897 resultados para Time delay


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Fault injection is frequently used for the verification and validation of dependable systems. When targeting real time microprocessor based systems the process becomes significantly more complex. This paper proposes two complementary solutions to improve real time fault injection campaign execution, both in terms of performance and capabilities. The methodology is based on the use of the on-chip debug mechanisms present in modern electronic devices. The main objective is the injection of faults in microprocessor memory elements with minimum delay and intrusiveness. Different configurations were implemented and compared in terms of performance gain and logic overhead.


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The rapid increase in the use of microprocessor-based systems in critical areas, where failures imply risks to human lives, to the environment or to expensive equipment, significantly increased the need for dependable systems, able to detect, tolerate and eventually correct faults. The verification and validation of such systems is frequently performed via fault injection, using various forms and techniques. However, as electronic devices get smaller and more complex, controllability and observability issues, and sometimes real time constraints, make it harder to apply most conventional fault injection techniques. This paper proposes a fault injection environment and a scalable methodology to assist the execution of real-time fault injection campaigns, providing enhanced performance and capabilities. Our proposed solutions are based on the use of common and customized on-chip debug (OCD) mechanisms, present in many modern electronic devices, with the main objective of enabling the insertion of faults in microprocessor memory elements with minimum delay and intrusiveness. Different configurations were implemented starting from basic Components Off-The-Shelf (COTS) microprocessors, equipped with real-time OCD infrastructures, to improved solutions based on modified interfaces, and dedicated OCD circuitry that enhance fault injection capabilities and performance. All methodologies and configurations were evaluated and compared concerning performance gain and silicon overhead.


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Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica e Computadores


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Slowed atrial conduction may contribute to reentry circuits and vulnerability for atrial fibrillation (AF). The autonomic nervous system (ANS) has modulating effects on electrophysiological properties. However, complex interactions of the ANS with the arrhythmogenic substrate make it difficult to understand the mechanisms underlying induction and maintenance of AF. AIM: To determine the effect of acute ANS modulation in atrial activation times in patients (P) with paroxysmal AF (PAF). METHODS AND RESULTS: 16P (9 men; 59±14years) with PAF, who underwent electrophysiological study before AF ablation, and 15P (7 men; 58±11years) with atrioventricular nodal reentry tachycardia, without documentation or induction of AF (control group). Each group included 7P with arterial hypertension but without underlying structural heart disease. The study was performed while off drugs. Multipolar catheters were placed at the high right atrium (HRA), right atrial appendage (RAA), coronary sinus (CS) and His bundle area (His). At baseline and with HRA pacing (600ms, shortest propagated S2) we measured: i) intra-atrial conduction time (IACT, between RAA and atrial deflection in the distal His), ii) inter-atrial conduction time (interACT, between RAA and distal CS), iii) left atrial activation time (LAAT, between atrial deflection in the distal His and distal CS), iv) bipolar electrogram duration at four atrial sites (RAA, His, proximal and distal CS). In the PAF group, measurements were also determined during handgrip and carotid sinus massage (CSM), and after pharmacological blockade of the ANS (ANSB). AF was induced by HRA programmed stimulation in 56% (self-limited - 6; sustained - 3), 68.8% (self-limited - 6; sustained - 5), and 50% (self-limited - 5; sustained - 3) of the P, in basal, during ANS maneuvers, and after ANSB, respectively (p=NS). IACT, interACT and LAAT significantly lengthened during HRA pacing in both groups (600ms, S2). P with PAF have longer IACT (p<0.05), a higher increase in both IACT, interACT (p<0.01) and electrograms duration (p<0.05) with S2, and more fragmented activity, compared with the control group. Atrial conduction times and electrograms duration were not significantly changed during ANS stimulation. Nevertheless, ANS maneuvers increased heterogeneity of the local electrograms duration. Also, P with sustained AF showed longer interACT and LAAT during CSM. CONCLUSION: Atrial conduction times, electrograms duration and fractionated activity are increased in PAF, suggesting a role for conduction delays in the arrhythmogenic substrate. Acute vagal stimulation is associated with prolonged interACT and LAAT in P with inducible sustained AF and ANS modulation may influence the heterogeneity of atrial electrograms duration.


