683 resultados para Tácito, Cayo Cornelio-Comentaris


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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O presente trabalho buscou fazer uma reflexão sobre o saber-fazer de mulheres que partejam a partir da narrativa de vida de uma parteira da cidade de Bragança-(PA). Para tanto, foi utilizado o conceito de memória e identidade em Halbawchas (2006) e Bosi (1994). Compreendendo esse ofício inserido na lógica da cultura popular, foram utilizados os conceitos de Cultura em Burke (1989) e Cuche (1999) e Cultura Popular em Bosi (1992), sempre na perspectiva da heterogeneidade. A problematização dessa temática só foi possível mediante um olhar mais sensível e aproximado desses sujeitos, assim, a etnografia ofereceu os subsídios necessários nessa relação, apoiado nas fomentações de Clifford (2002) e Laplantine (1995). E por ser um conhecimento tácito a História Oral foi a base metodológica que sustentou toda a pesquisa, sendo constantemente aplicadas as orientações metodológicas proposta por Thompson (1992) e Delgado (2006). A pesquisa possibilitou compreender que existe uma representação feita por essas mulheres e pela sociedade sobre o trabalho de partejar, e que o mesmo se constitui um dom, ou um aprendizado adquirido através do contato com os mais antigos. A importância deste estudo se dá no fato de que existem diversos sujeitos sociais, que cotidianamente constroem seus saberes, mas que em função da forma hierárquica como foi concebida a sociedade, foram deixados de lado. Igualmente, é que em virtude do processo da Política de Humanização do Parto, tem-se percebido que diversos profissionais ligados à saúde da mulher tem se autodenominado parteiras, o que denota uma tentativa de apropriação e homogeneização de um saber que é específico.


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Há uma dualidade nos assentamentos agrícolas do Estado do Amapá. De um lado encontram-se assentados com pouca ou nenhuma tradição em agricultura, alocados pelos órgãos públicos em áreas de matas nativa distantes dos centros consumidores regionais. São os assentamentos induzidos por demandas sociais. Do outro lado estão os agricultores familiares tradicionais, cujas famílias vivem em áreas colonizadas desde o período colonial brasileiro. Aqui, as ações do INCRA se resumiram a demarcar terrenos já ocupados. O uso da terra nos assentamentos induzidos segue o modelo vigente no restante do Estado. Após a extração da madeira e produção de lenha, os restos são queimados. Seguem as “roças” de mandioca, base econômica de todas as propriedades. O problema da pesquisa se apresenta como uma necessidade de identificar e compreender os fenômenos sociais e ambientais associados ao fraco desenvolvimento socioeconômico dos assentados induzidos, cuja principal manifestação é a acentuada pauperização e posteriormente a evasão dos lotes. O ponto referencial desta análise são os agricultores familiares dos assentamentos rurais induzidos do Estado do Amapá, suas praticas agrícolas e suas interações com o meio em que estão inseridos, tendo como contraposição os assentamentos tradicionais do Estado do Amapá. O conhecimento tácito adquirido e aprimorado ao longo de sucessivas gerações nos Assentamentos Tradicionais levou à prática de sistemas de produção em harmonia com o meio ambiente local, evitando-se a degradação dos solos e se aproveitando das condições naturais de fertilização dos solos. A carência deste, associada à falta de experiências de aprendizado coletivo, põe em cheque a continuidade da agricultura nos assentamentos induzidos do estado do Amapá.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The spatial formation of Rio Claro city preserves several features of the problematic transition from the slave to remunerated labor in the late 20th, when the tacit ethnic bipolar sociability standard emerged, imprinting “black” and “white” forms to the city’s urban space. The ethnic social clubs José do Patrocínio and Tamoio, are two objects of ethnic groups’ exclusive use. Such ethnic social clubs indicate the existence of conflicts in their formation, as well as in their present existence, they are forms that preserve in themselves the codes and histories of the local black movement’s fight for their rights and for an autonomous place in the local society. In the present context the spaces are increasingly subjected to commercial interests and the spirits are embedded in confusion. What is the value of these spaces for the subjects who built them? The versions and narratives from oral accounts will allow us to understand the existing dimensions in the relation between the places and the memory, evidencing the importance of the patrimony and the patrimonial policies to the cities in the present historical period of geographic space globalization


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The main objective of this work is to describe conceptions and practices of evaluation observed at a private language school. The theoretical background was gathered from Demo (2002a, 2002b), Luckesi (2001), Romão (2001), Shohamy (2001), Hughes (1994) and Depresbiteris (1989). Regarding the data collected, we made use of questionnaires, interviews, group discussions and diaries. Results show that the topics “fear of test” and “test content” were the most frequent ones. Furthermore, there was a harmonious relationship between teacher and students when tests were applied. We observed a “non-verbal agreement” between them, that is, there was a minimum content to be studied and to be asked on a test. We also noticed that classroom activities had a more complex level than the content actually tested.


