332 resultados para Tms


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Decision-making and memory are fundamental processes for successful human behaviour. For eye movements, the frontal eye fields (FEF), the supplementary eye fields (SEF), the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC), the ventrolateral frontal cortex and the anterior cingulum are important for these cognitive processes. The online approach of transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), i.e., the application of magnetic pulses during planning and performance of saccades, allows interfering specifically with information processing of the stimulated region at a very specific time interval (chronometry of cortical processing). The paper presents studies, which showed the different roles of the FEF and DLPFC in antisaccade control. The critical time interval of DLPFC control seems to be before target onset since TMS significantly increased the percentage of antisaccade errors at that time interval. The FEF seems to be important for the triggering of correct antisaccades. Bilateral stimulation of the DLPFC could demonstrate parallel information-processing transfer in spatial working memory during memory-guided saccades.


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Here, we review the effects of non-invasive brain stimulation such as transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) or transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) in the rehabilitation of neglect. We found 12 studies including 172 patients (10 TMS studies and 2 tDCS studies) fulfilling our search criteria. Activity of daily living measures such as the Barthel Index or, more specifically for neglect, the Catherine Bergego Scale were the outcome measure in three studies. Five studies were randomized controlled trials with a follow-up time after intervention of up to 6 weeks. One TMS study fulfilled criteria for Class I and one for Class III evidence. The studies are heterogeneous concerning their methodology, outcome measures, and stimulation parameters making firm comparisons and conclusions difficult. Overall, there are however promising results for theta-burst stimulation, suggesting that TMS is a powerful add-on therapy in the rehabilitation of neglect patients.


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Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) was used to study visuospatial attention processing in ten healthy volunteers. In a forced choice recognition task the subjects were confronted with two symbols simultaneously presented during 120 ms at random positions, one in the left and the other in the right visual field. The subject had to identify the presented pattern out of four possible combinations and to press the corresponding response key within 2 s. Double-pulse TMS (dTMS) with a 100-ms interstimulus interval (ISI) and an intensity of 80% of the stimulator output (corresponding to 110-120% of the motor threshold) was applied by a non-focal coil over the right or left posterior parietal cortex (PPC, corresponding to P3/P4 of the international 10-20 system) at different time intervals after onset of the visual stimulus (starting at 120 ms, 270 ms and 520 ms). Double-pulse TMS over the right PPC starting at 270 ms led to a significant increase in percentage of errors in the contralateral, left visual field (median: 23% with TMS vs 13% without TMS, P=0.0025). TMS applied earlier or later showed no effect. Furthermore, no significant increase in contra- or ipsilateral percentage of errors was found when the left parietal cortex was stimulated with the same timing. These data indicate that: (1) parietal influence on visuospatial attention is mainly controlled by the right lobe since the same stimulation over the left parietal cortex had no significant effect, and (2) there is a vulnerable time window to disturb this cortical process, since dTMS had a significant effect on the percentage of errors in the contralateral visual hemifield only when applied 270 ms after visual stimulus presentation.


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The study investigated the influence of double-pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation (dTMS) on memory-guided saccade triggering. Double pulses with interstimulus intervals (ISIs) of 35, 50, 65 or 80 ms were applied over the right frontal eye field (FEF) and as control over the occipital cortex. A significant dTMS effect was found exclusively for contralateral saccades; latency of memory-guided saccades was reduced after FEF stimulation with an ISI of 50 ms compared to latency without stimulation. This effect proved to be specific for the ISI of 50 ms over the FEF because control stimulation with the same ISI over the occipital cortex had no significant effect on latency of memory-guided saccades. The results of our study showed that, by using an appropriate ISI, dTMS is able to facilitate contralateral saccade triggering by stimulating the FEF. This suggests that TMS interferes specifically with saccade triggering mechanisms, probably by acting on presaccadic neurons of the FEF.


