940 resultados para User experience based approaches


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As technology continues to become more accessible, miniaturised and diffused into the environment, the potential of wearable technology to impact our lives in significant ways becomes increasingly viable. Wearables afford unique interaction, communication and functional capabilities between users, their environment as well as access to information and digital data. Wearables also demand an inter-disciplinary approach and, depending on the purpose, can be fashioned to transcend cultural, national and spatial boundaries. This paper presents the Cloud Workshop project based on the theme of ‘Wearables and Wellbeing; Enriching connections between citizens in the Asia-Pacific region’, initiated through a cooperative partnership between Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU) and Griffith University (GU). The project was unique due to its inter-disciplinary, inter-cultural and inter-national scope that occurred simultaneously between Australia and Hong Kong.


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Service researchers and practitioners have repeatedly claimed that customer service experiences are essential to all businesses. Therefore comprehension of how service experience is characterised in research is an essential element for its further development through research. The importance of greater in-depth understanding of the phenomenon of service experience has been acknowledged by several researchers, such as Carú and Cova and Vargo and Lusch. Furthermore, Service-Dominant (S-D) logic has integrated service experience to value by emphasising in its foundational premises that value is phenomenologically (experientially) determined. The present study analyses how the concept of service experience has been characterised in previous research. As such, it puts forward three ways to characterise it in relation to that research: 1) phenomenological service experience relates to the value discussion in S-D logic and interpretative consumer research, 2) process-based service experience relates to understanding service as a process, and 3) outcome-based service experience relates to understanding service experience as one element in models linking a number of variables or attributes to various outcomes. Focusing on the phenomenological service experience, the theoretical purpose of the study is to characterise service experience based on the phenomenological approach. In order to do so, an additional methodological purpose was formulated: to find a suitable methodology for analysing service experience based on the phenomenological approach. The study relates phenomenology to a philosophical Husserlian and social constructionist tradition studying phenomena as they appear in our experience in a social context. The study introduces Event-Based Narrative Inquiry Technique (EBNIT), which combines critical events with narratives and metaphors. EBNIT enabled the analysis of lived and imaginary service experiences as expressed in individual narratives. The study presents findings of eight case studies within service innovation of Web 2.0, mobile service, location aware service and public service in the municipal sector. Customers’ and service managers’ stories about their lived private and working lifeworld were the foundation for their ideal service experiences. In general, the thesis finds that service experiences are (1) subjective, (2) context-specific, (3) cumulative, (4) partially socially constructed, (5) both lived and imaginary, (6) temporally multiple-dimensional, and (7) iteratively related to perceived value. In addition to customer service experience, the thesis brings empirical evidence of managerial service experience of front-line managers experiencing the service they manage and develop in their working lifeworld. The study contributes to S-D logic, service innovation and service marketing and management in general by characterising service experience based on the phenomenological approach and integrating it to the value discussion. Additionally, the study offers a methodological approach for further exploration of service experiences. The study discusses managerial implications in conjunction with the case studies and discusses them in relation to service innovation.


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Sustainability has emerged as one of the important planning concepts from its beginnings in economics and ecological thinking, and has widely been applied to assessing urban development. Different methods, techniques and instruments for urban sustainability assessment that help determine how cities can become more sustainable have emerged over a period of time. Among these, indicator-based approaches contribute to building of sustainable self-regulated systems that integrate development and environment protection. Hence, these provide a solid foundation for decision-making at all levels and are being increasingly used. The present paper builds on the background of the available literature and suggests the need for benchmarking indicator-based approach in a given urban area and incorporating various local issues, thus enhancing the long-term sustainability of cities which can be developed by introducing sustainability indicators into the urban planning process. (C) 2013 International Energy Initiative. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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This paper considers the problem of receive antenna selection (AS) in a multiple-antenna communication system having a single radio-frequency (RF) chain. The AS decisions are based on noisy channel estimates obtained using known pilot symbols embedded in the data packets. The goal here is to minimize the average packet error rate (PER) by exploiting the known temporal correlation of the channel. As the underlying channels are only partially observed using the pilot symbols, the problem of AS for PER minimization is cast into a partially observable Markov decision process (POMDP) framework. Under mild assumptions, the optimality of a myopic policy is established for the two-state channel case. Moreover, two heuristic AS schemes are proposed based on a weighted combination of the estimated channel states on the different antennas. These schemes utilize the continuous valued received pilot symbols to make the AS decisions, and are shown to offer performance comparable to the POMDP approach, which requires one to quantize the channel and observations to a finite set of states. The performance improvement offered by the POMDP solution and the proposed heuristic solutions relative to existing AS training-based approaches is illustrated using Monte Carlo simulations.


