999 resultados para U-pb Ages
The SW region of Amazonian craton presents policyclic evolution between 1.80-1.00 Ga and is comprised of the Rio Negro-Juruena, Rondoniana and Sunsas Provinces. The evolution of this region has being characterized by four orogens: Alto Jauru (1.79-1.74 Ga), Cachoeirinha (1.58-1.52 Ga), Suíte Santa Helena (1.45-1.42 Ga) e Sunsas/Aguapeí (1.0-0.9 Ga). The Alto Jauru orogen consists of TTG gneissic associations, greenstone sequences and intrusive granitoids origined in volcanic arc setting. Eight 40Ar/39Ar step-heating analyses were carried out in minerals (biotiteand hornblende) to investigate the thermal history and crustal evolution of this region. From the Alto Jauru orogen was sampled the gneiss banded and two biotite grains provide large dispersion of apparent ages, suggesting heterogenity in reservoir of the argon. Apparent age diagram yielded integrated ages of 1472 ± 6 Ma, interpreted as minimum ages of regional cooling episode. Three analyses of hornblende present ages varing from 1310 to 1400 Ma, possibly because smaller grain size become more susceptible to argon loss. 40Ar/39Ar step-heating methodology applied on biotite of pyroclastic tuff (U-Pb age about 1758 ± 7 Ma) presented integrated age of 1507 ± 7 Ma. The results found for this terrane demonstrated a geochronological correlation with metamorphic process linked Cachoeirinha orogen. Biotite and hornblende grains separates from granite and a tonalite origined during Cachoeirinha orogen were analyzed and the apparent age diagrams indicated well-defined plateau ages of 1520-1540 Ma. Biotite grains from a granitic sample were analized, and integrated ages about 1526 ± 2 Ma were obtained due argon loss in the initial steps. Thermochronologic history of SW region Amazonian craton is coherent with regional policyclic events and 40Ar/39Ar ages here presented probably correspond to regional cooling period of Cachoeirinha orogen.
Three samples of garnet-kyanite paragneiss from the Variscan Ulten Zone (Northern Italy) were studied in detail for U-Th-Pb monazite dating. Monazite in these gneisses is abundant, shows highly variable grain size and occupies different textural positions: within the matrix, as inclusion in garnet and kyanite, within apatite aggregates. Monazite shows different deformation features as a function of the textural position: enclosed (shielded) monazite is generally more fractured than matrix (unshielded) monazite. The integration of textural information with deformation features and in situ U-Th-Pb analyses by LA-ICP-MS indicates that there is no direct correlation between textural site and monazite ages. Old ages of 351-343 Ma, determined on portions of large matrix (unshielded) monazite and on rare domains of monazite shielded by garnet, have been related to a prograde stage of the Variscan metamorphic evolution of the Ulten Zone. Ages of 330-326 Ma, which are related to the thermal peak, are recorded by small matrix monazite, external domains of large matrix monazite, and by (domains of) fractured monazite enclosed in garnet and kyanite. Large, old unshielded grains formed as blasts during the prograde metamorphic history and survived the peak metamorphism during which crystallisation/re-crystallisation partially occurred.
[EN]We present the first U-series ages of corals from emergent marine deposits on the Canary Islands. Deposits at +. 20. m are 481 ± 39 ka, possibly correlative to marine isotope stage (or MIS) 11, while those at +. 12 and +. 8. m are 120.5 ± 0.8. ka and 130.2 ± 0.8. ka, respectively, correlative to MIS 5.5. The age, elevations, and uplift rates derived from MIS 5.5 deposits on the Canary Islands allow calculations of hypothetical palaeo-sea levels during the MIS 11 high sea stand. Estimates indicate that the MIS 11 high sea stand likely was at least +. 9. m (relative to present sea level) and could have been as high as +. 24. m.
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Geociências, Pós-Graduação em Geologia, 2015.
Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Geociências, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geologia, 2016.
Detrital zircons from Holocene beach sand and igneous zircons from the Cretaceous syenite forming Cape Sines (Western Iberian margin) were dated
using laser ablation – inductively coupled plasma – mass spectrometry. The
U–Pb ages obtained were used for comparison with previous radiometric
data from Carboniferous greywacke, Pliocene–Pleistocene sand and Cretaceous syenite forming the sea cliff at Cape Sines and the contiguous coast.
