556 resultados para TWITTER
En la provincia de Burgos, España, un movimiento vecinal en contra de un proyecto urbanístico acabó derivando en Enero de 2014 en un acontecimiento político con gran seguimiento por parte de los medios de comunicación tradicionales y las redes sociales. La relevancia política de un conflicto en un primer momento local empezó a aumentar y a generar diferentes lecturas e interpretaciones, tanto desde dentro del movimiento como en el resto del Estado español. En este trabajo analizamos las redes de interacciones, los marcos interpretativos del movimiento de protesta y cómo éstos fueron modulándose con base a las distintas fases del conflicto. El análisis sistemático del contenido y las redes sociales de Twitter se ha combinado con siete entrevistas realizadas a participantes en el conflicto. A partir de los datos obtenidos y su análisis, se puede concluir que se dieron cambios importantes en los marcos del movimientohacia perspectivas nacionales y globales en relación con una expansión ydesbordamiento de las redes de interacción que sustentaban el movimiento.
En este escrito mostramos nuestra forma de entender la socialización del conocimiento histórico, así como el modo en que hemos llevado a cabo esta tarea, de forma experimental, en el marco del Proyecto ArqueoBarbaria. Este se desarrolla en el asentamiento llamado Cap de Barbaria II (Formentera) situado cronológicamente en el segundo milenio ANE, el cual tuvimos la oportunidad de excavar entre el 30 de Marzo y 15 de Abril de 2012. Desde un principio nos ropusimos hacer un proyecto que pudiera ser seguido casi en tiempo real, tanto mediante herramientas 2.0 (Arqueoblog, videodiarios, Facebook, Twitter...) como a través de una relación directa con la comunidad local. De esta manera, se realizaron visitas guiadas al yacimiento, conferencias y video-fórums, al mismo tiempo que se actualizaban periódicamente las diferentes redes sociales vinculadas al proyecto, con la intención de vehicular lo más rápido y directamente posible el conocimiento arqueológico.
The objective is to find evidence and make recommendations on the use of Twitter in public health,particularly through the study of hashtags(#). This systematic review shows the use of Twitter in different areas of public health: epidemiological surveillance, health promotion, health protection and disease prevention. Articles on this subject published in indexed journals with impact factor show the importance of conversations to engage the attention of Twitter users by using citations (@ user) and retweets(RT); however, not much importance seems to be given to the use of hashtags(#), which are often assimilated to the concept of keywords. Although tracking recurring hashtagsshould be less expensive than computing Twitter content, the potential of hashtaggeddata has not been properly exploited or recognized over the past years, probably due to the lack of efficient tools.
Sosiaalinen media on uusi ilmiö, jonka käyttö on erittäin yleistä. Tärkeä osa ilmiötä on vuorovaikutteisuus. Myös useat eri maiden sotilasorganisaatiot käyttävät sosiaalista mediaa. Tutkimuksessa tutkittiin sosiaalista mediaa sotilaallisesta näkökulmasta painopisteenä maineenhallinta. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli löytää sosiaalisen mediaan liittyviä riskejä ja mahdollisuuksia. Tutkimus on kvalitatiivinen tutkimus, jossa menetelmänä käytettiin teoriaohjaavaa sisällönanalyysiä. Tutkimuksessa tutkittiin seuraavia sosiaalisia medioita: Facebook, Twitter, YouTube ja blogit. Johtopäätöksenä voidaan todeta, että puolustusvoimille sosiaalisen median käyttö tarjoaa hyvän välineen tiedonhankintaan. Se mahdollistaa myös kansalaisten keskuudessa käytävien, puolustusvoimiin liittyvien keskustelujen seuraamisen siellä missä niitä käydään. Sosiaalisen median sisältöön vaikuttaminen ei ole puolustusvoimien hallinnassa tai päätettävissä, mutta osallistumalla siihen haluttua sanomaa voidaan viedä oikeaan suuntaan ja ohjata kävijöitä puolustusvoimat.fi sivustolle. Editoimattoman ja muun kuin ammattilaisen kuvaaman materiaalin käyttöönottoa tulee harkita. Sosiaalisen media käyttöön liittyy eritasoisia riskejä, mutta osa niistä on hyväksyttävissä. Sosiaalisen median mahdollisuuksia ei voi ymmärtää, jollei sitä käytä. Jos sitä käyttää, täytyy ymmärtää siihen liittyvät riskit. Puolustusvoimista tehtyjä televisiosarjoja ei hyödynnetä johdonmukaisesti. Sarjoista käytävä keskustelu tapahtuu puolustusvoimien ulkopuolella. Sosiaalista mediaa tultaneen käyttämään tulevaisuudessa yhä enemmän mitä erilaisimmissa käyttötarkoituksissa. Puolustusvoimat ei voi olla ulkona tästä kehityksestä. Kaikki suomalaiset eivät käytä sosiaalista mediaa. Yhdenvertaisuuden nimissä tulee heille tuottaa informaatiota perinteisin keinoin.
