934 resultados para Under-represented groups


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The primary focus of this thesis is on the interplay of descriptive set theory and the ergodic theory of group actions. This incorporates the study of turbulence and Borel reducibility on the one hand, and the theory of orbit equivalence and weak equivalence on the other. Chapter 2 is joint work with Clinton Conley and Alexander Kechris; we study measurable graph combinatorial invariants of group actions and employ the ultraproduct construction as a way of constructing various measure preserving actions with desirable properties. Chapter 3 is joint work with Lewis Bowen; we study the property MD of residually finite groups, and we prove a conjecture of Kechris by showing that under general hypotheses property MD is inherited by a group from one of its co-amenable subgroups. Chapter 4 is a study of weak equivalence. One of the main results answers a question of Abért and Elek by showing that within any free weak equivalence class the isomorphism relation does not admit classification by countable structures. The proof relies on affirming a conjecture of Ioana by showing that the product of a free action with a Bernoulli shift is weakly equivalent to the original action. Chapter 5 studies the relationship between mixing and freeness properties of measure preserving actions. Chapter 6 studies how approximation properties of ergodic actions and unitary representations are reflected group theoretically and also operator algebraically via a group's reduced C*-algebra. Chapter 7 is an appendix which includes various results on mixing via filters and on Gaussian actions.


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In this thesis, dry chemical modification methods involving UV/ozone, oxygen plasma, and vacuum annealing treatments are explored to precisely control the wettability of CNT arrays. By varying the exposure time of these treatments the surface concentration of oxygenated groups adsorbed on the CNT arrays can be controlled. CNT arrays with very low amount of oxygenated groups exhibit a superhydrophobic behavior. In addition to their extremely high static contact angle, they cannot be dispersed in DI water and their impedance in aqueous electrolytes is extremely high. These arrays have an extreme water repellency capability such that a water droplet will bounce off of their surface upon impact and a thin film of air is formed on their surface as they are immersed in a deep pool of water. In contrast, CNT arrays with very high surface concentration of oxygenated functional groups exhibit an extreme hydrophilic behavior. In addition to their extremely low static contact angle, they can be dispersed easily in DI water and their impedance in aqueous electrolytes is tremendously low. Since the bulk structure of the CNT arrays are preserved during the UV/ozone, oxygen plasma, and vacuum annealing treatments, all CNT arrays can be repeatedly switched between superhydrophilic and superhydrophobic, as long as their O/C ratio is kept below 18%.

The effect of oxidation using UV/ozone and oxygen plasma treatments is highly reversible as long as the O/C ratio of the CNT arrays is kept below 18%. At O/C ratios higher than 18%, the effect of oxidation is no longer reversible. This irreversible oxidation is caused by irreversible changes to the CNT atomic structure during the oxidation process. During the oxidation process, CNT arrays undergo three different processes. For CNT arrays with O/C ratios lower than 40%, the oxidation process results in the functionalization of CNT outer walls by oxygenated groups. Although this functionalization process introduces defects, vacancies and micropores opening, the graphitic structure of the CNT is still largely intact. For CNT arrays with O/C ratios between 40% and 45%, the oxidation process results in the etching of CNT outer walls. This etching process introduces large scale defects and holes that can be obviously seen under TEM at high magnification. Most of these holes are found to be several layers deep and, in some cases, a large portion of the CNT side walls are cut open. For CNT arrays with O/C ratios higher than 45%, the oxidation process results in the exfoliation of the CNT walls and amorphization of the remaining CNT structure. This amorphization process can be implied from the disappearance of C-C sp2 peak in the XPS spectra associated with the pi-bond network.

The impact behavior of water droplet impinging on superhydrophobic CNT arrays in a low viscosity regime is investigated for the first time. Here, the experimental data are presented in the form of several important impact behavior characteristics including critical Weber number, volume ratio, restitution coefficient, and maximum spreading diameter. As observed experimentally, three different impact regimes are identified while another impact regime is proposed. These regimes are partitioned by three critical Weber numbers, two of which are experimentally observed. The volume ratio between the primary and the secondary droplets is found to decrease with the increase of Weber number in all impact regimes other than the first one. In the first impact regime, this is found to be independent of Weber number since the droplet remains intact during and subsequent to the impingement. Experimental data show that the coefficient of restitution decreases with the increase of Weber number in all impact regimes. The rate of decrease of the coefficient of restitution in the high Weber number regime is found to be higher than that in the low and moderate Weber number. Experimental data also show that the maximum spreading factor increases with the increase of Weber number in all impact regimes. The rate of increase of the maximum spreading factor in the high Weber number regime is found to be higher than that in the low and moderate Weber number. Phenomenological approximations and interpretations of the experimental data, as well as brief comparisons to the previously proposed scaling laws, are shown here.