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Background: The left superior temporal gyrus (STG) has been suggested to play a key role in auditory verbal hallucinations (AVH) in patients with schizophrenia. Methods: Eleven medicated subjects with schizophrenia and medication-resistant AVH and 19 healthy controls underwent perfusion magnetic resonance (MR) imaging with arterial spin labeling (ASL). Three additional repeated measurements were conducted in the patients. Patients underwent a treatment with transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) between the first 2 measurements. The main outcome measure was the pooled cerebral blood flow (CBF), which consisted of the regional CBF measurement in the left STG and the global CBF measurement in the whole brain. Results: Regional CBF in the left STG in patients was significantly higher compared to controls (p < 0.0001) and to the global CBF in patients (p < 0.004) at baseline. Regional CBF in the left STG remained significantly increased compared to the global CBF in patients across time (p < 0.0007), and it remained increased in patients after TMS compared to the baseline CBF in controls (p < 0.0001). After TMS, PANSS (p = 0.003) and PSYRATS (p = 0.01) scores decreased significantly in patients. Conclusions: This study demonstrated tonically increased regional CBF in the left STG in patients with schizophrenia and auditory hallucinations despite a decrease in symptoms after TMS. These findings were consistent with what has previously been termed a trait marker of AVH in schizophrenia.


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One Hertz (1 Hz) repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) is an effective therapy for auditory verbal hallucinations (AVH). Theta burst protocols (TBS) show longer after-effects. This single-blind, randomized controlled study compared continuous TBS with 1Hz rTMS in a 10-day treatment. Patients were diagnosed with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder. TBS demonstrated equal clinical effects compared to 1Hz TMS.


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The mdt(A) gene, previously designated mef214, from Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis plasmid pK214 encodes a protein [Mdt(A) (multiple drug transporter)] with 12 putative transmembrane segments (TMS) that contain typical motifs conserved among the efflux proteins of the major facilitator superfamily. However, it also has two C-motifs (conserved in the fifth TMS of the antiporters) and a putative ATP-binding site. Expression of the cloned mdt(A) gene decreased susceptibility to macrolides, lincosamides, streptogramins, and tetracyclines in L. lactis and Escherichia coli, but not in Enterococcus faecalis or in Staphylococcus aureus. Glucose-dependent efflux of erythromycin and tetracycline was demonstrated in L. lactis and in E. coli.


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Individuals react to violation of social norms by outgroup members differently than to transgressions of those same norms by ingroup members: namely outgroup perpetrators are punished much more harshly than ingroup perpetrators. This parochial punishment pattern has been observed and extensively studied in social psychology and behavioral economics. Despite progress in recent years, however, little is known about the neural underpinnings of this intergroup bias. Here, we demonstrate by means of transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) that the transient disruption of the right, but not the left temporo-parietal junction (TPJ), reduces parochial punishment in a third-party punishment paradigm with real social groups. Moreover, we show that this observed TMS effect on parochial punishment is mediated by a classical punishment motive, i.e. retaliation. Finally, our data suggests that a change in perspective-taking might be the underlying mechanism that explains the impact of right TPJ disruption on retaliation motivation and parochial punishment. These findings provide the first causal evidence that the right TPJ plays a pivotal role in the implementation of parochial behaviors.


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When briefly presented with pairs of words, skilled readers can sometimes report words with migrated letters (e.g., they report hunt when presented with the words hint and hurt). These letter migration phenomena have been often used to investigate factors that influence reading such as letter position coding. However, the neural basis of letter migration is poorly understood. Previous evidence has implicated the right posterior parietal cortex (PPC) in processing visuospatial attributes and lexical properties during word reading. The aim of this study was to assess this putative role by combining an inhibitory TMS protocol with a letter migration paradigm, which was designed to examine the contributions of visuospatial attributes and lexical factors. Temporary interference with the right PPC led to three specific effects on letter migration. First, the number of letter migrations was significantly increased only in the group with active stimulation (vs. a sham stimulation group or a control group without stimulation), and there was no significant effect on other error types. Second, this effect occurred only when letter migration could result in a meaningful word (migration vs. control context). Third, the effect of active stimulation on the number of letter migrations was lateralized to target words presented on the left. Our study thus demonstrates that the right PPC plays a specific and causal role in the phenomenon of letter migration. The nature of this role cannot be explained solely in terms of visuospatial attention, rather it involves an interplay between visuospatial attentional and word reading-specific factors.


