933 resultados para Trindade and Martin Vaz Islands


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[EN] The Republic of Cape Verde is situated about 500 km off the coast of Senegal, West Africa. The islands of Sal, Boa Vista and Maio constitute the Eastern group and harbour the most important nesting beaches for loggerhead turtles in the Archipelago. During 1998-2004 nesting seasons, fieldwork has been focused on the eastern beaches of Boa Vista and, occasionally, in other beaches of Boa Vista and in the islands of Maio, Sal and Santa Luzia. The main study area includes a total extension of 3.1 km of suitable nesting beaches. All through these years, a tagging program has been carried out, alongside recording of biological data and monitoring of nests.


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[EN] Five palaeosols, intercalated within the Quaternary dune beds of Fuerteventura and Lanzarote (Canary Islands), off the Moroccan coast, mark wetter climatic episodes. In all of them, billions of calcified insect ootheca testify to past occurrences of Acridian plagues, such as those reaching the western Sahara following heavy rainfall events over the Sahel.


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An IAPT service and a clinical health psychology team piloted a service development providing Step 2 and Step 3 services for individuals with long-term health conditions. Results indicate that such services may be offered with access to specialist training and supervision.


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OBJECTIVE: To test common genetic variants for association with seasonality (seasonal changes in mood and behavior) and to investigate whether there are shared genetic risk factors between psychiatric disorders and seasonality. METHOD: Genome-wide association studies (GWASs) were conducted in Australian (between 1988 and 1990 and between 2010 and 2013) and Amish (between May 2010 and December 2011) samples in whom the Seasonal Pattern Assessment Questionnaire (SPAQ) had been administered, and the results were meta-analyzed in a total sample of 4,156 individuals. Genetic risk scores based on results from prior large GWAS studies of bipolar disorder, major depressive disorder (MDD), and schizophrenia were calculated to test for overlap in risk between psychiatric disorders and seasonality. RESULTS: The most significant association was with rs11825064 (P = 1.7 × 10⁻⁶, β = 0.64, standard error = 0.13), an intergenic single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) found on chromosome 11. The evidence for overlap in risk factors was strongest for schizophrenia and seasonality, with the schizophrenia genetic profile scores explaining 3% of the variance in log-transformed global seasonality scores. Bipolar disorder genetic profile scores were also associated with seasonality, although at much weaker levels (minimum P value = 3.4 × 10⁻³), and no evidence for overlap in risk was detected between MDD and seasonality. CONCLUSIONS: Common SNPs of large effect most likely do not exist for seasonality in the populations examined. As expected, there were overlapping genetic risk factors for bipolar disorder (but not MDD) with seasonality. Unexpectedly, the risk for schizophrenia and seasonality had the largest overlap, an unprecedented finding that requires replication in other populations and has potential clinical implications considering overlapping cognitive deficits in seasonal affective disorders and schizophrenia.


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Carbon capture and storage (CCS) in the oil and water industries is becoming common and a significant consumer of energy typically requiring 150–450 °C and or several hundred bar pressure [1] particularly in geological deposition. A biological carbon capture and conversion has been considered in conventional anaerobic digestion processes. The process has been utilised in biological mixed culture, where acetoclastic bacteria and hydrogenophilic methanogens play a major key role in the utilisation of carbon dioxide. However, the bio catalytic microorganisms, hydrogenophilic methanogens are reported to be unstable with acetoclastic bacteria. In this work the biochemical thermodynamic efficiency was investigated for the stabilisation of the microbial process in carbon capture and utilisation. The authors observed that a thermodynamic efficiency of biological carbon capture and utilisation (BCCU) had 32% of overall reduction in yield of carbon dioxide with complimentary increase of 30% in yield of methane, while the process was overall endothermic. Total consumption of energy (≈0.33 MJ l−1) was estimated for the carbonate solubility (0.1 mol l−1) in batched BCCU. This has a major influence on microbial composition in the bioreactor. This thermodynamic study is an essential tool to aid the understanding of the interactions between operating parameters and the mixed microbial culture.


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The advantages of including a small number of p-type gaussian functions in a floating spherical gaussian orbital calculation are pointed out and illustrated by calculations on molecules which previously have proved to be troublesome. These include molecules such as F2 with multiple lone pairs and C2H2 with multiple bonds. A feature of the results is the excellent correlation between the orbital energies and those of a double zeta calculation reported by Snyder and Basch.