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The determination of foliar chlorophyll content is a characteristic that interests ecophysiologists and rural producers. With consideration for practical uses as well as scientific publications, our present work aims to establish equations, for rubber tree leaves, that can convert arbitrary units of expressing chlorophyll content to the international system. Chlorophyll a (Chla), chlorophyll b (Chlb), and total chlorophyll (Chltot) were obtained from intact leaves using a portable chlorophyll detecting instrument. Leaves from different positions on the plant, at various stages of maturity, and representing a large spectrum of pigment concentrations, were collected and analyzed in the field using the Clorofil OG Falkner ® instrument, through four evaluations in forty-five medium leaflets. At the laboratory, leaflets underwent a process of pigment extraction. They were incubated in a water-bath with dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO), dosed in molecular absorption spectrophotometer, and converted into pigment content per unit of fresh weight using conventional equations. The data were evaluated according to the Pearson correlation coefficient and tested with different regression models. For all variables, the linear fit is the most adequate, with correlation coefficients (r) 0.74 for Chlb and 0.88 for Chla and Chltott.


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The determination of foliar chlorophyll content is a characteristic that interests ecophysiologists and rural producers. With consideration for practical uses as well as scientific publications, our present work aims to establish equations, for rubber tree leaves, that can convert arbitrary units of expressing chlorophyll content to the international system. Chlorophyll a (Chla), chlorophyll b (Chlb), and total chlorophyll (Chltot) were obtained from intact leaves using a portable chlorophyll detecting instrument. Leaves from different positions on the plant, at various stages of maturity, and representing a large spectrum of pigment concentrations, were collected and analyzed in the field using the Clorofil OG Falkner ® instrument, through four evaluations in forty-five medium leaflets. At the laboratory, leaflets underwent a process of pigment extraction. They were incubated in a water-bath with dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO), dosed in molecular absorption spectrophotometer, and converted into pigment content per unit of fresh weight using conventional equations. The data were evaluated according to the Pearson correlation coefficient and tested with different regression models. For all variables, the linear fit is the most adequate, with correlation coefficients (r) 0.74 for Chlb and 0.88 for Chla and Chltott .


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pyrethroids (PYR) and UV filters (UVF) were investigated in tissues of paired mother-fetus dolphins from Brazilian coast in order to investigate the possibility of maternal transfer of these emerging contaminants. Comparison of PYR and UVF concentrations in maternal and fetal blubber revealed Franciscana transferred efficiently both contaminants to fetuses (F/M > 1) and Guiana dolphin transferred efficiently PYR to fetuses (F/M > 1) different than UVF (F/M < 1). PYR and UVF concentrations in fetuses were the highest-ever reported in biota (up to 6640 and 11,530 ng/g lw, respectively). Muscle was the organ with the highest PYR and UVF concentrations (p < 0.001), suggesting that these two classes of emerging contaminants may have more affinity for proteins than for lipids. The high PYR and UVF concentrations found in fetuses demonstrate these compounds are efficiently transferred through placenta. This study is the first to report maternal transfer of pyrethroids and UV filters in marine mammals.


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In search for better competitiveness, the automotive industry has discussed and applied several concepts related to people and processes. However, in many organizations, the adopted concepts are implemented and kept unarticulated. In this context, authors recognize the role of the knowledge as competitive advantage, but it is still dealt in an implicit way with the traditional models of Production Management. Exploring opportunities in this scenario, this Thesis aims to analyse worker knowledge sharing using factors of Knowledge Management, Work Organization and Production Organization. For the realization of the present Thesis, the scope of the research was restricted to be the labour environment of the glass plants shop floor. The choice of the glass sector is justified due to high dependency on the tacit knowledge of blue-collars. The research uses a qualitative-quantitative approach and employs interviews with workers and managers to identify factors. To assess the importance of these factors in the management judgments, is employed the technique Incomplete Pairwise Comparisons based on Analytic Hierarchy Process Saaty (2001). The result indicates integration among factors and highlights the importance of systematic and technical conversation among operators to share better your knowledge. Also, worker knowledge sharing is improved using communication, training and work instruction. This research extends the conceptual frameworks encountered in literature from the factors integration of Knowledge Management with the Organization of Work and the Production and makes explicit use of the theme of knowledge. This contributes to promote of a favourable context for the creation and sharing of knowledge, among the people in the labour environment, and to support incremental innovation