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PURPOSE To compare the occurrence rate and depth of the demarcation line and topographical outcome after corneal cross-linking (CXL) for keratoconus using two different treatment protocols. METHODS A retrospective analysis of 131 eyes with progressive keratoconus treated with CXL using riboflavin and UV-A was performed. Eyes were treated either with the standard Dresden protocol (30 minutes irradiation, 3 mW/cm(2), UV-XTM 1000) or a rapid protocol (10 minutes irradiation, 9 mW/cm(2), UV-XTM 2000). The presence and depth of the corneal demarcation line was assessed with an anterior segment optical coherence tomography device 1 month after CXL by a masked observer. Corneal topography and tomography was performed at baseline and at 12-month follow-up with Pentacam and the TMS (Topographic Modeling System) device. RESULTS In the standard protocol group, 76.5% (62/81) of treated corneas revealed a demarcation line 1 month after CXL, whereas such a demarcation line was observed in only 22% (11/50) of eyes treated with the rapid protocol (P < 0.0001). The demarcation line was significantly more superficial in the rapid protocol group (P = 0.004). Corneal topography values between baseline and 12 months after CXL showed a mean change of -0.76 diopters (D) in Kmax (SD ± 2.7) in the standard protocol group versus a mean change of +0.72 D in Kmax (SD ± 1.5) in the rapid protocol (P = 0.007). CONCLUSIONS The rapid CXL protocol negatively influences the occurrence and depth of the demarcation line 1 month after CXL. Our results show a negative effect on the topographical outcome 1 year after CXL.


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Recently transcranial electric stimulation (tES) has been widely used as a mean to modulate brain activity. The modulatory effects of tES have been studied with the excitability of primary motor cortex. However, tES effects are not limited to the site of stimulation but extended to other brain areas, suggesting a need for the study of functional brain networks. Transcranial alternating current stimulation (tACS) applies sinusoidal current at a specified frequency, presumably modulating brain activity in a frequency-specific manner. At a behavioural level, tACS has been confirmed to modulate behaviour, but its neurophysiological effects are still elusive. In addition, neural oscillations are considered to reflect rhythmic changes in transmission efficacy across brain networks, suggesting that tACS would provide a mean to modulate brain networks. To study neurophysiological effects of tACS, we have been developing a methodological framework by combining transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), EEG and tACS. We have developed the optimized concurrent tACS-EEG recording protocol and powerful artefact removal method that allow us to study neurophysiological effects of tACS. We also established the concurrent tACS-TMS-EEG recording to study brain network connectivity while introducing extrinsic oscillatory activity by tACS. We show that tACS modulate brain activity in a phase-dependent manner. Our methodological advancement will open an opportunity to study causal role of oscillatory brain activity in neural transmissions in cortical brain networks.


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Optimal adjustment of brain networks allows the biased processing of information in response to the demand of environments and is therefore prerequisite for adaptive behaviour. It is widely shown that a biased state of networks is associated with a particular cognitive process. However, those associations were identified by backward categorization of trials and cannot provide a causal association with cognitive processes. This problem still remains a big obstacle to advance the state of our field in particular human cognitive neuroscience. In my talk, I will present two approaches to address the causal relationships between brain network interactions and behaviour. Firstly, we combined connectivity analysis of fMRI data and a machine leaning method to predict inter-individual differences of behaviour and responsiveness to environmental demands. The connectivity-based classification approach outperforms local activation-based classification analysis, suggesting that interactions in brain networks carry information of instantaneous cognitive processes. Secondly, we have recently established a brand new method combining transcranial alternating current stimulation (tACS), transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), and EEG. We use the method to measure signal transmission between brain areas while introducing extrinsic oscillatory brain activity and to study causal association between oscillatory activity and behaviour. We show that phase-matched oscillatory activity creates the phase-dependent modulation of signal transmission between brain areas, while phase-shifted oscillatory activity blunts the phase-dependent modulation. The results suggest that phase coherence between brain areas plays a cardinal role in signal transmission in the brain networks. In sum, I argue that causal approaches will provide more concreate backbones to cognitive neuroscience.