Dry oxidation methods are used for the first time to characterize the influence of oxidation on the capacitive behavior of CNT array EDLCs. The capacitive behavior of CNT array EDLCs can be tailored by varying their oxygen content, represented by their O/C ratio. The specific capacitance of these CNT arrays increases with the increase of their oxygen content in both KOH and Et4NBF4/PC electrolytes. As a result, their gravimetric energy density increases with the increase of their oxygen content. However, their gravimetric power density decreases with the increase of their oxygen content. The optimally oxidized CNT arrays are able to withstand more than 35,000 charge/discharge cycles in Et4NBF4/PC at a current density of 5 A/g while only losing 10% of their original capacitance.


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The study assessed qualitatively the threat status of all nigerian freshwater fishes using such criteria as rarity, size at maturity, mode of reproduction, human population density, habitat degradation, pollution and range of each species among others. The biology of 48% (129n) of nigerian freshwater species is not well known. Of the 266 known freshwater fishes, 47 species represented 17% are critically endangered, 15 (5%) are endangered , 8(3%), are vulnerable while 23(8%) are near threatened. The paper suggests increased basic knowledge of threatened species and conservation policy along three lines public awareness, legislation and creation of national parks, aquaria and reserves as measures needed to ensure the conservation of the fishes


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Combinatorial configurations known as t-designs are studied. These are pairs ˂B, ∏˃, where each element of B is a k-subset of ∏, and each t-design occurs in exactly λ elements of B, for some fixed integers k and λ. A theory of internal structure of t-designs is developed, and it is shown that any t-design can be decomposed in a natural fashion into a sequence of “simple” subdesigns. The theory is quite similar to the analysis of a group with respect to its normal subgroups, quotient groups, and homomorphisms. The analogous concepts of normal subdesigns, quotient designs, and design homomorphisms are all defined and used.

This structure theory is then applied to the class of t-designs whose automorphism groups are transitive on sets of t points. It is shown that if G is a permutation group transitive on sets of t letters and ф is any set of letters, then images of ф under G form a t-design whose parameters may be calculated from the group G. Such groups are discussed, especially for the case t = 2, and the normal structure of such designs is considered. Theorem 2.2.12 gives necessary and sufficient conditions for a t-design to be simple, purely in terms of the automorphism group of the design. Some constructions are given.

Finally, 2-designs with k = 3 and λ = 2 are considered in detail. These designs are first considered in general, with examples illustrating some of the configurations which can arise. Then an attempt is made to classify all such designs with an automorphism group transitive on pairs of points. Many cases are eliminated of reduced to combinations of Steiner triple systems. In the remaining cases, the simple designs are determined to consist of one infinite class and one exceptional case.


