1000 resultados para Tramp species


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It is recognized that vascular dispersion in the liver is a determinant of high first-pass extraction of solutes by that organ. Such dispersion is also required for translation of in-vitro microsomal activity into in-vivo predictions of hepatic extraction for any solute. We therefore investigated the relative dispersion of albumin transit times (CV2) in the livers of adult and weanling rats and in elasmobranch livers. The mean and normalized variance of the hepatic transit time distribution of albumin was estimated using parametric non-linear regression (with a correction for catheter influence) after an impulse (bolus) input of labelled albumin into a single-pass liver perfusion. The mean +/- s.e. of CV2 for albumin determined in each of the liver groups were 0.85 +/- 0.20 (n = 12), 1.48 +/- 0.33 (n = 7) and 0.90 +/- 0.18 (n = 4) for the livers of adult and weanling rats and elasmobranch livers, respectively. These CV2 are comparable with that reported previously for the dog and suggest that the CV2 Of the liver is of a similar order of magnitude irrespective of the age and morphological development of the species. It might, therefore, be justified, in the absence of other information, to predict the hepatic clearances and availabilities of highly extracted solutes by scaling within and between species livers using hepatic elimination models such as the dispersion model with a CV2 of approximately unity.


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The phylogenetic relationships among the species of Caulobacter, Asticcacaulis and Brevundimonas were studied by comparison of their 16S rDNA sequences. The analysis of almost complete sequences confirmed the early evolutionary divergence of the freshwater and marine species of Caulobacter reported previously [Stahl, D. A., Key, R,, Flesher, B, & Smit, J. (1992), J Bacteriol 174, 2193-2198]. The freshwater species formed two distinct clusters. One cluster contained the species Caulobacter bacteroides, Caulobacter crescentus, Caulobacter fusiformis and Caulobacter henricii. C, bacteroides and C, fusiformis are very closely related (sequence identity 99.8%). The second cluster was not exclusive and contained the species Caulobacter intermedius, Caulobacter subvibrioides and Caulobacter variabilis, as well as Brevundimonas diminuta and Brevundimonas vesicularis, The marine species Caulobacter halobacteroides and Caulobacter maris were very closely related, with a sequence identity of 99.7%, These two species were most closely but distantly related to the marine hyphal/budding bacteria Hyphomonas jannaschiana and Hirschia baltica, which formed a deep phylogenetic line with Rhodobacter sphaeroides and Rhodobacter capsulatus, Caulobacter leidyia is unrelated to the other species of Caulobacter and belongs to the alpha-4 subclass of the Proteobacteria, forming a distinct cluster with Asticcacaulis excentricus and Asticcacaulis biprosthecium, The taxonomic implications of the polyphyletic nature of the genus Caulobacter and the absence of a type culture for the type species of the genus, Caulobacter vibrioides, are discussed.


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First-instar larvae of the monarch butterfly, Danaus plexippus, a milkweed specialist, generally grew faster and survived better on leaves when latex flow was reduced by partial severance of the leaf petiole. The outcome depended on milkweed species and was related to the amount of latex produced. The outcome also may be related to the amount of cardenolide produced by the plants as a potential chemical defense against herbivory. Growth was more rapid, but survival was similar on partially severed compared with intact leaves of the high-latex/low-cardenolide milkweed, Asclepias syriaca, whereas both growth and survival were unaffected on the low-latex/low-cardenolide milkweed A. incarnata. On the low-latex/low-cardenolide milkweed A. tuberosa, both growth and survival of larvae were only marginally affected. These results contrast sharply to previous results with the milkweed, A. humistrata, in Florida, which has both high latex and high cardenolide. Larval growth and survival on A. humistrata were both increased by partially severing leaf petioles. Larval growth rates among all four milkweed species on leaves with partially severed petioles were identical, suggesting that latex and possibly the included cardenolides are important in first-instar monarch larval growth, development, and survivorship.