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Los objetivos fueron determinar temperaturas medias de suelo (TMS) y mínimas de aire (TMA) adecuadas para realizar resiembras otoñales; evaluar la tasa de crecimiento (TCC) de Cynodon dactylon (Bermuda) que minimice la competencia con la especie resembrada y el comportamiento de distintas especies mesotérmicas en el centro-sur de la provincia de Córdoba. Se resembró durante 2010 y 2011, en un diseño de parcelas divididas con cinco fechas de siembra (FS) quincenalmente desde principios de marzo, con tres genotipos: Lolium multiflorum cv Axcella, L. perenne y L. perenne cv Excel I. Las temperaturas se midieron entre principios de marzo y hasta que la bermuda entró en dormición, calculando TMA y TMS. En las subparcelas resembradas se registraron calidad visual y cobertura total; además, en la bermuda se calculó la TCC. Las resiembras que lograron valores más altos de calidad visual, cobertura y bajas TCC de la Bermuda, se dieron con TMS entre 18 - 21°C y TMA entre 11,5 - 15,5°C. De acuerdo con los valores medios normales de la región centro-sur de Córdoba, las temperaturas óptimas se observan entre la segunda década de marzo y primera de abril. Los tres genotipos tuvieron comportamientos similares independientemente de la FS utilizada.


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1. Late glacial and postglacial sediments from three former lakes in the Lake Garda area (Southern Alps) were investigated. 2. The pollen diagram from Bondone (1550 m) shows an older phase rich in NAP. A younger one corresponds with the Younger Dryas time according to two radiocarbon determinations. In the Preboreal no climatic deterioration could be found. 3. At first plants, which are nowadays typical for snow-ground, pioneer and dwarf shrub associations, immigrated into the surroundings of Bondone. In Alleröd times larch and pine appeared as the first trees. At the beginning of the Preboreal dense forest existed in that region. During the Alleröd timber line was at about 1500 m. 4. In the pollen diagrams from Saltarino (194 m) and Fiavè (654 m) an oldest period rich in NAP is followed by two stadial and two interstadial phases. Tree birches and larches immigrated during the oldest interstadial phase. 5. In the case of Saltarino and Fiavè only a preliminary dating could be made. A correlation seems to be possible with diagrams published by Zoller as well as with the diagram of Bondone. Discrepances in dating, which arise then, are discussed. According to the two possibilities of dating the youngest stadial is synchronous either with the so-called Piottino stadial or the Younger Dryas time. Consequently the oldest interstadial phase of Saltarino corresponds either with the Bölling or with a pre-Bölling interstadial. The last possibility seems to be more probable. 6. In the southern part of the Lake Garda area reforestation was preceded by a long shrub phase mainly with Juniperus. At about 650 m there was a period with Pinus mugo and only with a small amount of Juniperus before reforestation. A phase with Betula nana well known from areas north of the Alps could nowhere be found. 7. In the area under study larch appeared as the first tree. Lateron it has been the most important constituent of the forests near timber line. Birch, which plays an important role as a pioneer tree in Denmark - for instance at the transition of the pollen zones III/IV - as well as in Southern Germany during Bölling time, was of less importance at the southern border of the Alps. In that area the spreading of Pinus occurred very early causing dense forests. 8. During the last stadial phase (probably Younger Dryas time) dense forests with Pinus and Larix existed at 650 m. In the lower part of the Lake Garda area, however, both thermophilous trees as Quercus and herbs frequently occurred. This leads to the conclusion that during this time tree growth was limited by dryness in lower altitudes of the border of the Southern Alps. Pinus and Juniperus, however, do not show higher values in this period, a fact which cannot yet be explained. 9. A list of plants, which were found in the sediments, is compiled. Helodium lanatum, Dictamnus albus, Mercurialis cf. ovata, Buxus, Cerinthe cf. minor, Onosma, Anthericum and Asphodelus albus are findings, which are of special interest for the history of the flora of that region.


