956 resultados para Substance-Related Disorders
Called also Report of the Special Committee Pursuant to Senate Joint Resolution 12, 74th General Assembly.
"B-281160"--P. 1.
Este estudo objetivou conhecer a percepção de adolescentes usuários de drogas atendidos no CAPS ad no municÃpio do Rio Grande acerca da dependência quÃmica.Tratou-se de uma pesquisa com abordagem qualitativa realizada no primeiro semestre de 2012 no CAPS ad do municÃpio do Rio Grande/ RS, com oito adolescentes usuários de drogas. Os dados foram coletados através de entrevistas semiestruturadas e analisados pelo método de Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo. Os dados do estudo mostraram que as principais causas apontadas pelos adolescentes para o inÃcio do uso de drogas foram à curiosidade, a imaturidade e a ingenuidade; a influência dos amigos e a vontade de pertencer a um grupo, de não ser diferente de seus pares; acharem que se muitos à s utilizam estas devem ser boas; conviver com usuários de drogas no seu ambiente de consumo e a dificuldade de enfrentar perdas e a desestruturação familiar. Evidenciou-se que a droga apresenta-se como fonte de alÃvio para a tristeza e o desamparo sentido. As principais consequências do uso de drogas foram desgraça, tristeza e muitas coisas ruins; alguns se sentem fortes, poderosos e rebeldes, desestruturação familiar, interrupção do processo de escolarização e marginalização. Os principais fatores de risco para o uso de drogas na adolescência são a falta de informações, o não acreditar nos malefÃcios das drogas e nas consequências negativas destas em suas vidas, ver outro usuário falando ou consumindo a droga e conviver com usuários de drogas no seu ambiente de consumo, ser assediado por traficantes que lhes oferecem a droga e insistem para que a consumam, morar com uma famÃlia em que o uso de drogas está naturalizado, perceber a droga como uma coisa boa e fonte de alÃvio e vivenciar situações de raiva extrema e de perda de controle. Verificou-se como fatores de proteção a vontade de parar de usar drogas, a busca de ajuda por parte dos familiares, a existência dos Serviços de Atenção aos usuários, do Conselho Tutelar e do Juizado da Infância e da Adolescência. Verificou-se como Influência do vÃnculo familiar para o uso de drogas na adolescência a falta de atitude dos pais ao saberem do uso de drogas de seus filhos. Os familiares percebem que o adolescente está fazendo uso de drogas por seu aspecto fÃsico e diante de suas atitudes agressivas. Muitos adolescentes convivem com o uso de drogas por seus familiares desde a infância. Possuem como expectativas e projetos de vida: retomar os estudos, arrumar um emprego e ter uma profissão, construir uma famÃlia, tornar-se motivo de orgulho para seus pais, mudar sua história de vida, realizar um tratamento e parar de usar drogas, se desintoxicar e se reinserir na sociedade, reconquistando a confiança e respeito das pessoas com quem convive, viver pelo menos até passar dos 18 anos de idade. concluiu-se que adolescência é uma etapa vulnerável, em que o jovem enfrenta mudanças pessoais, familiares e sociais. Dessa forma a famÃlia, professores e profissionais da saúde precisam saber como lidar com os conflitos vividos pelos adolescentes de forma a fornecer suporte com vistas a minimizá-los. O conhecimento construÃdo com este estudo poderá nos possibilitar um novo olhar para os transtornos relacionados ao uso de drogas na adolescência, auxiliando na elaboração de estratégias de prevenção e tratamento mais efetivo.
