535 resultados para Synapse tripartite


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In positron emission tomography and single photon emission computed tomography studies using D2 dopamine (DA) receptor radiotracers, a decrease in radiotracer binding potential (BP) is usually interpreted in terms of increased competition with synaptic DA. However, some data suggest that this signal may also reflect agonist (DA)-induced increases in D2 receptor (D2R) internalization, a process which would presumably also decrease the population of receptors available for binding to hydrophilic radioligands. To advance interpretation of alterations in D2 radiotracer BP, direct methods of assessment of D2R internalization are required. Here, we describe a confocal microscopy-based approach for the quantification of agonist-dependent receptor internalization. The method relies upon double-labeling of the receptors with antibodies directed against intracellular as well as extracellular epitopes. Following agonist stimulation, DA D2R internalization was quantified by differentiating, in optical cell sections, the signal due to the staining of the extracellular from intracellular epitopes of D2Rs. Receptor internalization was increased in the presence of the D2 agonists DA and bromocriptine, but not the D1 agonist SKF38393. Pretreatment with either the D2 antagonist sulpiride, or inhibitors of internalization (phenylarsine oxide and high molarity sucrose), blocked D2-agonist induced receptor internalization, thus validating this method in vitro. This approach therefore provides a direct and streamlined methodology for investigating the pharmacological and mechanistic aspects of D2R internalization, and should inform the interpretation of results from in vivo receptor imaging studies.


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This paper considers how the delivery of public leisure services in Britain has been affected by the imposition of Compulsory Competitive Tendering (CCT) on the management of facilities. In particular, it focuses on the changing relationship between the central and local levels of government, theorising a tripartite local response to CCT, incorporating local statism, post-Fordist rejection of CCT and post- Fordist compliance with the aims of the central administration. The paper then discusses the actual implementation of CCT, relating the theorised responses to those witnessed in practice. This results in the delineation of a continuum of stances, ranging from pragmatic forms of local statism, such as the protection of the former direct labour force, to centrist attempts to combine the ethics of socialism with the mechanics of the market, to an outright rejection of state organisation and control. The paper concludes that although legitimate attempts have been made to protect local services, the outcome of the CCT process has undoubtedly been the regeneration of public leisure provision away from its service roots towards a market model of provision.


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Objectives: AcrA can function as the periplasmic adaptor protein (PAP) in several RND tripartite efflux pumps, of which AcrAB-TolC is considered the most important. This system confers innate multiple antibiotic resistance. Disruption of acrB or tolC impairs the ability of Salmonella Typhimurium to colonize and persist in the host. The aim of this study was to investigate the role of AcrA alone in multidrug resistance and pathogenicity. Methods: The acrA gene was inactivated in Salmonella Typhimurium SL1344 by insertion of the aph gene and this mutant complemented with pWKS30acrA. The antimicrobial susceptibility of the mutant to six antibiotics as well as various dyes and detergents was determined. In addition, efflux activity was quantified. The ability of the mutant to adhere to, and invade, tissue culture cells in vitro was measured. Results: Following disruption of acrA, RT-PCR and western blotting confirmed that acrB/AcrB was still expressed when acrA was disrupted. The acrA mutant was hypersusceptible to antibiotics, dyes and detergents. In some cases, lower MICs were seen than for the acrB or tolC mutants. Efflux of the fluorescent dye Hoechst H33342 was less than in wild-type following disruption of acrA. acrA was also required for adherence to, and invasion of, tissue culture cells. Conclusions: Inactivation of acrA conferred a phenotype distinct to that of acrB::aph and tolC::aph. These data indicate a role for AcrA distinct to that of other protein partners in both efflux of substrates and virulence.


