296 resultados para Tunica Intima


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O HDL-c é um fator de risco cardiovascular negativo e sua concentração plasmática apresenta relação inversa com a incidência de eventos cardiovasculares. Entretanto, as evidências relativas ao grupo de indivíduos com níveis de HDL-c acima do percentil 95 da população geral ainda são escassas e o impacto da hiperalfalipoproteinemia (HALP) sobre o risco cardiovascular continua representando motivo de controvérsia na literatura médica. Alguns estudos em populações específicas associam a HALP a aumento do risco cardiovascular. Ao mesmo tempo, outros estudos identificaram populações de indivíduos hipoalfalipoproteinêmicos com marcada longevidade. Assim, demonstrou-se aparente dissociação entre níveis de HDL-c e risco cardiovascular em determinadas populações, reconduzível a aspectos disfuncionais da HDL. O objetivo do presente estudo foi verificar o papel da HALP na determinação do risco cardiovascular; comparar a prevalência de doença cardiovascular subclínica, avaliada por meio da quantificação ultrassonográfica da Espessura Íntimo-Medial Carotídea (EIMC), entre portadores de HDL-c >= 90mg/dL (grupo HALP) e portadores de concentrações de HDL-c atualmente consideradas normais (entre 40 e 50mg/dL para os homens e entre 50 e 60mg/dL para as mulheres); e avaliar características e função da HDL em portadores de HALP por meio do estudo de sua composição, de sua capacidade de efluxo de colesterol, e de sua atividade anti-inflamatória e antioxidante, correlacionando estas características com a presença de doença cardiovascular subclínica avaliada por meio da determinação da EIMC, da Velocidade de Onda de Pulso (VOP) e da presença de Calcificação Arterial Coronariana (CAC) avaliada pela TCMD. Para responder estas perguntas, o presente estudo foi articulado em dois braços: Braço 1: Análise da coorte do estudo ELSA com o objetivo de determinar a prevalência de HALP em uma população geral; definir o perfil demográfico, antropométrico e metabólico dos portadores de HALP; e comparar a prevalência de doença vascular subclínica deste grupo com controles da mesma coorte com níveis normais de HDL-colesterol. Braço 2: Recrutamento de 80 voluntários hígidos e portadores de HALP para avaliação da correlação entre presença de doença vascular subclínica, e aspectos estruturais e funcionais da HDL. Em seus dois braços, o estudo levou a quatro conclusões principais: 1) Níveis marcadamente elevados de HDL-c estão associados a menor espessura íntimo-medial carotídea quando comparados a níveis de HDL-c considerados normais pelas diretrizes vigentes. Embora portadores do fenótipo HALP apresentem, como grupo, um perfil metabólico mais favorável que o encontrado em indivíduos com HDL-c normal, a associação entre EIMC e HALP foi independente dos fatores de risco tradicionais, indicando que a menor prevalência destes últimos em portadores de HDL-c marcadamente elevado justifica apenas parcialmente a menor prevalência de doença vascular subclínica neste grupo; 2) Embora a HALP se apresente como um fenótipo ateroprotetor, há indivíduos com níveis marcadamente elevados de HDL-c que evoluem com doença cardiovascular, clínica ou subclínica. Neste contexto, nossos resultados indicam correlação entre os três métodos avaliados para estudar doença vascular subclínica em portadores de HALP: EIMC, VOP e CAC; 3) Os fatores de risco tradicionais continuam exercendo seu peso na determinação do risco cardiovascular em portadores de HALP. Idade, tabagismo, hipertensão arterial, hipertrigliceridemia e altos níveis de LDL-c apresentaram associação estatisticamente significativa com a presença de doença vascular subclínica no grupo estudado; 4) A avaliação da composição e da função da HDL em portadores de HALP pode permitir identificar indivíduos especificamente mais suscetíveis à aterosclerose. Nossos resultados indicam que, em particular, a atividade anti-inflamatória da HDL, avaliada pela capacidade de inibição da produção de IL-6; o efluxo de colesterol e a capacidade de transferência de triglicérides apresentaram associação independente com menor espessura íntimo-medial carotídea em portadores de HALP, enquanto níveis mais altos de Apo A-IV se associaram a maior grau de doença cardiovascular subclínica