This study explored gender-related symptoms and correlates of alcohol dependence in a cross-sectional study of 150 men and 150 women with a lifetime diagnosis of alcohol use disorders (AUD). Participants were recruited in equal numbers from treatment settings, correctional centres and the general community. Standardized measures were used to determine participants' use of substances, history of psychiatric disorders and psychosocial stress, their sensation seeking and family history of substance use and mental health disorders. Multivariate analyses were used to detect patterns of variables associated with gender and the lifetime severity of AUD. Men had a longer history of severe AUD than women. Women had similar levels of alcohol dependence and medical and psychological sequelae as men, despite 6 fewer years of AUD. More women than men had a history of severe psychosocial stress, severe dependence on other substances and antecedent mental health problems, especially mood and anxiety disorders. There were differences in family history of alcohol-related problems approximating same-gender aggregation. The severity of a lifetime AUD was predicted by its earlier age at onset and the occurrence of other disorders, especially anxiety, among both men and women. The limitations in the generalizability of these findings due to sample idiosyncrasies are discussed.
HIV-positive individuals engage in substance use at higher rates than the general population and are more likely to also suffer from concurrent psychiatric disorders and substance use disorders. Despite this, little is known about the unique clinical concerns of HIV-positive individuals entering substance use treatment. This study examined the clinical characteristics of clients (N=1712) entering residential substance use treatment as a function of self-reported HIV status (8.65% HIV-positive). Results showed higher levels of concurrent substance use and psychiatric disorders for HIV-positive individuals, who were also significantly more likely to meet criteria for bipolar disorder and borderline personality disorder. Past diagnoses of depression, posttraumatic stress disorder, and social phobia were also significantly more common. Study findings indicate a need to provide more intensive care for HIV-positive individuals, including resources targeted at concurrent psychiatric problems, to ensure positive treatment outcomes following residential substance use treatment discharge.
Background: This study presents estimates of 12 month and current prevalences of DSM-IV disorders, and the related comor-bidity, disability and service utilization, derived from a national probability sample in Australia. Methods: The DSM-IV psychiatric disorders among persons aged 18 and over in the Australian population were assessed with data collected by lay interviewers using the Composite International Diagnostic Interview, other screening interviews and measures of disability and service utilization. The response rate was 78.1% and the final sample size was 10,641 adults. Results: Close to 20% reported at least one twelve month disorder and 13% a disorder current within the past 30 days. ICD-10 diagnoses were also derived, DSM-IV was the more conservative classification whether or not the new clinical significance criteria was applied. Major depression, any personality disorder, and alcohol dependence were the three most common twelve month disorders, generalized anxiety disorder replaced alcohol dependence as the third most common current disorder. The sexes has similar rates of any disorder, but women had higher rates of affective and anxiety disorders, men higher rates of substance use disorders. Prevalence of most disorders declined with age and education, and were lower among those employed or married. Respondents whose symptoms met criteria for three or more disorders in the past year had greatly increased rates of disability and of mental health consultations. The affective and somatoform disorders were associated with the highest rates of disability. Only 36% of people with a mental disorder this year had consulted for a mental problem, and most had seen a general practitioner. We identified those with a current disorder who were disabled or multiply comorbid - only half had consulted and of those who had not, more than half said they did not need treatment. Conclusions: The 12 month prevalence was lower than reported in the US National Comorbidity Survey but method factors might account for this. The relationships between prevalence and demographic variables, and between comorbidity, disability and service utilization were similar to those found in the US survey. Australia has a national health insurance scheme with total coverage and access to medical help is available to all, commonly at little or no cost. We identify the high rate of not consulting among those with a current disorder, and additional disability or multiple comorbidity, as an important public health problem. Kessler argued for more research on barriers to professional help seeking. This report reinforces his conclusion and shows that economic barriers are not the dominant issue.
