977 resultados para Termoluminescência (TL)


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Two studies were conducted in consecutive years over the time period 14 January to 1 July to determine whether labor-savings and fish growth enhancement could be achieved by stocking Tilapia rendalli directly into ponds containing weeds left from a dry period. Six replicates 200 sq. m ponds located at the Malawi National Aquaculture Centre, Domasi were drained, left dry for 63 days and natural growth of weeds was allowed. All ponds were stocked with 200 T. rendalli fingerlings (study 1) or adults (study 2) averaging 4.6 g (40 mm TL) and 47.7 (130 mm TL), respectively. For T. rendalli juveniles, final standing stock, growth and offspring production were significantly (P<0.05) better in fed than in weedy ponds. Average weight of fingerlings were significantly (P<0.05) different between the two treatments. For T. rendalli adults, final standing stock, growth and offspring production were not affected by the presence of weeds.


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This contribution presents von Bertalanffy growth parameter estimates for species/stocks of jack mackerels of the genus Trachurus from around the world, and compares them with growth parameters for T. symmetricus murphyi caught off central-Chile (33 super(o)S-39 super(o)S). It is found that Trachurus stocks inhabiting upwelling areas such as the Humboldt and Benguela current systems grow better than their ecological equivalents in temperate waters, such as the North Sea. The von Bertalanffy growth paramters estimated from Chilean horse mackerel are: FL = 65.2 cm (TL = 71.6 cm) and K = 0.138 year super(-1).


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Through a combination of experimental techniques we show that the topmost layer of the topological insulator TlBiSe2 as prepared by cleavage is formed by irregularly shaped Tl islands at cryogenic temperatures and by mobile Tl atoms at room temperature. No trivial surface states are observed in photoemission at low temperatures, which suggests that these islands cannot be regarded as a clear surface termination. The topological surface state is, however, clearly resolved in photoemission experiments. This is interpreted as direct evidence of its topological self-protection and shows the robust nature of the Dirac cone-like surface state. Our results can also help explain the apparent mass acquisition in S-doped TlBiSe2.


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Neste trabalho, foi estudada a transesterificação enzimática do óleo de soja com álcool catalisada por lipase comercial imobilizada. Inicialmente foram investigados os efeitos da temperatura, do tipo de enzima (Novozym 435, Lipozyme RM-IM e Lipozyme TL-IM) e do tipo de álcool (etanol ou butanol) na síntese de biodiesel utilizando óleo de soja refinado. A melhor temperatura observada para as reações empregando Lipozyme TL IM e Lipozyme RM IM foi de 50C, enquanto que para a Novozym 435, a temperatura ótima foi de 70C. O maior teor em biodiesel (~60%) foi obtido na etanólise do óleo de soja a 70C utilizando Novozym 435 a 5% m/m. Também foi avaliada a síntese de biodiesel por via enzimática a partir da etanólise de óleos ácidos com índice de acidez (IA) (de 8,5, 54,4 e 93,7). A conversão do ácido graxo livre foi superior a 90% nas reações conduzidas com Novozym 435 nas reações com os três óleos ácidos testados. O teor em biodiesel foi próximo a 50% na etanólise do óleo de soja com índice de acidez de 8,5 empregando Lipozyme TL IM, porém para índices de acidez maiores este rendimento diminuiu. Para as reações conduzidas com Lipozyme RM-IM, o teor em biodiesel manteve-se em torno de 30% para todos os óleos ácidos investigados. A etanólise do óleo de soja refinado empregando reator de leito fixo em modo contínuo, a 50C, foi investigada variando a velocidade espacial dos reagentes (0,255 e 0,508 h-1), o tipo de lipase (Novozym 435, Lipozyme RM-IM e Lipozyme TL-IM) e a possibilidade de reuso do biocatalisador após lavagem com butanol. Na reação com Novozym 435, o teor em biodiesel foi de aproximadamente 50% e se manteve estável durante 4,5 h para as duas velocidades espaciais testadas. A lipase Lipozyme TL-IM apresentou teor em biodiesel maior do que o obtido nas reações com os outros biocatalisadores (~80%), porém não apresentou a mesma estabilidade. Foi observada uma queda significativa na produção de biodiesel nas reações empregando o reuso do biocatalisador


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Microcohorts of white shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei, were sampled with a cast net at fortnightly intervals in the Mar Muerto Lagoon, Southern Mexico. Shrimp recruited to the lagoon throughout the sampling period (January to August 1993). Mean growth rates of microcohorts ranged from 0.21 to 1.21 mm total length (TL) per day. Juvenile shrimp mainly between the sizes of 70 to 80 mm TL emigrated from the lagoon. Growth and the onset of emigration appeared to be related to water salinity.