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The ability of an isogenic set of mutants of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium L354 (SL1344) with defined deletions in genes encoding components of tripartite efflux pumps, including acrB, acrD, acrF and tolC, to colonize chickens was determined in competition with L354. In addition, the ability of L354 and each mutant to adhere to, and invade, human embryonic intestine cells and mouse monocyte macrophages was determined in vitro. The tolC and acrB knockout mutants were hyper-susceptible to a range of antibiotics, dyes and detergents; the tolC mutant was also more susceptible to acid pH and bile and grew more slowly than L354. Complementation of either gene ablated the phenotype. The tolC mutant poorly adhered to both cell types in vitro and was unable to invade macrophages. The acrB mutant adhered, but did not invade macrophages. In vivo, both the acrB mutant and the tolC mutant colonized poorly and did not persist in the avian gut, whereas the acrD and acrF mutant colonized and persisted as well as L354. These data indicate that the AcrAB-TolC system is important for the colonization of chickens by S. Typhimurium and that this system has a role in mediating adherence and uptake into target host cells.


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Phytophagous insects have to contend with a wide variation in food quality brought about by a variety of factors intrinsic and extrinsic to the plant. One of the most important factors is infection by plant pathogenic fungi. Necrotrophic and biotrophic plant pathogenic fungi may have contrasting effects on insect herbivores due to their different infection mechanisms and induction of different resistance pathways, although this has been little studied and there has been no study of their combined effect. We studied the effect of the biotrophic rust fungus Uromyces viciae-fabae (Pers.) Schroet (Basidiomycota: Uredinales: Pucciniaceae) and the necrotrophic fungus Botrytis cinerea Pers. (Ascomycota: Helotiales: Sclerotiniaceae) singly and together on the performance of the aphid Aphis fabae Scop. (Hemiptera: Aphididae) on Vicia faba (L.) (Fabaceae). Alone, botrytis had an inhibitory effect on individual A. fabae development, survival and fecundity, while rust infection consistently enhanced individual aphids’ performance. These effects varied in linear relation to lesion or pustule density. However, whole-plant infection by either pathogen resulted in a smaller aphid population of smaller aphids than on uninfected plants, indicating a lowering of aphid carrying capacity with infection. When both fungi were applied simultaneously to a leaf they generally cancelled the effect of each other out, resulting in most performance parameters being similar to the controls, although fecundity was reduced. However, sequential plant infection (pathogens applied five days apart) led to a 70% decrease in fecundity and 50% reduction in intrinsic rate of increase. The application of rust before botrytis had a greater inhibitory effect on aphids than applying botrytis before rust. Rust infection increased leaf total nitrogen concentration by 30% while infection by botrytis with or without rust led to a 38% decrease. The aphids’ responses to the two plant pathogens individually is consistent with the alteration in plant nutrient content by infection and also the induction of different plant defence pathways and the possible cross-talk between them. This is the first demonstration of the complex effects of the dual infection of a plant by contrasting pathogens on insect herbivores. Key words: Vicia faba, Botrytis cinerea, Uromyces viciae-fabae, tripartite interactions, induced resistance


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This paper reports part of a qualitative study into evolving practice in the implementation of the Dispute Adjudication Board (DAB) construction dispute resolution technique, a variant of the Dispute Review Board (DRB) concept used in the US and Canada. Data was collected through a focus group interview of 20 highly experienced dispute resolution practitioners from engineering and the law. The group was assembled from members of FIDIC-NET with direct experience of project DABs. The part reported here concerns practice and procedure for establishing DABs. The main findings are that: constitution of the DABs is often delayed because of either project owners' ignorance of the DAB process or deterrence by the cost of the DABs; such owners also tend to insist on appointing DAB members from local engineers and lawyers without sufficient understanding of the DAB process; rates of remuneration of DAB members vary widely; the training provision for DAB membership and advocacy skills is inadequate; the process of selecting candidates for DAB membership and negotiating the tripartite agreement between each member and the contractual parties needs to be navigated with great care to avoid raising ethical problems. The research contribution is threefold. First, it highlights the importance of realistic fees for DAB members within a standard framework in achieving timely establishment of a board that works well as a team. Second, it illustrates the use of qualitative focus group interview to study the impact of new contract terms from multiple stakeholder perspectives. Finally, it identifies areas where further research is needed.