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Real-time monitoring applications may be used in a wireless sensor network (WSN) and may generate packet flows with strict quality of service requirements in terms of delay, jitter, or packet loss. When strict delays are imposed from source to destination, the packets must be delivered at the destination within an end-to-end delay (EED) hard limit in order to be considered useful. Since the WSN nodes are scarce both in processing and energy resources, it is desirable that they only transport useful data, as this contributes to enhance the overall network performance and to improve energy efficiency. In this paper, we propose a novel cross-layer admission control (CLAC) mechanism to enhance the network performance and increase energy efficiency of a WSN, by avoiding the transmission of potentially useless packets. The CLAC mechanism uses an estimation technique to preview packets EED, and decides to forward a packet only if it is expected to meet the EED deadline defined by the application, dropping it otherwise. The results obtained show that CLAC enhances the network performance by increasing the useful packet delivery ratio in high network loads and improves the energy efficiency in every network load.


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A dissertation submitted to Departamento de Engenharia Electrotécnica of Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia of Universidade Nova de Lisboa in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores


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There has been a long debate since the introduction of blood analysis prior to major sports events, to find out whether blood samples should be analysed right away on the site of competition or whether they should be transported and analysed in an anti-doping laboratory. Therefore, it was necessary to measure blood samples and compare the results obtained right after the blood withdrawal with those obtained after a few hours delay. Furthermore, it was interesting to determine the effect of temperature on the possible deterioration of red blood cell analytes used for testing recombinant erythropoietin abuse. Healthy volunteers were asked to give two blood samples and one of these was kept at room temperature whereas the second one was put into a refrigerator. On a regular basis, the samples were rolled for homogenisation and temperature stabilisation and were analysed with the same haematological apparatus. The results confirmed that blood controls prior to competition should be performed as soon as possible with standardised pre-analytical conditions to avoid too many variations notably on the haematocrit and the reticulocyte count. These recommendations should ideally also be applied to the all the blood controls compulsory for the medical follow up, otherwise unexplainable values could be misinterpreted and could for instance lead to a period of incapacity.


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Background and Aims: Two distinct e ndoscopic phenotypes of E osinophilic Esophagitis (EoE) h ave been identified: t he inflammatory (IP) a nd the stenosing (SP) p henotype. I t is not known whether these EoE-associated phenotypes are reflective of different phases during disease course. We aimed to assess the phenotype a t initial EoE p resentation and d iagnosis and to evaluate if SP increases over time. Methods: R etrospective a nalysis of t he Swiss EoE Database (SEED) extended b y a review of p atients charts, endoscopy and pathology records. Results: F orty-four E oE p atients were a nalyzed (33 males, mean age at index visit 41 ± 14 years, all Caucasians). Median follow-up t ime was 3.1 years (IQR 1-4, r ange 1 -18 years). Median diagnostic delay w as 5 y ears (IQR 2-16, range 0-34 years). A t first diagnosis, 3 2% ( 14/44) o f EoE patients h ad already presented w ith a stenosis. T he mean d iameter o f the stenoses w as 1 0 ± 2 mm, and the mean length was 2 .8 ± 2 .9 cm. Peak e osinophil count d id n ot c hange over t ime (48 ± 39 eos/HPF at index visit vs. 59 ± 41 eos/HPF at end of follow-up, n=44). The risk of the presence of a stenosis at index visit was 0% f or a d isease duration of 0 -4 y ears, 37% f or a d isease duration between 5-10 years and 67% f or a d isease duration >10 years (p = 0.0035, trend test). Conclusions: T he frequency of e sophageal stenoses i s proportional to the disease duration, whereas the inflammatory activity does n ot s ignificantly c hange over t ime. O ur f indings underscore the necessity to reduce diagnostic delay in EoE and to control the underlying inflammatory processes to prevent esophageal remodeling.