New U–Pb dating of igneous morphologically simple and complex zircons
from the syenite of the Sines pluton suggests that the history of zircon crystallization was more extensive (ca 87 to 74 Ma), in contrast to the findings of
previous geochronology studies (ca 76 to 74 Ma). The U–Pb ages obtained in
Holocene sand revealed a wide interval, ranging from the Cretaceous to the
Archean, with predominance of Cretaceous (37%), Palaeozoic (35%) and
Neoproterozoic (19%) detrital-zircon ages. The paucity of round to subrounded grains seems to indicate a short transportation history for most of
the Cretaceous zircons (ca 95 to 73 Ma) which are more abundant in the
beach sand that was sampled south of Cape Sines. Comparative analysis
using the Kolmogorov–Smirnov statistical method, analysing sub-populations separately, suggests that the zircon populations of the Carboniferous
and Cretaceous rocks forming the sea cliff were reproduced faithfully in
Quaternary sand, indicating sediment recycling. The similarity of the pre-
Cretaceous ages (>ca 280 Ma) of detrital zircons found in Holocene sand, as
compared with Carboniferous greywacke and Pliocene–Pleistocene sand, provides support for the hypothesis that detritus was reworked into the beach
from older sedimentary rocks exposed along the sea cliff. The largest percentage of Cretaceous zircons (
The late Paleozoic collision between Gondwana and Laurussia resulted in the polyphase deformation and magmatism that characterizes the Iberian Massif of the Variscan orogen. In the Central Iberian Zone, initial con- tinental thickening (D1; folding and thrusting) was followed by extensional orogenic collapse (D2) responsible for the exhumation of high-grade rocks coeval to the emplacement of granitoids. This study presents a tectonometamorphic analysis of the Trancoso-Pinhel region (Central Iberian Zone) to ex- plain the processes in place during the transition froman extension-dominated state (D2) to a compression-dom- inated one (D3).Wereveal the existence of low-dipping D2 extensional structures later affected by several pulses of subhorizontal shortening, each of them typified by upright folds and strike-slip shearing (D3, D4 and D5, as identified by superimposition of structures). The D2 Pinhel extensional shear zone separates a low-grade domain from an underlying high-grade domain, and it contributed to the thermal reequilibration of the orogen by facil- itating heat advection from lower parts of the crust, crustal thinning, decompression melting, and magma intru- sion. Progressive lessening of the gravitational disequilibrium carried out by this D2 shear zone led to a switch from subhorizontal extension to compression and the eventual cessation and capture of the Pinhel shear zone by strike-slip tectonics during renewed crustal shortening. High-grade domains of the Pinhel shear zone were folded together with low-grade domains to define the current upright folded structure of the Trancoso-Pinhel re- gion, the D3 Tamames-Marofa-Sátão synform. Newdating of syn-orogenic granitoids (SHRIMP U\\Pb zircon dat- ing) intruding the Pinhel shear zone, together with the already published ages of early extensional fabrics constrain the functioning of this shear zone to ca. 331–311 Ma, with maximum tectonomagmatic activity at ca. 321–317 Ma. The capture and apparent cessation of movement of the Pinhel shear zone occurred at ca. 317– 311 Ma.
Since 1964, the Center for Geochronological Research - CPGeo, one of the interdepartmental centers of the Instituto de Geociências (IG) of São Paulo University, has developed studies related to several geological processes associated with different rock types. Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometry Isotopic Dilution (ID-TIMS) has been the technique widely used in the CPGeo U-Pb Laboratory. It provides reliable and accurate results in age determination of superposed events. However, the open-system behavior such as Pb-loss, the inheritance problem and metamictization processes allow and impel us to a much richer understanding of the power and limitations of U-Pb geochronology and thermochronology. In this article, we present the current methodology used at the CPGeo-IGc-USP U-Pb laboratory, the improvements on ID-TIMS method, and report high-precision U-Pb data from zircon, monazite, epidote, titanite, baddeleyite and rutile from different rock types of several domains of the Brazilian south-southeast area, Argentina and Uruguay.
