1000 resultados para UNIFY 2000


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Most of the non-B HIV-1 subtypes are predominant in Sub-Saharan Africa and India although they have been found worldwide. In the last decade, immigration from these areas has increased considerably in Spain. The objective of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of non-B subtypes circulating in a cohort of HIV-1-infected immigrants in Seville, Southern Spain and to identify drug resistance-associated mutations. METHODS: Complete protease and first 220 codons of the reverse transcriptase coding regions were amplified and sequenced by population sequencing. HIV-1 subtypes were determined using Stanford University Drug Resistance Database, and phylogenetic analysis was performed comparing multiple reported sequences. Drug resistance mutations were defined according to the International AIDS Society-USA. RESULTS: From 2000 to 2010 a total of 1,089 newly diagnosed HIV-1-infected patients were enrolled in our cohort. Of these, 121 were immigrants, of which 98 had ethical approval and informed consent to include in our study. Twenty-nine immigrants (29/98, 29.6%) were infected with non-B subtypes, of which 15/29 (51.7%) were CRF02-AG, mostly from Sub-Saharan Africa, and 2/29 (6.9%) were CRF01-AE from Eastern Europe. A, C, F, J and G subtypes from Eastern Europe, Central-South America and Sub-Saharan Africa were also present. Some others harboured recombinant forms CRF02-AG/CRF01-AE, CRF2-AG/G and F/B, B/C, and K/G, in PR and RT-coding regions. Patients infected with non-B subtypes showed a high frequency of minor protease inhibitor resistance mutations, M36I, L63P, and K20R/I. Only one patient, CRF02_AG, showed major resistance mutation L90M. Major RT inhibitor resistance mutations K70R and A98G were present in one patient with subtype G, L100I in one patient with CRF01_AE, and K103N in another patient with CRF01_AE. Three patients had other mutations such as V118I, E138A and V90I. CONCLUSIONS: The circulation of non-B subtypes has significantly increased in Southern Spain during the last decade, with 29.6% prevalence, in association with demographic changes among immigrants. This could be an issue in the treatment and management of these patients. Resistance mutations have been detected in these patients with a prevalence of 7% among treatment-naïve patients compared with the 21% detected among patients under HAART or during treatment interruption.


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A group of teachers and students of the Geography Unit of the University of Girona conducted a field trip in a part of Northern Morocco, which once belonged to the Spanish Protectorate. The visit took place between 24th and 30th April 2000. Some teachers of the University of Tetouan accompanied the group and offered comprehensive geographical explanations of the area, including physical, social and economic aspects


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Aquest projecte estudia la situació actual dels espais Xarxa Natura 2000 del Solsonès amb l’ objectiu de: proposar futures actuacions en el territori, donar propostes de gestió turística sostenible per així assegurar-ne la protecció i establir una base per a la redacció de les directrius de gestió d’aquests espais. Dels espais XN2000 del Solsonès s’han escollit dos: Les Obagues de la Riera de Madrona i el de la Ribera Salada


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Background. Determine the presence and evolution of indicators microorganisms of water pollution in “Conde del Guadalhorce” reservoir, Málaga city, Spain. A second objective was to analyze pollution degree and evaluate the sanitary quality of bathing water and compliance with European Directive 76/160/CE. Method. A total of 120 water samples were collected in two bathing freshwater sites during May to September sampling period between 2000 to 2005, and the numbers of total coliforms (CT), faecal coliforms (CF) and faecal streptococci (EF) were enumerated using the membrane filtration method. We used the log-normal distribution method and calculate the logarithmic means, percentile points, ratios CF:EF, ANOVA and Pearson correlations. Results. Only two samples overcome CF limit values at Camping sampling station during 2000 year. Ratios CF:EF values were higher (> 4) during 2000 to 2002, and lower (< 0,7) during 2003 to 2005. Significant differences (ANOVA F = 3,41, ∝ < 0,01) was only observed with EF during evaluated period. There was no significant difference between concentration means at bathing water sites (ANOVA, F = 3,395, ∝ < 0,01). The counts of CT and CF were significantly correlated in Kiosko water samples, while in Camping water, significant correlation (t = 0,632, p < 0,05) was only observed with EF at the Camping station during 2000, 2003 and 2005 years. Conclusions. “Conde del Guadalhorce” reservoir showed hygienic conditions for safety bathing. Globally, water bathing quality is good. CT, CF y EF indicators were agreed with UE Directive during 2000- 2005, with exception CF at Camping station in 2000 year. CT y CF concentrations at Camping were frecuently higher than Kiosko, it could be caused to swimmers abundance and recreational activities. There was a trend towards rising EF, it could be caused to faecal pollution source of animal origin, needed to research it.


