966 resultados para Transnational commercial law


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Pós-graduação em Direito - FCHS


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Affrontare il tema del conferimento di azienda, così come esaminare ogni aspetto inerente, più in generale, l'azienda, può apparire estremamente arduo e complicato, stante il rischio di ripetere, in modo quasi scontato, "cose già dette" nel corso degli anni, prendendo le mosse da contributi noti ed arcinoti, soprattutto con riferimento alla disciplina dell'imprenditore commerciale, ossia alla prima tematica che viene presa in considerazione da parte del neofita del diritto commerciale. Tuttavia, a ben vedere, l'esaustività e completezza di tali studi non impedisce di affrontare, nell'attualità, alcuni aspetti che, anche grazie ai continui interventi del legislatore, presentano elementi degni di approfondimento. In tale ottica, quindi, è stato impostato il presente lavoro di ricerca. Così, ad un primo capitolo prevalentemente compilativo e volto ad individuare, nell'ordinamento giuridico, tutte le disposizioni che possono assumere rilevanza nell'inquadramento della disciplina del conferimento di azienda, nonchè le nozioni base di tale operazione, ne seguono altri due che si caratterizzano, rispettivamente: a) l'uno (il secondo capitolo), quale concreta individuazione delle modalità di esecuzione dell'operazione di conferimento di azienda, dalla decisione di procedere in tal senso, alla concreta esecuzione dell'apporto; b) l'altro (il terzo capitolo), quale esame di alcuni aspetti problematici che emergono a seguito dell'esecuzione dell'apporto, sia con riferimento agli effetti prodotti nei rapporti ricompresi nell'oggetto dell'apporto, sia con riferimento al ruolo dei diversi soggetti che, direttamente e/o indirettamente, ne subiscono i riflessi. In entrambi i capitoli (due e tre), peraltro, si affrontano non solo aspetti connessi alla disciplina dell'impresa ancora in bonis, ma anche, data l'attualità degli interventi operati dal legislatore nell'ambito della risoluzione della crisi dell'impresa, le questioni inerenti l'utilizzo di tale operazione quale forma di liquidazione dell'attivo. Si chiude l'elaborato con alcune riflessioni inerenti le forme di reazione agli abusi che, sovente, caratterizzano l'apporto dell'azienda.


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Open collaborative projects are moving to the foreground of knowledge production. Some online user communities develop into longterm projects that generate a highly valuable and at the same time freely accessible output. Traditional copyright law that is organized around the idea of a single creative entity is not well equipped to accommodate the needs of these forms of collaboration. In order to enable a peculiar network-type of interaction participants instead draw on public licensing models that determine the freedoms to use individual contributions. With the help of these access rules the operational logic of the project can be implemented successfully. However, as the case of the Wikipedia GFDL-CC license transition demonstrates, the adaptation of access rules in networks to new circumstances raises collective action problems and suffers from pitfalls caused by the fact that public licensing is grounded in individual copyright. Legal governance of open collaboration projects is a largely unexplored field. The article argues that the license steward of a public license assumes the position of a fiduciary of the knowledge commons generated under the license regime. Ultimately, the governance of decentralized networks translates into a composite of organizational and contractual elements. It is concluded that the production of global knowledge commons relies on rules of transnational private law.


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O objetivo da presente dissertação é analisar os efeitos gerados aos garantidores dos devedores em recuperação judicial, quando aprovado e homologado o Plano de Recuperação Judicial destes, diante do fenômeno da novação previsto no art. 59 da Lei nº 11.101/05. Essa análise será feita a partir de um estudo geral do instituto da novação no direito civil, bem como da disciplina legal das garantias pessoais, principalmente o aval e a fiança. Com base nesta visão cível, serão comparadas as duas posições hoje existentes sobre a matéria no âmbito comercial, tanto na doutrina como na jurisprudência nacionais, com o estudo dos argumentos utilizados por aqueles que defendem a manutenção incólume da obrigação dos terceiros garantidores, independentemente da novação, com a possibilidade dos credores prosseguirem normalmente com sua cobrança, bem como por aqueles que acreditam deva ser extinta a obrigação dos garantidores com a novação. Será apontada uma interpretação alternativa, construída pelo autor, de, em um primeiro momento, ocorrer a extinção da obrigação dos garantidores, enquanto estiver sendo adimplido o Plano de Recuperação pelo devedor principal, e retorno as obrigações originais caso descumprida a proposta aprovada pelos credores. Além dos efeitos decorrentes da lei, será analisada a eficácia da cláusula comumente inserida em Planos de Recuperação, de extinção da obrigação dos garantidores com a concessão da recuperação judicial. Ao final, diante do entendimento apresentado pelo autor sobre os efeitos legais da novação para o garantidor e da eficácia da mencionada cláusula, será proposta uma alteração legislativa, nos moldes do direito argentino, para possibilitar que o terceiro garantidor apresente uma proposta de pagamento conjunta com a devedora principal, encerrando-se a divergência interpretativa hoje existente.


