947 resultados para Trabalho feminino - Aspectos economicos


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An on-line survey of experts was conducted to solicit their views on policy priorities in the area of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the Caribbean. The experts considered the goal to “promote teacher training in the use of ICTs in the classroom” to be the highest priority, followed by goals to “reduce the cost of broadband services” and “promote the use of ICT in emergency and disaster prevention, preparedness and response.” Goals in the areas of cybercrime, e-commerce, egovernment, universal service funds, consumer protection, and on-line privacy rounded out the top 10. Some of the lowest ranked goals were those related to coordinating the management of infrastructure changes. These included the switchover for digital terrestrial television (DTT) and digital FM radio, cloud computing for government ICT, the introduction of satellite-based internet services, and the installation of content distribution networks (CDNs). Initiatives aimed at using ICT to promote specific industries, or specific means of promoting the digital economy, tended toward the centre of the rankings. Thus, a general pattern emerged which elevated the importance of focusing on how ICT is integrated into the broader society, with economic issues a lower priority, and concerns about coordination on infrastructure issues lower still.


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El principal objetivo de este estudio es analizar los efectos potenciales de diversas políticas climáticas sobre la distribución del ingreso en América Latina. Este análisis se realizó con base en un meta-análisis y su meta-regresión y el análisis de las encuestas de ingreso gasto de diversos países de América Latina. Los principales resultados obtenidos de este análisis muestran que en general existe una tendencia a identificar efectos regresivos derivados de la instrumentación de políticas públicas orientadas a la mitigación. Sin embargo, la revisión de la literatura y de las encuestas de ingreso gasto muestran que los resultados son heterogéneos por países y que dependen de factores tales como el instrumento aplicado, la inclusión de estrategias de reciclaje fiscal y del nivel de desarrollo.


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En este artículo se examina la hipótesis de que la política de elección escolar ha incrementado la segregación socioeconómica en Chile. Se utiliza una base de datos georreferenciada de estudiantes y escuelas del Gran Santiago, para comparar la segregación real con la que se produciría en un escenario hipotético en que los estudiantes asisten a la escuela más cercana a su lugar de residencia. Los resultados indican que la segregación escolar es mayor en el escenario real que en el contrafactual, lo que sugiere que la interacción entre las preferencias de las familias y las barreras de entrada establecidas por las escuelas (cobros obligatorios y procesos de admisión selectivos) tienden a incrementar la segregación escolar más allá del efecto de la segregación residencial subyacente en la ciudad.


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O trabalho analisa aspectos sobre a importância de o docente receber orientações para desempenhar papel de profissional da voz, obtendo, assim, uma melhor qualidade de vida. Considerando que o professor está vinculado à categoria dos profissionais que tem a voz como instrumento de trabalho, o estudo tem como objetivo alertar sobre a falta de informação do professor com relação ao uso da voz, problema este relevante à academia. Em sua dimensão teórica, o trabalho investiga a compreensão dos conhecimentos que o professor dispõe acerca do assunto, na tentativa de melhorar assim o seu desempenho profissional, além de investigar também os problemas vocais e queixas decorrentes dessa possível falta de informação. A pesquisa de campo foi realizada com aplicação de questionários sobre conhecimentos de voz, tendo a participação de estudantes de graduação do curso de Pedagogia, período noturno. Para a escolha das questões que fazem parte do questionário aplicado, foram consideradas informações relevantes obtidas num levantamento de dados em vários sites da internet. Desta maneira, um processo anterior de investigação e análise de prioridades e maiores acometimentos relativos a problemas vocais possibilitou a elaboração das perguntas que compõem o citado questionário, não sendo, portanto, uma escolha aleatória, mas fundamentada.(AU)


