355 resultados para Variscan Iberia


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In the southern Duero Basin of central Spain, there are vast areas of aeolian sand sheets and dune fields. A comprehensive survey of the sand quarries in this area identified a number of palaeosols in sedimentary sequences. The identification and AMS radiocarbon dating of soil charcoal fragments collected in these palaeosols indicate the persistence of Pinus pinaster in this area throughout most of the Holocene. Although potential natural vegetation models have usually considered the Pinus pinaster forests in this inland area of artificial origin, soil charcoal analysis provides firm evidence of a natural origin. Our data fit perfectly with the pattern of Holocene vegetation development for inland areas of Iberia, which are characterised by stability of pine forests throughout the Holocene. Finally, the growing body of palaeobotanical evidence from Iberia (macrofossils and pollen) is contributing to improve our knowledge of P. pinaster ecology, showing that this species has been present in most Iberian regions during the Holocene, where it has inhabited areas characterised by a very diverse set of climatic and soil conditions.


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Palaeoecological evidence indicates that highland pines were dominant in extensive areas of the mountains of Central and Northern Iberia during the first half of the Holocene. However, following several millennia of anthropogenic pressure, their natural ranges are now severely reduced. Although pines have been frequently viewed as first-stage successional species responding positively to human disturbance, some recent palaeobotanical work has proposed fire disturbance and human deforestation as the main drivers of this vegetation turnover. To assess the strength of the evidence for this hypothesis and to identify other possible explanations for this scenario, we review the available information on past vegetation change in the mountains of northern inland Iberia. We have chosen data from several sites that offer good chronological control, including palynological records with microscopic charcoal data and sites with plant macro- and megafossil occurrence. We conclude that although the available long-term data are still fragmentary and that new methods are needed for a better understanding of the ecological history of Iberia, fire events and human activities (probably modulated by climate) have triggered the pine demise at different locations and different temporal scales. In addition, all palaeoxylological, palynological and charcoal results obtained so far are fully compatible with a rapid human-induced ecological change that could have caused a range contraction of highland pines in western Iberia.


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As a result of the variscan collision, several allochtonous complexes were emplaced on the Iberian margin in Devonian times, among them the Cabo Ortegal Complex comprising the Moeche ophiolitic sequence. Copper has been won from several mines (Piquitos I & II, Barqueira, Maruxa) from disseminated ores and thin massive sulphide layers in the Moeche Unit, a strongly deformed meta-volcanic sequence comprising mainly quartz-chlorite schists and mylonites, which defines the top of the ophiolite. The ores were metamorphosed and strongly deformed under brittle conditions (for pyrite), but their textures are often apparently post-deformational, due to very common solution-transfer processes; they are composed mostly of pyrite and chalcopyrite, with minor sphalerite, pyrrhotite, etc., and with traces of native gold and PGE. The geology, mineralogy, and geochemistry of the orebodies relate closely to VMS of the Cu-Zn (Cyprus) type. Fluid inclusion studies allowed an estimation of metamorphic conditions at pressures of 2/2’5 kb and T 325/350ºC. New determinations using the chlorite geothermometer yield temperatures around 320 ºC, corresponding to pressures near 2 kb according to the isochores deduced from the fluid inclusion study, although in the Barqueira mine higher temperatures, up to 350 ºC, are found, corresponding to presssures up to 2’5 kb. Pb isotopic compositions of pyrite point to a double source of Pb, i.e. a main mantle and a subordinate crustal source. The values for 87SR/86Sr in pyrite support this interpretation, but some results suggest later mobilization in an open system, corresponding to solution-transfer. Age determinations of pyrite deduced from the Pb isotope uranogenic graph, ≈ 480 Ma, do not fit with the metamorphic ages published for the Moeche Unit, and might point to the age of Pb extraction from the mantle.


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The origins of some species of economic importance occurring over the Mediterranean Basin have been a traditional matter of debate that has important implications for land management. The case of Pinus pinea L. (Stone pine) is probably one of the most controversial, due to its documented long-term interaction with humans and its presence as a symbolic tree in certain areas of the Mediterranean (e.g., southwestern Iberia and Tuscany). Among the rest of the Mediterranean pines, several features make this pine unique (it has a characteristic crown shape, an edible kernel, cones that require three years to mature, and a very depauperate genetic diversity across its range). In addition, its palaeoecological information is rather limited, as the taxonomic precision attained by pollen analysts is insufficient for this tree and macroremains (such as kernels or anatomically well preserved wood) are needed to unequivocally detect the species in the fossil record. Recent findings of macrofossils of Pinus pinea in inland Iberia (Duero Basin) extend the late- Holocene range of the species, but the palaeobiogeographical information and the exhaustive genetic data available still suggest a very limited natural area (but still not sufficiently well defined) and a long and intense history of linkage to humans.