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A small percentage of women present with diagnosed PTSD post childbirth; however, though this an area of increasing research and clinical interest generally, little is known about PTSD in relation to perinatal bereavement. Health professionals must however be aware of the mechanisms and models of loss following perinatal bereavement in order to identify potential mental health phenomena which may be implicated in the development of PTSD symptomology. Understanding the predictive factors which may give early warning signs is an important component of the clinical evidence base. This chapter discusses mechanisms, models, and risk factors in relation to perinatal bereavement and the development of PTSD.


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The publisher regrets to inform the readers that the image that is appearing for Fig. 8 is incorrect and that the Supplementary material is missing on the published paper. The correct image for Fig. 8 and the Supplementary files are provided below: Fig. 8. (a) Timber blocks covered by invented plastic container bottom open, (b) timber blocks in the field after trial, (c) and (d) comparison between resin-coated blocks without termite damage and control blocks which were severely damaged by termites.


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The aim of this thesis was to investigate the electrical and mechanical responses to inhibitory non-adrenergic noncholinergic (NANC) nerve stimulation in the bovine retractor penis muscle (BRP) and compare them with those to an inhibitory extract made from this muscle. The extract may contain the NANC inhibitory transmitter of the BRP and possibly of other smooth muscles. Because of species differences in the electrical response to NANC nerves in the rat and rabbit anococcygeus the effects of the extract on these tissues was also investigated. Prior to the investigation of the extract, both the excitatory and inhibitory responses to field stimulation in the BRP, and the effects of passive membrane potential displacement were studied using conventional intra- or extracellular (sucrose gap) recording techniques. The majority of cells in the BRP were electrically quiescent independent of the resting tone. The most frequent (in approximately 25% of preparations) form of spontaneous activity, oscillations in membrane potential and tone, may represent a pacemaker activity. The BRP had cable properties; the time constant and space constant indicated a high membrane resistance. In the absence of tone, field stimulation of the BRP evoked excitatory junction potentials (ejps) in every cell impaled and contractions, graded with the strength, frequency and number of pulses; spikes were not observed. Guanethidine (1-3 x 10-5M) abolished the ejps and contractions, confirming their adrenergic origin. Noradrenaline added exogenously depolarised and contracted the muscle. These effects were blocked by the a-adrenoceptor antagonists, phentolamine and prazosin. However, phentolamine (2.5x 10-6M) inhibited the contraction without reducing the ejp significantly. These effects may be independent of adrenoceptor blockade or the ejp may be mediated by a substance other than noradrenaline (e.g. ATP) released from adrenergic nerves. Prazosin (1.4 x lO-6M) failed to block either the ejp or contraction, indicating the possible existence of two types of adrenoceptor in the BRP; one activated by neuronally-released and the other by exogenously-added noradrenaline. ATP, a contaminant in the extract, also depolarised and contracted the BRP. Physostigmine reduced whilst atropine enhanced the ejps and contractions without similarly affecting the response to exogenous noradrenaline. This confirmed the presence of a cholinergic inhibitory innervation acting on the excitatory adrenergic fibres (Klinge and Sjostrand, 1977). TEA (1 x lO-4M) enhanced the ejp and contraction. Higher concentrations (0.5 to 10 x 10-3M) depolarised, increased the tone and evoked electrical and mechanical oscillations but no spikes. The depolarisation and contraction to exogenous noradrenaline were not enhanced, indicating that TEA acts on the adrenergic nerves. Some post-synaptic effect to block K+ channels also seems likely. The relationship between ejp amplitude and membrane potential in the double sucrose gap was linear and indicated a reversal potential more positive than -30mV. Electrotonic pulse amplitude decreased during the ejp, indicating an increased membrane conductance. Ejps and contractions were reduced following the replacement of the NaCl of the Krebs solution with sodium glutamate. This may be due to the effects of glutamate itself (e.g. Ca2+ chelation) rather than reduction in the membrane Cl- gradient. Tone usually developed spontaneously and was accompanied by membrane depolarisation (from -53 to -45mV) which may open voltage-dependent channels, causing Ca2+ entry and/or its release from intracellular binding sites. Field stimulation produced inhibitory potentials (ijps) and relaxations graded with the strength and number of pulses but showing little frequency dependence. Rebound depolarisation and contraction often followed the ijp and relaxation. Tetrodotoxin (3 x IO-6M), but not adrenergic or cholinergic antagonists, abolished the ijp and relaxation, confirming their non-adrenergic non-cholinergic neurogenic nature. The extract, prepared and acid-activated as described by Gillespie, Hunter and Martin (1981), hyperpolarised and relaxed the BRP, as did sodium nitroprusside and adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Unlike the activated extract or sodium nitroprusside, desensitisation to ATP occurred rapidly and without any change in the inhibitory electrical or mechanical responses to field stimulation. The ijp and relaxation in the BRP were insensitive to apamin but abolished by oxyhaemoglobin (4-8 x 10-6M), as were the responses to extract and sodium nitroprusside. In TEA (10-2M), field stimulation evoked relaxations with no accompanying electrical change. The ijp may be unconnected with or additional to another mechanism producing relaxation. The relationship between membrane potential and ijp in the BRP was non-linear. Ijp amplitude was initially increased during membrane potential displacement from -45mV to approximately -60mV. Thereafter (-60 to -l03mV) the ijp was reduced. Ijps were abolished at -27 and -103mV; reversal was not observed. The hyperpolarisation to extract was also enhanced during passive displacement of the membrane potential to more negative values (-57mV). Membrane resistance increased during the ijp. The extract produced inconsistent changes in membrane resistance, possibly because of the presence of more than one active component. K+ withdrawal failed to enhance the ijp or hyperpolarisation to extract and 20mM K+ did not abolish the the ijp at membrane potentials exceeding EK (-49mV). Thus, the ijp or hyperpolarisation to extract are unlikely to be mediated by an increased K+ conductance. Reducing the Cl- abolished the hyperpolarisation to field stimulation and extract. This occurred more quickly than the anticipated reduction in the Cl- gradient and may be due to Ca2+ chelation by the anion substitute (glutamate or benzenesulphonate) or blockade of the resting conductance which is normally inactivated by the transmitter. Ouabain (1-5x 10-5M), which reduces both the Na+ and Cl- gradients, abolished the ijp, implicating either of these ions as the ionic species involved. In the rat and rabbit anococcygeus, field stimulation and extract each reduced guanethidine-induced tone. This was unaccompanied in the majority of cells in the rat by any significant electrical response. In the remaining cells, inhibition of the membrane potential oscillations occurred. The rabbit anococcygeus differed in that inhibition of the electrical oscillations was observed in every cell exhibiting this behaviour. However, the majority of cells in the rabbit were electrically quiescent and showed only small hyperpolarisations to field stimulation and no electrical response to extract. Apamin (1 x 10-7M) failed to block the electrical and mechanical response to field stimulation in the rabbit but did inhibit transiently that to extract. The latter effect may be due to the initial excitatory effects of apamin. The similarities between the electrical effects of the extract and those of inhibitory nerve stimulation in the BRP, rat and rabbit anococcygeus muscles are generally consistent with their being mediated by the same active component. Moreover, the ijp in the BRP shows properties which have not been reported in other non-adrenergic noncholinergically innervated smooth muscles.