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The diagnosis of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), comprising Crohn's disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC), continues to present difficulties due to unspecific symptoms and limited test accuracies. We aimed to determine the diagnostic delay (time from first symptoms to IBD diagnosis) and to identify associated risk factors. A total of 1591 IBD patients (932 CD, 625 UC, 34 indeterminate colitis) from the Swiss IBD cohort study (SIBDCS) were evaluated. The SIBDCS collects data on a large sample of IBD patients from hospitals and private practice across Switzerland through physician and patient questionnaires. The primary outcome measure was diagnostic delay. Diagnostic delay in CD patients was significantly longer compared to UC patients (median 9 versus 4 months, P < 0.001). Seventy-five percent of CD patients were diagnosed within 24 months compared to 12 months for UC and 6 months for IC patients. Multivariate logistic regression identified age <40 years at diagnosis (odds ratio [OR] 2.15, P = 0.010) and ileal disease (OR 1.69, P = 0.025) as independent risk factors for long diagnostic delay in CD (>24 months). In UC patients, nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug (NSAID intake (OR 1.75, P = 0.093) and male gender (OR 0.59, P = 0.079) were associated with long diagnostic delay (>12 months). Whereas the median delay for diagnosing CD, UC, and IC seems to be acceptable, there exists a long delay in a considerable proportion of CD patients. More public awareness work needs to be done in order to reduce patient and doctor delays in this target population.


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Aim: The diagnosis of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), comprising Crohn's disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC), continues to present difficulties due to unspecific symptoms and limited test accuracies. We aimed to determine the diagnostic delay (time from first symptoms to IBD diagnosis) and to identify associated risk factors in a national cohort in Switzerland.¦Materials and Methods: A total of 1,591 IBD patients (932 CD, 625 UC, 34 indeterminate colitis) from the Swiss IBD cohort study (SIBDCS) were evaluated. The SIBDCS collects data on a large sample of IBD patients from hospitals and private practice across Switzerland through physician and patient questionnaires. The primary outcome measure was the diagnostic delay.¦Results: Diagnostic delay in CD patients was significantly longer compared to UC patients (median 9 vs. 4 months, P < 0.001). Seventy-five percent of CD patients were diagnosed within 24 months compared to 12 months for UC and 6 months for IC patients. Multivariate logistic regression identified age <40 years at diagnosis (OR 2.15, P = 0.010) and ileal disease (OR 1.69, P = 0.025) as independent risk factors for long diagnostic delay in CD (>24 months). A trend for long diagnostic delay (>12 months) was associated with NSAID intake (OR 1.75, P = 0.093) and male gender (OR 0.59, P = 0.079) in UC patients.¦Conclusions: Whereas the median delay for diagnosing CD, UC, and IC seems to be acceptable, there exists a long delay in a considerable proportion of CD patients. More public awareness work needs to be done in order to reduce patient's and doctor's delay in this target population.


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Schistosoma mansoni is responsible for lesions that can alter the hemodinamic of the portal venous circulation, lung arterial and venous sistemic systems. Therefore, hemodinamic changes in the ocular circulation of mansonic schistosomotic patients with portal hypertension and hepatofugal venous blood flow is also probable. The purpose of this study was to determine the fluorescein contrast arrival time at the retina of young patients with the hepatosplenic form of schistosomiasis, clinically and surgically treated. The control group included 36 non schistosomotic patients, mean age of 17.3 years, and the case group was represented by 25 schistosomotic patients, mean age of 18.2 years, who were cared for at The University Hospital (Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil), from 1990 to 2001. They underwent digital angiofluoresceinography and were evaluated for the contrast arrival time at the early retinal venous phase of the exam. Both groups were ophthalmologically examined at the same hospital (Altino Ventura Foundation, Recife, Brazil), using the same technique. There was retardation of the retinal contrast arrival time equal or more than 70 sec in the eyes of three schistosomotic patients (12%) and in none of the control group, however, the mean contrast arrival time between the two groups were not statistically different. These findings lend support to the hypothesis that there could be a delay of the eye venous blood flow drainage.


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The objective of this paper is to propose a protocol to analyze blood samples in yellow fever 17DD vaccinated which developed serious adverse events. We investigated whether or not the time between sample collection and sample processing could interfere in lymphocyte subset percentage, for it is often impossible to analyze blood samples immediately after collection due to transport delay from collection places to the flow cytometry facility. CD4+CD38+ T, CD8+CD38+ T, CD3+ T, CD19+ B lymphocyte subsets were analyzed by flow cytometry in nine healthy volunteers immediately after blood collection and after intervals of 24 and 48 h. The whole blood lysis method and gradient sedimentation by Histopaque were applied to isolate peripheral blood mononuclear cells for flow cytometry analyses. With the lysis method, there was no significant change in lymphocyte subset percentage between the two time intervals (24 and 48 h). In contrast, when blood samples were processed by Histopaque gradient sedimentation, time intervals for sample processing influenced the percentage in T lymphocyte subsets but not in B cells. From the results obtained, we could conclude that the whole blood lysis method is more appropriate than gradient sedimentation by Histopaque for immunophenotyping of blood samples collected after serious adverse events, due to less variation in the lymphocyte subset levels with respect to the time factor.