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In this study, length-frequency data on Spanish sardine (Sardinella aurita) from northeastern Venezuela were analyzed for the period 1967-1989. Average growth parameters for the von Bertalanffy equation were established as L sub( infinity )= 26.6 cm (TL) and K = 1.26 year super(-1). The number of recruits to the fishing area, estimated from length-structured Virtual Population Analysis, varied from <10 super(8) in the late 1960s to >10 super(9) at the end of the 1980s. Exploited biomass estimates for the same period varied from less than 20,000 t in the first year to more than 100,000 in 1989. Both recruitment and exploited biomass showed different seasonal patterns between 1976-1983 and 1984-1988. Despite some uncertainty regarding these estimates, it is considered that major population tendencies are adequately represented by this analysis


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Gillnet catches of Oreochromis mortimeri (Trewavas) were studied in the Bumi Basin of Lake Kariba in 1988 and 1989. Total length (TL) was positively correlated with standard length (SL). The linear relationship between TL and SL was TL=1.91 + 1.22 SL (r super(2)=0.982). The relationship between SL and weight in g (W) was of the form W = 0.12 SL super(2.67). Maximum standard length (L sub(max)) was 33 cm and asymptotic length (L sub( infinity )) was 34.7 cm. Monthly ratios of male to female varied between 0.6:1 and 13:1. The mean ratio was 57.4% male: 42.6%female. Monthly condition factors varied between 3.19 and 5.11 in males, and between 3.18 and 5.14 in females. Catches were higher in 1989 compared to 1988 and possible reasons for these differences are discussed.


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A reassessment of the estimates of growth, mortality and recruitment patterns of Nile Perch, Lates niloticus was made based on data from commercial landings collected during the Catch Assessment Survey Programme. Two sets of length frequency data, one each from beach seining and hook and line fisheries, were analyzed. Values of L8 = 169 and 230 (cm TL) and K= 0.18 yr-1 and 0.195 yr-1 were obtained. The total mortality estimates from the catch curve analysis were Z = 0.72 yr-1 and 0.94 yr-1, respectively, with a natural mortality M of about 0.35 for a mean environmental temperature of 27oC. The highest peak for recruitment was in November, December and January with a minor one in June, indicating recruitment of two cohorts per year. These results are discussed and compared to previously available information on L. niloticus in Lake Victoria.


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Length-based methods (LBMs) were used to study the growth of Trisopterus minutus capelanus in the Strait of Sicily (Messina Strait). A total of 16,304 'merluzzetto' or poor cod collected by experimental trawling off the southern coast of Sicily during spring, summer, autumn 1986 and winter 1987 were measured in order to estimate the length structure of the population. Length-frequency distribution were analyzed and normal components were discriminated. Von Bertalanffy growth parameters were derived from the mean length of the normal components. The growth parameters obtained by weighted non-linear regression were: K=0.462 (yr super(1)), L sub( infinity )=222.3 (TL,mm) and t sub(o)=-0.679 yr. The resulting growth performance index ( Phi ') was 4.36, a value slightly lower than those derived for Western Mediterranean (mean Phi '=4.45) and Adriatic ( Phi '=4.58) populations and slightly higher than that derived for Hellenic waters ( Phi '=4.27). On the basis of the von Bertalanffy parameters estimated, an array of age-specific instantaneous natural mortality rate (M sub(t)=0.5-1.1) and an average value of total natural mortality rate (Z=2.1 yr super(1)) were estimated and used in the Thompson and Bell yield per recruit (Y/R) analysis in order to evaluate the status of the fishery and forecast the effects of changes in the fishing pattern. Results indicate that this resource is overexploited and that Y/R could be increased by postponing the age at first capture from 0.5 to 1.0 yr. Even a slight reduction in fishing mortality could improve the performance of the fishery. At the present level of exploitation, and assuming a constant recruitment, the spawning stock biomass per recruit (SPR) is well below the conservative threshold of 30% of the pristine or unexploited SPR.


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The gray snapper (Lutjanus griseus) is a temperate and tropical reef fish that is found along the Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic coasts of the southeastern United States. The recreational fishery for gray snapper has developed rapidly in south Louisiana with the advent of harvest and seasonal restrictions on the established red snapper (L. campechanus) fishery. We examined the age and growth of gray snapper in Louisiana with the use of cross-sectioned sagittae. A total of 833 specimens, (441 males, 387 females, and 5 of unknown sex) were opportunistically sampled from the recreational fishery from August 1998 to August 2002. Males ranged in size from 222 to 732 mm total length (TL) and from 280 g to 5700 g total weight (TW) and females ranged from 254 to 756 mm TL and from 340 g to 5800 g TW. Both edge analysis and bomb radiocarbon analyses were used to validate otolith-based age estimates. Ages were estimated for 718 individuals; both males and females ranged from 1 to 28 years. The von Bertalanffy growth models derived from TL at age were Lt = 655.4{1–e[–0.23(t)]} for males, Lt = 657.3{1–e[– 0.21(t)]} for females, and L t = 656.4{1–e[– 0.22 (t)]} for all specimens of known sex. Catch curves were used to produce a total mortality (Z) estimate of 0.17. Estimates of M calculated with various methods ranged from 0.15 to 0.50; however we felt that M= 0.15 was the most appropriate estimate based on our estimate of Z. Full recruitment to the gray snapper recreational fishery began at age 4, was completed by age 8, and there was no discernible peak in the catch curve dome.