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Rapport de synthèse : Objectifs : évaluer la survie intra-hospitalière des patients présentant un infarctus du myocarde avec sus-décalage du segment ST admis dans les hôpitaux suisses entre 2000 et 2007, et identifier les paramètres prédictifs de mortalité intra-hospitalière et d'événements cardio-vasculaires majeurs (infarctus, réinfarctus, attaque cérébrale). Méthode : utilisation des données du registre national suisse AMIS Plus (Acute Myocardial lnfarction and Unstable Angina in Switzerland). Tous les patients admis pour un infarctus du myocarde avec sus-décalage du segment ST ou bloc de branche gauche nouveau dans un hôpital suisse participant au registre entre janvier 2000 et décembre 2007 ont été inclus. Résultats: nous avons étudié 12 026 patients présentant un infarctus du myocarde avec sus-décalage du segment ST ou bloc de branche gauche nouveau admis dans 54 hôpitaux suisses différents. L'âge moyen est de 64+-13 ans et 73% des patients inclus sont des hommes. L'incidence de mortalité intra-hospitalière est de 7.6% en 2000 et de 6% en 2007. Le taux de réinfarctus diminue de 3.7% en 2000 à 0.9% en 2007. L'utilisation de médicaments thrombolytiques chute de 40.2% à 2% entre 2000 et 2007. Les paramètres prédictifs cliniques de mortalité sont : un âge> 65-ans, une classe Killips Ill ou IV, un diabète et un infarctus du myocarde avec onde Q (au moment de la présentation). Les patients traités par revascularisation coronarienne percutanée ont un taux inférieur de mortalité et de réinfarctus (3.9% versus 11.2% et 1.1% versus 3.1%, respectivement, p<0.001) sur la période de temps étudiée. Le nombre de patients traités par revascularisation coronarienne percutanée augmente de 43% en 2000 à 85% en 2007. Les patients admis dans les hôpitaux bénéficiant d'une salle de cathétérisme cardiaque ont un taux de mortalité plus bas que les patients hopitalisés dans les centres sans salle de cathétérisme cardiaque. Mais les caractéristiques démographiques de ces deux populations sont très différentes. La mortalité intra-hospitalière ainsi que le taux de réinfarctus diminuent significativement au cours y de la période étudiée, parallèlement à l'augmentation de |'utilisation de la revascularisation coronarienne percutanée. La revascularisation coronarienne percutanée est le paramètre prédictif de survie le plus important. Conclusion: la mortalité intra-hospitalière et le taux de réinfarctus du myocarde ont diminué de manière significative chez les patients souffrant d'un infarctus du myocarde avec sus-décalage du segment ST au cours de ces sept dernières années, parallèlement à l'augmentation significative de la revascularisation coronarienne percutanée en plus de la thérapie médicamenteuse. La survie n'est È pas liée au lieu d'hospitalisation mais à l'accès à une revascularisation coronarienne percutanée.


