987 resultados para Tucson-Melbourne


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Background People suffering different types of stroke have differing demographic characteristics and survival. However, current estimates of disease burden are based on the same underlying assumptions irrespective of stroke type. We hypothesized that average Quality Adjusted Life Years (QALYs) lost from stroke would be different for ischemic stroke and intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH).

Methods We used 1 and 5-year data collected from patients with first-ever stroke participating in the North East Melbourne Stroke Incidence Study (NEMESIS). We calculated case fatality rates, health-adjusted life expectancy, and quality-of-life (QoL) weights specific to each age and gender category. Lifetime 'health loss' for first-ever ischemic stroke and ICH surviving 28-days for the 2004 Australian population cohort was then estimated. Multivariable uncertainty analyses and sensitivity analyses (SA) were used to assess the impact of varying input parameters e.g. case fatality and QoL weights.

Results Paired QoL data at 1 and 5 years were available for 237 NEMESIS participants. Extrapolating NEMESIS rates, 31,539 first-ever strokes were expected for Australia in 2004. Average discounted (3%) QALYs lost per first-ever stroke were estimated to be 5.09 (SD 0.20; SA 5.49) for ischemic stroke (n = 27,660) and 6.17 (SD 0.26; SA 6.45) for ICH (n = 4,291; p < 0.001). QALYs lost also differed according to gender for both subtypes (ischemic stroke: males 4.69 SD 0.38, females 5.51 SD 0.46; ICH: males 5.82 SD 0.67, females 6.50 SD 0.40).

Discussion People with ICH incurred greater loss of health over a lifetime than people with ischemic stroke. This is explained by greater stroke related case fatality at a younger age, but longer life expectancy with disability after the first 12 months for people with ICH. Thus, studies of disease burden in stroke should account for these differences between subtype and gender. Otherwise, in countries where ICH is more common, health loss for stroke may be underestimated. Similar to other studies of this type, the generalisability of the results may be limited. Sensitivity and uncertainty analyses were used to provide a plausible range of variation for Australia. In countries with demographic and life expectancy characteristics comparable to Australia, our QoL weights may be reasonably applicable.


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Background Medication side effects are an important cause of morbidity, mortality and costs in older people. The aim of our study was to examine prevalence and risk factors for self-reported medication side effects in an older cohort living independently in the community.

Methods The Melbourne Longitudinal Study on Healthy Ageing (MELSHA), collected information on those aged 65 years or older living independently in the community and commenced in 1994. Data on medication side effects was collected from the baseline cohort (n = 1000) in face-to-face baseline interviews in 1994 and analysed as cross-sectional data. Risk factors examined were: socio-demographics, health status and medical conditions; medication use and health service factors. Analysis included univariate logistic regression to estimate unadjusted risk and multivariate logistic regression analysis to assess confounding and estimate adjusted risk.

Results Self-reported medication side effects were reported by approximately 6.7% (67/1000) of the entire baseline MELSHA cohort, and by 8.5% (65/761) of those on medication. Identified risk factors were increased education level, co-morbidities and health service factors including recency of visiting the pharmacist, attending younger doctors, and their doctor's awareness of their medications. The greatest increase in risk for medication side effects was associated with liver problems and their doctor's awareness of their medications. Aging and gender were not risk factors.

Conclusion Prevalence of self-reported medication side effects was comparable with that reported in adults attending General Practices in a primary care setting in Australia. The prevalence and identified risk factors provide further insight and opportunity to develop strategies to address the problem of medication side effects in older people living independently in the community setting.


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PURPOSE. To develop a new test of activities of daily living (ADLs) appropriate for the low-vision population: the Melbourne Low-Vision ADL Index (MLVAI).

METHODS. The MLVAI was designed as a desk-based clinical assessment, comprising 18 observed items on complex ADLs in part (a) and 9 questions on broad self-care ADLs in part (b). Each item was rated on a five-level descriptive scale from 0 to 4, based on independence, speed, and accuracy of performance. It was designed to be administered under standardized conditions with regard to the instructions, illumination, and working distances. The validity and reliability of the new MLVAI was determined for 122 subjects who were representative of the general low-vision population, in a cross-sectional study.