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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY INTRODUCTION OVERVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL EBM HISTORY References CANADA Overview Activities to date Integrated Management implementation in Canada Objectives, indicators and reference points Assessment approaches Research directions for the future Management directions for the future References JAPAN Overview Conservation and sustainable use of marine living resources Harvest control by TAC system Stock Recovery Plan and effort regulation system Stock enhancement by hatchery-produced juvenile release Conservation and sustainable develop-ment on coastal waters The implementation of ecosystem-based management PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA Overview Current actions Output control Input control Summer fishing ban Enhance ecosystem health REPUBLIC OF KOREA Initiatives and actions of ecosystem-based management in Korea Current ecosystem-based management initiatives in Korea Precautionary TAC-based fishery management Closed fishing season/areas Fish size- and sex-controls Fishing gear design restrictions Marine protected areas (MPA) RUSSIA Existing and anticipated ecosystem-based management initiatives Issues related to the implementation of ecosystem-based management UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Definitions and approaches to ecosystem-based fishery management in the United States Present U.S. legislative mandates relating to ecosystem-based fishery management Target species Bycatch species Threatened or endangered species Habitats Food webs Ecosystems Integration of legislative mandates into an ecosystem approach Scientific issues in implementing ecosystem-based approaches References DISCUSSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS APPENDICES Appendix 10.1 Study group membership and participants Appendix 10.2 Terminology definitions Appendix 10.3 Present state of implementing ecosystem-based fishery management in Alaska: Alaska groundfish fisheries Appendix 10.4 Present state of implementing ecosystem-based fishery management off the West Coast of the United States: Pacific Coast groundfish fisheries Appendix 10.5 Descriptions of multi-species and ecosystem models developed or under development in the U.S. North Pacific region that might be used to predict effects of fishing on ecosystems Appendix 10.6 A potential standard reporting format (developed by Australia, and currently being used by the U.S.A in their contribution to this report) (83 page document)


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Current measures of global gene expression analyses, such as correlation and mutual information-based approaches, largely depend on the degree of association between mRNA levels and to a lesser extent on variability. I develop and implement a new approach, called the Ratiometric method, which is based on the coefficient of variation of the expression ratio of two genes, relying more on variation than previous methods. The advantage of such modus operandi is the ability to detect possible gene pair interactions regardless of the degree of expression dispersion across the sample group. Gene pairs with low expression dispersion, i.e., their absolute expressions remain constant across the sample group, are systematically missed by correlation and mutual information analyses. The superiority of the Ratiometric method in finding these gene pair interactions is demonstrated in a data set of RNA-seq B-cell samples from the 1000 Genomes Project Consortium. The Ratiometric method renders a more comprehensive recovery of KEGG pathways and GO-terms.


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Solomon Islands has recently developed substantial policy aiming to support inshore fisheries management, conservation, climate change adaptation and ecosystem approaches to resource management. A large body of experience in community based approaches to management has developed but “upscaling” and particularly the implementation of nation-wide approaches has received little attention so far. With the emerging challenges posed by climate change and the need for ecosystem wide and integrated approaches attracting serious donor attention, a national debate on the most effective approaches to implementation is urgently needed. This report discusses potential implementation of “a cost-effective and integrated approach to resource management that is consistent with national policy and needs” based on a review of current policy and institutional structures and examination of a recent case study from Lau, Malaita using stakeholder, transaction and financial cost analyses.