Petrogenetic models for the origin of lamproites are evaluated using new major element, trace element, and Sr, Nd, and Pb isotope data for Holocene lamproites from the Gaussberg volcano in the East Antarctic Shield. Gaussberg lamproites exhibit very unusual Pb isotope compositions (Pb-206/Pb-204 = 17.44-17.55 and Pb-207/Pb-204 = 15.56-15.63), which in common Pb isotope space plot above mantle evolution lines and to the left of the meteorite isochron. Combined with very unradiogenic Nd, such compositions are shown to be inconsistent with an origin by melting of sub-continental lithospheric mantle. Instead, a model is proposed in which late Archaean continent-derived sediment is subducted as K-hollandite and other ultra-high-pressure phases and sequestered in the Transition Zone (or lower mantle) where it is effectively isolated for 2-3 Gyr. The high Pb-207/Pb-204 ratio is thus inherited from ancient continent-derived sediment, and the relatively low Pb-206/Pb-204 ratio is the result of a single stage of U/Pb fractionation by subduction-related U loss during slab dehydration. Sr and Nd isotope ratios, and trace element characteristics (e.g. Nb/Ta ratios) are consistent with sediment subduction and dehydration-related fractionation. Similar models that use variable time of isolation of subducted sediment can be derived for all lamproites. Our interpretation of lamproite sources has important implications for ocean island basalt petrogenesis as well as the preservation of geochemically anomalous reservoirs in the mantle.
We present whole-rock and zircon rare earth element (REE) data from two early Archaean gneisses (3.81 Ga and 3.64 Ga) from the Itsaq gneiss complex, south-west Greenland. Both gneisses represent extremely rare examples of unaltered, fresh and relatively undeformed igneous rocks of such antiquity. Cathodoluminescence imaging of their zircons indicates a single crystallisation episode with no evidence for either later metamorphic and/or anatectic reworking or inheritance of earlier grains. Uniform, single-population U/Pb age data confirm the structural simplicity of these zircons. One sample, a 3.64 Ga granodioritic gneiss from the Gothabsfjord, yields a chondrite-normalised REE pattern with a positive slope from La to Lu as well as substantial positive Ce and slight negative Eu anomalies, features generally considered to be typical of igneous zircon. In contrast, the second sample, a 3.81 Ga tonalite from south of the Isua Greenstone Belt, has variable but generally much higher light REE abundances, with similar middle to heavy REE. Calculation of zircon/melt distribution coefficients (D-REE(zircon/melt)) from each sample yields markedly different values for the trivalent REE (i.e. Ce and Eu omitted) and simple application of one set of D-REE(zircon/melt) to model the melt composition for the other sample yields concentrations that are in error by up to two orders of magnitude for the light REE (La-Nd). The observed light REE overabundance in the 3.81 Ga tonalite is a commonly observed feature in terrestrial zircons for which a number of explanations ranging from lattice strain to disequilibrium crystallisation have been proposed and are further investigated herein. Regardless of the cause of light REE overabundance, our study shows that simple application of zircon/melt distribution coefficients is not an unambiguous method for ascertaining original melt composition. In this context, recent studies that use REE data to claim that > 4.3 Ga Hadean detrital zircons originally crystallised from an evolved magma, in turn suggesting the operation of geological processes in the early Earth analogous to those of the present day (e.g. subduction and melting of hydrated oceanic crust), must be regarded with caution. Indeed, comparison of terrestrial Hadean and > 3.9 Ga lunar highland zircons shows remarkable similarities in the light REE, even though subduction processes that have been used to explain the terrestrial zircons have never operated on the Moon. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Crystallization temperatures of the oceanic carbonatites of Fuerteventura, Canary Islands, have been determined from oxygen isotope fractionations between calcite, silicate minerals (feldspar, pyroxene, biotite, and zircon) and magnetite. The measured fractionations have been interpreted in the light of late stage interactions with meteoric and/or magmatic water. Cathodoluminescence characteristics were investigated for the carbonatite minerals in order to determine the extent of alteration and to select unaltered samples. Oxygen isotope fractionations of minerals of unaltered samples yield crystallization temperatures between 450 and 960degreesC (average 710degreesC). The highest temperature is obtained from pyroxene-calcite pairs. The above range is in agreement with other carbonatite thermometric Studies. This is the first study that provides oxygen isotope data coupled with a CL study on carbonatite-related zircon. The CL pictures revealed that the zircon is broken and altered in the carbonatites and in associated syenites. Regarding geological field evidences of syenite-carbonatite relationship and the close agreement of published zircon U/Pb and whole rock and biotite K/Ar and Ar-Ar age data, the most probable process is early zircon crystallization from the syenite magma and late-stage reworking during magma evolution and carbonatite segregation. The oxygen isotope fractionations between zircon and other carbonatite minerals (calcite and pyroxene) support the assumption that the zircon would correspond to the early crystallization of syenite-carbonatite magmas.
