257 resultados para Temples, Confucian.


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Since the late 1990s, the Indian community in Australia has grown faster than any other immigrant community. The Indian Diaspora has made substantial contributions to the multi-ethnic and multi-religious diversity within Australia. The growth of Hinduism and Sikhism through gurus, temples, yoga and rituals of many kind has brought new colours, images, customs and practices to the profile of Australian religion, and the Australian landscape more widely. At the same time, Hinduism and Sikhism have themselves been transformed as Hindus and Sikhs from different parts of India as well as Fiji, Malaysia and other parts of the world have come together to establish a pan-Indian ethos. Hindus and Sikhs here have also interacted with other sectors of the Australian population and with religions from the Western world. This is the theme of this book.The Indian Diaspora covers the theory of diaspora, the historical development of the Indian communities in Australia since the late 19th century to the present times, current practices and statistical profiles of Hindus and Sikhs in Australia, and interactions between Hindus and Sikhs with the wider Australian community. There are case-studies of the Indian students and women in the Australian community, of Indian communities in Melbourne and South Australia, and of temple building and the Sikh gurdwara. The book has been edited by and contains contributions from Purushottama Bilimoria, an internationally-known scholar of philosophy and religion, Jayant Bhalchandra Bapat, one of Australia’s most senior Hindu priests and a scholar of Hinduism, and Philip Hughes, a leading analyst of the religious profiles of the Australian people. It also contains contributions from several other prominent scholars. Included are special essays on the importance of diaspora by the late Ninian Smart and on the 19th century Afghan cameleers and Indian hawkers.


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A cidade de Kanchipuram, no Estado de Tamilnadu, sul da Índia, é sinónimo de templos hindus, mas também do sari em seda. A migração de comunidades de tecelão para esta cidade começou durante o reinado da Dinastia Chola nos Séculos 8-13 d. C. Anteriormente, o pano de seda foi considerado como tecido dos Deuses e os tecelões satisfizeram as necessidades religiosas do templo da cidade. Paulatinamente, um tecido de seda torna-se, tanto um tecido dos "mortais", como dos Deuses, e houve um aumento da procura dos têxteis em seda, especialmente, do sari em seda. A particularidade dos tecelões de Kanchipuram reside na sua técnica complicada de tecelagem e nos ricos motivos que são uma expressão da paixão do tecelão. Nosso trabalho de investigação centra-se nas técnicas de tecelagem e no seu produto final - o sari - para destacar a sua singularidade. Neste contexto, quero propor um projecto de documentação dos motivos do sari, para ilustrar um dos principais meios de valorização desta tradição de tecelagem que remonta a vários séculos. RÉSUMÉ: La ville de Kanchipuram, située dans l'état du Tamilnadu, dans le sud de l'Inde, fait souvent écho aux temples hindous mais également au sari en soie. Les tisserands ont migré à l'époque Chola (850- 1279 ap.J.C.) pour répondre aux besoins religieux de la ville car au départ, la soie était un tissu destiné à I 'usage des dieux. Au fur et à mesure, la soie est devenue aussi bien un tissu destiné aux 'mortels' qu'aux dieux. Ces tisserands ont connu par la suite, une forte demande, plus particulierement, pour les saris en soie. La particularité des tisserands de la ville de Kanchipuram réside dans sa technique laborieuse de tissage et dans les motifs élaborés parle billet desquels s'exprime la passion du tisserand dans sa tâche. Le présent mémoire s'attache à la technique de tissage et à son produit final - le sari - pour mettre en valeur son unicité. Dans ce cadre, je propose un projet de documentation des motifs des saris pour illustrer un des vecteurs clés de valorisation de cette tradition de tissage qui remonte à plusieurs siecles. ABSTRACT: The city of Kanchipuram, located in the State of Tamilnadu in southern India, is synonymous with Hindu temples and silk saris. The migration of weaver communities to the city started during the Chola reign (81 131 centuries A.D). Early on, silk was considered the cloth of the gods and these weavers met the needs of the temple city by producing silk textiles for religious use. Gradually, silk became a cloth as much for the 'mortais' as for the gods and demand increased for silk textiles, especially saris. The importance of Kanchipuram weaving lies in its complex techniques and rich motifs as expressions of the. weaver’s passion. This text examines the weaving techniques popularly known as the korvai technique, as well as the saris produced using this technique. ln addition, it attempts to catalogue certain motifs woven into the saris as a first step in promoting and valorizing the cultural richness of an art dating back several centuries.