981 resultados para Standard Penetration Test


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Pavements are subjected to different stresses during their design lives. A properly designed pavement will perform adequately during its design life, and the distresses will not exceed the allowable limits; however, there are several factors that can lead to premature pavement failure. One such factor is moisture sensitivity. AASHTO T 283 is the standard test used in the moisture susceptibility evaluation of asphalt mixtures, but the results of the test are not very representative of the expected behavior of asphalt mixtures. The dynamic modulus test measures a fundamental property of the mixture. The results of the dynamic modulus test can be used directly in the Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide (MEPDG) and are considered a very good representation of the expected field performance of the mixture. Further research is still needed to study how the dynamic modulus results are affected by moisture. The flow number test was studied in previous research as a candidate test for moisture-susceptibility evaluation, but the results of that research were not favorable. This research has four main objectives. The first objective of this research is to evaluate the usefulness of the dynamic modulus and flow number tests in moisture-susceptibility evaluation. The second objective is to compare the results to those achieved using the AASHTO T 283 test. The third objective is to study the effect of different methods of sample conditioning and testing conditions. The fourth objective of the research is to study the variability in the test results.


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Currently, no standard mix design procedure is available for CIR-emulsion in Iowa. The CIR-foam mix design process developed during the previous phase is applied for CIR-emulsion mixtures with varying emulsified asphalt contents. Dynamic modulus test, dynamic creep test, static creep test and raveling test were conducted to evaluate the short- and long-term performance of CIR-emulsion mixtures at various testing temperatures and loading conditions. A potential benefit of this research is a better understanding of CIR-emulsion material properties in comparison with those of CIR-foam material that would allow for the selection of the most appropriate CIR technology and the type and amount of the optimum stabilization material. Dynamic modulus, flow number and flow time of CIR-emulsion mixtures using CSS- 1h were generally higher than those of HFMS-2p. Flow number and flow time of CIR-emulsion using RAP materials from Story County was higher than those from Clayton County. Flow number and flow time of CIR-emulsion with 0.5% emulsified asphalt was higher than CIR-emulsion with 1.0% or 1.5%. Raveling loss of CIR-emulsion with 1.5% emulsified was significantly less than those with 0.5% and 1.0%. Test results in terms of dynamic modulus, flow number, flow time and raveling loss of CIR-foam mixtures are generally better than those of CIR-emulsion mixtures. Given the limited RAP sources used for this study, it is recommended that the CIR-emulsion mix design procedure should be validated against several RAP sources and emulsion types.


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Un système efficace de sismique tridimensionnelle (3-D) haute-résolution adapté à des cibles lacustres de petite échelle a été développé. Dans le Lac Léman, près de la ville de Lausanne, en Suisse, des investigations récentes en deux dimension (2-D) ont mis en évidence une zone de faille complexe qui a été choisie pour tester notre système. Les structures observées incluent une couche mince (<40 m) de sédiments quaternaires sub-horizontaux, discordants sur des couches tertiaires de molasse pentées vers le sud-est. On observe aussi la zone de faille de « La Paudèze » qui sépare les unités de la Molasse du Plateau de la Molasse Subalpine. Deux campagnes 3-D complètes, d?environ d?un kilomètre carré, ont été réalisées sur ce site de test. La campagne pilote (campagne I), effectuée en 1999 pendant 8 jours, a couvert 80 profils en utilisant une seule flûte. Pendant la campagne II (9 jours en 2001), le nouveau système trois-flûtes, bien paramétrés pour notre objectif, a permis l?acquisition de données de très haute qualité sur 180 lignes CMP. Les améliorations principales incluent un système de navigation et de déclenchement de tirs grâce à un nouveau logiciel. Celui-ci comprend un contrôle qualité de la navigation du bateau en temps réel utilisant un GPS différentiel (dGPS) à bord et une station de référence près du bord du lac. De cette façon, les tirs peuvent être déclenchés tous les 5 mètres