RESULTS. Two items were found to be redundant and were eliminated from the test. Thus, the final test comprised 25 items, with 100 being the highest possible score. Cronbach’s α indicated an internal reliability of 0.96, and an intraclass correlation coefficient indicated an overall reliability of 0.95. The SE of measurement was 4.5. According to Spearman’s correlation coefficient, the test–retest reliability was 0.94 (P < 0.001), and the interpractitioner reliability for five different pairs of practitioners was 0.90 or higher (P < 0.001). With regard to validity, there was a moderately high correlation with vision impairment (r = −0.68, P < 0.001). Using Rasch analysis, content validity was also demonstrated by good separation indexes (4.70 and 9.88) and high reliability scores (0.96 and 0.99) for the person and items parameters, respectively. Separate calculation of indexes and reliability scores for parts (a) and (b) indicated high content validity and reliability of each part. However, the separation indexes and reliability scores were higher for part (a) than for part (b). The correlation coefficient for part (a) and part (b) was 0.68.

CONCLUSIONS. The MLVAI is a highly valid and reliable standardized test of ADL performance for the general low-vision population. It may be used to assess patients with low vision and has the potential to be used as a measure of low-vision rehabilitation outcomes.


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Purpose. The purposes of the study were to investigate the test-retest reliability and the validity of new versions of the Melbourne Edge Test (MET) and the High/Low Contrast Visual Acuity (H/LCVA) chart and to investigate the agreement between the original and new versions.

Methods. The MET original photographic version, MET new light box version, H/LCVA Chart original photographic version, H/LCVA Chart new printed version, and the Pelli-Robson chart were administered twice to one eye of 22 subjects with low vision and 20 soft contact lenses wearers.

Results. For the low vision group, the test-retest 95% limits of agreement were ±5.2 dB for the MET new light box version and ±0.39 logarithm of the minimum angle of resolution (logMAR) for the LCVA component of the H/LCVA new printed version. For the soft contact lens group, the test-retest 95% limits of agreement were ±2.1 dB for the MET new light box version and ± 0.26 logMAR for the LCVA component of the H/LCVA new printed version. Moderate to high correlations were obtained between contrast sensitivity tests, thus providing evidence of validity. Scores obtained for the new test versions were significantly higher than the original versions (p < 0.01).

Conclusions. Of all the tests administered, the MET original photographic version and the Pelli-Robson Chart had the highest test-retest reliability for the low vision group. For the soft contact lens group, the H/LCVA original version (low contrast letters, 18% Weber) and the Pelli-Robson Chart had the highest reliability.


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Purpose. To conduct a preliminary investigation on the ability of the Melbourne Low Vision ADL Index to detect changes in functional ability as a result of low-vision rehabilitation.

Methods. Twenty two subjects with age-related macular degeneration (ARMD) who were newly referred to the Kooyong Low Vision Clinic were recruited. The Melbourne Low Vision ADL Index was administered prerehabilitation and postrehabilitation. Changes in scores and effect size statistics were analyzed.

Results. The median total score for the subjects prerehabilitation was 67, and the median total score postrehabilitation was 76. The difference in prerehabilitation and postrehabilitation scores was statistically significant (Wilcoxon signed rank test = 248.5, p < 0.001). The mean change score for the total Melbourne Low Vision ADL Index was 9.3 (SD, 5.6). Thus the overall effect size statistic (mean change score divided by SD of prerehabilitation score) was 0.78.

Conclusions. This preliminary investigation indicates that the Melbourne Low Vision ADL Index is responsive to a rehabilitation program for patients with ARMD. It has potential to be used as a measure of low-vision rehabilitation outcomes.


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Objective. To develop a version of the Melbourne Low-Vision ADL Index that measures the personal impact of disability in activities of daily living (ADL's). Also, to determine the relationship between clinical measures of vision impairment and disability impact.

Methods. The Melbourne Low-Vision ADL Index (MLVAI) is a desk-based clinical assessment of disability in ADL's. Ability to perform each item is rated on a five-level descriptive scale from zero to four. In this study, the original version of the MLVAI was modified to measure disability impact. The simple modification involved weighting each item by the importance of that item to the person being tested. Importance was also rated on a five-level scale from zero to four. The validity and reliability of the Weighted Melbourne Low-Vision ADL Index (MLVAIW) was determined for 97 vision-impaired subjects in a cross-sectional study.

Results. Cronbach's alpha coefficient indicated an internal reliability of 0.94, and an intraclass correlation coefficient indicated an overall reliability of 0.88. The standard error of measurement was 24.7 points (out of a possible score of 400). There was a statistically significant difference in test scores between normal subjects and vision-impaired subjects. All vision measures had a high, statistically significant correlation with MLVAIW score. Near-word acuity had the strongest correlation (rs = 0.78, p < 0.001), followed by Melbourne Edge Test contrast sensitivity (rs = -0.72, p < 0.001). Visual field had the weakest correlation (rs = -0.52, p < 0.001). The best predictive model of MLVAIW score incorporated the variables age, near-word acuity, and visual field. Together, these variables accounted for 65.1% of the variance in MLVAIW score.

