997 resultados para Summa Genera
The subtribe Saccharinae belongs to the tribe Andropogoneae and comprises ca. 140 species in 13 genera, including Eriochrysis, Imperata and Saccharum. This work presents a survey of the species of these three genera in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. Intensive field collections were made in different physiographic regions of the state, as well as studies in several herbaria. The occurrence of three native species of each genus was confirmed in Rio Grande do Sul, in addition to sugar cane (Saccharum officinarum) that is cultivated in the region. Based on the material examined, Eriochrysis villosa is reported for the first time in the state of Paraná, Brazil. Identification keys for the species, descriptions, data on their geographical distributions, habitats and flowering and fruiting periods, as well as illustrations of important taxonomic characters are provided.
The family Characeae, represented by two genera in Brazil, Chara and Nitella, is considered to include the closest living relatives of land plants, and its members play important ecological role in aquatic ecosystems. The present taxonomic survey of Chara and Nitella was performed in tributaries that join to form the Brazilian shore of the Itaipu Reservoir on the Paraná River. Thirteen species were recorded, illustrated, and described: C. braunii var. brasiliensis R.Bicudo, C. guairensis R.Bicudo, N. acuminata A.Braun ex Wallman, N. furcata (Roxburgh ex Bruzileus) C.Agardh, and N. subglomerata A.Braun, already cited for the reservoir, and C. hydropitys Reichenbach, C. rusbyana Howe, N. axillaris A.Braun, N. glaziovii G.Zeller, N. gracilis (Smith) C.Agardh, N. hyalina (DC.) C.Agardh, N. inversa Imahori, and N. microcarpa A.Braun that represent new occurrences for the Itaipu Reservoir and Paraná State. Among the species encountered, C. guairensis, N. furcata, and N. glaziovii are widely distributed, while C. hydropitys and C. rusbyana have more restricted distributions.
Some modifications were made to the methodology of Imai et al. (Jpn. J. Genet. 63: 159-185, 1988) for cytogenetic analysis of the leaf-cutting ants Atta sexdens piriventris and Acromyrmex heyeri (Hymenoptera, Formicidae), shortening preparation time and improving chromosomal preparations. The brain ganglia of prepupae were dissected in a 0.0025% hypotonic solution of colchicine, placed on a glass slide on a cold plate (4 ± 1oC) for 20 min. The material was fixed directly on the cold slide (with cold fixative I), macerated with a histological needle and fixed again with fixative I, followed by fixatives II and III, all of them cold. The slide was flame-dried right after the use of fixative III, and it was allowed to air-dry at room temperature for 2 h. The resulting metaphases presented less contracted chromosomes, with separated and well defined sister chromatids at a high frequency, when the material was processed in the manner described and stained with 3% Giemsa in phosphate buffer (pH 6.8) for 15 min.
Julkaisussa: Philippi Clüveri Germaniae antiqvae libri tres
Kartta kuuluu A. E. Nordenskiöldin kokoelmaan
Arkit: 1 arkintunnukseton lehti, A-B4 C1. - S. [2] tyhjä.
An abridgement or selections from Thomas Aquinas, Summa theologiae. The text strongly modifies and abridges the original.
Arkit: A-F8.
Arkit: A-F8.
Os conceitos de significatio e de suppositio são centrais na semântica ockhamiana; a primeira noção é uma propriedade de termos isolados; a segunda, de termos em proposições. A compreensão da relação entre os dois é muito importante; está em jogo o caráter atomista ou proposicional de sua semântica. A definição de cada um destes termos remete à definição do outro, não sendo possível determinar a prioridade de um sobre o outro a partir de suas definições. Ambos termos têm excessos em relação ao outro, cobrem casos não cobertos pelo outro. A análise destes excessos permite identificar o termo dominante para explicação de tipos diferentes de fenômenos lingüísticos. Estes tipos de fenômenos são identificados como campos conceituais diferentes, o que permite estabelecer a prioridade de um termo sobre o outro em campos diferentes da semântica.