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Background Long-term changes in synaptic plasticity require gene transcription, indicating that signals generated at the synapse must be transported to the nucleus. Synaptic activation of hippocampal neurons is known to trigger retrograde transport of transcription factor NF-κB. Transcription factors of the NF-κB family are widely expressed in the nervous system and regulate expression of several genes involved in neuroplasticity, cell survival, learning and memory. Principal Findings In this study, we examine the role of the dynein/dynactin motor complex in the cellular mechanism targeting and transporting activated NF-κB to the nucleus in response to synaptic stimulation. We demonstrate that overexpression of dynamitin, which is known to dissociate dynein from microtubules, and treatment with microtubule-disrupting drugs inhibits nuclear accumulation of NF-κB p65 and reduces NF-κB-dependent transcription activity. In this line, we show that p65 is associated with components of the dynein/dynactin complex in vivo and in vitro and that the nuclear localization sequence (NLS) within NF-κB p65 is essential for this binding. Conclusion This study shows the molecular mechanism for the retrograde transport of activated NF-κB from distant synaptic sites towards the nucleus.


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To analyse the mechanism and kinetics of DNA strand cleavages catalysed by the serine recombinase Tn3 resolvase, we made modified recombination sites with a single-strand nick in one of the two DNA strands. Resolvase acting on these sites cleaves the intact strand very rapidly, giving an abnormal half-site product which accumulates. We propose that these reactions mimic second-strand cleavage of an unmodified site. Cleavage occurs in a synapse of two sites, held together by a resolvase tetramer; cleavage at one site stimulates cleavage at the partner site. After cleavage of a nicked-site substrate, the half-site that is not covalently linked to a resolvase subunit dissociates rapidly from the synapse, destabilizing the entire complex. The covalent resolvase–DNA linkages in the natural reaction intermediate thus perform an essential DNA-tethering function. Chemical modifications of a nicked-site substrate at the positions of the scissile phosphodiesters result in abolition or inhibition of resolvase-mediated cleavage and effects on resolvase binding and synapsis, providing insight into the serine recombinase catalytic mechanism and how resolvase interacts with the substrate DNA.


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Jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata Donn ex Sm.) plants, like many other eucalypts, can form symbiotic associations with both arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) and ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungi. To study this tripartite relationship we developed a novel nurse-pot system to allow us to investigate the extent and temporal colonisation dynamics of jarrah by two AM species (Rhizophagus irregularis (Błaszk., Wubet, Renker & Buscot) C. Walker & A. Schüßler comb. nov. and Scutellospora calospora Nicol. & Gerd.) and two putative ECM species (Austroboletus occidentalis Watling & N.M. Greg. and Scleroderma sp.) and their potential effects on jarrah growth and nutrition. Our nurse-pot system, using jarrah as both the nurse plant and test plant, was developed to establish extraradical hyphal networks of both AM and ECM fungi that act as single or dual inoculum for test plants. Mycorrhizal colonisation was described and quantified, and growth and nutritional effects measured and analysed. Mycorrhizal colonisation increased with time for the test seedlings exposed to hyphae networks from S. calospora and Scleroderma sp. The nurse-pot system was effective at initiating colonisation of functioning AM or (putative) ECM systems separately but the ECM symbiosis was inhibited where a dual AM + ECM inoculum (R. irregularis and Scleroderma sp.) was present. The presence of S. calospora, A. occidentalis and Scleroderma sp. individually significantly increased the shoot biomass of seedlings compared with non-mycorrhizal controls. The two AM isolates had different physiological effects on jarrah plants. S. calospora improved growth and micronutrient uptake of jarrah seedlings whereas no positive response was observed with R. irregularis. In addition, as an interesting observation, the non-responsive AM fungus R. irregularis suppressed the ECM symbiosis in dually inoculated plants where ECM structures, positive growth response and nutritional effects were absent. When inoculated individually, ECM isolates dominated the growth response and uptake of P and other nutrients in this dual symbiotic plant. Despite the positive growth response in the A. occidentalis treatment, ECM structures were not observed in either nurse or test seedlings. From the effects of A. occidentalis on jarrah we hypothesise that this fungus forms a functional mycorrhizal-type partnership even without forming archetypal structures in and on the root