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A epidemia de HIV/AIDS, pelo seu histórico, é de natureza mutável em vários contextos sociais em todo o mundo. Desde a notificação dos primeiros casos até hoje, observa-se um curso diferenciado no decorrer do tempo, tanto no campo social como na biomedicina, o que a torna um problema passível de controle a longo prazo. Essas mudanças, entretanto, não são percebidas de igual maneira em todos os países ou regiões. Devido a vários fatores, a epidemia persiste como uma das dez primeiras causas de morte no mundo, sendo a primeira delas na África. No Brasil, o perfil da epidemia assemelha-se ao global, tendendo a diminuir/estabilizar a velocidade do surgimento de novos casos. Essa contenção deve-se ao impacto de ações preventivas desenvolvidas por iniciativas governamentais e não governamentais no sentido de promover práticas sexuais mais seguras. Neste mesmo contexto, algumas análises espaciais revelam transições demográficas da epidemia de HIV/AIDS nos anos mais recentes. Há mudanças e desigualdades na razão de sexo em diferentes condições sociodemográficas e do ponto de vista geracional. Em razão disso, este trabalho justifica-se pela necessidade de analisar as mudanças na razão de sexo, fornecendo informações importantes para o planejamento e política de prevenção no tratamento da AIDS, tendo em vista a vulnerabilidade da população feminina. O objetivo principal desta pesquisa é analisar diferenças históricas, espaciais e sociais da razão de sexo e idade na população internada pelo SUS em consequência da infecção pelo HIV no período de 1998 a 2009. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo e ecológico das diferenças históricas, espaciais e por grupos de idade na Razão de Sexo abrangendo também uma análise da Regressão Linear Múltipla das variáveis. Foram utilizados os dados do Sistema de Informações Hospitalares do SUS-SIH/SUS - DATASUS/MS, como fonte de informação para os casos de AIDS internados no período de 1998 a 2009. Foram considerados casos com idade compreendida entre 15 e 49 anos, bem como estratificados e analisados dados gerados nas microrregiões, a fim de homogeneizar as informações dentro de cada estrato com dados do censo de 2000. As variáveis independentes foram representadas pelos seguintes indicadores (fatores de vulnerabilidade): a) percentagem da população rural residente na região; b) tamanho da população da microrregião, para testar se o tamanho da população está associado à razão de sexo por HIV e c) percentagem da população de 15 a 49 anos de idade não alfabetizada. Nos resultados é possível notar que em quase todas as regiões há um aumento considerável do número de mulheres infectadas pelo HIV, o que leva à dedução da presença de um processo de feminização, atrelado à heterossexualização da epidemia. Os resultados do estudo apontam que a epidemia de HIV/AIDS tende a atingir indiscriminadamente as regiões Nordeste, Sul e Sudeste, especialmente as duas últimas. Esta constatação de que, em anos recentes, as mulheres vêm sendo infectadas em proporções maiores que os homens, corrobora o processo de feminização da AIDS, já anunciado por alguns autores.


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Este trabalho consiste em um estudo sobre a relação entre subjetividade e meio, mais especificamente, sobre a formação subjetiva no contexto da violência nas favelas cariocas. A reflexão proposta traz, como principal referencial teórico, a noção, adotada, entre outros, por John Bowlby e Donald Winnicott, de uma constituição subjetiva marcada pela intersubjetividade. Dito de outro modo, a subjetividade aqui é resultante do encontro do indivíduo com o meio (inicialmente a própria figura materna); o que significa que um não pode ser compreendido a não ser na interação com outro. Desse pressuposto comum, tais autores partem para construir percursos teóricos independentes, que ora se aproximam, ora se distanciam. Contemporâneos e membros da Sociedade Psicanalítica Britânica da época, Bowlby e Winnicott fizeram parte do chamado Middle Group. Tal vertente psicanalítica, sob a influência da biologia de Darwin, da etologia e da literatura, apresenta como característica fundamental a de conferir uma importância inédita ao ambiente no processo do desenvolvimento emocional. A adaptação dos cuidados maternos às necessidades do bebê, nos estágios precoces de seu desenvolvimento, ganha a função primordial de sobrevivência e desempenha aqui um papel decisivo para a saúde mental do sujeito. Bowlby utilizar-se-á da idéia de que os pais, ou cuidadores, funcionam como uma espécie de base segura a partir da qual a criança pode explorar o mundo com a confiança de que será acolhida caso precise. Para ele, o comportamento de apego sustenta o processo de subjetivação e representa um elemento constituinte da natureza humana, que se manifesta através da propensão para estabelecer laços íntimos. Já Winnicott adotará a idéia de uma maternagem suficientemente boa, capaz de garantir à criança a continuidade de sua existência. Interrupções nessa provisão dos cuidados precoces são, para estes autores, potenciais agentes patogênicos. À luz dessa perspectiva teórica, serão apresentadas as narrativas biográficas de três moradores de uma favela da zona sul carioca representativa dos constantes e violentos confrontos que vêm ocorrendo entre os integrantes do tráfico de drogas daquela localidade com a polícia, com outras facções rivais e entre eles próprios. A experiência da provisão materna, em ambientes prejudicados por um determinado tipo de violência contextualizada, é o que tais histórias pessoais tentam retratar.