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The Apocreadiidae is reviewed and is considered to include genera recognised previously within the families Apocreadiidae, Homalometridae, Schistorchiidae, Sphincterostomatidae and Trematobrienidae. Key features of the family are extensive vitelline follicles, eye-spot pigment dispersed in forebody, I-shaped excretory vesicle, no cirrus-sac and genital pore opening immediately anterior to the ventral sucker (usually) or immediately posterior to it (Postporus Manter, 1949). Three subfamilies and 18 genera are recognised within the Apocreadiidae. The Apocreadiinae comprises Homalometron Stafford, 1904 (new syn. Barbulostomum Ramsey, 1965), Callohelmis n. g., Choanodera Manter, 1940, Crassicutis Manter, 1936, Dactylotrema Bravo-Hollis & Manter, 1957, Marsupioacetabulum Yamaguti, 1952, Microcreadium Simer, 1929, Myzotus Manter, 1940, Neoapocreadium Siddiqi & Cable, 1960, Neomegasolena Siddiqi & Cable, 1960, Pancreadium Manter, 1954, Procaudotestis Szidat, 1954 and Trematobrien Dollfus, 1950. The Schistorchiinae comprises Schistorchis Luhe, 1906, Sphincterostoma Yamaguti, 1937, Sphincteristomum Oshmarin, Mamaev & Parukhin, 1961 and Megacreadium Nagaty, 1956. The Postporinae comprises only Postporus. A key to subfamilies and genera of the Apocreadiidae is provided. It is argued that there is no convincing basis for the recognition of the genus Apocreadium Manter, 1937 and all its constituent species are combined with Homalometron. The following new combinations are proposed for species previously recognised within Apocreadium: Homalometron balistis (Manter, 1947), H. caballeroi (Bravo-Hollis, 1953), H. cryptum (Overstreet, 1969), H. longisinosum (Manter, 1937), H. manteri (Overstreet, 1970), H. mexicanum (Manter, 1937) and H. vinodae (Ahmad, 1985). Apocreadium uroproctoferum Sogandares-Bernal, 1959 is found to lack a uroproct and is made a synonym of H. mexicanum. Homalometron verrunculi nom. nov. is proposed to replace the secondarily pre-occupied H. caballeroi Lamothe-Argumedo, 1965. Barbulostomum is made a synonym of Homalometron and H. cupuloris (Ramsey, 1965) n. comb. is proposed. Neochoanodera is made a synonym of Choanodera and Choanodera ghanensis (Fischthal & Thomas, 1970) n. comb. is proposed. Species within the Apocreadiinae and Postporinae are reviewed and the following are recorded or described from Australian fishes: Homalometron wrightae n. sp. from Achlyopa nigra (Macleay), H. synagris (Yamaguti, 1953) n. comb. from Scolopsis monogramma (Cuvier), H. stradbrokensis n. sp. from Gerres subfasciatus Cuvier, Marsupioacetabulum opallioderma n. sp. from G. subfasciatus, Neoapocreadium karwarensis (Hafeezullah, 1970) n. comb. from G. subfasciatus, N. splendens n. sp. from S. monogramma and Callohelmis pichelinae n. g., n. sp. from Hemigymnus melapterus (Bloch), H. fasciatus (Bloch), Stethojulis bandanensis (Bleeker) andChoerodon venustus (De Vis). Callohelmis is recognised by the combination of absence of tegumental spines, caeca terminating midway between the testes and posterior end of body, ventral sucker enclosed in a tegumental pouch, prominent muscles radiating through the body from the ventral sucker, vitelline follicles not extending into the forebody, and a very short excretory vesicle that opens ventrally. New combinations for species previously recognised within Crassicutis are proposed as follows: Neoapocreadium caranxi (Bilqees, 1976) n. comb., N. gerridis (Nahhas & Cable, 1964) n. comb., N. imtiazi (Ahmad, 1984) n. comb. and N. marina (Manter, 1947) n. comb. The host-specificity and zoogeography of the Apocreadiinae are considered.