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Retrograde transport of NF-κB from the synapse to the nucleus in neurons is mediated by the dynein/dynactin motor complex and can be triggered by synaptic activation. The calibre of axons is highly variable ranging down to 100 nm, aggravating the investigation of transport processes in neurites of living neurons using conventional light microscopy. In this study we quantified for the first time the transport of the NF-κB subunit p65 using high-density single-particle tracking in combination with photoactivatable fluorescent proteins in living mouse hippocampal neurons. We detected an increase of the mean diffusion coefficient (Dmean) in neurites from 0.12 ± 0.05 µm2/s to 0.61 ± 0.03 µm2/s after stimulation with glutamate. We further observed that the relative amount of retrogradely transported p65 molecules is increased after stimulation. Glutamate treatment resulted in an increase of the mean retrograde velocity from 10.9 ± 1.9 to 15 ± 4.9 µm/s, whereas a velocity increase from 9 ± 1.3 to 14 ± 3 µm/s was observed for anterogradely transported p65. This study demonstrates for the first time that glutamate stimulation leads to an increased mobility of single NF-κB p65 molecules in neurites of living hippocampal neurons.


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Synaptic modulation by activity-dependent changes constitutes a cellular mechanism for neuronal plasticity. However, it is not clear how the complete lack of neuronal signaling specifically affects elements involved in the communication between neurons. In the retina, it is now well established that both chemical and electrical synapses are essential to mediate the transmission of visual signaling triggered by the photoreceptors. In this study, we compared the expression of synaptic proteins in the retinas of wild-type (WT) vs. rd/rd mice, an animal model that displays inherited and specific ablation of photoreceptors caused by a mutation in the gene encoding the beta-subunit of rod cGMP-phosphodiesterase (Pde6b(rd1)). We specifically examined the expression of connexins (Cx), the proteins that form the gap junction channels of electrical synapses, in addition to synaptophysin and synapsin 1, which are involved in the release of neurotransmitters at chemical synapses. Our results revealed that Cx36 gene expression levels are lower in the retinas of rd/rd when compared with WT. Confocal analysis indicated that Cx36 immunolabeling almost disappeared in the outer plexiform layer without significant changes in protein distribution within the inner plexiform layer of rd/rd retinas. Likewise, synaptophysin expression remarkably decreased in the outer plexiform layer of rd/rd retinas, and this down-regulation was also associated with diminished transcript levels. Furthermore, we observed down-regulation of Cx57 gene expression in rd/rd retinas when compared with WT and also changes in protein distribution. Interestingly, Cx45 and synapsin I expression in rd/rd retinas showed no noticeable changes when compared with WT. Taken together, our results revealed that the loss of photoreceptors leads to decreased expression of some synaptic proteins. More importantly, this study provides evidence that neuronal activity regulates, but is not essential to maintain, the expression of synaptic elements. (c) 2008 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The Prospective and Retrospective Memory Questionnaire (PRMQ) has been shown to have acceptable reliability and factorial, predictive, and concurrent validity. However, the PRMQ has never been administered to a probability sample survey representative of all ages in adulthood, nor have previous studies controlled for factors that are known to influence metamemory, such as affective status. Here, the PRMQ was applied in a survey adopting a probabilistic three-stage cluster sample representative of the population of Sao Paulo, Brazil, according to gender, age (20-80 years), and economic status (n=1042). After excluding participants who had conditions that impair memory (depression, anxiety, used psychotropics, and/or had neurological/psychiatric disorders), in the remaining 664 individuals we (a) used confirmatory factor analyses to test competing models of the latent structure of the PRMQ, and (b) studied effects of gender, age, schooling, and economic status on prospective and retrospective memory complaints. The model with the best fit confirmed the same tripartite structure (general memory factor and two orthogonal prospective and retrospective memory factors) previously reported. Women complained more of general memory slips, especially those in the first 5 years after menopause, and there were more complaints of prospective than retrospective memory, except in participants with lower family income.


