996 resultados para TFG Director
Publicado también en: Prebisch, Raúl: Discursos, declaraciones y documentos 1952-1963, Tomo I; y en: Boletín de la Bolsa de Comercio de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, v. 52, No 2685, p. 1791-1798, octubre 22 de 1956
Documento de Sala de Conferencia, No 1
Publicado también en: Panorama Económico, v. 12, No 197, p. 516-522, noviembre 1958, con el título: El Mercado Común y los problemas de pagos; Boletín del Banco Central del Ecuador, v. 32, No 376-377, p. 19-32, noviembre-diciembre 1958
Publicado también en: Boletín Económico Interamericano, v. 1, No 2, p. 26-30, octubre 1959
Documento Informativo, No 4. Publicado separadamente en cada idioma; y en: CEPAL. Mercado Común Latinoamericano. México, 1959, p. 113-116, E/CN.12/531, No de venta: 59.II.G.4; ECLA: Latin American Commun Market. New York, 1959, p. 130-133, E/CN.12/531, No de venta: 59.II.G.4
Publicado también en portugués: A CEPAL e o desenvolvimento econômico da América Latina, Discurso do Diretor da CEPAL, pronunciado perante o Conselho Econômico e Social das Nacses Unidas, em reuniao havida em Genebra, a 8 de julho de 1960, Econômica Brasileira, v. 6, No 1-2, p. 52
Publicado también en: Revista de las Naciones Unidas, v. 14, No 303, p. 66-70, octubre 1960; y en: Combate, v. 3, No 14, p. 23-29, enero-febrero 1961, con el título: Producir y vivir depende de Latinoamérica; y en: Comercio Exterior, México, DF, v. 10, No 9, p. 487-489, septiembre 1960
Servicios de Información de la CEPAL. Publicado también en: Comercio Exterior, México, DF, v. 10, No 1, p. 9-13, enero 1960, con el título: Pagos y la Zona de Libre Comercio en América Latina; y en: Prebisch, Raúl: Discursos, declaraciones y documentos 1952-1963, Tomo II
También en: Comercio Exterior, México, DF, No 5, p. 312-314, mayo 1962
While sound and video may capture viewers' attention, interaction can captivate them. This has not been available prior to the advent of Digital Television. In fact, what lies at the heart of the Digital Television revolution is this new type of interactive content, offered in the form of interactive Television (iTV) services. On top of that, the new world of converged networks has created a demand for a new type of converged services on a range of mobile terminals (Tablet PCs, PDAs and mobile phones). This paper aims at presenting a new approach to service creation that allows for the semi-automatic translation of simulations and rapid prototypes created in the accessible desktop multimedia authoring package Macromedia Director into services ready for broadcast. This is achieved by a series of tools that de-skill and speed-up the process of creating digital TV user interfaces (UI) and applications for mobile terminals. The benefits of rapid prototyping are essential for the production of these new types of services, and are therefore discussed in the first section of this paper. In the following sections, an overview of the operation of content, service, creation and management sub-systems is presented, which illustrates why these tools compose an important and integral part of a system responsible of creating, delivering and managing converged broadcast and telecommunications services. The next section examines a number of metadata languages candidates for describing the iTV services user interface and the schema language adopted in this project. A detailed description of the operation of the two tools is provided to offer an insight of how they can be used to de-skill and speed-up the process of creating digital TV user interfaces and applications for mobile terminals. Finally, representative broadcast oriented and telecommunication oriented converged service components are also introduced, demonstrating how these tools have been used to generate different types of services.
von Marcomanno