High Precision U-Pb zircon and monazite dating in the Aiguilles Rouges-Mont Blanc area allowed discrimination of three short-lived bimodal magmatic pulses: the early 332 Ma Mg-K Pormenaz monzonite and associated 331 Ma peraluminous Montees Pelissier monzogranite; the 307 Ma cordierite-bearing peraluminous Vallorcine and Fully intrusions; and the 303 Fe-K Mont Blanc syenogranite. All intruded syntectonically along major-scale transcurrent faults at a time when the substratum was experiencing tectonic exhumation, active erosion recorded in detrital basins and isothermal decompression melting dated at 327-320 Ma. Mantle activity and magma mixing are evidenced in all plutons by coeval mafic enclaves, stocks and synplutonic dykes. Both crustal and mantle sources evolve through time, pointing to an increasingly warm continental crust and juvenile asthenospheric mantle sources. This overall tectono-magmatic evolution is interpreted in a scenario of post-collisional restoration to normal size of a thickened continental lithosphere. The latter re-equilibrates through delamination and/or erosion of its mantle root and tectonic exhumation/erosion in an overall extensional regime. Extension is related to either gravitational collapse or back-are extension of a distant subduction zone.
New high-precision U/Pb geochronology from volcanic ashes shows that the Triassic-Jurassic boundary and end-Triassic biological crisis from two independent marine stratigraphic sections correlate with the onset of terrestrial flood volcanism in the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province to <150 ka. This narrows the correlation between volcanism and mass extinction by an order of magnitude for any such catastrophe in Earth history. We also show that a concomitant drop and rise in sea level and negative delta C-13 spike in the very latest Triassic occurred locally in <290 ka. Such rapid sea-level fluctuations on a global scale require that global cooling and glaciation were closely associated with the end-Triassic extinction and potentially driven by Central Atlantic Magmatic Province volcanism.
Ophiolites occur at several places in the Lower Penninic of the W and Central Alps. They are generally ascribed to oceanic crust of a so-called ``Valais ocean'' of Cretaceous age which plays a fundamental role in many models of Alpine paleogeography and geodynamics. The type locality and only observational base for the definition of a ``Valais ocean'' in the W Alps is the Versoyen ophiolitic complex, on the French-Italian boundary W of the Petit St-Bernard col. The idea of a "Valais ocean'' is based on two propositions that are since 40 years the basis for most reconstructions of the Lower Penninic: (1) The Versoyen forms the (overturned) stratigraphic base of the Cretaceous-Tertiary Valais-Tarentaise series; and (2) it has a Cretaceous age. We present new field and isotopic data that severely challenge both propositions. (1) The base of the Versoyen ophiolite is a thrust. It overlies a wildflysch with blocks of Versoyen rocks, named the Mechandeur Formation. This ``supra-Tarentaise'' wildflysch has been confused with an (overturned) stratigraphic transition from the Versoyen to the Valais-Tarentaise series. Thus the contact Versoyen/Tarentaise is not stratigraphic but tectonic, and the Versoyen ophiolite has no link with the Valais basin. This thrust corresponds to an inverse metamorphic discontinuity and to an abrupt change in tectonic style. (2) The contact of the Versoyen complex with the overlying Triassic-Jurassic Petit St-Bernard (PSB) series is stratigraphic (and not tectonic as admitted by all authors since 50 years). Several types of sedimentary structures polarize it and show that the PSB series is younger than the Versoyen. Consequently the Versoyen ophiolitic complex is Paleozoic and forms the basement of the PSB Mesozoic sediments. They both belong to a single tectonic unit, named the Versoyen-Petit St-Bernard nappe. (3) Ion microprobe U-Pb isotopic data on zircons from the main gabbroic intrusion in the Versoyen complex give a crystallization age of 337.0 +/- 4.1 Ma (Visean, Early Carboniferous). These zircons show typical oscillatory zoning and no overgrowth or corrosion. and are interpreted to date the Versoyen magmatism. These U-Pb data are in excellent agreement with our field observations and confirm the Paleozoic age of the Versoyen ophiolite. The existence of a ``Valais ocean'' of Cretaceous age in the W Alps becomes very improbable. The eclogite facies metamorphism of the Versoyen-Petit St-Bernard nappe results from an Alpine intra-continental subduction, guided by a Paleozoic oceanic suture. This is an example of the lone term influence of inherited deep-seated structures on a Much younger orogeny. This might well be a major cause of of the inherent complexity of the Alps.
