313 resultados para Subsidence
Five sites were drilled along a transect of the Walvis Ridge. The basement rocks range in age from 69 to 71 m.y., and the deeper sites are slightly younger, in agreement with the sea-floor-spreading magnetic lineations. Geophysical and petrological evidence indicates that the Walvis Ridge was formed at a mid-ocean ridge at anomalously shallow elevations. The basement complex, associated with the relatively smooth acoustic basement in the area, consists of pillowed basalt and massive flows alternating with nannofossil chalk and limestone that contain a significant volcanogenic component. Basalts are quartz tholeiites at the ridge crest and olivine tholeiites downslope. The sediment sections are dominated by carbonate oozes and chalks with volcanogenic material common in the lower parts of the sediment columns. The volcanogenic sediments probably were derived from sources on the Walvis Ridge. Paleodepth estimates based on the benthic fauna are consistent with a normal crustal-cooling rate of subsidence of the Walvis Ridge. The shoalest site in the transect sank below sea level in the late Paleocene, and benthic fauna suggest a rapid sea-level lowering in the mid-Oligocene. Average accumulation rates during the Cenozoic indicate three peaks in the rate of supply of carbonate to the sea floor, that is, early Pliocene, late middle Miocene, and late Paleocene to early Eocene. Carbonate accumulation rates for the rest of the Cenozoic averaged 1 g/cm**2/kyr. Dissolution had a marked effect on sediment accumulation in the deeper sites, particularly during the late Miocene, Oligocene, and middle to late Eocene. Changes in the rates of accumulation as a function of depth demonstrate that the upper part of the water column had a greater degree of undersaturation with respect to carbonate during times of high productivity. Even when the calcium carbonate compensation depth (CCD) was below 4400 m, a significant amount of carbonate was dissolved at the shallower sites. The flora and fauna of the Walvis Ridge are temperate in nature. Warmer-water faunas are found in the uppermost Maastrichtian and lower Eocene sediments, with cooler-water faunas present in the lower Paleocene, Oligocene, and middle Miocene. The boreal elements of the lower Pliocene are replaced by more temperate forms in the middle Pliocene. The Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary was recovered in four sites drilled, with the sediments containing well-preserved nannofossils but poorly preserved foraminifera.
Geodetic volcano monitoring in Tenerife has mainly focused on the Las Cañadas Caldera, where a geodetic micronetwork and a levelling profile are located. A sensitivity test of this geodetic network showed that it should be extended to cover the whole island for volcano monitoring purposes. Furthermore, InSAR allowed detecting two unexpected movements that were beyond the scope of the traditional geodetic network. These two facts prompted us to design and observe a GPS network covering the whole of Tenerife that was monitored in August 2000. The results obtained were accurate to one centimetre, and confirm one of the deformations, although they were not definitive enough to confirm the second one. Furthermore, new cases of possible subsidence have been detected in areas where InSAR could not be used to measure deformation due to low coherence. A first modelling attempt has been made using a very simple model and its results seem to indicate that the deformation observed and the groundwater level variation in the island may be related. Future observations will be necessary for further validation and to study the time evolution of the displacements, carry out interpretation work using different types of data (gravity, gases, etc) and develop models that represent the island more closely. The results obtained are important because they might affect the geodetic volcano monitoring on the island, which will only be really useful if it is capable of distinguishing between displacements that might be linked to volcanic activity and those produced by other causes. One important result in this work is that a new geodetic monitoring system based on two complementary techniques, InSAR and GPS, has been set up on Tenerife island. This the first time that the whole surface of any of the volcanic Canary Islands has been covered with a single network for this purpose. This research has displayed the need for further similar studies in the Canary Islands, at least on the islands which pose a greater risk of volcanic reactivation, such as Lanzarote and La Palma, where InSAR techniques have been used already.