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A new species of the genus Gluconacetobacter, for which the name Gluconacetobacter sacchari sp. nov. is proposed, was isolated from the leaf sheath of sugar cane and from the pink sugar-cane mealy bug, Saccharicoccus sacchari, found on sugar cane growing in Queensland and northern New South Wales, Australia, The nearest phylogenetic relatives in the alpha-subclass of the Proteobacteria are Gluconacetobacter liquefaciens and Gluconacetobacter diazotrophicus, which have 98.8-99.3% and 97.9-98.5% 16S rDNA sequence similarity, respectively, to members of Gluconacetobacter sacchari. On the basis of the phylogenetic positioning of the strains, DNA reassociation studies, phenotypic tests and the presence of the Q10 ubiquinone, this new species was assigned to the genus Gluconacetobacter. No single phenotypic characteristic is unique to the species, but the species can be differentiated phenotypically from closely related members of the acetic acid bacteria by growth in the presence of 0.01% malachite green, growth on 30% glucose, an inability to fix nitrogen and an inability to grow with the L-amino acids asparagine, glycine, glutamine, threonine and tryptophan when D-mannitol was supplied as the sole carbon and energy source. The type strain of this species is strain SRI 1794(T) (= DSM 12717(T)).


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Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii is a toxic-bloom-forming cyanobacterium that is commonly found in tropical to subtropical climatic regions worldwide, but it is also recognized as a common component of cyanobacterial communities in temperate climates. Genetic profiles of C. raciborskii were examined in 19 cultured isolates originating from geographically diverse regions of Australia and represented by two distinct morphotypes. A 609-bp region of rpoC1, a DNA-dependent RNA polymerase gene, was amplified by PCR from these isolates with cyanobacterium-specific primers. Sequence analysis revealed that all isolates belonged to the same species, including morphotypes with straight or coiled trichomes. Additional rpoC1 gene sequences obtained for a range of cyanobacteria highlighted clustering of C. raciborskii with other heterocyst-producing cyanobacteria (orders Nostocales and Stigonematales). In contrast, randomly amplified polymorphic DNA and short tandemly repeated repetitive sequence profiles revealed a greater level of genetic heterogeneity among C. raciborskii isolates than did rpoC1 gene analysis, and unique band profiles were also found among each of the cyanobacterial genera examined. A PCR test targeting a region of the rpoC1 gene unique to C. raciborskii was developed for the specific identification of C. raciborskii from both purified genomic DNA and environmental samples. The PCR was evaluated with a number of cyanobacterial isolates, but a PCR-positive result was only achieved with C, raciborskii. This method provides an accurate alternative to traditional morphological identification of C. raciborskii.


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A Spongosorites sp. collected off southern Australia has yielded 1,9-dimethylhypoxanthine (4). The structure for 4 was solved by spectroscopic analysis.


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Aponurus chelebesoi n. sp. is described from Chaetodon auriga, C. citrinellus, C. ephippium, C. flavirostris, C. lineolatus, C. melannotus, C. mertensii, C. pelewensis, C. lunulatus, C. vagabundus, Coradion altivelis, Forcipiger flavissimus, Heniochus acuminatus, H. chrysostomus and H. monoceros from the southern coast of New Caledonia. It is distinguished from most species in the genera Aponurus (synonym Brachadena) and Lecithophyllum by its claviform (as opposed to oval to subglobular) vitelline lobes. Three species, A. pyriformis, Lecithophyllum vogeae and Brachadena cheilonis, have similar claviform vitelline lobes, but differ from A. chelebesoi in their tandem testes and the distinct egg-size.


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Tolerance of desiccation was examined in three species of moss, Grimmia antarctici Card., Ceratodon purpureus (Hedw.) Brid. and Bryum pseudotriquetrum (Hedw.) Gaertn., Meyer et Scherb. collected from two sites of contrasting water availability in the Windmill Islands, continental Antarctica. Physiological tolerance to desiccation was measured using chlorophyll fluorescence in plugs of moss during natural drying in the laboratory. Differences in relative water content, rate of drying and the response of photosynthesis to desiccation were observed among the three species and between sites. Of the three species studied, G. antarctici showed the lowest capacity to sustain photosynthetic processes during desiccation, B. pseudotriquetrum had an intermediate response and showed the greatest plasticity and C. purpureus showed the greatest capacity to sustain photosynthesis during desiccation. These results fit well with the known distribution of the three species with G. antarctici being limited to relatively wet sites, C. purpureus being common in the driest sites and B. pseudotriquetrum showing a wide distribution between these two extremes. Levels of soluble carbohydrates were also measured in these samples following desiccation and these indicate the presence of stachyose, an oligosaccharide known to be important in desiccation tolerance in seeds, in B. pseudotriquetrum. Both gross morphology and carbohydrate content are likely to contribute to differences in desiccation tolerance of the moss species. These results indicate that if the Casey region continues to dry out, as a result of local geological uplifting or global climate change, we would expect to see not only reductions in the moss community but also changes in community composition. G. antarctici is likely to become more limited in distribution as C. purpureus and B. pseudotriquetrum expand into drying areas.