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La docencia es el conjunto de procesos y actividades por las que los humanos adquirimos, elaboramos y transmitimos conocimiento, lo que se traduce en cambios del comportamiento de los sujetos implicados en este proceso. Por conocimiento entendemos cómo los organismos nos “afectamos”, al interaccionar con el mundo y como nos “enfrentamos” a él para entenderlo y manipularlo, para adaptarnos y sobrevivir. Por lo tanto, el conocimiento no es una mera abstracción o representación mental. Supone, tanto la puesta en marcha de actividades corporales o conductas como la afectación profunda e intima del yo individual, en forma de vivencias. La gestión de la docencia y del conocimiento variará dependiendo del nivel en el que intervengamos: el nivel de lo cotidiano, de lo normativo o de las creencias. Tres son las principales creencias que condicionan la docencia y el conocimiento actual: las fisicalistas que consideran el conocimiento como un objeto sometido a las leyes de la física, las economicistas que lo reducen a mera mercancía y finalmente las procusteanas, organizadas alrededor de rígidos valores burocráticos, intolerancia y pensamiento autoritario. En nuestra opinión, sólo las modificaciones en el nivel de las creencias podrán mejorar cualitativamente tanto la docencia como el conocimiento.


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Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014


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OBJECTIVE Type A aortic dissection is a life-threatening disease requiring immediate surgical treatment. With emerging catheter-based technologies, endovascular stent-graft implantation to treat aneurysms and dissections has become a standardized procedure. However, endovascular treatment of the ascending aorta remains challenging. Thus we designed an ascending aortic dissection model to allow simulation of endovascular treatment. METHODS Five formalin-fixed human aortas were prepared. The ascending aorta was opened semicircularly in the middle portion and the medial layer was separated from the intima. The intimal tube was readapted using running monofilament sutures. The preparations were assessed by 128-slice computed tomography. A bare-metal stent was implanted for thoracic endovascular aortic repair in 4 of the aortic dissection models. RESULTS Separation of the intimal and medial layer of the aorta was considered to be sufficient because computed tomography showed a clear image of the dissection membrane in each aorta. The dissection was located 3.9 ± 1.4 cm proximally from the aortic annulus, with a length of 4.6 ± 0.9 cm. Before stent implantation, the mean distance from the intimal flap to the aortic wall was measured as 0.63 ± 0.163 cm in the ascending aorta. After stent implantation, this distance decreased to 0.26 ± 0.12 cm. CONCLUSION This model of aortic dissection of the ascending human aorta was reproducible with a comparable pathological and morphological appearance. The technique and model can be used to evaluate new stent-graft technologies to treat type A dissection and facilitate training for surgeons.


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Una palabra.--Las cumbres inaccesibles.--La vida intima de Marie Goetz.--Horas perdidas.--Juventud.--Las rimas de Lorenzo Stecchetti.--Cuesta arriba.--El Japón moderno.--Un hermoso libro.--Algo sobre Iris.--Impresiones de capítulo.--Almas y panoramas.--Antonio Fogazzaro.--Buen humor.--La disputa del monumento.--Una alegria nueva.--Entre millares de libros.--A la hora del angelus.--El Convento máximo de San Francisco.


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Edited by John Lindquist.


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Studiet av post-sovjetisk litauisk emigrantlitteratur är ett forskningsområde som har vuxit fram först de senaste åren. Forskningen har hittills fokuserats på hur litauiska emigranter bevarar eller inte bevarar sin litauiska identitet utanför hemlandet. Denna uppsats har en annan inriktning. Med utgångspunkt från de kronotopmodeller som tagits fram av litteratur-vetaren Juris Rozītis analyseras två böcker av litauiska författare som skriver om liv i Storbritannien respektive Irland med syfte att undersöka hur det upplevda emigrantlivet framställs. Forskningsfrågorna är: Hur avbildas emigrantlivet i post-sovjetisk litauisk emigrantlitteratur? Hur skiljer sig den avbildning från den som framkommer i lettisk efterkrigslitteratur? Den nya ”Inspärrad i det nya landet”-modellen visar sig vara mycket lik en av Rozītis modeller, dock inte den som avbildar livet i det nya landet utan den modell som avbildar livet i flyktinglägren. ”Inspärrad i det nya landet”-modellen visar hur emigranterna lever i värld där det inte finns utrymme för det egna jaget eller intima förhållanden. De lever i en grå zon. I det nya landet men inte riktigt en del av det nya landet. Den närmaste omgivningen utgörs av andra som är marginaliserade i samhället: andra migranter, kriminella osv. Emigranterna är inspärrade i denna gråa zon. De stängs in av ett osynligt men ändå påtagligt stängsel mellan dem och det inhemska samhället. En väsentlig skillnad mot Rozitis flyktinglägersmodellen är dock att banden till hemlandet inte har skurits av utan utgör en levande del av emigrantens liv.