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A series of five different concentration erbium-doped tellurite glasses with various hydroxl groups were prepared. Infrared spectra of glasses were measured. In order to estimate the exact content of OH- groups in samples, various absorption coefficients of the OH- vibration band were analyzed under the different oxygen bubbling times. The absorption spectra of the glasses were measured, and the Judd-Ofelt intensity parameters Omega(i) of samples with the different erbium ions concentration and OH- contents were calculated on the basis of the Judd-Ofelt theory. The peak stimulated emission cross-section of (I13/2 ->I15/2)-I-4-I-4 transition of the samples was finally calculated by using the McCumber theory. The fluorescence spectra of Er3+:I-4(13/2)->I-4(15/2) transition and the lifetime of Er3+:I-4(13/2) level of the samples were measured. The effects of OH- groups on the spectroscopic properties of Er3+ doped samples with the different concentrations were discussed. The results showed that the OH- groups had great influences on the Er3+ lifetime and the fluorescence peak intensity. The OH- group is a main influence factor of fluorescence quenching when the doping concentration of Er2O3 is smaller than 1.0 mol%, but higher after this concentration, the energy transfer of Er3+ ions turns into the main function of the fluorescence quenching. And basically, there is no influence on the other spectroscopic properties (FWHM, absorption spectra, peak stimulated emission cross section, etc.).


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Background: Noroviruses (NoVs) are genetically diverse, with genogroup II-and within it-genotype 4 (GII.4) being the most prevalent cause of acute gastroenteritis worldwide. The aim of this study was to characterize genogroup II NoV causing acute gastroenteritis in the Basque Country (northern Spain) from 2009-2012. Methods: The presence of NoV RNA was investigated by reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) in stool specimens from children younger than 15 years old with community-acquired acute gastroenteritis, and from hospitalized adults or elderly residents of nursing homes with acute gastroenteritis. For genotyping, the open reading frames ORF1 (encoding the polymerase) and ORF2 (encoding the major capsid protein) were partially amplified and sequenced. Recombinant strains were confirmed by PCR of the ORF1/ORF2 junction region. Results: NoV was detected in 16.0% (453/2826) of acute gastroenteritis episodes in children younger than 2 years, 9.9% (139/1407) in children from 2 to 14 years, and 35.8% (122/341) in adults. Of 317 NoVs characterized, 313 were genogroup II and four were genogroup I. The GII.4 variants Den Haag-2006b and New Orleans-2009 predominated in 2009 and 2010-2011, respectively. In 2012, the New Orleans-2009 variant was partially replaced by the Sydney-2012 variant (GII.Pe/GII.4) and New Orleans-2009/Sydney-2012 recombinant strains. The predominant capsid genotype in all age groups was GII.4, which was the only genotype detected in outbreaks. The second most frequent genotype was GII.3 (including the recently described recombination GII.P16/GII.3), which was detected almost exclusively in children. Conclusion: Nine different genotypes of NoV genogroup II were detected; among these, intergenotype recombinant strains represented an important part, highlighting the role of recombination in the evolution of NoVs. Detection of new NoV strains, not only GII.4 strains, shortly after their first detection in other parts of the world shows that many NoV strains can spread rapidly.


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O presente trabalho apresentado ao Programa de Pós-Graduação em Psicologia Social da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), no Curso de Doutorado Interinstitucional (DINTER) realizado em parceria com a Universidade Federal do Maranhão (UFMA), teve como proposta pesquisar a visão dos atores sociais envolvidos diretamente com a medida socioeducativa de internação no Maranhão. O objetivo da pesquisa foi identificar a visão dos atores sociais sobre aspectos relacionados ao processo de aplicação, execução e cumprimento da medida socioeducativa de privação de liberdade. Com o propósito de compreender a percepção das pessoas que atuam nas três etapas da medida socioeducativa de internação, realizou-se uma pesquisa de campo com três grupos sendo que, cada grupo foi representado por indivíduos que estavam vinculados a cada uma das etapas da referida medida. Os dados foram coletados por intermédio de entrevistas com os respectivos sujeitos, utilizando-se como apoio um roteiro semiestruturado, elaborado em consonância com os objetivos da pesquisa. Para categorização, dimensionamento e análise dos dados e dos registros do diário de campo utilizou-se a técnica de Análise de Conteúdo. Os resultados alcançados com a pesquisa proporcionam subsídios para uma reflexão sobre o processo e as condições em que se dão a execução e o cumprimento da medida socioeducativa de internação no Centro da Juventude Esperança (CJE) da Fundação da Criança e do Adolescente (FUNAC) no Maranhão (MA). Os resultados da pesquisa apontam para uma incongruência entre o que estabelece a Lei n 8.069/1990, que instituiu o Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente (ECA), o que preconiza o Sistema Nacional de Atendimento Socioeducativo (SINASE) e o que, de fato tem sido efetivado pela unidade (CJE) de internação e execução da medida de privação de liberdade. Além destas questões, os resultados da pesquisa também indicam que o Sistema de Garantias de Direitos da Criança e do Adolescente (SGDCA), no Maranhão não vem funcionando em conformidade com os princípios e diretrizes previstos pelo ECA, cujo objetivo principal da medida socioeducativa de internação, abrangendo aspectos educativos, formativos e sociais, não estaria acontecendo no Estado do Maranhão.