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During the period from 2011 - 2015 with the aim of this study was to systematically review and in particular the revised classification of the Persian Gulf (and the Strait of Hormuz) and to obtain new information about the final confirmed list of fish species of Iranian waters of the Persian Gulf (and Hormuz Strait), samples of museums, surveys and sampling, and comparative study of all available sources and documentation was done. Classification systematic of sharks and batoids and bony fishes. Based on the results, the final list of approved fish of the Persian Gulf (including the Strait of Hormuz and Gulf of Oman border region) are 907 species in 157 families, of which 93 species of fish with 28 cartilaginous families (including 18 families with 60 species and 10 families with 34 species of shark and batoids); and 129 families with 814 species of bony fishes are. The presence of 11 new family with only one representative species in the area include Veliferidae, Zeidae, Sebastidae, Stomiidae, Dalatiidae, Zanclidae, Pempheridae, Lophiidae Kuhliidae, Etmoptridae and Chlorophthalmidae also recently introduced and approved. The two families based Creediidae Clinidae and their larvae samples for newly identified area. 62 families with mono-species and 25 families with more than 10 species are present including Gobiidae (53), Carangide (48), Labride (41), Blenniidae (34), Apogonidae (32) and Lutjanidae (31) of bony fishes, Carcharhinidae (26) of sharks and Dasyatidae (12) in terms of number of species of batoids most families to have their data partitioning. Also, 13 species as well as endemic species introduced the Persian Gulf and have been approved in terms of geographical expansion of the Persian Gulf are unique to the area.Two species of the family Poeciliidae and Cyprinodontidae have species of fresh water to the brackish coastal habitats have found a way;in addition to 11 types of families Carcharhinidae, Clupeidae, Chanidae, Gobidae, Mugilidae, Sparidae also as a species, with a focus on freshwater river basins in the south of the country have been found. In this study, it was found that out of 907 species have been reported from the study area, 294 species (32.4 %) to benthic habitats (Benthic habitats) and 613 species (67.6 %) in pelagic habitats (Pelagic habitats) belong. Coral reefs and rocky habitats in the range of benthic fish (129 species - 14.3 %) and reef associated fishes in the range of pelagic fishes (432 species – 47.8 %), the highest number and percentage of habitat diversity (Species habitats) have been allocated. As well as fish habitats with sea grass and algae beds in benthic habitat (17 species- 1.9 %) and pelagic - Oceanic (Open sea) in the whole pelagic fish (30 species – 3.3 %), the lowest number and percentage of habitat diversity into account. From the perspective of animal geography (Zoogeography) and habitat overlaps and similarities (Habitat overlapping) fish fauna of the Persian Gulf compared with other similar seas (tropical and subtropical, and warm temperate) in the Indian Ocean area - calm on the surface, based on the presence of certain species that the fish fauna of the Persian Gulf to the Red Sea and the Bay of Bengal (East Arabian Sea) compared to other regions in the Indian Ocean (Pacific) is closer (about 50%), and the Mediterranean (East area) and The Hawaiian Islands have the lowest overlap and similarity of habitat and species (about 10%).