This study examined if (1) there is an association in the general population between cannabis use, DSM-IV abuse and dependence, and other substance use and DSM-IV substance abuse/dependence; (2) if so, is it explained by demographic characteristics or levels of neuroticism? It used data from the Australian National Survey of Mental Health and Well-Being (NSMHWB), a stratified, multistage probability sample of 10641 adults, representative of the general population. DSM-IV diagnoses of substance abuse and dependence were derived using the Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI). There was a strong bivariate association between involvement with cannabis use in the past 12 months and other substance use, abuse and dependence. In particular, cannabis abuse and dependence were highly associated with increased risks of other substance dependence. These associations remained after including other variables in multiple regression. Cannabis use without disorder was strongly related to other drug use, an association that was not explained by other variables considered here. The high likelihood of other substance use and substance use disorders needs to be considered among persons seeking treatment for cannabis use problems. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
The present study describes patterns of co-morbidity between alcohol use and other substance use problems in the Australian population using data from the 1997 National Survey of Mental Health and Well-Being. Multiple regression analyses examined whether the observed associations between alcohol and other drug use disorders were explained by other variables, including demographic characteristics and neuroticism. We also assessed whether the presence of co-morbid substance use disorders affected treatment seeking for a mental health problem. Alcohol use was related strongly to the use of other substances. Those who did not report alcohol use within the past 12 months were less likely to report using tobacco, cannabis, sedatives, stimulants or opiates. Higher rates again were observed among those with alcohol use disorders: half (51%) of those who were alcohol-dependent were regular tobacco smokers, one-third had used cannabis (32%); 15% reported other drug use; 15% met criteria for a cannabis use disorder and 7% met criteria for another drug use disorder. These associations were not accounted for by the demographic and other variables considered here. Co-morbid substance use disorders (sedatives, stimulants or opioids) predicted a high likelihood of seeking treatment for a mental health problem among alcohol-dependent people.
Background: Studies investigating the association between alcohol use and cognitive disorders in the elderly population have produced divergent results. Moreover, the role of alcohol in cognitive dysfunction is not clear. The aims of this study were to estimate the prevalence of alcohol-related problems in an elderly population from Brazil and to investigate their association with cognitive and functional impairment (CFI) and dementia. Methods: A community-based cross-sectional study was performed. A sample of 1,145 elderly people was examined in 2 phases. Several instruments were utilized in the first phase: the CAGE questionnaire was used to identify potential cases of alcohol-related problems, and a screening test for dementia was used to estimate CFI. The CAMDEX interview (Cambridge Examination) and DSM-IV (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th edition) criteria were used for the clinical diagnosis of dementia in the second phase. Results: ""Heavy alcohol use"" (CAGE >= 2) was found in 92 subjects (prevalence: 8.2%). It was associated with gender (males, p < 0.001), low education (only in females, p = 0.002), and low socioeconomic level (p = 0.001, in females; p = 0.002, in males). The Mini Mental State Examination exhibited a nonlinear relationship with alcohol-related problems in females; ""mild-moderate alcohol use"" (CAGE < 2) presented the highest score. A significant association between alcohol-related problems and cognitive dysfunction was found only in females. ""Heavy alcohol use"" was associated with higher CFI and dementia rates compared to ""mild-moderate alcohol use"" (p = 0.003 and p < 0.001, respectively). ""Mild-moderate alcohol use"" had a tendency of association with lower CFI and dementia rates when compared to ""no alcohol use"" (p = 0.063 and 0.050, respectively). Conclusion: Our findings suggest that alcohol use does not have a linear relationship with cognitive decline.