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For purposes ofthe Endangered Species Act (ESA), a "species" is defined to include "any distinct population segment of any species of vertebrate fish or wildlife which interbreeds when mature. "Federal agencies charged with carrying out the provisions of the ESA have struggled for over a decade to develop a consistent approach for interpreting the term "distinct population segment." This paper outlines such an approach and explains in some detail how it can be applied to ESA evaluations of anadromous Pacific salmonids. The following definition is proposed: A population (or group of populations) will be considered "distinct" (and hence a "species ")for purposes of the ESA if it represents an evolutionarily significant unit (ESU) of the biological species. A population must satisfy two criteria to be considered an ESU: 1) It must be substantially reproductively isolated from other conspecific population units, and 2) It must represent an important component in the evolutionary legacy of the species. Isolation does not have to be absolute, but it must be strong enough to permit evolutionarily important differences to accrue in different population units. The second criterion would be met if the population contributes substantially to the ecological/genetic diversity of the species as a whole. Insights into the extent of reproductive isolation can be provided by movements of tagged fish, natural recolonization rates observed in other populations, measurements of genetic differences between populations, and evaluations of the efficacy of natural barriers. Each of these methods has its limitations. Identification of physical barriers to genetic exchange can help define the geographic extent of distinct populations, but reliance on physical features alone can be misleading in the absence of supporting biological information. Physical tags provide information about the movements of individual fish but not the genetic consequences of migration. Furthermore, measurements ofc urrent straying or recolonization rates provide no direct information about the magnitude or consistency of such rates in the past. In this respect, data from protein electrophoresis or DNA analyses can be very useful because they reflect levels of gene flow that have occurred over evolutionary time scales. The best strategy is to use all available lines of evidence for or against reproductive isolation, recognizing the limitations of each and taking advantage of the often complementary nature of the different types of information. If available evidence indicates significant reproductive isolation, the next step is to determine whether the population in question is of substantial ecological/genetic importance to the species as a whole. In other words, if the population became extinct, would this event represent a significant loss to the ecological/genetic diversity of thes pecies? In making this determination, the following questions are relevant: 1) Is the population genetically distinct from other conspecific populations? 2) Does the population occupy unusual or distinctive habitat? 3) Does the population show evidence of unusual or distinctive adaptation to its environment? Several types of information are useful in addressing these questions. Again, the strengths and limitations of each should be kept in mind in making the evaluation. Phenotypic/life-history traits such as size, fecundity, and age and time of spawning may reflect local adaptations of evolutionary importance, but interpretation of these traits is complicated by their sensitivity to environmental conditions. Data from protein electrophoresis or DNA analyses provide valuable insight into theprocessofgenetic differentiation among populations but little direct information regarding the extent of adaptive genetic differences. Habitat differences suggest the possibility for local adaptations but do not prove that such adaptations exist. The framework suggested here provides a focal point for accomplishing the majorgoal of the Act-to conserve the genetic diversity of species and the ecosystems they inhabit. At the same time, it allows discretion in the listing of populations by requiring that they represent units of real evolutionary significance to the species. Further, this framework provides a means of addressing several issues of particular concern for Pacific salmon, including anadromous/nonanadromous population segments, differences in run-timing, groups of populations, introduced populations, and the role of hatchery fish.