The National Library of Finland realizes the Digitization Project of Kindred Languages in 2012–15. The project is financially supported by the Kone Foundation. During this project the National Library of Finland has digitized and made available approximately 1200 monograph and more than 100 newspaper titles in several Uralic languages. The materials are available to both researchers and citizens in the National Library’s Fenno-Ugrica collection. The project will produce digitized materials in the Uralic languages as well as their development tools to support linguistic research and citizen science. The resulting materials will constitute the largest resource for the Uralic languages in the world. Through this project, researchers will gain access to corpora which they have not been able to study before and to which all users will have open access regardless of their place of residence. In my presentation, I will discuss 1) how we utilized the social media (Facebook, Twitter, VKontakte etc) to gain audience for our collection and 2) how the needs of researchers and laymen were met in crowdsourcing.
The television and the ways it has invited the audience to take part have been changing during the last decade. Today’s interaction, or rather participation, comes from multiplatform formats, such as TV spectacles that combine TV and web platforms in order to create a wider TV experience. Multiplatform phenomena have spread television consumption and traditional coffee table discussions to several different devices and environments. Television has become a part of the bigger puzzle of interconnected devices that operates on several platforms instead of just one. This thesis examines the Finnish television (2004–2014) through the notion of audience participation and introduces the technical, thematic, and social linkages as three different phases, interactive, participatory, social, and their most characteristic features in terms of audience participation. The aim of the study is also to focus on the idea of a possible change by addressing the possible and subtler variations that have taken place through the concept of digital television. Firstly, Finnish television history has gone through numerous trials, exploring the interactive potential of television formats. Finnish SMS-based iTV had its golden era around 2005, when nearly 50% of the television formats were to some extent interactive. Nowadays, interactive television formats have vanished due to their negative reputation and this important part of recent history is mainly been neglected in the academic scope. The dissertation focuses also on the present situation and the ways television content invites the audience to take part. “TV meets the Internet” is a global expression that characterises digital TV, and the use of the Web combined with television content is also examined. Also the linkages between television and social media are identified. Since television can nowadays be described multifaceted, the research approaches are also versatile. The research is based on qualitative content analysis, media observation, and Internet inquiry. The research material also varies. It consists of primary data: taped iTV formats, website material, and social media traces both from Twitter and Facebook and secondary data: discussion forums, observations from the media and Internet inquiry data. To sum up the results, the iTV phase represented, through its content, a new possibility for audiences to take part in a TV show (through gameful and textual features) in real-time. In participatory phase, the most characteristic features from TV-related content view, is the fact that online platform(s) were used to immerse the audience with additional material and, due to this, to extend the TV watching enjoyment beyond the actual broadcast. During the Social (media) phase, both of these features, real-timeness, and extended enjoyment through additional material, are combined and Facebook & Twitter, for example, are used to immerse people in live events (in real-time) via broadcast-related tweets and extra-material offered on a Facebook page. This thesis fills in the gap in Finnish television research by examining the rapid changes taken place on the field within the last ten years. The main results is that the development of Finnish digital television has been much more diverse and subtle than has been anticipated by following only the news, media, and contemporary discourses on the subject of television. The results will benefit both practitioners and academics by identifying the recent history of Finnish television.
Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli muodostaa teoriapohja strategisesta kommunikaatiosta ja tämän kautta vastata tutkimuskysymyksiin. Päätehtävänä oli analysoida William Haguen ja Anders Fogh Rasmussenin twiittejä vuoden 2011 libyan kriisin ajalta. Tutkimuksen kirjallisuuskatsauksella vastasin sivututkimuskysymyksiin ja loin teoriapohjaa sekä strategisesta kommunikaatiosta että viestinnästä tutkimukseeni. Tutkielmassa vastattiin päätutkimuskysymykseen: Miten strategista kommunikaatiota voi käyttää sotilasoperaatiossa, kun viestikanavana on sosiaalinen media? Aiheeni on median ja viestinnän muutoksen aikakaudella ajankohtainen ja mielenkiintoinen myös sotataidollisesta näkökulmasta. Tutkimusmenetelmänä käytin tekstianalyysiä ja kirjallisuuskatsauksella loin kuvan strategi-sesta kommunikaatiosta, johon peilasin ja jonka pohjalta analysoin Haguen ja Rasmussenin Twitter -viestintää. Viesteistä etsin eritoten viitteitä kansallisen narratiivin edistämiseen, responsibility to protect periaatteeseen sekä oikeutuksen hakemiseen länsikoalition toimille. Tutkimuksen perusteella havaitaan, että sekä Haguen että Rasmussenin viesteistä löytyy strategisen kommunikaation periaatteet ja heidän viestintä on ollut tavoitejohtoista. Molempien viestinnän diskurssit keskittyvät libyalaisiin siviileihin ja r2p -periaatteeseen. Molempia edellä mainittuja käytettään hyödyksi omien toimien oikeuttamiseen, eikä Haguen ja Rasmussenin viestinnässä ole suuria eroja tässäkään mielessä.
Marketing has changed because of digitalization. Marketing is moving towards digital channels and more companies are transitioning from “pushing” advertising messages to “pull” marketing, that attracts audience with the content that interests and benefits the audience. This kind of marketing is called content marketing or “inbound” marketing. This study focuses on how marketing communications agencies utilize digital content marketing and what are the best practices with the selected digital content marketing channels. In this study, those channels include blogs, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. The qualitative research method was utilized in order to examine the phenomenon of digital content marketing in-depth. The chosen data collecting method was semi-structured interviewing. A total of seven marketing communications agencies, who currently utilize digital content marketing, were selected as case companies and interviewed. All the case companies are from the marketing communications industry because that industry can be assumed to be well adapted to digital content marketing techniques. There is a research gap about digital content marketing in the B2B context, which increases the novelty value of this research. The study examines what is digital content marketing, why B2B companies use digital content marketing, and how should digital content marketing be conducted through blogs and social media. The informants perceived digital marketing to be a fundamental part of their all marketing. They conduct digital content marketing for the following reasons: to increase sales, to improve their brand image and to demonstrate their own skills. Concrete results of digital content marketing for the case companies include sales leads, new clients, better brand image, and that recruiting is easier. The most important success factors with blogs and social media are the following: 1) Audience-centric thinking. All content planning should start from figuring out which themes interests the target audience. Social media channel choices should be based on where the target audience can be reached. 2) Companies should not talk only about themselves. Instead, content is made about themes that interests the target audience. On social media channels, only a fragment of all shared content is about the company. Rather, most of the shared content is industry-specific content that helps the potential client.
Twitter on internetissä toimiva lyhytviestipalvelu, joka voidaan lukea osaksi sosiaalista mediaa. Sen käyttäjät voivat julkaista korkeintaan 140 merkin mittaisia viestejä, eli twiittejä, sekä lukea, jakaa ja kommentoida toisten käyttäjien lähettämiä twiittejä. Palvelun piirissä lähetetään tätä kirjoitettaessa kymmeniä tuhansia suomenkielisiä twiittejä päivittäin. Twiitit koskevat usein ajankohtaisia aiheita ja tapahtumia. Tässä tutkimuksessa haetaan vastausta siihen, toteutuuko Twitterissä käytävässä eduskuntavaaliaiheisessa keskustelussa aggregatiivisen, deliberatiivisen tai agonistisen demokratiakäsityksen piirteitä. Normatiivisten demokratiateorioiden operationalisoinnnissa tutkielmassa on käytetty erityisesti Raphael Kiesin deliberatiivisen demokratian operationalisointikehikkoa sekä Lincoln Dahlbergin digitaalisen demokratian positiomallia. Aineistona on Twitterin tietokannasta vuoden 2015 eduskuntavaalien alla suodatettu ja kerätty kokoelma twiittejä (n=870), jotka muodostavat yhteensä 25 kokonaista keskustelua. Analyysimenetelminä on käytetty laadullista, teoriaohjaavaa sisällönanalyysiä sekä kuvailevia kvantitatiivisia menetelmiä. Analyysin johtopäätöksenä voidaan todeta, että kaikkien edellä mainittujen demokratiateorioiden mukaisia piirteitä oli havaittavissa tutkituista keskusteluketjuista. Kokonaisuutena aineistosta havaitut vuorovaikutuksen piirteet muodostavat kuvan keskustelukulttuurista, joka muistuttaa käsitellyistä demokratiaihanteista eniten aggregatiivista, liberaalia demokratiaa. Mainittua normatiivista demokratiakäsitystä tukevat myös Twitterin asettama 140 merkin yläraja viestien pituudelle sekä Twitterin tämän tutkielman kirjoitusvaiheessa julkaisema äänestystoiminto. Merkillepantava huomio on myös se, että osallistujien välistä näkyvää vuorovaikutusta esiintyy Twitterissä vähän suhteessa twiittien kokonaisvolyymiin.