Objective: To evaluate the usefulness of gamma-glutamyltransferase (GGT) and mean corpuscular volume (MCV), as well as that of the CAGE questionnaire, in workplace screening for alcohol abuse/dependence. Methods: A total of 183 male employees were submitted to structured interviews (Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV 2.0 and CAGE questionnaire). Blood samples were collected. Diagnostic accuracy and odds ratio were determined for the CAGE, GGT and MCV. Results: The CAGE questionnaire presented the best sensitivity for alcohol dependence (91%; specificity, 87.8%) and for alcohol abuse (87.5%, specificity, 80.9%), which increased when the questionnaire was used in combination with GGT (sensitivity, 100% and 87.5%, respectively; specificity, 68% and 61.5, respectively). CAGE positive results and/or alterations in GGT were less likely to occur among employees not presenting alcohol abuse/ dependence than among those presenting such abuse (OR for CAGE = 13, p < 0.05; OR for CAGE-GGT = 11, p < 0.05) or dependence (OR for CAGE = 76, p < 0.0 1; OR for GGT = 5, p < 0.0 1). Employees not presenting alcohol abuse/dependence were also several times more likely to present negative CAGE or GGT results. Conclusions: The use short, simple questionnaires, combined with that of low-cost biochemical markers, such as GGT, can serve as an initial screening for alcohol-related problems, especially for employees in hazardous occupations. The data provided can serve to corroborate clinical findings. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
PURPOSE: Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), conduct disorder (CD), and oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) are common externalizing disorders of childhood. The common effects of these disorders on substance abuse need further investigation. The current study investigated the joint clusters of childhood/adolescence ADHD, CD, and ODD, and their influence on substance abuse/dependence in a population-based sample of adults. METHODS: The data were drawn from the PsyCoLaus study (n = 3,720) conducted in Lausanne, Switzerland. The population-based sample included 238 subjects meeting criteria for ADHD/ODD/CD diagnoses before the age of 15. Latent class analyses (LCA) were performed to derive comorbidity subtypes, which were subsequently characterized with respect to psychosocial correlates and substance use. RESULTS: The best fit in LCAs was achieved with three latent classes: an ADHD subtype (35.7 %); an externalizing multimorbid subtype (33.6 %) involving ODD, ADHD, and CD; and a third subtype with CD (30.7 %). The CD subtype showed the highest association with substance use. Apart from this, the externalizing multimorbid subtype was also significantly linked to substance use. The ADHD subtype had only elevated frequencies for alcohol dependence in comparison with subjects that had no history of ADHD, ODD, and CD during childhood or adolescence. Finally, important interactions between subtypes and sex were observed with regard to substance use. CONCLUSIONS: This study provides evidence showing that subtyping the externalizing disorders, ADHD, ODD and CD, along their comorbidity patterns leads to important differences regarding substance use. This could have implications for the etiology, prevention, and treatment of substance use disorders.
This TIP, Substance Abuse Treatment for Persons With Co-Occurring Disorders, revises TIP 9, Assessment and Treatment of Patients With Coexisting Mental Illness and Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse. The revised TIP provides information about new developments in the rapidly growing field of co-occurring substance use and mental disorders and captures the state-of-the-art in the treatment of people with co-occurring disorders. The TIP focuses on what the substance abuse treatment clinician needs to know and provides that information in an accessible manner. The TIP synthesizes knowledge and grounds it in the practical realities of clinical cases and real situations so the reader will come away with increased knowledge, encouragement, and resourcefulness in working with clients with co-occurring disorders. Contents: Executive Summary â?¢ 1 Introduction 2 Definitions, Terms, and Classification Systems for Co-Occurring Disorders 3 Keys to Successful Programming 4 Assessment 5 Strategies for Working With Clients With Co-Occurring Disorders 6 Traditional Settings and Models 7 Special Settings and Specific Populations 8 A Brief Overview of Specific Mental Disorders and Cross-Cutting Issues 9 Substance-Induced Disorders Appendix A: Bibliography Appendix B: Acronyms Appendix C: Glossary of Terms Appendix D: Specific Mental Disorders: Additional Guidance for the Counselor Appendix E: Emerging Models â?¢ Appendix F: Common Medications for Disorders Appendix G: Screening and Assessment Instruments Appendix H: Screening Instruments Appendix I: Selected Sources of Training Appendix J: Dual Recovery Mutual Self-Help Programs and Other Resources for Consumers and Providers Appendix K: Confidentiality Appendix L: Resource Panel Appendix M: Cultural Competency and Diversity Network Participants Appendix N: Field ReviewersThis resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.