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Asian seabass, Lates calcarifer (Bloch) - a catadromous centropomid perch, is a good candidate species for brackishwater aquaculture in India. The length-weight relationship and the relative condition of L. calcarifer were assessed under culture condition. The length of the fish samples ranged from 25 to 240 mm and the relative condition (w sub(r)) of the fish for different length groups ranged from 99.54 to 104.39, indicating the good condition of the fish. The regression analysis of log-transformed length-weight data was carried out and the 'b' coefficient indicates the good condition of fish showing an isometric growth in the juvenile phase under culture condition.


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A growth trial was conducted to test the effect of Lykamin (dietary supplement) on growth, survival and feed conversion in Mystus gulio. Four isoproteic diets were formulated by incorporating the growth promoter, Lykamin at the levels of 0, 0.25, 0.50 and 0.75% diet. The crude protein content was 30% in each diet. The diets were fed to triplicate groups of catfish fingerlings twice daily at a level of 5% of the total body weight for 120 days. Regular fortnightly sampling was done to evaluate the growth performance of the experimental animals. Water quality parameters during the experimental period were maintained within the range suitable for catfish. The results showed better specific growth rate, weight gain, protein efficiency ratio and feed conversion ratio in the group which was given 0.75% Lykamin diet.


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Previous research into the behaviour of piled foundations in laterally-spreading soil deposits has concentrated on pile groups that carry small or negligible axial loads. This paper presents dynamic centrifuge test results for 2 x 2 pile groups with bending and geometric properties similar to real 0.5 m diameter tubular steel and solid circular reinforced-concrete field piles. Axial loads applied represented upper-bounds on typical working loads. The simultaneous scaling of the relevant properties controlling both lateral and axial behaviour allows comparisons to be drawn regarding the particular mechanisms of failure that would dominate for each type of pile. Flexible reinforced-concrete piles which tend to carry lower loads were found to be dominated by lateral effects, while steel piles, which are much stiffer and usually carry greater loads are dominated by settlement considerations. © 2006 Taylor & Francis Group.


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A comparative study of benthic fauna between Rajdhala beel and Padmai beel of Netrakona District under different management system was carried out from July 1999 to January 20OO. An average number of 1113 and 1175 organisms/m2 were obtained from Rajdhala heel and Padmai beel respectively. A total of 22 taxa belonging to 8 diverse groups, Oligochaetes, Chironomids, Molluscs, Ceratopogonids, Diptera (other than Chironomids and Ceratopogonids), Ephemeroptera, Leeches and Crustaceans were recorded. Oligochaetes were dominated and constituted 46% and 49% ofthe total benthic population in Rajdhala heel and Padmai beel respectively. The next dominant group was the Chironomids, which constituted 31% and 30% of the total benthic population in Rajdhala beel and Padmai beel respectively. The highest number 1279 and 1437 individuals/m2 of benthic fauna was recorded in December from Rajdhla beel and Padmai bee! in respectively. The lowest number of benthic fauna 869 and 914 individuals/m2 were found during September and July from Rajdhala beel and Padmai beel respectively. Monthly variation of benthic fauna among two beels were found statistically significant (p<0.05). The numerical distributions of benthic fauna was found to be varied with depth ranges. However, the depth wise variation of total benthic fauna between two heels was not found statistically significant. Fish yield of Rajdhala beel (488 kg/ha/yr) was appreciably higher than the Padmai beel (250 kg/ha/yr).


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The CGIAR Research Program on Aquatic Agricultural Systems (AAS) seeks to reduce poverty and improve food security for the millions of small-scale fishers and farmers who depend on the world’s floodplains, deltas and coasts. AAS combines more conventional approaches for introducing and scaling technical innovations, such as applied research and training, with approaches that foster innovation and promote institutional and policy change. Specifically, AAS utilizes participatory action research with communities to identify technology and policy solutions that best meet community long-term needs. One of the themes identified under AAS is the role of self-help groups in increasing livelihood resilience of agriculture and fisheries communities. As AAS establishes a hub of operations in Cambodia, AAS and Oxfam America are cooperating to investigate the potential of community-based self-help groups as a strategy for AAS implementation. As part of this cooperation, Oxfam America undertook this consultancy to analyze and describe the role, efficiency and effectiveness of the various types of self-help groups in Cambodia. This report gives an overview of this program which aims to conduct a field-based study to identify the types, main characteristics and effectiveness of self-help groups, with a particular focus on livelihood resilience of agriculture and fisheries communities.