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This thesis was elaborated in the scenario of Digital Metropolis Institute (IMD) – a supplementary unit at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte in the training of personnel with technical and higher level courses whose technical level training is associated with a process of digital inclusion, with the purpose of attracting young people to this area, with emphasis on Software and Hardware Development. It aims to investigate the cognitive change of young apprentice on technological education and his/her entrance into the labor market, through the formation and the social inclusion proposed by the Instituto Metrópole Digital; understanding the juvenile subjectivity production through the Instituto Metrópole Digital’s education by performance in the labor market; recognizing the Brazilian professional qualification public policies for youth and identifying the role of Tutoring in the learning process during the course of formation of the young apprentice of the technological education proposed by the Instituto Metrópole Digital.The clipping of the object of investigation was the process of cognitive change and constitution of subjectivity of the young apprentice in information technology (IT) in the IMD. It was searched support in theory Freireana as proposal that problematizes the policies and the process of formation and professional qualification, in the perspective of a citizen and liberating consciousness. By qualitative and ethnographic nature, descriptive-explanatory, it counts with the participation of young people, high school students from public and private schools, aged between 15 and 18 years. There are strong aspects: a cognitive change on the young apprentice of technological education onto overdrive high school as the student of the Instituto Metrópole Digital; it happened the social integration for those who remain in the course, both in the neighborhood where they reside and at school where he attended high school, the young man is recognized and becomes reference to other young, favoring him a life projection which when the activities of mentoring is learning motivator, it exerts a positive influence to the young on the continuity of studies, it provides intellectual and institutional affiliation and continuity in the investments to the academic life for a better insertion in the labor market, which refers to the modification of the life project-invest in academic training, in exchange for a technical job in the labor market. There are weak aspects: the absence of professor in the course, in his most important role, which involves awareness of his/her condition in action, in explicit position that the professional practice constitutes as this constitution requires reciprocity of its students and the context in which it operates; fragile formation of mentoring, absence of dialogues in the classroom that favors the formation of subject learning, mainly in guiding action, mediator of the young; There is a lack of methodological proposal to develop real projects on the labor market with problem solving and collaborative learning. It considers that without converting information into knowledge cannot discern clearly enough that there is no direct causal relationship between Professional and technological Education and the level of employability of the young worker certificate. It suggests to the evasion: a greater knowledge of the reality of the student of the Institute Metropolis Digital; better knowledge of youth and their expectations of life project; the Tutoring will be Teacher-tutor; investing in employability conditions effective the young into the labor market.


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Dissertação apresentada para obtenção do grau de mestre no âmbito do Mestrado em Educação Social e Intervenção Comunitária da Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Santarém


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The Women s experiences in the private sphere under the work s field changes the family relationship allowing them more freedom, autonomy and independence. The inequalities, socially built, homemade women s obligations results in discrimination, difficult to insert and recovery on female s job in a job s market, including low salary if compared with men s and difficult to services access in addiction a difficult daily life and in domestic sphere. The women s organisation in productive groups or economically solidary enterprises (ESE) torn possible the social economically organisations and politicians to promote deep changes in a domestically e socially relationship, positioning, for example, women s in publics areas and in the rout of emancipation. The objective of this search are understand men and women relationship in the family agriculture s field starts insert women in economically solidary enterprises (ESE) on Mulunguzinho s settlement (Mossoró/RN). The theoretical framework is inspirited Economical Solidary concept kind division s job and women s empowerment. This search had a qualitative character and exploration through case s study on Mulheres decididas a vencer s group. The secondary information was create through theoretical framework and information collected through semi-structured interviews based in interviews applied for women and yours respective husbands by criterion for women participation on productive activities of beekeeping culture of goat and sheep. This study turns possible conclude that the women s participations in productive groups in solidary economical change significantly their life and their family life. The group s organisations process, the training was received, the collective production, the marketing and the mobilized participation to move it all was fundamental for women share with their families partners some homemade and take care with the children. This finding confirm a different aspect not economical in solidary economy overcoming the monetary value in associative relationship observing principally individuals well-being and the concern with the form of reproduction this way of life in the associated


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The narratives that circulate Caicó tell us that the activity of embroidery would have come to town by the eighteenth century, by the Portuguese colonizers. Initially, the embroidery worked as a constitutive element in the formation of women, especially in the construction of the role of "talented ladies", was later characterized in a income generating activity moving strongly the informal sector of the local economy. In addition to source of income, the practice of embroiderers is redefining the craft tradition, transforming the embroidery on one of the symbols of identity of the city as it reaches other markets, carrying the name "Caicó embroidery". The research aims to investigate the dynamics of artisanal embroidery production, within the family circle and its consequences after its entry in the commercial sphere. It also seeks to investigate how the activity operates within a context in which the subjects (embroiderers and intermediaries) and their distinct negotiations trigger certain discourses, particularly those related to identity and authenticity on behalf of economic, political and cultural purposes


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Dissertação apresentada para obtenção do grau de mestre no âmbito do Mestrado em Educação Social e Intervenção Comunitária da Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Santarém