This study examines cases of chronic drug users who died suddenly after drug administration. Victims were young subjects, aged from 19 to 35 from Switzerland and known to the police as long-term drug users. The circumstances of death suggested the occurrence of a sudden, unexpected death. Some victims were undergoing methadone treatment. In each case, a forensic autopsy and toxicological analyses were performed at the Institute of Forensic Medicine in Lausanne in Switzerland between 2002 and 2004, including hair analysis as a means to establish chronic drug use in general, and cocaine use in particular. The conduction system was examined histologically and cases showing potentially lethal changes were chosen for this report. The most frequent lesions found were severe thickening of the atrioventricular node artery, intranodal and perinodal fibrosis, and microscopic foci of chronic inflammatory infiltration. The authors conclude that pathological lesions in the conduction tissue may play a role in the occurrence of death attributed to intoxication consecutive to cocaine ingestion.
OBJECTIVE: The aims of the present study were to assess the associations between mood, anxiety and substance use disorders, including their subtypes, and the prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors (CVRFs). METHOD: Thorough physical investigations, biological measures and standardized interview techniques were used to assess 3716 subjects of an urban area, aged 35-66 years. RESULTS: Atypical depression was associated with increased prevalence of overweight, diabetes and the metabolic syndrome (OR = 1.5, 95% C.I. 1.1-2.0; OR = 2.0, 95% C.I. 1.1-3.5, OR = 1.6, 95% C.I. 1.0-2.4 respectively), whereas decreased prevalence of overweight was found in melancholic (OR = 0.7, 95% C.I. 0.6-0.9) and unspecified depression (OR = 0.8, 95% C.I. 0.7-1.0). Alcohol abuse was associated with diabetes (OR = 1.8, 95% C.I. 1.1-2.9) and dyslipidemia (OR = 1.3, 95% C.I. 1.0-1.8), alcohol dependence with dyslipidemia only (OR = 1.4, 95% C.I. 1.0-2.0). Almost all mental disorders were associated with a lifetime history of regular cigarette smoking, and atypical depression, alcohol misuse and drug dependence were associated with inactivity. CONCLUSION: To conclude results emphasize the need to subtype depression and to pay particular attention to the atypical subtype. Comorbid alcohol misuse may further increase the cardiovascular risk. Efforts to diminish smoking in subjects with mental disorders could be crucial measures to reduce their high incidence of cardiovascular disease.
OBJECTIVE: The aims of the present study were to assess the associations between mood, anxiety and substance use disorders, including their subtypes, and the prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors (CVRFs). METHOD: Thorough physical investigations, biological measures and standardized interview techniques were used to assess 3716 subjects of an urban area, aged 35-66 years. RESULTS: Atypical depression was associated with increased prevalence of overweight, diabetes and the metabolic syndrome (ORÂ =Â 1.5, 95% C.I. 1.1-2.0; ORÂ =Â 2.0, 95% C.I. 1.1-3.5, ORÂ =Â 1.6, 95% C.I. 1.0-2.4 respectively), whereas decreased prevalence of overweight was found in melancholic (ORÂ =Â 0.7, 95% C.I. 0.6-0.9) and unspecified depression (ORÂ =Â 0.8, 95% C.I. 0.7-1.0). Alcohol abuse was associated with diabetes (ORÂ =Â 1.8, 95% C.I. 1.1-2.9) and dyslipidemia (ORÂ =Â 1.3, 95% C.I. 1.0-1.8), alcohol dependence with dyslipidemia only (ORÂ =Â 1.4, 95% C.I. 1.0-2.0). Almost all mental disorders were associated with a lifetime history of regular cigarette smoking, and atypical depression, alcohol misuse and drug dependence were associated with inactivity. CONCLUSION: To conclude results emphasize the need to subtype depression and to pay particular attention to the atypical subtype. Comorbid alcohol misuse may further increase the cardiovascular risk. Efforts to diminish smoking in subjects with mental disorders could be crucial measures to reduce their high incidence of cardiovascular disease.