This work presents results for the three-dimensional displacement field at Tenerife Island calculated from campaign GPS and ascending and descending ENVISAT DInSAR interferograms. The goal of this work is to provide an example of the flexibility of the technique by fusing together new varieties of geodetic data, and to observe surface deformations and study precursors of potential activity in volcanic regions. Interferometric processing of ENVISAT data was performed with GAMMA software. All possible combinations were used to create interferograms and then stacking was used to increase signal-to-noise ratio. Decorrelated areas were widely observed, particularly for interferograms with large perpendicular baseline and large time span. Tropospheric signal was also observed which significantly complicated the interpretation. Subsidence signal was observed in the NW part of the island and around Mount Teide and agreed in some regions with campaign GPS data. It is expected that the technique will provide better results when more high quality DInSAR and GPS data is available
La subsidencia del terreno constituye un riesgo geotécnico capaz de afectar a amplias zonas del territorio. Este fenómeno puede producirse por la consolidación de los suelos finos de un sistema acuífero, disolución y colapso de materiales yesíferos, actuaciones humanes, etc. Muchas regiones del mundo, y gran parte de la geografía peninsular, pueden verse afectadas de manera significativa por este fenómeno. En este proyecto se pretende crear una metodología de trabajo que se pueda aplicar en cualquier ámbito geográfico para el control de las subsidencias. Para la realización de esta metodología se han tomado tres técnicas de auscultación de subsidencias, nivelación geométrica de precisión, nivelación GPS y DinSAR, y comparado sus pros y contras, así como las precisiones esperadas y el organigrama de trabajo. Para que se vea mejor la funcionalidad del sistema, se ha procedido a la implantación teórica del mismo en una localización al Norte de la ciudad de Madrid con un escenario realista. Abstract Subsidence is a geotechnical risk which can affect large countryside areas. This phenomenon may be produced by the consolidation of an aquifer system fine soils, dissolution and collapse of gypsum materials, human actions, etc. Many regions of the world, and much of the Iberian Peninsula, may be significantly affected by this condition. This project aims to create a methodology that can be applied in any geographical area to control subsidence. For this purpose, three subsidence monitoring techniques have been studied. Those are precision geometric leveling, GPS leveling and DInSAR. During the project, pros and cons as well as the precisions expected and work schedule have been studied and compared. The subsidence auscultation system has been theoretically implemented in a location. This location is a realistic stage located north of Madrid
Along the Apulian Adriatic coast, in a cliff south of Trani, a succession of three units (superimposed on one another) of marine and/or paralic environments has been recognised. The lowest unit I is characterised by calcareous/siliciclastic sands (css), micritic limestones (ml), stromatolitic and characean boundstones (scb), characean calcarenites (cc). The sedimentary environment merges from shallow marine, with low energy and temporary episodes of subaerial exposure, to lagoonal with a few exchanges with the sea. The lagoonal stromatolites (scb subunit) grew during a long period of relative stability of a high sea level in tropical climate. The unit I is truncated at the top by an erosion surface on which the unit II overlies; this consists of a basal pebble lag (bpl), silicicla - stic sands (ss), calcareous sands (cs), characean boundstones (cb), brown paleosol (bp). The sedimentary environment varies from beach to lagoon with salinity variations. Although there are indications of seismic events within the subunits cs, unit II deposition took place in a context of relative stability. The unit II is referable to a sea level highstand. Unit III, trangressive on the preceding, consists of white calcareous sands (wcs), calcareous sands and calcarenites (csc), phytoclastic calcirudite and phytohermal travertine (pcpt), mixed deposits (csl, m, k, c), sands (s) and red/brown paleosols (rbp). The sedimentation of this unit was affected by synsedimentary tectonic, attested by seismites found at several heights. Also the unit III is referable to a sea level highstand. The scientific literature has so far generally attributed to the Tyrrhenian (auct.) the deposits of Trani cliff. As part of this work some datings were performed on 10 samples, using the amino acid racemization method (AAR) applied to ostracod carapaces. Four of these samples have been rejected because they have shown in laboratory recent contamination. The numerical ages indicate that the deposits of the Trani cliff are older than MIS 5. The upper part of the unit I has been dated to 355±85 ka BP, thus allowing to assign the lowest stromatolitic subunit (scb) at the MIS 11 peak and the top of the unit I at the MIS 11-MIS 10 interval. The base of the unit II has been dated to 333±118 ka BP, thus attributing the erosion surface that bounds the units I and II to the MIS 10 lowstand and the lower part of the unit II to MIS 9.3. The upper part of the unit II has been dated to 234±35 ka BP, while three other numerical ages come from unit III: 303±35, 267±51, 247±61 ka BP. At present, the numerical ages cannot distinguish the sedimentation ages of units II and III, which are both related to the MIS 9.3- MIS 7.1 time range. However, the position of the units, superimposed one another, and their respective age, allows us to recognise a subsidence phase between MIS 11 and MIS 7, followed by an uplift phase between the MIS 7 and the present day, which led the deposits in their current position. This tectonic pattern is not in full agreement with what is described in the literature for the Apulian foreland.