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Objective: Our previous studies showed that the pleiotropic cytokine leukaemia inhibitory factor (LIF) inhibits the de novo formation of experimental atherosclerotic lesions. The present study examined whether LIF also inhibits progression of pre-existing atheroma. Methods: Balloon angioplasty was performed on the right carotid arteries of 18 rabbits immediately before placing animals on a cholesterol-enriched diet. After 4 weeks, at which time the intima:media ratio (IN) was 0.99+/-0.12 (n=6), osmotic minipumps containing LIF (n=6) or saline control n=6) were inserted into the peritoneal cavity of each of the remaining rabbits for a further 4 weeks. Arteries were then harvested for analysis. Results: Continuous administration of LIF for the final 4 weeks of an 8-week cholesterol-enriched diet completely inhibited lesion progression in injured carotid arteries (I:M 1.05+/-0.16) compared with the saline-treated group at 8 weeks (1.62+/-0.13; P


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Casein is a major protein in cow's milk that occurs in several variant forms, two of which are beta-casein A(1) and beta-casein A(2). The levels of these two proteins vary considerably in milk dependent on the breed of cow, and epidemiology studies suggest that there is a relationship between their consumption and the degree of atherosclerosis. In the present study, the direct effect of consumption of beta-casein A(1) vs beta-casein A(2) on atherosclerosis development was examined in a rabbit model. Sixty rabbits had their right carotid artery balloon de-endothelialised at t = 0, divided randomly into 10 groups (n = 6 per group), then for 6 weeks fed a diet containing 0, 5, 10 or 20% casein isolate, either beta-casein variant A(1) or A(2) made up to 20% milk protein with whey. Some groups had their diets supplemented with 0.5% cholesterol. Blood samples were collected at t = 0, 3 and 6 weeks and rabbits were sacrificed at t = 6 weeks. In the absence of dietary cholesterol, beta-casein A(1) produced significantly higher (P < 0.05) serum cholesterol, LDL, HDL and triglyceride levels than whey diet alone, which in turn produced higher levels than beta-casein A(2). Rabbits fed beta-casein A(1) had a higher percent surface area of aorta covered by fatty streaks than those fed beta-casein A(2) (5.2+/-0.81 vs 1.1+/-0.39, P < 0.05) and the thickness of the fatty streak lesions in the aortic arch was significantly higher (0.04+/-0.010 vs 0.00, P < 0.05). Similarly, the intima to media ratio (I:M) of the balloon injured carotid arteries in A(1) fed animals (0.77+/-0.07) was higher than in those that consumed A(2) (0.57+/-0.04) or whey (0.58+/-0.04), but this did not reach significance. In the presence of 0.5% dietary cholesterol, the thickness of the aortic arch lesions was higher (P < 0.05) in 5, 10 and 20% casein A(1) fed animals compared with their A(2) counterparts, while other parameters were not significantly different. It is concluded that beta-casein A(1)is atherogenic compared with beta-casein A(2). (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Background: Brachial artery reactivity (BAR), carotid intima-media thickness (IMT), and applanation tonometry for evaluation of total arterial compliance may provide information about preclinical vascular disease. We sought to determine whether these tests could be used to identify patients with coronary artery disease (CAD) without being influenced by their ability to identify those at risk ford CAD developing. Methods: We studied 100 patients and compared 3 groups: 35 patients with known CAD; 34 patients with symptoms and risk factors but no CAD identified by stress echocardiography (risk group); and 31 control subjects. BAR and IMT were measured using standard methods, and total arterial compliance was calculated by the pulse-pressure method from simultaneous radial applanation tonometry and pulsed wave Doppler of the left ventricular outflow. Ischemia was identified as a new or worsening wall-motion abnormality induced by stress. Results: In a comparison between the control subjects and patients either at risk for developing CAD or with CAD, the predictors of risk for CAD were: age (P = .01); smoking history (P = .002); hypercholesterolemia (P = .002); and hypertension (P = .004) (model R = 0.82; P = .0001). The independent predictors of CAD were: IMT (P = .001); BAR (P = .04); sex (P = .005); and hypertension (P = .005) (model R = 0.80; P = .0001). Conclusion: IMT, BAR, and traditional cardiovascular risk factors appear to identify patients at risk for CAD developing. However, only IMT was significantly different between patients at risk for developing CAD and those with overt CAD.


