998 resultados para Sucre, Antonio José de, 1795-1830.


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Anticoagulantes com diferentes formas de ação têm sido utilizados na hematologia aviária. Entretanto, poucos estudos foram publicados sobre seu efeito e sobre os parâmetros hematológicos dos avestruzes. Visando a preencher essa lacuna, realizou-se um estudo em que foi comparado o efeito de dois anticoagulantes de rotina (EDTA - 2 mg/mL sangue e da Heparina -10U/mL sangue) sobre os eritrócitos de avestruzes. Para tanto, foram avaliados a integridade, o volume globular e a morfometria dos eritrócitos de amostras sanguíneas de 20 aves, tratadas com ambos os anticoagulantes. A integridade eritrocitária foi estimada pelo grau de hemoglobina livre no plasma, sendo o volume globular obtido pelo método de micro-hematócrito e os dados morfométricos (área, diâmetro maior e menor) calculados automaticamente em sistema computadorizado de imagem digital de alta resolução. A hemólise estimada pela dosagem de hemoglobina plasmática, o volume globular, a área e o diâmetro máximo dos eritrócitos foram significativamente maiores nas amostras tratadas com EDTA. Para melhor preservar a integridade e a morfometria dos eritrócitos, concluiuse que a heparina é um anticoagulante mais adequado que o EDTA para avaliar as discrasias eritrocitárias dos avestruzes.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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A paracoccidioidomicose (Pbmicose) atinge os pulmões pela via inalatória, onde se estabelece o complexo primário semelhante ao da tuberculose. A traquéia comprometida pela via tubohemolinfática desenvolveria reação inflamatória em processo granulomatoso levando à obstrução estenosante com asíixia. Acompanhou-se um doente, masculino, 32 anos, branco, natural de Sarutaiá (SP), lavrador, que há 8 meses desenvolveu tosse expectorativa branco-amarelada, diária, sem fatores de melhora ou piora e dispnéia inicial discreta. Há 4 meses, anorexia, fraqueza e astenia. Há 1 mês a dispneia se agravou. Perdeu 15 kg. Tabagista e etilista há 16 anos. Exame físico revelou: PA 10/7 mmHg, FR = 28 bpm, peso 31 kg, hipocratismo digital e hipotrofia muscular Tórax enfisematoso e síndrome obstrutivo aos testes de função pulmonar. Coração: P2 desdobrada e hiperfonética. Hepatesplenomegalia. Desenvolveu cor-pulmonale e insuficiência adrenal à internação, evoluindo após 45 dias para óbito em insuficiência respiratória aguda asfixiante, apesar da terapia antifúngica ter sido completa. A literatura médica revista não mostrou registro de caso semelhante de cor-pulmonale e insuficiência adrenal de evolução subaguda.


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Lesões pulmonares observadas na paracoccidioidomicose (pbmicose) pela radiologia foram designadas: leve, moderada e grave de acordo com critério estabelecido pelos autores. Lesões infiltrativas intersticiais bilaterais nddulo fibrolineares e cotonosas foram identificadas respectivamente em 34 e em 23 doentes. Formas leve, moderada e grave assinaladas respectivamente em 6 10 e 19 mostraram à análise radiológica evolutiva melhora em 2, piora em 15 e manutenção do padrão da lesão em 18 doentes. Testes de função pulmonar realizados nos doentes durante o retorno ambulatorial evidenciaram: 12 com padrão espirográfico normal, 20 obstrutivos e 3 mistos; 34 doentes estavam hiperventilando e todos apresentaram aumento da diferença alvéolo arterial. Os resultados obtidos permitiram supor que a fibrose residual descrita nos padrões radiológicos; manutenção e piora de 33 deles aliada à doença obstrutiva crônica verificada pelas provas de função pulmonar constituíram subsídios para o desenvolvimento do Cor pulmonale assinalado


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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CONTEXTO E OBJETIVO: A disfunção pulmonar no obeso pode estar associada a comprometimento muscular respiratório e também pode ser influenciada pelo predomínio de distribuição de gordura corporal na região toraco-abdominal. O objetivo foi avaliar a força dos músculos respiratórios em obesos e analisar a influência da distribuição do tecido adiposo. TIPO DE ESTUDO E LOCAL: Estudo transversal no período pré-operatório de Cirurgia Bariátrica. Estudo desenvolvido no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Bases Gerais da Cirurgia da Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp) - Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu. MÉTODO: Mensuração da força dos músculos respiratórios através das medidas das pressões inspiratórias e expiratórias máximas (PImax e PEmax) em obesos candidatos à cirurgia bariátrica. Avaliar a distribuição do tecido adiposo através da relação entre as circunferências da cintura e quadril (RC/Q). Comparar esses atributos com os valores de referência de normalidade e também entre grupos com diferentes índices de massa corpórea (IMC). RESULTADOS: Foram avaliados 23 homens e 76 mulheres. Todos foram submetidos à avaliação de PImax e 86 realizaram a PEmax. O IMC médio foi de 44,42 kg/m². Os valores de PImax e de PEmax estavam dentro dos padrões de normalidade, a relação cintura-quadril mostrou distribuição do tecido adiposo na porção superior corporal e não houve correlação entre as variáveis estudadas. CONCLUSÃO: Na população de obesos estudada, o excesso de peso não provocou alterações na força dos músculos respiratórios, e as modificações não foram influenciadas pela distribuição de gordura predominante em porção superior corporal.


