999 resultados para Temperate Estuary


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A one-dimensional, non-linear numerical model is used to investigate the tidally averaged frictional stress and set-up of water level due to tidal asymmetry in the Severn Estuary; these quantities depend on the overtides in the region. A linearized model of the overtides is applied to calculations of the M4 currents in order to delineate the mechanisms responsible for their generation. The relative importance of individual non-linear mechanisms to the tidally averaged stress and set-up is determined; these mechanisms are interactions between tidal flow and changes in depth or breadth over a cross-section, frictional interaction between the tidal flow and Stokes drift, interaction between the tidal fluctuations in water depth and frictional retardation and non-linear advection.


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Continuous autoanalytical recordings of the axial distributions of dissolved nitrate, silicate and phosphate in the influent freshwater and saline waters of the Tamar Estuary, south-west England have been obtained. Short-term variability in the distributions was assessed by repetitive profiling at approximately 3-h intervals on a single day and seasonal comparisons were obtained from ten surveys carried out between June 1977 and August 1978. Whereas nitrate is always essentially conserved throughout the upper estuary, the silicate- and phosphate-salinity relationships consistently indicate a non-biological removal of these nutrients within the low (0–10%) salinity range. Attempts to quantify precisely the degree of removal and to correlate this with changes in environmental properties (pH, turbidity, chlorophyll fluorescence, salinity, freshwater composition) were mainly inconclusive due to short-term fluctuations in the riverine concentrations of silicate and phosphate advected into the reactive region and to the rapid changes in turbidity brought about by tidally-induced resuspension and deposition of bottom sediment.


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The seasonal variations in distribution and abundance of the common zooplankton species in the Bristol Channel and Severn Estuary were related to the salinity regimes observed over the period November 1973 to February 1975. The dominant constituents in all regions were the calanoid copepods, which reached maximum densities in July: approximately 100 times their winter levels. Four zooplankton assemblages were recognised using an objective classification program which computed similarity coefficients and used group-average sorting. The assemblages existed along the salinity gradient observed from the Severn Estuary to the Celtic Sea. The assemblages were classified as true estuarine, estuarine and marine, euryhaline marine and stenohaline marine and were characterized by the copepods Eurytemora affinis (Poppe) (<30‰S), Acartia bifilosa var. inermis (rose) (27 to 33.5‰S), Centropages hamatus (Lilljeborg) (31 to 35‰S) and Calanus helgolandicus (Claus) (>33‰S), respectively.


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Transuranium radionuclides (Pu, Am and Cm) present in effluents discharged into the north-east Irish Sea by British Nuclear Fuels Limited, Windscale, Cumbria, UK, are found in sediment and biota of the Esk estuary ~10 km to the south. The site of the present investigation was at Newbiggin and the materials examined were suspended particulate debris samples at the sea surface, bottom sediments and some forms of biota collected in September 1977. It is shown here that hot particles (defined as small volumes of material emitting a particles recorded in a dielectric detector as dense clusters of tracks from a common origin) found in the estuary are likely to be original effluent debris derived from the processing of Magnox uranium fuel elements and not formed in situ as a result of natural processes common to the estuary.


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An estuarine model is described which computes the dispersive and advective properties of the Severn Estuary. It was calibrated and validated using 50 measured salinity distributions and then used to predict the magnitude and sitings of the major inputs of dissolved cadmium levels throughout the estuary. The results provided an impetus for implementing tighter controls on effluents and for improving estimates of cadmium discharges from industrial sources. The model has also been used to investigate the sensitivity of the estuarine system to changes in dispersion; by considering large reductions in the dispersion coefficients it is hoped that the results might be indicative of the environmental consequences following the construction of a tidal power generating scheme.