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The narrow-barred Spanish mackerel (Scomberomorus commerson) is widespread throughout the Indo-West Pacific region. This study describes the reproductive biology of S. commerson along the west coast of Australia, where it is targeted for food consumption and sports fishing. Development of testes occurred at a smaller body size than for ovaries, and more than 90% of males were sexually mature by the minimum legal length of 900 mm TL compared to 50% of females. Females dominated overall catches although sex ratios within daily catches vary considerably and females were rarely caught when spaw n ing. Scomberomorus commerson are seasonally abundant in coastal waters and most of the commercial catch is taken prior to the reproductive season. Spawning occurs between about August and November in the Kimberley region and between October and January in the Pilbara region. No spawning activity was recorded in the more southerly West Coast region, and only in the north Kimberley region were large numbers of fish with spawning gonads collected. Catches dropped to a minimum when spawning began in the Pilbara region, when fish became less abundant in inshore waters and inclement weather conditions limited fishing on still productive offshore reefs. Final maturation and ovulation of oocytes took place within a 24-hour period, and females spawned in the afternoon-evening every three days. A third of these spawning females released batches of eggs on consecutive days. Relationships between length, weight, and batch fecundity are presented.


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Sciaenids from the Pacific coast of Mexico are used as a second-class fish species for human consumption (Aguilar-Palomino et al., 1996). The dwarf weakfish (Cynoscion nannus) (Castro-Aguirre and Arvizu-Martínez, 1976) is often caught as bycatch in the shrimp fishery but, because of its small size (<27 cm TL, total length), it is not considered a valuable resource. This species can be found in great numbers in waters between 100 and 812 m (Allen and Robertson, 1994; Fischer et al., 1995) associated with the soft-bottom regions off the coast of Jalisco and Colima (González-Sansón et al., 1997).


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This study was undertaken to re-assess the level of scup (Stenotomus chrysops) discards by weight and to evaluate the effect of various codend mesh sizes on the level of scup discards in the winter-trawl scup fishery. Scup discards were high in directed scup tows regardless of codend mesh — typically one to five times the weight of landings. The weight of scup discards in the present study did not differ significantly from that recorded in scup-targeted tows in the NMFS observer database. Most discards were required as such by the 22.86 cm TL (total length) fish-size limit for catches. Mesh sizes ≤12.7 cm, including the current legal mesh size (11.43 cm) did not adequately filter out scup smaller than 22.86 cm. The median length of scup discards was about 19.83 cm TL. Lowering the legal size for scup from 22.86 to 19.83 cm TL would greatly reduce discard mortality. Scup discards were a small fraction (0.4%) of black sea bass (Centropristis striata) landings in blacksea-bass−targeted tows. The black sea bass fishery is currently regulated under the small-mesh fishery gearrestricted area plan in which fishing is prohibited in some areas to reduce scup mortality. Our study found no evidence to support the efficacy of this management approach. The expectations that discarding would increase disproportionately as the trip limit (limit [in kilograms] on catch for a species) was reached towards the end of the trip and that discards would increase when the trip limit was reduced from 4536 kg to 454 kg at the end of the directed fishing season were not supported. Trip limits did not significantly affect discard mortality.


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The northwest Atlantic population of thorny skates (Amblyraja radiata) inhabits an area that ranges from Greenland and Hudson Bay, Canada, to South Carolina. Despite such a wide range, very little is known about most aspects of the biology of this species. Recent stock assessment studies in the northeast United States indicate that the biomass of the thorny skate is below the threshold levels mandated by the Sustainable Fisheries Act. In order to gain insight into the life history of this skate, we estimated age and growth for thorny skates, using vertebral band counts from 224 individuals ranging in size from 29 to 105 cm total length (TL). Age bias plots and the coefficient of variation indicated that our aging method represents a nonbiased and precise approach for the age assessment of A. radiata. Marginal increments were significantly different between months (Kruskal-Wallis P<0.001); a distinct trend of increasing monthly increment growth began in August. Age-at-length data were used to determine the von Bertalanffy growth parameters for this population: L∞ = 127 cm (TL) and k= 0.11 for males; L∞ = 120 cm (TL) and k= 0.13 for females. The oldest age estimates obtained for the thorny skate were 16 years for both males and females, which corresponded to total lengths of 103 cm and 105 cm, respectively.