Las normativas que regulan la seguridad de las presas en España han recogido la necesidad de conocer los desplazamientos y deformaciones de sus estructuras y cimientos. A día de hoy, son muchas las presas en explotación que no cuentan con un sistema de auscultación adecuado para controlar este tipo de variables, ya que la instalación de métodos clásicos de precisión en las mismas podría no ser viable técnicamente y, de serlo, supondría un coste económico importante y una dudosa garantía del proceso de ejecución de la obra civil correspondiente. Con el desarrollo de las nuevas tecnologías, la informática y las telecomunicaciones, han surgido nuevos sistemas de auscultación de desplazamientos. Los sistemas GPS actuales, diseñados para el control de estructuras, guiado de maquinaria, navegación y topografía, estabilidad de taludes, subsidencias, etc. permiten alcanzar precisiones centimétricas. El sistema de control de movimientos basado en la tecnología DGPS (GPS diferencial) combinada con un filtro estadístico con el que se alcanzan sensibilidades de hasta ±1 mm en el sistema, suficientes para una auscultación normal de presas según los requerimientos de la normativa actual. Esta exactitud se adapta a los desplazamientos radiales de las presas, donde son muy comunes valores de amplitudes en coronación de hasta 15 mm en las de gravedad y de hasta 45 mm en el caso de las presas bóveda o arco. La presente investigación tiene por objetivo analizar la viabilidad del sistema DGPS en el control de movimientos de presas de hormigón comparando los diferentes sistemas de auscultación y su correlación con las variables físicas y las vinculadas al propio sistema GPS diferencial. Ante la necesidad de dar respuesta a estas preguntas y de validar e incorporar a la mencionada tecnología en la ingeniería civil en España, se ha llevado a cabo un estudio de caso en La Aceña (Ávila). Esta es una de las pocas presas españolas que se está controlando con dicha tecnología y de forma simultánea con los sistemas clásicos de auscultación y algunos otros de reciente aplicación La presente investigación se ha organizado con idea de dar respuesta a varias preguntas que el explotador de presas se plantea y que no se analizan en el estado del arte de la técnica: cómo hacer la configuración espacial del sistema y cuáles son los puntos necesarios que se deben controlar, qué sistemas de comunicaciones son los más fiables, cuáles son los costes asociados, calibración del software, vida útil y mantenimientos requeridos, así como la posibilidad de telecontrolar los datos. Entre las ventajas del sistema DGPS, podemos señalar su bajo coste de implantación y posibilidad de controlarlo de forma remota, así como la exactitud y carácter absoluto de los datos. Además, está especialmente indicado para presas aisladas o mal comunicadas y para aquellas otras en las que el explotador no tiene referencia alguna de la magnitud de los desplazamientos o deformaciones propias de la presa en toda su historia. Entre los inconvenientes de cualquier sistema apoyado en las nuevas tecnologías, destaca la importancia de las telecomunicaciones ya sea en el nivel local en la propia presao desde su ubicación hasta el centro de control de la explotación. Con la experiencia alcanzada en la gestión de la seguridad de presas y sobre la base de la reciente implantación de los nuevos métodos de auscultación descritos, se ha podido analizar cada una de sus ventajas e inconvenientes. En el capítulo 5, se presenta una tabla de decisión para el explotador que servirá como punto de partida para futuras inversiones. El impacto de esta investigación se ha visto reflejado en la publicación de varios artículos en revistas indexadas y en el debate suscitado entre gestores y profesionales del sector en los congresos nacionales e internacionales en los que se han presentado resultados preliminares. All regulations on the safety of dams in Spain have collected the need to know the displacements and deformations of the structure and its foundation. Today there are many dams holding not have an adequate system of auscultation to control variables such as the installation of classical methods of precision in the same might not be technically feasible, and if so, would cost important economic and guarantee the implementation process of the dubious civil works. With the development of new technologies, computing and telecommunications, new displacements auscultation systems have emerged. Current GPS systems designed to control structures, machine guidance, navigation and topography, slope stability, subsidence, etc, allow to reach centimeter-level accuracies. The motion control system based on DGPS technology applies a statistical filter that sensitivities are achieved in the system to ± 1 mm, sufficient for normal auscultation of dams as required by current regulations. This accuracy is adapted to the radial displacement of dams, which are common values in coronation amplitudes up to 15 mm in gravity dams and up to 45 mm in arch or arc dams. This research aims to analyze the feasibility of DGPS system in controlling movements of concrete dams, comparing the different systems auscultation and its correlation with physical variables and linked to differential GPS system itself. Given the need to answer this question and to validate and incorporate this technology to civil engineering in Spain, has conducted a case study in real time at the dam La Aceña (Ávila). This dam is one of the few Spanish companies, which are controlling with this technology and simultaneously with the classic auscultation systems and some other recent application. This research has been organized with a view to responding to questions that the dam operator arises and in the state of the art technique not discussed: how to make spatial configuration of the system and what are the necessary control points what communication systems are the most reliable, what are the associated costs, calibration software, service life and maintenance requirements, possibility of monitoring, etc. Among the advantages we can point to its low cost of implementation, the possibility of remote, high accuracy and absolute nature of the data. It could also be suitable for those isolated or poorly communicated dams and those in which the operator has no reference to the magnitude of displacements or deformations own prey in its history. The disadvantages of any system based on the new technologies we highlight the importance of telecommunications, either locally or from this dam control center of the farm. With the experience gained in the management of dam safety and based on the recent introduction of new methods of auscultation described, it has been possible to analyze each of their advantages and disadvantages. A decision table for the operator, which will serve as a starting point for future investments is presented. The impact of research, has been reflected in the publication of several articles in refereed journals and discussion among managers and professionals in national and international conferences in which they participated.