avec une erreur maximale non-cumulative de 25 centimètres. Tandis que pour la campagne I la position des récepteurs de la flûte 48-traces a dû être déduite à partir des positions du bateau, pour la campagne II elle ont pu être calculées précisément (erreur <20 cm) grâce aux trois antennes dGPS supplémentaires placées sur des flotteurs attachés à l?extrémité de chaque flûte 24-traces. Il est maintenant possible de déterminer la dérive éventuelle de l?extrémité des flûtes (75 m) causée par des courants latéraux ou de petites variations de trajet du bateau. De plus, la construction de deux bras télescopiques maintenant les trois flûtes à une distance de 7.5 m les uns des autres, qui est la même distance que celle entre les lignes naviguées de la campagne II. En combinaison avec un espacement de récepteurs de 2.5 m, la dimension de chaque «bin» de données 3-D de la campagne II est de 1.25 m en ligne et 3.75 m latéralement. L?espacement plus grand en direction « in-line » par rapport à la direction «cross-line» est justifié par l?orientation structurale de la zone de faille perpendiculaire à la direction «in-line». L?incertitude sur la navigation et le positionnement pendant la campagne I et le «binning» imprécis qui en résulte, se retrouve dans les données sous forme d?une certaine discontinuité des réflecteurs. L?utilisation d?un canon à air à doublechambre (qui permet d?atténuer l?effet bulle) a pu réduire l?aliasing observé dans les sections migrées en 3-D. Celui-ci était dû à la combinaison du contenu relativement haute fréquence (<2000 Hz) du canon à eau (utilisé à 140 bars et à 0.3 m de profondeur) et d?un pas d?échantillonnage latéral insuffisant. Le Mini G.I 15/15 a été utilisé à 80 bars et à 1 m de profondeur, est mieux adapté à la complexité de la cible, une zone faillée ayant des réflecteurs pentés jusqu?à 30°. Bien que ses fréquences ne dépassent pas les 650 Hz, cette source combine une pénétration du signal non-aliasé jusqu?à 300 m dans le sol (par rapport au 145 m pour le canon à eau) pour une résolution verticale maximale de 1.1 m. Tandis que la campagne I a été acquise par groupes de plusieurs lignes de directions alternées, l?optimisation du temps d?acquisition du nouveau système à trois flûtes permet l?acquisition en géométrie parallèle, ce qui est préférable lorsqu?on utilise une configuration asymétrique (une source et un dispositif de récepteurs). Si on ne procède pas ainsi, les stacks sont différents selon la direction. Toutefois, la configuration de flûtes, plus courtes que pour la compagne I, a réduit la couverture nominale, la ramenant de 12 à 6. Une séquence classique de traitement 3-D a été adaptée à l?échantillonnage à haute fréquence et elle a été complétée par deux programmes qui transforment le format non-conventionnel de nos données de navigation en un format standard de l?industrie. Dans l?ordre, le traitement comprend l?incorporation de la géométrie, suivi de l?édition des traces, de l?harmonisation des «bins» (pour compenser l?inhomogénéité de la couverture due à la dérive du bateau et de la flûte), de la correction de la divergence sphérique, du filtrage passe-bande, de l?analyse de vitesse, de la correction DMO en 3-D, du stack et enfin de la migration 3-D en temps. D?analyses de vitesse détaillées ont été effectuées sur les données de couverture 12, une ligne sur deux et tous les 50 CMP, soit un nombre total de 600 spectres de semblance. Selon cette analyse, les vitesses d?intervalles varient de 1450-1650 m/s dans les sédiments non-consolidés et de 1650-3000 m/s dans les sédiments consolidés. Le fait que l?on puisse interpréter plusieurs horizons et surfaces de faille dans le cube, montre le potentiel de cette technique pour une interprétation tectonique et géologique à petite échelle en trois dimensions. On distingue cinq faciès sismiques principaux et leurs géométries 3-D détaillées sur des sections verticales et horizontales: les sédiments lacustres (Holocène), les sédiments glacio-lacustres (Pléistocène), la Molasse du Plateau, la Molasse Subalpine de la zone de faille (chevauchement) et la Molasse Subalpine au sud de cette zone. Les couches de la Molasse du Plateau et de la Molasse Subalpine ont respectivement un pendage de ~8° et ~20°. La zone de faille comprend de nombreuses structures très déformées de pendage d?environ 30°. Des tests préliminaires avec un algorithme de migration 3-D en profondeur avant sommation et à amplitudes préservées démontrent que la qualité excellente des données de la campagne II permet l?application de telles techniques à des campagnes haute-résolution. La méthode de sismique marine 3-D était utilisée jusqu?