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Objective-To evaluate the effects of 2 remifentanil infusion regimens on cardiovascular function and responses to nociceptive stimulation in propofol-anesthetized cats.Animals-8 adult cats.Procedures-On 2 occasions, cats received acepromazine followed by propofol (6 mg/kg then 0.3 mg/kg/min, IV) and a constant rate infusion (CRI) of remifentanil (0.2 or 0.3 mu g/kg/min,IV) for 90 minutes and underwent mechanical ventilation (phase I). After recording physiologic variables, an electrical stimulus (50 V; 50 Hz; 10 milliseconds) was applied to a forelimb to assess motor responses to nociceptive stimulation. After an interval (>= 10 days), the same cats were anesthetized via administration of acepromazine and a similar infusion regimen of propofol; the remifentanil infusion rate adjustments that were required to inhibit cardiovascular responses to ovariohysterectomy were recorded (phase II).Results-In phase I, heart rate and arterial pressure did not differ between remifentanil-treated groups. From 30 to 90 minutes, cats receiving 0.3 mu g of remifentanil/kg/min had no response to noxious stimulation. Purposeful movement was detected more frequently in cats receiving 0.2 mu g of remifentanil/kg/min. In phase II, the highest dosage (mean +/- SEM) of remifentanil that prevented cardiovascular responses was 0.23 +/- 0.01 mu g/kg/min. For all experiments, mean time from infusion cessation until standing ranged from 115 to 140 minutes.Conclusions and Clinical Relevance-Although the lower infusion rate of remifentanil allowed ovariohysterectomy to be performed, a CRI of 0.3 mu g/kg/min was necessary to prevent motor response to electrical stimulation in propofol-anesthetized cats. Recovery from anesthesia was prolonged with this technique.


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To test the hypothesis that acepromazine could potentiate the sedative actions and attenuate the pressor response induced by dexmedetomidine, the effects of acepromazine or atropine were compared in six healthy adult dogs treated with this alpha(2)-agonist. In a randomised block design, the dogs received intravenous doses of either physiological saline, 0.05 mg/kg acepromazine or 0.04 mg/kg atropine, 15 minutes before an intravenous dose of 5 mu g/kg dexmedetomidine. The dogs' heart rate was reduced by 50 to 63 per cent from baseline and their mean arterial blood pressure was increased transiently from baseline for 20 minutes after the dexmedetomidine. Atropine prevented the alpha(2)-agonist-induced bradycardia and increased the severity and duration of the hypertension, but acepromazine did not substantially modify the cardiovascular effects of the a2-agonist, except for a slight reduction in the magnitude and duration of its pressor effects. The dexmedetomidine induced moderate to intense sedation in all the treatments, but the dogs' sedation scores did not differ among treatments. The combination of acepromazine with dexmedetomidine had no obvious advantages in comparison with dexmedetomidine alone, but the administration of atropine before dexmedetomidine is contraindicated because of a severe hypertensive response.


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Temporal and spatial acoustic intensity (SATA) of therapeutic ultrasound (US) equipment should be monitored periodically. In order to evaluate the conditions of US equipment in use in the city of Piracicaba-Sao Paulo, Brazil, 31 machines - representing all Brazilian manufacturers - were analysed under continuous and pulsed conditions at a frequency of 1 MHz. Data about temporal and spatial acoustic intensity were collected and the use of equipment was surveyed. Intensities of 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 0.8, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5 and 3.0 Wcm -2, indicated on the equipment panel were analysed using a previously calibrated digital radiation pressure scale, model UPM-DT-1 (Ohmic Instruments Co). The acoustic intensity (I) results were expressed as superior and inferior quartile ranges for transducers with metal surfaces of 9 cm 2 and an effective radiation area (ERA) Of 4 cm 2. The results under continuous conditions were: I 0.1 = -20.0% and -96%. I 0.2 = -3.1% and -83.7%. I 0.5 = -35.0% and -86.5%. I 0.8 = -37.5% and -71.0%. I 2.5 = -49.0% and -69.5%. I 3.0 = -58.1% and -77.6%. For pulsed conditions, intensities were: I 0.1 = -40.0% and -86.2%. I 1.0 = -50.0% and -86.5%. I 1.5 = -62.5% and -82.5%. I 2.0 = -62.5% and -81.6%. I 2.5 = -64.7% and -88.8%. I 3.0 = -87.1% and -94.8%. In reply to the questionnaire drawn up to check the conditions of use of equipment, all users reported the use of hydrosoluble gel as a coupling medium and none had carried out previous calibrations. Most users used intensities in the range of 0.4. to 1.0 Wcm -2 and used machines for 300 to 400 minutes per week. The majority of machines had been bought during the previous seven years and weekly use ranged from less than 100 minutes to 700 minutes (11 hours 40 minutes). Findings confirm previous observations of discrepancy between the intensity indicated on the equipment panel and that emitted by the transducer and highlight the necessity for periodic evaluations of US equipment.