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INTRODUCTION. Patients admitted in Intensive Care Unit (ICU) from general wards are more severe and have a higher mortality than those admitted from emergency department as reported [1]. The majority of them develop signs of instability (e.g. tachypnea, tachycardia, hypotension, decreased oxygen saturation and change in conscious state) several hours before ICU admission. Considering this fact and that in-hospital cardiac arrests and unexpected deaths are usually preceded by warning signs, immediate on site intervention by specialists may be effective. This gave an impulse to medical emergency team (MET) implementation, which has been shown to decrease cardiac arrest, morbidity and mortality in several hospitals. OBJECTIVES AND METHODS. In order to verify if the same was true in our hospital and to determine if there was a need for MET, we prospectively collected all non elective ICU admissions of already hospitalized patients (general wards) and of patients remaining more than 3 h in emergency department (considered hospitalized). Instability criteria leading to MET call correspond to those described in the literature. The delay between the development of one criterion and ICU admission was registered. RESULTS. During an observation period of 12 months, 321 patients with our MET criteria were admitted to ICU. 88 patients came from the emergency department, 115 from the surgical and 113 from the medical ward. 65% were male. The median age was 65 years (range 17-89). The delay fromMETcriteria development to ICU admission was higher than 8 h in 155 patients, with a median delay of 32 h and a range of 8.4 h to 10 days. For the remaining 166 patients, an early MET criterion was present up to 8 h (median delay 3 h) before ICU admission. These results are quite concordant with the data reported in the literature (ref 1-8). 122 patients presented signs of sepsis or septic shock, 70 patients a respiratory failure, 58 patients a cardiac emergency. Cardiac arrest represent 5% of our collective of patients. CONCLUSIONS.Similar to others observations, the majority of hospitalized patients admitted on emergency basis in our ICU have warning signs lasting for several hours. More than half of them were unstable for more than 8 h. This shows there is plenty of time for early acute management by dedicated and specialized team such as MET. However, further studies are required to determine if MET implementation can reduce in-hospital cardiac arrests and influence the morbidity, the length of stay and the mortality.


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Standards for the construction of full-depth patching in portland cement concrete pavement usually require replacement of all deteriorated based materials with crushed stone, up to the bottom of the existing pavement layer. In an effort to reduce the time of patch construction and costs, the Iowa Department of Transportation and the Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering at Iowa State University studied the use of extra concrete depth as an option for base construction. This report compares the impact of additional concrete patching material depth on rate of strength gain, potential for early opening to traffic, patching costs, and long-term patch performance. This report also compares those characteristics in terms of early setting and standard concrete mixes. The results have the potential to change the method of Portland cement concrete pavement patch construction in Iowa.


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OBJECTIVE: This study was undertaken to determine the delay of extubation attributable to ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) in comparison to other complications and complexity of surgery after repair of congenital heart lesions in neonates and children. METHODS: Cohort study in a pediatric intensive care unit of a tertiary referral center. All patients who had cardiac operations during a 22-month period and who survived surgery were eligible (n = 272, median age 1.3 years). Primary outcome was time to successful extubation. Primary variable of interest was VAP Surgical procedures were classified according to complexity. Cox proportional hazards models were calculated to adjust for confounding. Potential confounders comprised other known risk factors for delayed extubation. RESULTS: Median time to extubation was 3 days. VAP occurred in 26 patients (9.6%). The rate of VAP was not associated with complexity of surgery (P = 0.22), or cardiopulmonary bypass (P = 0.23). The adjusted analysis revealed as further factors associated with delayed extubation: other respiratory complications (n = 28, chylothorax, airway stenosis, diaphragm paresis), prolonged inotropic support (n = 48, 17.6%), and the need for secondary surgery (n = 51, 18.8%; e.g., re-operation, secondary closure of thorax). Older age promoted early extubation. The median delay of extubation attributable to VAP was 3.7 days (hazards ratio HR = 0.29, 95% CI 0.18-0.49), exceeding the effect size of secondary surgery (HR = 0.48) and other respiratory complications (HR = 0.50). CONCLUSION: VAP accounts for a major delay of extubation in pediatric cardiac surgery.