à présent quasi-exclusivement par l?industrie pétrolière. Son adaptation à une échelle plus petite géographiquement mais aussi financièrement a ouvert la voie d?appliquer cette technique à des objectifs d?environnement et du génie civil.<br/><br/>An efficient high-resolution three-dimensional (3-D) seismic reflection system for small-scale targets in lacustrine settings was developed. In Lake Geneva, near the city of Lausanne, Switzerland, past high-resolution two-dimensional (2-D) investigations revealed a complex fault zone (the Paudèze thrust zone), which was subsequently chosen for testing our system. Observed structures include a thin (<40 m) layer of subhorizontal Quaternary sediments that unconformably overlie southeast-dipping Tertiary Molasse beds and the Paudèze thrust zone, which separates Plateau and Subalpine Molasse units. Two complete 3-D surveys have been conducted over this same test site, covering an area of about 1 km2. In 1999, a pilot survey (Survey I), comprising 80 profiles, was carried out in 8 days with a single-streamer configuration. In 2001, a second survey (Survey II) used a newly developed three-streamer system with optimized design parameters, which provided an exceptionally high-quality data set of 180 common midpoint (CMP) lines in 9 days. The main improvements include a navigation and shot-triggering system with in-house navigation software that automatically fires the gun in combination with real-time control on navigation quality using differential GPS (dGPS) onboard and a reference base near the lake shore. Shots were triggered at 5-m intervals with a maximum non-cumulative error of 25 cm. Whereas the single 48-channel streamer system of Survey I requires extrapolation of receiver positions from the boat position, for Survey II they could be accurately calculated (error <20 cm) with the aid of three additional dGPS antennas mounted on rafts attached to the end of each of the 24- channel streamers. Towed at a distance of 75 m behind the vessel, they allow the determination of feathering due to cross-line currents or small course variations. Furthermore, two retractable booms hold the three streamers at a distance of 7.5 m from each other, which is the same distance as the sail line interval for Survey I. With a receiver spacing of 2.5 m, the bin dimension of the 3-D data of Survey II is 1.25 m in in-line direction and 3.75 m in cross-line direction. The greater cross-line versus in-line spacing is justified by the known structural trend of the fault zone perpendicular to the in-line direction. The data from Survey I showed some reflection discontinuity as a result of insufficiently accurate navigation and positioning and subsequent binning errors. Observed aliasing in the 3-D migration was due to insufficient lateral sampling combined with the relatively high frequency (<2000 Hz) content of the water gun source (operated at 140 bars and 0.3 m depth). These results motivated the use of a double-chamber bubble-canceling air gun for Survey II. A 15 / 15 Mini G.I air gun operated at 80 bars and 1 m depth, proved to be better adapted for imaging the complexly faulted target area, which has reflectors dipping up to 30°. Although its frequencies do not exceed 650 Hz, this air gun combines a penetration of non-aliased signal to depths of 300 m below the water bottom (versus 145 m for the water gun) with a maximum vertical resolution of 1.1 m. While Survey I was shot in patches of alternating directions, the optimized surveying time of the new threestreamer system allowed acquisition in parallel geometry, which is preferable when using an asymmetric configuration (single source and receiver array). Otherwise, resulting stacks are different for the opposite directions. However, the shorter streamer configuration of Survey II reduced the nominal fold from 12 to 6. A 3-D conventional processing flow was adapted to the high sampling rates and was complemented by two computer programs that format the unconventional navigation data to industry standards. Processing included trace editing, geometry assignment, bin harmonization (to compensate for uneven fold due to boat/streamer drift), spherical divergence correction, bandpass filtering, velocity analysis, 3-D DMO correction, stack and 3-D time migration. A detailed semblance velocity analysis was performed on the 12-fold data set for every second in-line and every 50th CMP, i.e. on a total of 600 spectra. According to this velocity analysis, interval velocities range from 1450-1650 m/s for the unconsolidated sediments and from 1650-3000 m/s for the consolidated sediments. Delineation of several horizons and fault surfaces reveal the potential for small-scale geologic and tectonic interpretation in three dimensions. Five major seismic facies and their detailed 3-D geometries can be