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The crossroads of urban development and improved technology allowing oil and gas development in new areas can result in contentious community issues. The debate over one of the improved technologies – i.e., hydraulic fracturing – can be highly emotional. Consequently, industry must address community issues, earning trust and therefore a “social license to operate.” This paper provides fundamental knowledge of the social license to operate concept, validates its application to the oil and gas industry, particularly with respect to shale gas development, discusses the current status of social license in the unconventional development sphere, analyzes current ongoing efforts for shale gas developers to monitor and establish a social license, and identifies potential new methods of encouraging, establishing, and monitoring a social license to operate. The paper also proposes a new institutional framework in which to promote the social license to operate, “The Center for Social License to Operate in the Oil & Gas Industry.”


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In my previous article Racial Capitalism, I examined the ways in which white individuals and predominantly white institutions derive value from non-white racial identity. This process flows from our intense social and legal preoccupation with diversity. And it results in the commodification of non-white racial identity, with negative implications for both individuals and society. This Article picks up where Racial Capitalism left off in three ways. As a foundation, it first expands the concept of racial capitalism to identity categories more generally, explaining that individual in-group members and predominantly in-group institutions — usually individuals or institutions that are white, male, straight, wealthy, and so on — can and do derive value from out-group identities. Second, the Article turns from the overarching system of identity capitalism to the myriad ways that individual out-group members actively participate in that system. In particular, I examine how out-group members leverage their out-group status to derive social and economic value for themselves. I call such out-group participants identity entrepreneurs. Identity entrepreneurship is neither inherently good nor inherently bad. Rather, it is a complicated phenomenon with both positive and negative consequences. Finally, the Article considers the appropriate response to identity entrepreneurship. We should design laws and policies to maximize both individual agency and access to information for out-group members. Such reforms would protect individual choice while making clear the consequences of identity entrepreneurship both for individual identity entrepreneurs and for the out-group as a whole. A range of legal doctrines interact with and influence identity entrepreneurship, including employment discrimination under Title VII, rights of privacy and publicity, and intellectual property. Modifying these doctrines to take account of identity entrepreneurship will further progress toward an egalitarian society in which in-group and out-group identities are valued equally.


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In many parts of the country, hydraulic fracturing has brought energy development onto people’s doorsteps. Efforts by local governments to employ traditional land use mechanisms to study and mitigate some of the impacts of these latest intrusions have erupted into battles over the scope of statewide agencies’ control. Forgotten in this fray are many renewable energy resources. As a general rule, they are not subject to statewide oversight, and consequently renewable energy providers must navigate the myriad of siting and permitting requirements of local jurisdictions. For several years, scholars have urged more statewide renewable energy siting procedures to level the playing field. California is the national leader in renewable energy deployment, yet its statewide energy commission does not have jurisdiction over the siting of photovoltaic solar or wind energy plants. This article explores when statewide siting is beneficial and when it may be contraindicated, making a case for consolidation of all large-scale siting under the purview of California’s “superagency,” the California Energy Commission.


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Government transparency is imagined as a public good necessary to a robust democracy. Consistent with that vision, Congress enacted the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) to allow oversight and accountability of governmental activities, imagining the prime intended users to be journalists. But this democracy-enhancing ideal is at odds with FOIA’s reality: at some agencies, commercial—not public—interests dominate the landscape of FOIA requesters. This Article provides the first in-depth academic study of the commercial use of FOIA, drawing on original datasets from six federal agencies. It documents how corporations, in pursuit of private profit, have overrun FOIA’s supremely inexpensive processes and, in so doing, potentially crowded out journalists and other government watchdogs from doing what the law was intended to facilitate: thirdparty oversight of governmental actors. It also reveals a cottage industry of companies whose entire business model is to request federal records under FOIA and resell them at a profit, which distorts the transparency system even further. Counterintuitively, limiting commercial requesting will not solve this problem. Instead, this Article proposes a targeted and aggressive policy of requiring government agencies to affirmatively disclose sets of records that are the subject of routine FOIA requests—a surprisingly large number of the documents sought by commercial requesters. By meeting information needs in a more efficient manner that is available equally to all, affirmative disclosure will enable federal agencies to reclaim public records from the private market and free up resources to better serve FOIA requests that advance its democratic purpose.


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Title from caption.


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Mehmet Ali Bey'in eseridir.


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At head of title: U.S. Department of Commerce. Daniel C. Roper, secretary. Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce. Alexander V. Dye, director ...


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Mode of access: Internet.


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At head of title: Ministerio de Hacienda.