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A Clathria sp. collected in the Great Australian Bight has yielded the novel metabolites clathrins A (6), B (7), and C (8). Structures were assigned to clathrins A-C on the basis of spectroscopic analysis. Clathrin A (6) represents a plausible biosynthetic intermediate that provides an inferred link between marine sesquiterpene/benzenoids and mixed terpene/shikimate biosynthesis.


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The status of Petalocotyle Ozaki, 1934 within the Gyliauchenidae Goto & Matsudaira, 1918 is reviewed. Two new species, P. adenometra from Prionurus microlepidotus (Amity Point, Queensland, Australia) and P. diverticulata from Acanthurus nigrofuscus and A. lineatus (Heron Island, Queensland, Australia), are described. The body plan of Petalocotyle conforms to that of members of the Gyliauchenidae (oral sucker absent, well-developed pharynx, complex oesophagus and characteristic male terminal genitalia), indicating justifiable inclusion in this family. A new diagnosis is given for the genus, such that Petalocotyle is now identified by the presence of an anterior, protuberant ventral sucker, long caeca, a large, sigmoid cirrus-sac containing a coiled ejaculatory duct, and an extensive vitellarium. We suggest that, of all the known genera of gyliauchenids, Petalocotyle may most closely resemble the 'archaetypal gyliauchenid', that is, it may be placed basally within the radiation of the Gyliauchenidae. However, derived characters, like diverticula in the reproductive system, indicate that some characters of individual members of Petalocotyle may be considered advanced and do not reflect an archaetypal condition. Parallels in the structure of the male and female genitalia of Robphildollfusium Paggi & Orecchia, 1963 and Petalocotyle, along with the shared morphology of the digestive tract, indicate possible phylogenetic links between the two genera. This affinity is difficult to infer using morphology alone and recommend that Robphildollfusium remain detached from the Gyliauchenidae.


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Three species of Trifoliovarium are described from marine fishes from Moreton Bay, Queensland: T. triacanthi (Parukhin, 1964) n. comb. (syns Hysterolecitha triacanthi Parukhin, 1964; T. triacanthi Bilqees, 1973; T. triacanthusi Gupta & Ahmad, 1976) from Tripodichthys angustifrons; T. ovarilobulus (Wang, 1989) n. comb. (syn. Hysterolecithia[sic]ovarilobulus) from Paramonacanthus japonicus and Pelates quadrilineatus; and T. draconis n. sp. from Callionymus sublaevis and C. belcheri. A list of the species of the subfamily Trifoliovariinae is given along with a key. A cladistic study of the subfamily based on 23 characters is presented, the results of which indicate the monophyly of the genus Assitrema and the paraphyly of Trifoliovarium.


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A southern Australian Phorbas species has yielded a novel diterpene, phorbasin A (1), possessing an unprecedented carbon skeleton. The structure for phorbasin A was determined by detailed spectroscopic analysis.


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A Clathria sp. collected during scientific trawling operations in the Great Australian Bight, Australia, has yielded the new alkaloid mirabilin G (1). A structure was secured for 1 by detailed spectroscopic analysis and comparison to known marine alkaloids.


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A southern Australian Phorbas sp. has yielded the novel diterpenes phorbasin B (2) and phorbasin C (3). Phorbasins B and C possess a hitherto unknown carbon skeleton, and their structures were assigned on the basis of detailed spectroscopic analyses.