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Los estudios paleoecológicos holocenos basados en macro- y megafósiles encierran un gran valor debido a que su información tiene generalmente carácter local, su origen es conocido, pueden ser datados directamente mediante el método radiocarbónico, y pueden identificarse a un nivel taxonómicamente preciso. Sin embargo son pocas las áreas del Sur de Europa en las que sea conocida una alta densidad de yacimientos con restos leñosos de gran tamaño. En esta tesis, se presentan datos de 53 yacimientos de la sierra de Gredos y de la cordillera Cantábrica (Península Ibérica). Los restos fueron hallados en ambientes variados, como zonas higroturbosas, turberas erosionadas o lagos, y fueron identificadas mediante el estudio de la anatomía de la madera o mediante rasgos morfológicos. En la sierra de Gredos, la evidencia paleobotánica indica la existencia de un panorama relativamente estable a lo largo del Holoceno medio y principio del Holoceno final y sugiere la persistencia, a lo largo de milenios, de un piso de pinares ampliamente distribuído en cotas altas de la sierra. La información obtenida de piñas y frutos mejoran la información taxonómica disponible y revelan la existencia tanto de Pinus sylvestris como de Pinus nigra en estas sierras durante el Holoceno. La datación radiocarbónica, medición de anillos de crecimiento y sincronización preliminar de 26 secciones de troncos de subfósiles demuestran el potencial de este material de las montañas de Iberia central en la obtención de cronologías holocenas de pino. En la cordillera Cantábrica, los datos aportan información espacialmente precisa de distribuciones de ciertas especies arbóreas durante el Holoceno. En las zonas centrales de la cordillera, han sido hallados fundamentalmente restos de pino, mientras que en las zonas más occidentales los pinos estás ausentes y los restos encontrados corresponden a otras especies de caducifolios (Betula, Salix, Quercus) y arbustos (Erica, Fabaceae) Esta información paleobiogeográfica constrasta con la distribución natural actual de Pinus sylvestris y Pinus nigra en el área de estudio. En la sierra de Gredos, la naturalidad de las escasos rodales de pinos que aún persisten ha sido discutida, mientras que en la cordillera Cantábrica, la única especie del grupo que persiste es P. sylvestris y está localizada en unos pocos relictos. El clima pudo haber jugado un papel importante en una primera fase de declive de los pinares durante el Holoceno inicial, mostrado en numerosos registros polínicos de manera casi sincrónica y asociada a una expansión de frondosas. Sin embargo la información histórica disponible y la comparación entre las áreas de distribución de los pinares en el presente, modelizada y en momentos anteriores a la la generalización de la presión antrópica sugiere que durante los últimos dos milenios, la actividad humana ha sido responsable de la desaparición de estas especies como árboles naturales en áreas extensas. ABSTRACTMacro- and megafossil studies provide information of great value in palaeoecology because such evidence is spatially precise, directly radiocarbon dated and usually taxon-specific. However, few areas of southern Europe have a high density of sites with Holocene woody remains. Here, local data from 53 sites in the Gredos Mountains and the Cantabrian Range (Iberian Peninsula) is presented. Woody remains were recovered from mires, eroded peat bogs and lakes and were identified by their wood anatomy or morphological traits. In the Gredos Mountains, palaeobotanical evidence portrays a relatively stable picture of tree distribution over the mid- and beggining of the late-Holocene, and suggests the persistence of a widespread belt of pinewoods. Cones and fruits enlarge the taxonomic information available and reveal that both Pinus sylvestris and Pinus nigra were present locally during the Holocene. Radiocarbon dating, tree ring measurement and preliminary cross-dating of 26 pine sub-fossil logs demonstrate the potential of obtaining a long pine chronology from subfossil wood from the mountains of Central Iberia. In the Cantabrian Range the data provide spatially precise evidence of tree distribution in the region during the Holocene. Pines were mostly identified in the central areas, whereas at the western edge no pine evidence was detected and deciduous trees (Betula, Salix, Quercus) and shrubs (Erica, Fabaceae) were identified. This palaeoecological information contrasts with the current natural distribution ranges of P. sylvestris and P. nigra in the study area. In the Gredos Mountains, the naturality of the few pine stands currently growing has been heavily debated. In the Cantabrian Range P. sylvestris is the only pine species that is today present, and its natural presence is now limited to a few enclaves. Climate may have played a key role in the early-Holocene, as pollen archives document a pine demise that is synchronous with the spread of broadleaved taxa. However, available historical data and the comparison of the reconstructed distribution of pinewoods before extensive human forest disturbance with both present and modelled distributions suggests that during the last two millennia, anthropogenic activity may have removed these species as native trees from a large territory.


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In air transportation, airline profitability is influenced by the airline's ability to build flight schedules. In order to generate operational schedules, airlines engage in a complex decision-making process, referred to as airline schedule planning. Up to now, the generation of flight schedules has been separated and optimized sequentially. The schedule design has been traditionally decomposed into two sequential steps. The frequency planning and the timetable development. The purpose of the second problem of schedule development, fleet assignment, is to assign available aircraft types to flight legs such that seating capacity on an assigned aircraft matches closely with flight demand and such that costs are minimized. Our work integrates these planning phases into one single model in order to produce more economical solutions and create fewer incompatibilities between the decisions. We propose an integrated robust approach for the schedule development step. We design the timetable ensuring that enough time is available to perform passengers’ flight connections, making the system robust avoiding misconnected passengers. An application of the model for a simplified IBERIA network is shown.