distinguished in vertical and horizontal sections: lacustrine sediments (Holocene) , glaciolacustrine sediments (Pleistocene), Plateau Molasse, Subalpine Molasse and its thrust fault zone. Dips of beds within Plateau and Subalpine Molasse are ~8° and ~20°, respectively. Within the fault zone, many highly deformed structures with dips around 30° are visible. Preliminary tests with 3-D preserved-amplitude prestack depth migration demonstrate that the excellent data quality of Survey II allows application of such sophisticated techniques even to high-resolution seismic surveys. In general, the adaptation of the 3-D marine seismic reflection method, which to date has almost exclusively been used by the oil exploration industry, to a smaller geographical as well as financial scale has helped pave the way for applying this technique to environmental and engineering purposes.<br/><br/>La sismique réflexion est une méthode d?investigation du sous-sol avec un très grand pouvoir de résolution. Elle consiste à envoyer des vibrations dans le sol et à recueillir les ondes qui se réfléchissent sur les discontinuités géologiques à différentes profondeurs et remontent ensuite à la surface où elles sont enregistrées. Les signaux ainsi recueillis donnent non seulement des informations sur la nature des couches en présence et leur géométrie, mais ils permettent aussi de faire une interprétation géologique du sous-sol. Par exemple, dans le cas de roches sédimentaires, les profils de sismique réflexion permettent de déterminer leur mode de dépôt, leurs éventuelles déformations ou cassures et donc leur histoire tectonique. La sismique réflexion est la méthode principale de l?exploration pétrolière. Pendant longtemps on a réalisé des profils de sismique réflexion le long de profils qui fournissent une image du sous-sol en deux dimensions. Les images ainsi obtenues ne sont que partiellement exactes, puisqu?elles ne tiennent pas compte de l?aspect tridimensionnel des structures géologiques. Depuis quelques dizaines d?années, la sismique en trois dimensions (3-D) a apporté un souffle nouveau à l?étude du sous-sol. Si elle est aujourd?hui parfaitement maîtrisée pour l?imagerie des grandes structures géologiques tant dans le domaine terrestre que le domaine océanique, son adaptation à l?échelle lacustre ou fluviale n?a encore fait l?objet que de rares études. Ce travail de thèse a consisté à développer un système d?acquisition sismique similaire à celui utilisé pour la prospection pétrolière en mer, mais adapté aux lacs. Il est donc de dimension moindre, de mise en oeuvre plus légère et surtout d?une résolution des images finales beaucoup plus élevée. Alors que l?industrie pétrolière se limite souvent à une résolution de l?ordre de la dizaine de mètres, l?instrument qui a été mis au point dans le cadre de ce travail permet de voir des détails de l?ordre du mètre. Le nouveau système repose sur la possibilité d?enregistrer simultanément les réflexions sismiques sur trois câbles sismiques (ou flûtes) de 24 traces chacun. Pour obtenir des données 3-D, il est essentiel de positionner les instruments sur l?eau (source et récepteurs des ondes sismiques) avec une grande précision. Un logiciel a été spécialement développé pour le contrôle de la navigation et le déclenchement des tirs de la source sismique en utilisant des récepteurs GPS différentiel (dGPS) sur le bateau et à l?extrémité de chaque flûte. Ceci permet de positionner les instruments avec une précision de l?ordre de 20 cm. Pour tester notre système, nous avons choisi une zone sur le Lac Léman, près de la ville de Lausanne, où passe la faille de « La Paudèze » qui sépare les unités de la Molasse du Plateau et de la Molasse Subalpine. Deux campagnes de mesures de sismique 3-D y ont été réalisées sur une zone d?environ 1 km2. Les enregistrements sismiques ont ensuite été traités pour les transformer en images interprétables. Nous avons appliqué une séquence de traitement 3-D spécialement adaptée à nos données, notamment en ce qui concerne le positionnement. Après traitement, les données font apparaître différents faciès sismiques principaux correspondant notamment aux sédiments lacustres (Holocène), aux sédiments glacio-lacustres (Pléistocène), à la Molasse du Plateau, à la Molasse Subalpine de la zone de faille et la Molasse Subalpine au sud de cette zone. La géométrie 3-D détaillée des failles est visible sur les sections sismiques verticales et horizontales. L?excellente qualité des données et l?interprétation de plusieurs horizons et surfaces de faille montrent le potentiel de cette technique pour les investigations à petite échelle en trois dimensions ce qui ouvre des voies à son application dans les domaines de l?environnement et du génie civil.