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Background Prolonged lowering of blood pressure after a stroke reduces the risk of recurrent stroke. In addition, inhibition of the renin–angiotensin system in high-risk patients reduces the rate of subsequent cardiovascular events, including stroke. However, the effect of lowering of blood pressure with a renin–angiotensin system inhibitor soon after a stroke has not been clearly established. We evaluated the effects of therapy with an angiotensin-receptor blocker, telmisartan, initiated early after a stroke. Methods In a multicenter trial involving 20,332 patients who recently had an ischemic stroke, we randomly assigned 10,146 to receive telmisartan (80 mg daily) and 10,186 to receive placebo. The primary outcome was recurrent stroke. Secondary outcomes were major cardiovascular events (death from cardiovascular causes, recurrent stroke, myocardial infarction, or new or worsening heart failure) and new-onset diabetes. Results The median interval from stroke to randomization was 15 days. During a mean followup of 2.5 years, the mean blood pressure was 3.8/2.0 mm Hg lower in the telmisartan group than in the placebo group. A total of 880 patients (8.7%) in the telmisartan group and 934 patients (9.2%) in the placebo group had a subsequent stroke (hazard ratio in the telmisartan group, 0.95; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.86 to 1.04; P = 0.23). Major cardiovascular events occurred in 1367 patients (13.5%) in the telmisartan group and 1463 patients (14.4%) in the placebo group (hazard ratio, 0.94; 95% CI, 0.87 to 1.01; P = 0.11). New-onset diabetes occurred in 1.7% of the telmisartan group and 2.1% of the placebo group (hazard ratio, 0.82; 95% CI, 0.65 to 1.04; P = 0.10). Conclusions Therapy with telmisartan initiated soon after an ischemic stroke and continued for 2.5 years did not significantly lower the rate of recurrent stroke, major cardiovascular events, or diabetes. (ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT00153062.)