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The Women s experiences in the private sphere under the work s field changes the family relationship allowing them more freedom, autonomy and independence. The inequalities, socially built, homemade women s obligations results in discrimination, difficult to insert and recovery on female s job in a job s market, including low salary if compared with men s and difficult to services access in addiction a difficult daily life and in domestic sphere. The women s organisation in productive groups or economically solidary enterprises (ESE) torn possible the social economically organisations and politicians to promote deep changes in a domestically e socially relationship, positioning, for example, women s in publics areas and in the rout of emancipation. The objective of this search are understand men and women relationship in the family agriculture s field starts insert women in economically solidary enterprises (ESE) on Mulunguzinho s settlement (Mossoró/RN). The theoretical framework is inspirited Economical Solidary concept kind division s job and women s empowerment. This search had a qualitative character and exploration through case s study on Mulheres decididas a vencer s group. The secondary information was create through theoretical framework and information collected through semi-structured interviews based in interviews applied for women and yours respective husbands by criterion for women participation on productive activities of beekeeping culture of goat and sheep. This study turns possible conclude that the women s participations in productive groups in solidary economical change significantly their life and their family life. The group s organisations process, the training was received, the collective production, the marketing and the mobilized participation to move it all was fundamental for women share with their families partners some homemade and take care with the children. This finding confirm a different aspect not economical in solidary economy overcoming the monetary value in associative relationship observing principally individuals well-being and the concern with the form of reproduction this way of life in the associated


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Tesis (Trabajadoras Sociales).-- Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y sociales. Programa de Trabajo Social, 2012


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The narratives that circulate Caicó tell us that the activity of embroidery would have come to town by the eighteenth century, by the Portuguese colonizers. Initially, the embroidery worked as a constitutive element in the formation of women, especially in the construction of the role of "talented ladies", was later characterized in a income generating activity moving strongly the informal sector of the local economy. In addition to source of income, the practice of embroiderers is redefining the craft tradition, transforming the embroidery on one of the symbols of identity of the city as it reaches other markets, carrying the name "Caicó embroidery". The research aims to investigate the dynamics of artisanal embroidery production, within the family circle and its consequences after its entry in the commercial sphere. It also seeks to investigate how the activity operates within a context in which the subjects (embroiderers and intermediaries) and their distinct negotiations trigger certain discourses, particularly those related to identity and authenticity on behalf of economic, political and cultural purposes


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Este artigo enfoca o trabalho feminino em comunidades rurais quilombolas nos municípios de Minas Novas e Chapada do Norte, Vale do Jequitinhonha-MG/BR, destacando a rotina de serviços na roça, em casa e em hortos domésticos. Noções teóricas sobre comunidades e metodologia qualitativa como instrumento de coleta de informações privilegiam a oralidade como forma de entendimento dos objetivos propostos. Busca-se analisar a identidade e o papel da mulher na manutenção das tradições culturais quilombolas, na preservação de sementes crioulas para os cultivos de alimentos e no mantenimento da sabedoria tradicional camponesa sobre a medicina popular. Observou-se que tem ocorrido um expressivo crescimento no fluxo de mulheres migrando para a colheita de café em outros estados do Brasil, contribuindo para o sobretrabalho e ameaça à manutenção da cultura e dos plantios nas roças e quintais. Percebeu-se que além da seca que afeta a produção agrícola nas comunidades e impulsiona o êxodo rural, a nova forma de migração sazonal camponesa, incluindo agora as mulheres, também tem se tornado um grande entrave à agregação da família. O trabalho feminino, entretanto, ainda preserva os laços de solidariedade típicos de sociedades afrodescendentes, contribuindo para a agregação da família e continuidade das raízes culturais da comunidade.


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O trabalho em hospital abrange, atualmente no Brasil, um contigente superior a um milhão de trabalhadores. Estes estão sujeitos a riscos e a uma carga de trabalho intensa e diversificada. No que concerne ao setor de Unidade de Terapia Intensiva Adulto (UTI), o ambiente de trabalho é ainda mais peculiar, dotado de problemas técnicos e organizacionis, fisiológicos-posturais e psicossociais. Neste contexto, o estudo contemplou a análise da organização e das condições de trabalho da equipe de enfermagem da UTI de um hospital público. Como metodologia foi utilizada uma abordagem macroergonômica, onde os instrumentos de coleta de dados foram: observações sistemáticas (de tarefas, atividades e verbalizações) e um questionário estruturado. A equipe observada contou com vinte e sete funcionários: enfermeiros, técnicos e auxiliares de enfermagem; destes, cinco do sexo masculino e vinte e dois do sexo feminino. Os resultados indicaram a existência de tarefas penosas como: reanimação, troca de fraldas, aspiração e banho. Ainda foram identificadas correlações entre: dificuldade de deslocamento dentro da unidade e ao redor do paciente; vontade de ir ao trabalho e o seu turno de trabalho, entre outras. Como conclusão, pode-se afirmar que a equipe de enfermagem é submetida a uma sobrecarga de trabalho constante, onde se relacionam a variabilidade, simultaneidade das tarefas e a responsabilidade nos cuidados prestados aos pacientes. A realização das tarefas também depende da colaboração entre colegas que influi diretamente no relacionamento intra-equipe.


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Pós-graduação em Estudos Literários - FCLAR