The understanding of sedimentary evolution is intimately related to the knowledge of the exact ages of the sediments. When working on carbonate sediments, age dating is commonly based on paleontological observations and established biozonations, which may prove to be relatively imprecise. Dating by means of strontium isotope ratios in marine bioclasts is the probably best method in order to precisely date carbonate successions, provided that the sample reflects original marine geochemical characteristics. This requires a precise study of the samples including its petrography, SEM and cathodoluminescence observations, stable carbon and oxygen isotope geochemistry and finally the strontium isotope measurement itself. On the Nicoya Peninsula (Northwestern Costa Rica) sediments from the Piedras Blancas Formation, Nambi Formation and Quebrada Pavas Formation were dated by the means of strontium isotope ratios measured in Upper Cretaceous Inoceramus shell fragments. Results have shown average 87Sr/86Sr values of 0.707654 (middle late Campanian) for the Piedras Blancas Formation, 0.707322 (Turonian-Coniacian) for the Nambi Formation and 0.707721 (late Campanian-Maastrichtian) for the Quebrada Pavas Formation. Abundant detrital components in the studied formations constitute a difficulty to strontium isotope dating. In fact, the fossil bearing sediments can easily contaminate the target fossil with strontium mobilized form basalts during diagenesis and thus the obtained strontium isotope ratios may be influenced significantly and so will the obtained ages. The new and more precise age assignments allow for more precision in the chronostratigraphic chart of the sedimentary and tectonic evolution of the Nicoya Peninsula, providing a better insight on the evolution of this region. Meteor Cruise M81 dredged shallow water carbonates from the Hess Rise and Hess Escarpment during March 2010. Several of these shallow water carbonates contain abundant Larger Foraminifera that indicates an Eocene-Oligocene age. In this study the strontium isotope values ranging from 0.707847 to 0.708238 can be interpreted as a Rupelian to Chattian age of these sediments. These platform sediments are placed on seamounts, now located at depths reaching 1600 m. Observation of sedimentologic characteristics of these sediments has helped to resolve apparent discrepancies between fossil and strontium isotope ages. Hence, it is possible to show that the subsidence was active during early Miocene times. On La Désirade (Guadeloupe France), the Neogene to Quaternary carbonate cover has been dated by microfossils and some U/Th-ages. Disagreements subsisted in the paleontological ages of the formations. Strontium isotope ratios ranging from 0.709047 to 0.709076 showed the Limestone Table of La Désirade to range from an Early Pliocene to Late Pliocene/early Pleistocene age. A very late Miocene age (87Sr/86Sr =0.709013) can be determined to the Detrital Offshore Limestone. The flat volcanic basement had to be eroded by wave-action during a long-term stable relative sea-level. Sediments of the Table Limestone on La Désirade show both low-stand and high-stand facies that encroach on the igneous basement, implying deposition during a major phase of subsidence creating accommodation space. Subsidence is followed by tectonic uplift documented by fringing reefs and beach rocks that young from the top of the Table Limestone (180 m) towards the present coastline. Strontium isotope ratios from two different fringing reefs (0.707172 and 0.709145) and from a beach rock (0.709163) allow tentative dating, (125ky, ~ 400ky, 945ky) and indicate an uplift rate of about 5cm/ky for this time period of La Désirade Island. The documented subsidence and uplift history calls for a new model of tectonic evolution of the area.