Conclusions. The MLVAI is highly valid and reliable when weighted by a scale that reflects the personal importance of ADL's. The MLVAIW can provide information over and above that obtained with the usual clinical vision measures and may be used to assess low-vision patients and to measure low-vision rehabilitation outcomes. It is suggested that the assessment of disability using the original MLVAI and the assessment of the impact of disability using the MLVAIW should be kept separate to facilitate the clear interpretation of the outcomes of low-vision rehabilitation.


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The diets, physical activity and sedentary behavior levels of both children and adults in Australia are suboptimal. The family environment, as the first ecological niche of children, exerts an important influence on the onset of children's habits. Parent modeling is one part of this environment and a logical focus for child obesity prevention initiatives. The focus on parent's own behaviors provides a potential opportunity to decrease obesity risk behaviors in parents as well.

To assess the effect of a parent-focused early childhood obesity prevention intervention on first-time mothers' diets, physical activity and TV viewing time.

The Melbourne InFANT Program is a cluster-randomized controlled trial which involved 542 mothers over their newborn's first 18 months of life. The intervention focused on parenting skills and strategies, including parental modeling, and aimed to promote development of healthy child and parent behaviors from birth, including healthy diet, increased physical activity and reduced TV viewing time. Data regarding mothers' diet (food frequency questionnaire), physical activity and TV viewing times (self-reported questionnaire) were collected using validated tools at both baseline and post-intervention. Four dietary patterns were derived at baseline using principal components analyses including frequencies of 55 food groups. Analysis of covariance was used to measure the impact of the intervention.

The scores of both the "High-energy snack and processed foods" and the "High-fat foods" dietary patterns decreased more in the intervention group: -0.22 ([MINUS SIGN]0.42;-0.02) and [MINUS SIGN]0.25 ([MINUS SIGN]0.50;-0.01), respectively. No other significant intervention vs. control effects were observed regarding total physical activity, TV viewing time, and the two other dietary patterns, i.e. "Fruits and vegetables" and "Cereals and sweet foods".

These findings suggest that supporting first-time mothers to promote healthy lifestyle behaviors in their infants impacts maternal dietary intakes positively. Further research needs to assess ways in which we might further enhance those lifestyle behaviors not impacted by the InFANT intervention.


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Kingley Henderson was an influential architect and community leader in interwar Melbourne. This biographical study establishes the importance of his contributions to architecture, politics and in the public arena in the 1920s and 30s and restores him to his rightful place in Melbourne's history.


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The thesis concluded that unless a 40% potable water reduction target and water sensitive urban design objectives for infill residential development were mandated, the study from the municipality of Darebin showed that Melbourne could not become a water sensitive city.


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Background : Using two different measures of park area, at three buffer distances, we sought to investigate the ways in which park area and proximity to parks, are related to the frequency of walking (for all purposes) in Australian adults. Little previous research has been conducted in this area, and results of existing research have been mixed.

Methods : Residents of 50 urban areas in metropolitan Melbourne, Australia completed a physical activity survey (n = 2305). Respondents reported how often they walked for >=10 minutes in the previous month. Walking frequency was dichotomised to 'less than weekly' (less than 1/week) and 'at least weekly' (1/week or more). Using Geographic Information Systems, Euclidean buffers were created around each respondent's home at three distances: 400metres (m), 800 m and 1200 m. Total area of parkland in each person's buffer was calculated for the three buffers. Additionally, total area of 'larger parks', (park space >= park with Australian Rules Football oval (17,862 m2)), was calculated for each set of buffers. Area of park was categorised into tertiles for area of all parks, and area of larger parks (the lowest tertile was used as the reference category). Multilevel logistic regression, with individuals nested within areas, was used to estimate the effect of area of parkland on walking frequency.

Results : No statistically significant associations were found between walking frequency and park area (total and large parks) within 400 m of respondent's homes. For total park area within 800 m, the odds of walking at least weekly were lower for those in the mid (OR 0.65, 95% CI 0.46-0.91) and highest (OR 0.65, 95% CI 0.44-0.95) tertile of park area compared to those living in areas with the least amount of park area. Similar results were observed for total park area in the 1200 m buffers. When only larger parks were investigated, again more frequent walking was less likely when respondents had access to a greater amount of park area.

Conclusions : In this study we found that more park area in residential environments reduced the odds of walking more frequently. Other area characteristics such as street connectivity and destinations may underlay these associations by negatively correlating with park area.