Registros isotópicos de oxigênio obtidos em alta resolução das estalagmites CL2 e MAG das cavernas Calixto e Marota, região da Chapada Diamantina (CD) (12ºS), Estado da Bahia, sul do Nordeste brasileiro (sNEB), permitiram reconstituir as mudanças passadas da precipitação entre 165-128 e 59-39 mil anos A.P. Para a reconstituição paleoclimática considerou-se resultados de um estudo de calibração realizado em duas cavernas da CD o qual demonstrou uma relação entre composição isotópica da água meteórica e de gotejamento e sugeriu um ambiente adequado para a deposição do espeleotema em condições equilíbrio e/ou próximas com a água de gotejamento. A interpretação da paleoprecipitação através dos registros isotópicos \'\'delta\' POT.18\'O das estalagmites também foi baseada na relação entre composição isotópica da água da precipitação e a quantidade de chuva obtidos em estações da IAEA-GNIP no Brasil e de simulações das variações do \'\'delta\' POT.18\'O da chuva através do modelo climático ECHAM-4. Esses dados indicaram o efeito quantidade (amount effect) como fator preponderante de controle isotópico da água da chuva que formam os espeleotemas na CD, significando que a diminuição dos valores de \'\'delta\' POT.18\'O está associada ao aumento do volume de chuvas e vice-versa. Os registros de \'\'delta\' POT.18\'O dos espeleotemas permitiram reconstituir a variação da paleoprecipitação na escala orbital e milenar durante o penúltimo glacial bem como correlacionar mudanças na paleoprecipitação no sNEB com eventos milenares registrados na Groelândia no último glacial. Os registros da CD indicaram um aumento (diminuição) da paleoprecipitação na Bahia relacionado a diminuição (aumento) da insolação austral de verão a 10ºS durante o penúltimo glacial, similar ao observado no último ciclo precessional. Na escala orbital os registros da CD estiveram em antifase com os paleoindicadores isotópicos do Sudeste brasileiro e em fase com os valores de\'\'delta\' POT.18\'O dos espeleotemas do leste da China. Esse padrão de precipitação é similar ao observado na última glaciação e sugere que a variação na insolação de verão afetou as monções sul-americanas (MSA) promovendo mudanças na precipitação no sNEB no penúltimo glacial. Condições áridas no sNEB durante o aumento da insolação de verão estariam provavelmente associadas ao aprofundamento da subsidência de ar provocado pelo fortalecimento da circulação leste-oeste da MSA devido ao aumento das atividades convectivas na Amazônia o que teria, favorecido um posicionamento mais a sul da Zona de Convergência do Atlântico Sul (ZCAS). O oposto também ocorreria durante as fases de baixa insolação de verão quando a MSA estaria provavelmente mais desintensificada. Durante o penúltimo glacial (Terminação Glacial II) abruptas oscilações nos registros da CD para valores mais baixos de \'\'delta\' POT.18\'O indicaram um profundo aumento da precipitação coincidente com o evento Heinrich (H11). Nesse período a paleoprecipitação no sNEB esteve correlacionada negativamente com as mudanças climáticas na China e no oeste amazônico (Peru) e positivamente com o Sudeste brasileiro. Interpretou-se que as anomalias positivas da precipitação no sNEB podem ter estado relacionadas ao deslocamento para sul da Zona de Convergência Intertropical (ZCIT) bem como com a intensificação da MSA e ZCAS nesse período. Finalmente, oscilações isotópicas abruptas para valores mais altos observadas durante o estágio marinho isotópico 3 coincidentes com os eventos quentes registrados na Groelândia, denominados de eventos Dansgaard-Oeschger (DO), foram interpretados como a ocorrência de eventos muito secos no sNEB. Essas variações da precipitação na escala milenar, que estão em fase com os registros no Peru, podem ter estado relacionadas ao deslocamento para norte da ZCIT o que teria promovido uma profunda desintensificação da MSA.