The purpose of the study is to define the characteristics of strong personal brands on social media in Finland. Personal branding as a phenomenon is no longer limited to celebrities and political leaders. The digital revolution and the change in online behavior have created the need for a deeper investigation of the characteristics of strong personal brands on social media. The work of different academics on personal branding are examined to gain a comprehensive understanding on this research topic that has gone through a revolution during the last decade. Early impression management theory is refined to include elements from more modern literature related to personal branding, brand identity management and social media to create a theoretical framework that simplifies the process of personal brand building on social media. The framework consisting of three phases clarifies the process of modern personal branding. The results of the study are presented in line with three research themes derived from the theoretical framework: the background of the brand, the brand identity management and the social media behavior and activities. Mixed methods are used in the research as means to broaden perception on the subject. The quantitative part of the study defines general characteristics concerning the most follower personal brands in Finland in three social media channels – Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. The other part of the research was conducted by single case study including two Finnish personal brands cases to provide a deeper understanding of personal branding practices of strong social media personal brands. The results of the study show that the most used social media channels differ in terms of the personal brand characteristics and personal branding activities. Due to the characteristics of the channels also the post activities of the personal brands differ quite significantly. It can be also inferred that there is a difference between brands with an existing offline awareness and the brands with no awareness before joining the social media. In order to reduce the gap between the ideal brand image and the current image, the brand should have a clear vision as well as a good understanding of the target group and the value it creates for its target audience. The brand identity needs to be managed by communicating with the target audience authentically in the right channels, with relevant content. The dedication, the target group’s behavior and the ability to create valuable and relevant content determines the right tactics for social media personal branding.
Abstract This study was undertaken to examine traditional forms of literacy and the newest form of literacy: technology. Students who have trouble reading traditional forms of literacy tend to have lower self-esteem. This research intended to explore if students with reading difficulties and, therefore, lower self-esteem, could use Social Networking Technologies including text messaging, Facebook, email, blogging, MySpace, or Twitter to help improve their self-esteem, in a field where spelling mistakes and grammatical errors are commonplace, if not encouraged. A collective case study was undertaken based on surveys, individual interviews, and gathered documents from 3 students 9-13 years old. The data collected in this study were analyzed and interpreted using qualitative methods. These cases were individually examined for themes, which were then analyzed across the cases to examine points of convergence and divergence in the data. The research found that students with reading difficulties do not necessarily have poor self-esteem, as prior research has suggested (Carr, Borkowski, & Maxwell, 1991; Feiler, & Logan, 2007; Meece, Wigfield, & Eccles, 1990; Pintirch & DeGroot, 1990; Pintrich & Garcia, 1991). All of the participants who had reading difficulties, were found both through interviews and the CFSEI-3 self-esteem test (Battle, 2002) to have average self-esteem, although their parents all stated that their child felt poorly about their academic abilities. The research also found that using Social Networking Technologies helped improve the self-esteem of the majority of the participants both socially and academically.
The purpose of this study was to examine how sex workers rights organizations use their websites as a site of activist and advocacy work and ask (i) how do various organizations conceptualize sex work on their websites, and to what extent do they incorporate an intersectional feminist perspective? (ii) what communication strategies are used by the four organizations to target audiences in the viewing public? (iii) what audiences do the four websites target? (iv) how do the four organizations discuss successes and challenges on their websites? (v) in what ways do sex worker right organizations use websites to further their goals? The websites of Maggie’s, POWER, and Stella attempt to embrace an intersectional feminist perspective of sex work, while PACE does not. The four organizations strategically use their websites to target audiences with diverse needs, specifically through advocacy efforts in educating the general public about the legitimacy of sexual labour. Additionally, to increase the use of the websites by sex workers, using social media platforms, such as Facebook and Twitter augment the untapped potential for creating action, mobilization, interaction, and dialogue on the websites.