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Decreasing perinatal morbidity and mortality is one of the main goals of obstetrics. Prognosis of preterm births depends on gestational age and birthweight. Multidisciplinary management is discussed with the parents according to these two parameters. In other circumstances, a suspected macrosomy will influence the management of the last weeks of pregnancy. Induction of labor or Cesarean delivery will be considered to avoid shoulder dystocia, brachial plexus injury or perinatal asphyxia. Birthweight needs to be estimated with accuracy, and this article describes the efficiency of various ultrasound weight estimation formulae for small and large fetuses.


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Several parasitological studies carried out in El Salvador between 2000-2012 showed a higher frequency of acute cases of Chagas disease than that in other Central American countries. There is an urgent need for improved Chagas disease surveillance and vector control programs in the provinces where acute Chagas disease occurs and throughout El Salvador as a whole.


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L'analyse du profil sociographique des élites politiques, notamment des parlementaires, a été largement délaissée en Suisse depuis les années 1970. En outre, la Suisse n'a pas été retenue par les récents travaux comparatifs portant sur différents parlements européens (Best et Cotta 2000, 2007). Cet article vise, d'une part, à mettre en perspective comparée le cas suisse, et d'autre part, à prolonger les études réalisées durant les années 1970 en mettant l'accent sur les changements récents. À partir de l'analyse sociographique de cinq cohortes de parlementaires fédéraux (1910, 1937, 1957, 1980, 2000) durant le 20ième siècle, nous mettons en évidence l'évolution de la composition du Parlement sous l'angle de sa démocratisation et de sa professionnalisation récente. Nos résultats permettent de mettre en évidence les spécificités du Parlement helvétique en comparaison européenne. Celles-ci tiennent d'abord à la prédominance de la catégorie des indépendants, notamment des avocats, ainsi qu'à une sous-représentation des salariés du secteur public. Les parlementaires suisses se caractérisent également par un plus fort ancrage local et par une longévité parlementaire très élevée. Le processus récent de professionnalisation a favorisé l'émergence de nouveaux profils sociologiques de parlementaires, en termes de formation, de carrière et de cumul des mandats, avec cependant de fortes variations entre les partis.


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Aid for fighting infectious and parasitic diseases has had a statistically significant role in the under-five mortality reduction in the last decade. Point estimates indicate a country average reduction of 1.4 deaths per thousand under fives live-born attributable to aid at its average level in 2000-2010. The effect would be an average drop of 3.3 in the under-five mortality rate at the aid levels of 2010. By components, a dollar per capita spent in fighting malaria has caused the largest average impact, statistically higher than a dollar per capita spent in STD/HIV control. We do not find statistically significant effects of other infectious disease aid, including aid for the control of tuberculosis.


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A questão da avaliação do desempenho organizacional continua sendo uma atividade fundamental na gestão empresarial. Os indicadores de desempenho assumem papel central, por configurarem-se como instrumentos capazes de fornecer informações para o processo de tomada de decisão. No estudo aqui apresentado, objetivou-se investigar, sob a ótica da avaliação de desempenho organizacional, as características dos indicadores de desempenho utilizados nas pesquisas da área de Administração, Ciências Contábeis e Turismo, no período de 2000 a 2008. Optou-se por uma pesquisa de caráter descritivo, com abordagem qualitativa e quantitativa, que identificou 2.646 artigos que apresentavam no título, no resumo e/ou nas palavras-chave as terminologias: avaliação, desempenho, performance, decisão, mensuração, avaliação de desempenho e assessment. Desses, selecionaram-se os artigos que apresentavam os termos indicador, critério, atributo e medida, resultando em 85 artigos que tiveram seus conteúdos analisados. Constatou-se que 61,14% dos artigos analisados apresentavam a terminologia indicador de desempenho (ID), e 73% não apresentavam o conceito de ID. Os indicadores utilizados apresentavam, em sua maioria, foco econômico-financeiro e eram quantitativos com mensuração ordinal. Em linhas gerais, os indicadores de desempenho organizacionais conseguiram atingir o objetivo de auxiliar no processo decisório, uma vez que 76% dos artigos investigados apresentaram as vantagens de sua aplicação.