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A 20-year experience with the treatment of 74 patients (83.8% children) for foreign body aspiration is reviewed. The object of this review is to show the clinical manifestations, the radiological findings, the nature and distribution in the bronchial tree, and complications due to longstanding (months or years) foreign bodies in the bronchial tree. The most common foreign bodies found were peanuts (13.5%), corn (13.5%), and beans (13.5%). The most frequent clinical manifestation was choking (67.5%), and the most frequent radiological finding was atelectasis (41.8%). The most serious complication was bronchiectasis needing resection in six patients who had the foreign body retained for years in the bronchial tree. In conclusion, in spite of an obvious foreign body in the tracheobronchial tree many cases are not diagnosed, and a longstanding foreign body in the airway may be responsible for irreversible complications.


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Studies were carried out to natural papain inhibitor from papaya latex. Fresh latex from green fruits of Carica papaya was collected and immediately transported in ice bath to the lab, from which three fractions with inhibitor effect of esterase papain activity were isolated by latex dialysis, Sephadex G-25 gel filtration and ionic exchange chromatography in SP-Sephadex C-25. The isolated fractions, identified as inhibitors I and II, showed a negative reaction with ninhydrin; however, the fraction identified as P-III showed positive reaction with ninhydrin. Kinetics data showed non-competitive inhibition (inhibitor I) and uncompetitive (inhibitors II and P -III).


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The purpose of this paper is to present preliminary aspects of the petrography and chemistry of intrusive rocks (sills and dykes) from the eastern portion of the Parana Basin in the State of Säo Paulo. Data from 80 samples of the region show a subaphyric and subophitic nature and have plagioclase (25-50%), augite (3-39%), pigeonite (0-10%) and magnetite (4-20%) as an essential minerals. Apatite and quartz are present as accessory minerals. The geochemical data of intrusive rocks show a basic to intermediate composition (48% < SiO 2 < 56%) and a high Ti nature (TiO 2 > 2%). Based on the minor and trace composition of the intrusive rocks, two different magma types were recognized, named Paranapanema and Pitanga. The spatial distribution of these magma types is not alleatory in the studied region. The intrusive rocks of Pitanga magma type are displayed in the Campinas-Paulinia region, while the Paranapanema magma type cover a large region above that one, between Rio Claro and Cajuru. Furthermore, the chemical composition of the lava flows of the Serra Geral Formation, sampled in this work, reveals a magma of Urubici type. So, the intrusive rocks of the eastern portion of the of State Säo Paulo are not the extension of the lava flows, or they aren't a portions which don't reach the surface.


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Objective: To determine the accuracy of the variables related to the fixed-height stair-climbing test (SCT) using maximal oxygen uptake (V̇O 2 max) as the gold standard. Methods: The SCT was performed on a staircase consisting of 6 flights (72 steps; 12.16 m total height), with verbal encouragement, in 51 patients. Stair-climbing time was measured, the variables 'work' and 'power' also being calculated. The V̇O2 max was measured using ergospirometry according to the Balke protocol. We calculated the Pearson linear correlation (r), as well as the values of p, between the SCT variables and V̇O2 max. To determine accuracy, the V̇O 2 max cut-off point was set at 25 mL/kg/min, and individuals were classified as normal or altered. The cut-off points for the SCT variables were determined using the receiver operating characteristic curve. The Kappa statistic (k) was used in order to assess concordance. Results: The following values were obtained for the variable 'time': cut-off point = 40 s; mean = 41 ± 15.5 s; r = -0.707; p < 0.005; specificity = 89%; sensibility = 83%; accuracy = 86%; and k = 0.724. For 'power', the values obtained were as follows: cut-off point = 200 w; mean = 222.3 ± 95.2 w; r = 0.515; p < 0.005; specificity = 67%; sensibility= 75%; accuracy = 71%; and k = 0.414. Since the correlation between the variable 'work' and V̇O2 max was not significant, that variable was discarded. Conclusion: Of the SCT variables tested, using V̇O2 max as the gold standard, the variable 'time' was the most accurate.


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Alcohol is one of the drugs most widely used among teenagers. Just recently, studies have been developed regarding the screening of use of alcohol by this population. This work aimed to investigate the use of AUDIT as a method for screening and evaluation of alcohol consumption among High School students. The sample was composed by 1227 students from two public schools, who answered to the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) and informed their socioeconomic level, religion, and occurrence of relationship problems caused by drunkenness of family members. Using an 8 cut-off point, AUDIT has identified 17.8% of students with risk drinking. These results have revealed that AUDIT is easy to be applied and well accepted by the students. It was also evident the importance of this instrument in the follow-up programs of prevention and intervention of alcoholic beverages use.


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Steep slopes in subtropical zones are always at risk from landslides. The risk greatly increases when there is rapid, unplanned urban growth. This has happened at Ubatuba on the Brazilian coast - tourism-related development has forced local people into narrow valleys with steep slopes. In this article the authors describe how the hazard risk can be mapped, helping the local authorities to control the problem.