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Background Recurrent stroke is a frequent, disabling event after ischemic stroke. This study compared the efficacy and safety of two antiplatelet regimens — aspirin plus extendedrelease dipyridamole (ASA–ERDP) versus clopidogrel. Methods In this double-blind, 2-by-2 factorial trial, we randomly assigned patients to receive 25 mg of aspirin plus 200 mg of extended-release dipyridamole twice daily or to receive 75 mg of clopidogrel daily. The primary outcome was first recurrence of stroke. The secondary outcome was a composite of stroke, myocardial infarction, or death from vascular causes. Sequential statistical testing of noninferiority (margin of 1.075), followed by superiority testing, was planned. Results A total of 20,332 patients were followed for a mean of 2.5 years. Recurrent stroke occurred in 916 patients (9.0%) receiving ASA–ERDP and in 898 patients (8.8%) receiving clopidogrel (hazard ratio, 1.01; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.92 to 1.11). The secondary outcome occurred in 1333 patients (13.1%) in each group (hazard ratio for ASA–ERDP, 0.99; 95% CI, 0.92 to 1.07). There were more major hemorrhagic events among ASA–ERDP recipients (419 [4.1%]) than among clopidogrel recipients (365 [3.6%]) (hazard ratio, 1.15; 95% CI, 1.00 to 1.32), including intracranial hemorrhage (hazard ratio, 1.42; 95% CI, 1.11 to 1.83). The net risk of recurrent stroke or major hemorrhagic event was similar in the two groups (1194 ASA–ERDP recipients [11.7%], vs. 1156 clopidogrel recipients [11.4%]; hazard ratio, 1.03; 95% CI, 0.95 to 1.11). Conclusions The trial did not meet the predefined criteria for noninferiority but showed similar rates of recurrent stroke with ASA–ERDP and with clopidogrel. There is no evidence that either of the two treatments was superior to the other in the prevention of recurrent stroke. (ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT00153062.)


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Background and Purpose—High blood pressure (BP) is common in acute ischemic stroke and associated independently with a poor functional outcome. However, the management of BP acutely remains unclear because no large trials have been completed. Methods—The factorial PRoFESS secondary stroke prevention trial assessed BP-lowering and antiplatelet strategies in 20 332 patients; 1360 were enrolled within 72 hours of ischemic stroke, with telmisartan (angiotensin receptor antagonist, 80 mg/d, n647) vs placebo (n713). For this nonprespecified subgroup analysis, the primary outcome was functional outcome at 30 days; secondary outcomes included death, recurrence, and hemodynamic measures at up to 90 days. Analyses were adjusted for baseline prognostic variables and antiplatelet assignment. Results—Patients were representative of the whole trial (age 67 years, male 65%, baseline BP 147/84 mm Hg, small artery disease 60%, NIHSS 3) and baseline variables were similar between treatment groups. The mean time from stroke to recruitment was 58 hours. Combined death or dependency (modified Rankin scale: OR, 1.03; 95% CI, 0.84–1.26; P0.81; death: OR, 1.05; 95% CI, 0.27–4.04; and stroke recurrence: OR, 1.40; 95% CI, 0.68–2.89; P0.36) did not differ between the treatment groups. In comparison with placebo, telmisartan lowered BP (141/82 vs 135/78 mmHg, difference 6 to 7 mmHg and 2 to 4 mmHg; P0.001), pulse pressure (3 to 4 mmHg; P0.002), and rate-pressure product (466 mmHg.bpm; P0.0004). Conclusion—Treatment with telmisartan in 1360 patients with acute mild ischemic stroke and mildly elevated BP appeared to be safe with no excess in adverse events, was not associated with a significant effect on functional dependency, death, or recurrence, and modestly lowered BP.


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Este estudio de caso busca identificar los elementos del portafolio de política exterior de Trinidad y Tobago que le permitieron promover exitosamente sus intereses en el Protocolo de Kioto. Al hacer esto, este texto analizará las limitaciones de Trinidad y Tobago en términos de vulnerabilidades de localización, burocracia y recursos. Posteriormente, una revisión del portafolio de política exterior de este Estado ilustrará el uso de estrategias de creación de capacidades y de organización como lo son el contacto con actores institucionales y no gubernamentales, la formación de coaliciones y estrategias argumentativas, entre otras. Finalmente, este artículo concluirá que dichas acciones permitieron la promoción de la agenda de política exterior de Trinidad y Tobago a través de la creación de hojas de ruta y la coordinación de la incertidumbre con el Protocolo de Kioto. Para hacer esto, este trabajo se concentrará en examinar conceptos como vulnerabilidad y priorización, asimismo contrastando diferentes artículos académicos en la materia junto con documentos oficiales de Trinidad y Tobago.