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The ROV operations had three objectives: (1) to check, whether the "Cherokee" system is suited for advanced benthological work in the high latitude Antarctic shelf areas; (2) to support the disturbance experiment, providing immediate visual Information; (3) to continue ecological work that started in 1989 at the hilltop situated at the northern margin of the Norsel Bank off the 4-Seasons Inlet (Weddell Sea). The "Cherokee" is was equipped with 3 video cameras, 2 of which support the operation. A high resolution Tritech Typhoon camera is used for scientific observations to be recorded. In addition, the ROV has a manipulator, a still camera, lights and strobe, compass, 2 lasers, a Posidonia transponder and an obstacle avoidance Sonar. The size of the vehicle is 160 X 90 X 90cm. In the present configuration without TMS (tether management system) the deployment has to start with paying out the full cable length, lay it in loops on deck and connect the glass fibres at the tether's spool winch. After a final technical check the vehicle is deployed into the water, actively driven perpendicular to the ship's axis and floatings are fixed to the tether. At a cable length of approx. 50 m, the tether is tightened to the depressor by several cable ties and both components are lowered towards the sea floor, the vehicle by the thruster's propulsion and the depressor by the ship's winch. At 5 m intervals the tether has to be tied to the single conductor cable. In good weather conditions the instruments supporting the navigation of the ROV, especially the Posidonia system, allow an operation mode to follow the ship's course if the ship's speed is slow. Together with the lasers which act as a scale in the images they also allow a reproducible scientific analysis since the transect can be plotted in a GIS system. Consequently, the area observed can be easily calculated. An operation as a predominantly drifting system, especially in areas with bottom near currents, is also possible, however, the connection of the tether at the rear of the vehicle is unsuitable for such conditions. The recovery of the system corresponds to that of the deployment. Most important is to reach the surface of the sea at a safe distance perpendicular to the ship's axis in order not to interfere with the ship's propellers. During this phase the Posidonia transponder system is of high relevance although it has to be switched off at a water depth of approx. 40 m. The minimum personal needed is 4 persons to handle the tether on deck, one person to operate the ship's winch, one pilot and one additional technician for the ROV's operation itself, one scientist, and one person on the ship's bridge in addition to one on deck for whale watching when the Posidonia system is in use. The time for the deployment of the ROV until it reaches the sea floor depends on the water depth and consequently on the length of the cable to be paid out beforehand and to be tightened to the single conductor cable. Deployment and recovery at intermediate water depths can last up to 2 hours each. A reasonable time for benthological observations close to the sea floor is 1 to 3 hours but can be extended if scientifically justified. Preliminary results: after a first test station, the ROV was deployed 3 times for observations related to the disturbance experiment. A first attempt to Cross the hilltop at the northern margin of the Norsel Bank close to the 4- Seasons Inlet was successful only for the first hundreds of metres transect length. The benthic community was dominated in biomass by the demosponge Cinachyra barbata. Due to the strong current of approx. 1 nm/h, the design of the system, and an expected more difficult current regime between grounded icebergs and the top of the hilltop the operation was stopped before the hilltop was reached. In a second attempt the hilltop was successfully crossed because the current and wind situation was much more suitable. In contrast to earlier expeditions with the "sprint" ROV it was the first time that both slopes, the smoother in the northeast and the steeper in the southwest were continuously observed during one cast. A coarse classification of the hilltop fauna shows patches dominated by single taxa: cnidarians, hydrozoans, holothurians, sea urchins and stalked sponges. Approximately 20 % of the north-eastern slope was devastated by grounding icebergs. Here the sediments consisted of large boulders, gravel or blocks of finer sediment looking like an irregularly ploughed field. On the Norsel Bank the Cinachyra concentrations were locally associated with high abundances of sea anemones. Total observation time amounted to 11.5 hours corresponding to almost 6-9 km transect length.