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OBJECTIVES We sought to assess the prognostic utility of brachial artery reactivity (BAR) in patients at risk of cardiovascular events. BACKGROUND Impaired flow-mediated vasodilation measured by BAR is a marker of endothelial dysfunction. Brachial artery reactivity is influenced by risk factors and is responsive to various pharmacological and other treatments. However, its prognostic importance is uncertain, especially relative to other predictors of outcome. METHODS A total of 444 patients were prospectively enrolled to undergo BAR and follow-up. These patients were at risk of cardiovascular events, based on the presence of risk factors or known or suspected cardiovascular disease. We took a full clinical history, performed BAR, and obtained carotid intima-media thickness (IMT) and left ventricular mass and ejection fraction. Patients were followed up for cardiovascular events and all-cause mortality. Multivariate Cox regression analysis was performed to assess the independent association of investigation variables on outcomes. RESULTS The patients exhibited abnormal BAR (5.2 +/- 6.1% [mean +/- SD]) but showed normal nitrate-mediated dilation (9.9 +/- 7.2%) and normal mean IMT (0.67 +/- 0.12 mm [average]). Forty-nine deaths occurred over the median follow-up period of 24 months (interquartile range 10 to 34). Patients in the lowest tertile group of BAR (<2%) had significantly more events than those in the combined group of highest and mid-tertiles (p = 0.029, log-rank test). However, mean IMT (rather than flow-mediated dilation) was the vascular factor independently associated with mortality, even in the subgroup (n = 271) with no coronary artery disease and low risk. CONCLUSIONS Brachial artery reactivity is lower in patients with events, but is not an independent predictor of cardiovascular outcomes in this cohort of patients. (C) 2004 by the American College of Cardiology Foundation.


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Rates of cardiovascular and renal disease in Australian Aboriginal communities are high, but we do not know the contribution of inflammation to these diseases in this setting. In the present study, we sought to examine the distribution of C-reactive protein (CRP) and other markers of inflammation and their relationships with cardiovascular risk markers and renal disease in a remote Australian Aboriginal community. The study included 237 adults (58% of the adult population) in a remote Aboriginal community in the Northern Territory of Australia. Main outcome measures were CRP, fibrinogen and lgG concentrations, blood pressure (BP), presence of diabetes, lipids, albuminuria, seropositivity to three common micro-organisms, as well as carotid intima-media thickness (IMT). Serum concentrations of CRP [7 (5-13) mg/l; median (inter-quartile range)] were markedly increased and were significantly correlated with fibrinogen and lgG concentrations and inversely correlated with serum albumin concentration. Higher CRP concentrations were associated with lgG seropositivity to Helicobacter pylori and Chlamydia pneumoniae and higher lgG titre for cytomegalovirus. Higher CRP concentrations were associated with the following: the 45-54-year age group, female subjects, the presence of skin sores, higher body mass index, waist circumference, BP, glycated haemoglobin and greater albuminuria. CRP concentrations increased with the number of cardiovascular risk factors, carotid IMT and albuminuria independently of other risk factors. These CRP concentrations were markedly higher than described in other community settings and are probably related, in a large part, to chronic and repeated infections. Their association with markers of cardiovascular risk and renal disease are compatible with the high rates of cardiovascular and renal disease in this community, and provide more evidence of strong links between these conditions, through a shared background of infection/inflammation. This suggests that a strong focus on prevention and management of infections will be important in reducing these conditions, in addition to interventions directed at more traditional risk factors.


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The effects of short-term fasting and prolonged fasting during aestivation on the morphology of the proximal small intestine and associated organs were investigated in the green-striped burrowing frog, Cyclorana alboguttata (Anura: Hylidae). Animals were fasted for 1 week while active or for 3-9 months during aestivation. Short-duration fasting (1 week) had little effect on the morphology of the small intestine, whilst prolonged fasting during aestivation induced marked enteropathy including reductions in intestinal mass, length and diameter, longitudinal fold height and tunica muscularis thickness. Enterocyte morphology was also affected markedly by prolonged fasting: enterocyte cross-sectional area and microvillous height were reduced during aestivation, intercellular spaces were visibly reduced and the prevalence of lymphocytes amongst enterocytes was increased. Mitochondria and nuclei were also affected by 9 months of aestivation with major disruptions to mitochondrial cristae and increased clumping of nuclear material and increased infolding of the nuclear envelope. The present study demonstrates that the intestine of an aestivating frog responds to prolonged food deprivation during aestivation by reducing in size, presumably to reduce the energy expenditure of the organ.