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Autoimmune polyendocrinopathy-candidiasis-ectodermal dystrophy (APECED) syndrome, which is caused by mutation of the autoimmune regulator (AIRE) gene, is a highly variable disease characterized by multiple endocrine failure, chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis, and various ectodermal defects. AIRE is a transcriptional regulator classically expressed in medullary thymic epithelial cells, monocytes, macrophages, and dendritic cells. Previous studies have suggested that AIRE can shuttle between the nucleus and cytoplasm of cells, although its cytoplasmic functions are poorly characterized. Through mass spectrometry analysis of proteins co-immunoprecipitating with cytoplasmic AIRE, we identified a novel association of AIRE with the intermediate filament protein cytokeratin 17 (K17) in the THP-1 monocyte cell line. We confirmed AIRE expression in HaCaT epidermal keratinocytes, as well as its interaction with K17. Confocal microscopy of human fetal and adult scalp hair follicles demonstrated a cytoplasmic pattern of AIRE staining that moderately colocalized with K17. The cytoplasmic association of AIRE with the intermediate filament network in human epidermal and follicular keratinocytes may provide a new path to understanding the ectodermal abnormalities associated with the APECED syndrome. (Am J Pathol 2011, 178:983-988; DOI: 10.1016/j.ajpath.2010.12.007)


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På uppdrag av Tidningsutgivarna har en studie utförts angående olika möjligheter att införa tryck av variabeldata med tryckmetoden inkjet i svensk dagspress. Målet var att undersöka tekniska möjligheter och begränsningar samt att utreda om det fanns något intresse på marknaden som skulle kunna ge någon avkastning. Studien utfördes med hjälp av noggranna källstudier och ett fortlöpande samarbete med olika företag med intresse för dagspress. Rapporten beskriver också företag som arbetar med den här typen av innovationer idag och diverse tidigare projekt med variabeltryckta tidningar. Nya teknologier som eventuellt kan vara av intresse för framtida utveckling har också beskrivits och hur tidningens framtid kommer att se ut ur ett kortare och ett längre perspektiv. Studien visar att inkjetpressar inte klarar av den hastighet som de moderna tidningspressarna håller idag. Men i takt med minskade upplagor och utvecklad teknologi, samt ett stort marknadsmässigt intresse så tyder det på att det kommer att finnas möjlighet att tillverka anpassade digitaltryckta tidningsupplagor inom en överskådlig framtid. Inkjet kan fungera som ett bra komplement till offset. Inlinepressar ger möjligheten att införa variabeltryck i stora tidningsupplagor medan separata inkjetpressar passar bra för tryck av mindre lokala upplagor.


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The Tripartite Influence Model (TIM) argues sociocultural agents affect body image dissatisfaction (BID) via the mediators of social comparison and internalization. BID subsequently influences disordered eating. Forty-seven Australian sister pairs (18–25 years) provided self-reports of perceived familial modeling and pressure by the sociocultural agents of mother, father and sister, social comparison, internalization, BID, bulimic behaviors, and dietary restriction. Sisters were correlated on internalization, BID, disordered eating, and parental modeling and pressure. Mothers and sisters were equally important modeling agents. Sisters were an equivalent social comparison target to peers. Consistent with the TIM, internalization and social comparison mediated familial pressure on BID. Contrary to the model, sister modeling directly affected bulimic behaviors and dietary restriction.