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Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo documentar o processo de redução de riscos e incertezas de um jogo eletrônico em desenvolvimento por meio da aplicação de métodos de avaliação de Usabilidade. Foi realizado um estudo de caso da utilização de métodos e técnicas de avaliação de Usabilidade durante a produção do jogo eletrônico Dungeonland, conduzido entre 2010 a 2013 ao longo de diversas iterações do produto, da pré-produção ao lançamento. Foram utilizados os métodos de observação direta baseada em problemas, avaliação cooperativa, questionário e entrevista semi-estruturada. Os dados coletados demonstram a evolução do design do jogo, as diferentes metodologias empregadas em cada estágio de desenvolvimento, e o impacto da avaliação no projeto. Apesar de problemas e limitações no emprego dos testes de Usabilidade no produto em questão, o impacto da avaliação foi visto como muito grande e muito positivo pelos desenvolvedores - através de dados qualitativos como protocolos verbais e de gameplay de usuários, e de dados quantitativos sobre suas experiências com o produto que possam ser comparados estatisticamente, os desenvolvedores de jogos têm à sua disposição poderosas ferramentas para estabelecer processos de Design claros, centrados no usuário, e que ofereçam um ambiente onde problemas são rapidamente identificados e soluções são validadas com usuários reais.


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Este trabalho tem por objetivo propor um modelo de pensamento projetual que oriente o designer de experiências interativas no formato de websites. Baseia-se em um corpo teórico e diretrizes adequadas para estimular a manutenção da atividade do usuário e o prolongamento da experiência interativa no tempo, aumentando a probabilidade da ocorrência de momentos memoráveis e emocionalmente positivos ao interator, sem prejuízo à usabilidade do sistema. Esta abordagem se afasta do paradigma de projeto voltado para o cumprimento de objetivos e tarefas, no qual procura-se reduzir o tempo de interação aumentando a produtividade do interator. Ao contrário, aqui se propõe um olhar voltado para o engajamento em uma atividade, sendo esta o fim em si.


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A relação causal entre métodos de projeto e a usabilidade de produtos de comunicação e informação foi o tema desse estudo que buscou identificar o estado da arte sobre um processo de projeto que resulte em mais usabilidade na web. A partir dessa identificação, avaliou-se as melhorias que poderiam ser adotadas nos processos de desenvolvimento de interfaces utilizados por uma equipe específica da Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (CTIC - Fiocruz). Entendeu-se que um método de projeto deve estar atualizado em relação aos conhecimentos de áreas como a Ergonomia, a Interação Humano-computador e o Design de Interação. Para isso, adotou-se a hipótese de que o processo de projeto deve combinar três aspectos: a) um significativo envolvimento do usuário ao longo do processo; b) o uso de sucessivas iterações para configurar o produto e c) uma combinação mínima de técnicas relacionadas a objetivos específicos de cada fase de uma abordagem de Design Centrado no Usuário. Para contribuir com o desenvolvimento de métodos e técnicas que melhorem a usabilidade, descreveu-se as características dos métodos registrados na literatura e praticados por profissionais externos à Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (Fiocruz). A partir dessas informações, o estudo direcionou-se para o segundo objetivo específico: identificar melhorias nos métodos e técnicas aplicáveis no caso do CTIC Fiocruz. Através da combinação da revisão de literatura e da pesquisa de campo foram produzidas informações sobre tipos de fluxo dos métodos, tipos de envolvimento dos usuários, quantidade e gravidade de problemas de usabilidade observadas pelos profissionais e a validade de base geral de método para diferentes produtos. A primeira rodada de entrevista foi realizada para melhor entender o contexto da hipótese e a relação entre suas variáveis. A segunda rodada identificou as características do processo de projeto utilizado no CTIC. A partir dessas informações, aplicou-se duas técnicas com profissionais externos. Um questionário on-line foi utilizado para levantar informações bem específicas, em sua maioria de características quantitativas. A última técnica aplicada foi um card sorting on-line que apresentou um caso de projeto em que os profissionais indicaram quais técnicas seriam utilizadas diante de dois cenários diferentes: um mais favorável e outro restritivo. A análise demonstrou que a maioria dos profissionais acredita que os problemas de usabilidade são consequência da falta de determinadas abordagens e técnicas. Por isso, esses profissionais combinam fluxos iterativos com um significativo envolvimento do usuário no processo. Foram sugeridas melhorias para o método utilizado no CTIC sintetizadas através de um processo de Design Centrado no Usuário como ponto de partida que aplica o conceito tradicional de usabilidade (performance). Assim que possível, esse processo deve ser aperfeiçoado ao incluir o conceito de experiência do usuário que considera também os aspectos emocionais e hedonômicos na interação.