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La discontinuidad de Mohorovičić, más conocida simplemente como “Moho” constituye la superficie de separación entre los materiales rocosos menos densos de la corteza y los materiales rocosos más densos del manto, suponiendo estas capas de densidad constante del orden de 2.67 y 3.27 g/cm3, y es un contorno básico para cualquier estudio geofísico de la corteza terrestre. Los estudios sísmicos y gravimétricos realizados demuestran que la profundidad del Moho es del orden de 30-40 km por debajo de la Península Ibérica y 5-15 km bajo las zonas marinas. Además las distintas técnicas existentes muestran gran correlación en los resultados. Haciendo la suposición de que el campo de gravedad de la Península Ibérica (como le ocurre al 90% de la Tierra) está isostáticamente compensado por la variable profundidad del Moho, suponiendo un contraste de densidad constante entre la corteza y el manto y siguiendo el modelo isostático de Vening Meinesz (1931), se formula el problema isostático inverso para obtener tal profundidad a partir de la anomalía Bouguer de la gravedad calculada gracias a la gravedad observada en la superficie terrestre. La particularidad de este modelo es la compensación isostática regional de la que parte la teoría, que se asemeja a la realidad en mayor medida que otros modelos existentes, como el de Airy-Heiskanen, que ha sido históricamente el más utilizado en trabajos semejantes. Además, su solución está relacionada con el campo de gravedad global para toda la Tierra, por lo que los actuales modelos gravitacionales, la mayoría derivados de observaciones satelitales, deberían ser importantes fuentes de información para nuestra solución. El objetivo de esta tesis es el estudio con detalle de este método, desarrollado por Helmut Moritz en 1990, que desde entonces ha tenido poca evolución y seguidores y que nunca se ha puesto en práctica en la Península Ibérica. Después de tratar su teoría, desarrollo y aspectos computacionales, se está en posición de obtener un modelo digital del Moho para esta zona a fin de poder utilizarse para el estudio de la distribución de masas bajo la superficie terrestre. A partir de los datos del Moho obtenidos por métodos alternativos se hará una comparación. La precisión de ninguno de estos métodos es extremadamente alta (+5 km aproximadamente). No obstante, en aquellas zonas donde exista una discrepancia de datos significaría un área descompensada, con posibles movimientos tectónicos o alto grado de riesgo sísmico, lo que le da a este estudio un valor añadido. ABSTRACT The Mohorovičić discontinuity, simply known as “Moho” constitutes the division between the rocky and less thick materials of the mantle and the heavier ones in the crust, assuming densities of the orders of 2.67 y 3.27 g/cm3 respectively. It is also a basic contour for every geophysical kind of studies about the terrestrial crust. The seismic and previous gravimetric observations done in the study area show that the Moho depth is of the order of 30-40 km beneath the ground and 5-15 km under the ocean basin. Besides, the different techniques show a good correlation in their results. Assuming that the Iberian Peninsula gravity field (as it happens for the 90% of the Earth) is isostatically compensated according to the variable Moho depth, supposing a constant density contrast between crust and mantle, and following the isostatic Vening Meinesz model (1931), the inverse isostatic problem can be formulated from Bouguer gravity anomaly data obtained thanks to the observed gravity at the surface of the Earth. The main difference between this model and other existing ones, such as Airy- Heiskanen’s (pure local compensation and mostly used in these kinds of works) is the approaching to a regional isostatic compensation, much more in accordance with reality. Besides, its solution is related to the global gravity field, and the current gravitational models -mostly satellite derived- should be important data sources in such solution. The aim of this thesis is to study with detail this method, developed by Helmut Moritz in 1990, which hardly ever has it put into practice. Moreover, it has never been used in Iberia. After studying its theory, development and computational aspects, we are able to get a Digital Moho Model of the Iberian Peninsula, in order to study the masses distribution beneath the Earth’s surface. With the depth Moho information obtained from alternative methods, a comparison will be done. Both methods give results with the same order of accuracy, which is not quite high (+ 5 km approximately). Nevertheless, the areas in which a higher difference is observed would mean a disturbance of the compensation, which could show an unbalanced area with possible tectonic movements or potential seismic risk. It will give us an important additive value, which could be used in, at first, non related fields, such as density discrepancies or natural disasters contingency plans.


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La determinación de la resistencia al corte de los contactos entre los geosintéticos que normalmente se emplean para la impermeabilización de vertederos constituye un factor de gran importancia en os cálculos de la estabilidad de los mismos. En este artículos se analiza la conveniencia de usar la resistencia al corte pico o residual en los cáculos, relacionándolo a su vez con la hipótesis de cálculo y los factores de seguridad mínimos a conseguir en cada caso. Además se incluye un ejemplo práctico que ilustra estos conceptos mediante los resultados de los análisis tenso-deformacionales efectuados utilizando métodos numéricos.