to monitor germ cells by green fluorescent protein (GFP) fluorescence in live specimens. Two medaka strains, himedaka (orange–red variety) and inbred QurtE, were used. The transgenic lines were achieved by microinjection of a construct containing the putative promoter region and 3′ region of the medaka vasa gene (olvas). The intensity of GFP fluorescence increases dramatically in primordial germ cells (PGCs) located in the ventrolateral region of the posterior intestine around stage 25 (the onset of blood circulation). Whole-mount in situ hybridization and monitoring of ectopically located cells by GFP fluorescence suggested that (i) the increase in zygotic olvas expression occurs after PGC specification and (ii) PGCs can maintain their cell characteristics ectopically after stages 20–25. Around the day of hatching, the QurtE strain clearly exhibits sexual dimorphisms in the number of GFP fluorescent germ cells, a finding consistent with the appearance of leucophores, a sex-specific marker of QurtE. The GFP expression persists throughout the later stages in the mature ovary and testis. Thus, these transgenic medaka represent a live vertebrate model to investigate how germ cells migrate to form sexually dimorphic gonads, as well as a potential assay system for environmental substances that may affect gonad development. The use of a transgenic construct as a selective marker to efficiently isolate germ-line-transmitting founders during embryogenesis is also discussed.
Toward the goal of identifying complete sets of transcription factor (TF)-binding sites in the genomes of several gamma proteobacteria, and hence describing their transcription regulatory networks, we present a phylogenetic footprinting method for identifying these sites. Probable transcription regulatory sites upstream of Escherichia coli genes were identified by cross-species comparison using an extended Gibbs sampling algorithm. Close examination of a study set of 184 genes with documented transcription regulatory sites revealed that when orthologous data were available from at least two other gamma proteobacterial species, 81% of our predictions corresponded with the documented sites, and 67% corresponded when data from only one other species were available. That the remaining predictions included bona fide TF-binding sites was proven by affinity purification of a putative transcription factor (YijC) bound to such a site upstream of the fabA gene. Predicted regulatory sites for 2097 E.coli genes are available at http://www.wadsworth.org/resnres/bioinfo/.