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In this article, we develop a new Rao-Blackwellized Monte Carlo smoothing algorithm for conditionally linear Gaussian models. The algorithm is based on the forward-filtering backward-simulation Monte Carlo smoother concept and performs the backward simulation directly in the marginal space of the non-Gaussian state component while treating the linear part analytically. Unlike the previously proposed backward-simulation based Rao-Blackwellized smoothing approaches, it does not require sampling of the Gaussian state component and is also able to overcome certain normalization problems of two-filter smoother based approaches. The performance of the algorithm is illustrated in a simulated application. © 2012 IFAC.


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Vector Taylor Series (VTS) model based compensation is a powerful approach for noise robust speech recognition. An important extension to this approach is VTS adaptive training (VAT), which allows canonical models to be estimated on diverse noise-degraded training data. These canonical model can be estimated using EM-based approaches, allowing simple extensions to discriminative VAT (DVAT). However to ensure a diagonal corrupted speech covariance matrix the Jacobian (loading matrix) relating the noise and clean speech is diagonalised. In this work an approach for yielding optimal diagonal loading matrices based on minimising the expected KL-divergence between the diagonal loading matrix and "correct" distributions is proposed. The performance of DVAT using the standard and optimal diagonalisation was evaluated on both in-car collected data and the Aurora4 task. © 2012 IEEE.


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A new algorithm for compiling pattern matching is presented. Different from the traditional traversal-based approaches, it can represent a sequence of patterns as an integer by an encoding method and translate equations into case-expressions. The algorithm is simple to implement, and efficient for a kind of patterns, i.e. simple and dense patterns. This method can be complementary to traditional approaches.


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Feature selection aims to determine a minimal feature subset from a problem domain while retaining a suitably high accuracy in representing the original features. Rough set theory (RST) has been used as such a tool with much success. RST enables the discovery of data dependencies and the reduction of the number of attributes contained in a dataset using the data alone, requiring no additional information. This chapter describes the fundamental ideas behind RST-based approaches and reviews related feature selection methods that build on these ideas. Extensions to the traditional rough set approach are discussed, including recent selection methods based on tolerance rough sets, variable precision rough sets and fuzzy-rough sets. Alternative search mechanisms are also highly important in rough set feature selection. The chapter includes the latest developments in this area, including RST strategies based on hill-climbing, genetic algorithms and ant colony optimization.


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Commonly, research work in routing for delay tolerant networks (DTN) assumes that node encounters are predestined, in the sense that they are the result of unknown, exogenous processes that control the mobility of these nodes. In this paper, we argue that for many applications such an assumption is too restrictive: while the spatio-temporal coordinates of the start and end points of a node's journey are determined by exogenous processes, the specific path that a node may take in space-time, and hence the set of nodes it may encounter could be controlled in such a way so as to improve the performance of DTN routing. To that end, we consider a setting in which each mobile node is governed by a schedule consisting of a ist of locations that the node must visit at particular times. Typically, such schedules exhibit some level of slack, which could be leveraged for DTN message delivery purposes. We define the Mobility Coordination Problem (MCP) for DTNs as follows: Given a set of nodes, each with its own schedule, and a set of messages to be exchanged between these nodes, devise a set of node encounters that minimize message delivery delays while satisfying all node schedules. The MCP for DTNs is general enough that it allows us to model and evaluate some of the existing DTN schemes, including data mules and message ferries. In this paper, we show that MCP for DTNs is NP-hard and propose two detour-based approaches to solve the problem. The first (DMD) is a centralized heuristic that leverages knowledge of the message workload to suggest specific detours to optimize message delivery. The second (DNE) is a distributed heuristic that is oblivious to the message workload, and which selects detours so as to maximize node encounters. We evaluate the performance of these detour-based approaches using extensive simulations based on synthetic workloads as well as real schedules obtained from taxi logs in a major metropolitan area. Our evaluation shows that our centralized, workload-aware DMD approach yields the best performance, in terms of message delay and delivery success ratio, and that our distributed, workload-oblivious DNE approach yields favorable performance when compared to approaches that require the use of data mules and message ferries.