Tide gauge (TG) data along the northern Mediterranean and Black Sea coasts are compared to the sea-surface height (SSH) anomaly obtained from ocean altimetry (TOPEX/Poseidon and ERS-1/2) for a period of nine years (1993–2001). The TG measures the SSH relative to the ground whereas the altimetry does so with respect to the geocentric reference frame; therefore their difference would be in principle a vertical ground motion of the TG sites, though there are different error sources for this estimate as is discussed in the paper. In this study we estimate such vertical ground motion, for each TG site, from the slope of the SSH time series of the (non-seasonal) difference between the TG record and the altimetry measurement at a point closest to the TG. Where possible, these estimates are further compared with those derived from nearby continuous Global Positioning System (GPS) data series. These results on vertical ground motion along the Mediterranean and Black Sea coasts provide useful source data for studying, contrasting, and constraining tectonic models of the region. For example, in the eastern coast of the Adriatic Sea and in the western coast of Greece, a general subsidence is observed which may be related to the Adriatic lithosphere subducting beneath the Eurasian plate along the Dinarides fault.
Differential SAR Interferometry (DInSAR) is a remote sensing method with the well demonstrated ability to monitor geological hazards like earthquakes, landslides and subsidence. Among all these hazards, subsidence involves the settlement of the ground surface affecting wide areas. Frequently, subsidence is induced by overexploitation of aquifers and constitutes a common problem that affects developed societies. The excessive pumping of underground water decreases the piezometric level in the subsoil and, as a consequence, increases the effective stresses with depth causing a consolidation of the soil column. This consolidation originates a settlement of ground surface that must be withstood by civil structures built on these areas. In this paper we make use of an advanced DInSAR approach - the Coherent Pixels Technique (CPT) [1] - to monitor subsidence induced by aquifer overexploitation in the Vega Media of the Segura River (SE Spain) from 1993 to the present. 28 ERS-1/2 scenes covering a time interval of about 10 years were used to study this phenomenon. The deformation map retrieved with CPT technique shows settlements of up to 80 mm at some points of the studied zone. These values agree with data obtained by means of borehole extensometers, but not with the distribution of damaged buildings, well points and basements, because the occurrence of damages also depends on the structural quality of the buildings and their foundations. The most interesting relationship observed is the one existing between piezometric changes, settlement evolution and local geology. Three main patterns of ground surface and piezometric level behaviour have been distinguished for the study zone during this period: 1) areas where deformation occurs while ground conditions remain altered (recent deformable sediments), 2) areas with no deformation (old and non-deformable materials), and 3) areas where ground deformation mimics piezometric level changes (expansive soils). The temporal relationship between deformation patterns and soil characteristics has been analysed in this work, showing a delay between them. Moreover, this technique has allowed the measurement of ground subsidence for a period (1993-1995) where no instrument information was available.
La subsidencia del terreno es un riesgo natural que afecta a amplias zonas del territorio causando importantes daños económicos y una gran alarma social. La subsidencia del terreno puede deberse a numerosas causas como la disolución de materiales profundos, la construcción de obras subterráneas o de galerías mineras, la erosión del terreno en profundidad, el flujo lateral del suelo, la compactación de los materiales que constituyen el terreno o la actividad tectónica. Todas estas causas se manifiestan en la superficie del terreno mediante deformaciones verticales que pueden variar desde pocos milímetros hasta varios metros durante periodos que varían desde minutos hasta años.
En este trabajo se presentan los sistemas radar satélite y terrestres, así como los métodos de análisis de imágenes radar clásicos y avanzados para la investigación de los movimientos del terreno, haciendo énfasis en la subsidencia y los movimientos de ladera. Para ello en primer lugar se describen los distintos sensores radar disponibles así como las principales características de las imágenes radar generadas. A continuación se detallan los aspectos fundamentales de la interferometría diferencial, de los distintos métodos de interferometría diferencial avanzada y del radar terrestre. Finalmente se presentan los resultados obtenidos en distintas zonas de estudio: la subsidencia por explotación del acuífero en el área metropolitana de Murcia, la subsidencia minera y los movimientos de ladera de la Sierra de Cartagena, los movimientos de ladera de la cuenca del río Gállego y el deslizamiento del Portalet.