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Työn tavoitteena oli kehittää Metsä Tissue Oyj:n Mäntän tehtaille uusi testimenetelmä leivinpaperin rasvanläpäisyn mittaamiseen. Uudella testimenetelmällä korvataan kaksi nykyisistä testimenetelmistä, jotka ovat aikaa vieviä ja epäluotettavia. Uudelta menetelmältä vaaditaan lyhyttä kestoa, hyvää toistettavuutta ja luotettavuutta sekä korreloivuutta nykyisiin testimenetelmiin. Nykyisissä testeissä leivinpaperilla paistetaan sikaa ja kanaa uunissa, jonka jälkeen tarkastetaan leivinpaperin läpäisseen rasvan määrää leivinpaperin alla olleen lautasen puhtauden perusteella. Sikatesti on huomattavasti kriittisempi kuin kanatesti, joten tässä työssä keskitytään sikatestin korvaamiseen uudella testimenetelmällä. Työn kirjallisuusosassa perehdyttiin rasvatiiviisiin papereihin, niiden valmistukseen ja ominaisuuksiin. Lähinnä keskityttiin tiivispaperin valmistukseen ja sen silikonointiin. Lisäksi esitettiin rasvanläpäisyn mekanismeja ja niihin vaikuttavia tekijöitä sekä rasvanläpäisyn mittaamiseen kehitettyjä menetelmiä. Kokeellisen osan alussa tehtiin esikokeita olemassa olevilla testeillä, kuten Helga- ja Tappi-rasvatiiveystestillä, DIN 53116 standardin mukaisella menetelmällä sekä DPM menetelmällä. Esikokeiden tarkoituksena oli selvittää missä määrin sikatesti korreloi muiden testimenetelmien kanssa. Näistä menetelmistä ei löydetty korrelaatiota sikatestiin, joten kehitettiin aivan uusi testimenetelmä. Kokeellisessa osassa tutkittiin sikatestissä leivinpaperin pidättämiä ja läpäisemiä aineita. Testeissä huomattiin, että leivinpaperin läpäisseet aineet olivat pääosin vesiliukoisia proteiineja. Leivinpaperin pidättämässä aineessa oli vettä, vesiliukoista proteiineja ja rasvaa, siasta riippuen hyvinkin erilaisissa suhteissa. Täten todettiin sikatestin huono toistettavuus ja luotettavuus. Uudessa testimenetelmässä leivinpaperia ja sen päällä olevaa koeainetta puristetaan määrätyllä paineella määrätyssä lämpötilassa, jonka jälkeen leivinpaperin läpäissyt rasva havainnoidaan leivinpaperin alla olevasta indikaattoripaperista. Lopuksi lasketaan tietynkokoisten läpimenotahrojen lukumäärän perusteella näytteelle rasvan läpäisyindeksi. Uusi menetelmä korreloi sekä sika- että kanatestin kanssa.


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Työn tavoitteena oli arvioida ja selvittää toimittajasuhteeseen vaikuttavia tekijöitä JOT Automation Group Oyj.n ja sen alihankkijoiden välisessä yhteistyössä ja muodostaa yrityksen kilpailukykyä parantava toimittaja-arviointiprosessi. Työssä keskityttiin tarkastelemaan yleisillä materiaali- ja komponenttimarkkinoilla toimivia toimittajia elektroniikkateollisuuden tuotantojärjestelmien valmistuksessa. Ensin tutustuttiin toimittajasuhdetta ja sen arviointia käsitelleeseen kirjallisuuteen. Teorian tueksi tehtiin haastatteluja ja kartoitettiin ensisijaisia tarpeita ja tavoitteita arviointiprosessille. Valmis prosessi testattiin käytännössä kahden eri case-esimerkin avulla. Prosessista muodostui kahteen eri työkaluun jakautunut kokonaisuus, joista auditointi arvioi toimittajan kyvykkyyttä vastatta sille asetettuihin vaatimuksiin. Toimittajan suorituskyvyn mittaaminen puolestaan testaa ja vertaa jatkuvasti toiminnan todellista tasoa auditoinnissa saatuihin tuloksiin. Työ sisältää selvityksen ja ohjeistuksen toimittaja-arviointiprosessin käytöstä. Prosessin käyttö alentaa toimittajaan kohdistuvaa materiaalien saatavuuteen ja hankintaan liittyviä riskejä. Esimerkeistä saadut kokemukset osoittivat, että prosessin avulla päästään pureutumaan tärkeisiin ydinalueisiin ja kehittämään niitä sekä toimittajalle, että ostajayritykselle edullisella tavalla. Toimittaja-arviointiprosessista kehittyy toimintatapa yrityksen ja sen toimittajan välisen suhteen ylläpitämiseksi.


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BACKGROUND & AIMS: The standard liver volume (SLV) is widely used in liver surgery, especially for living donor liver transplantation (LDLT). All the reported formulas for SLV use body surface area or body weight, which can be influenced strongly by the general condition of the patient. METHODS: We analyzed the liver volumes of 180 Japanese donor candidates and 160 Swiss patients with normal livers to develop a new formula. The dataset was randomly divided into two subsets, the test and validation sample, stratified by race. The new formula was validated using 50 LDLT recipients. RESULTS: Without using body weight-related variables, age, thoracic width measured using computed tomography, and race independently predicted the total liver volume (TLV). A new formula: 203.3-(3.61×age)+(58.7×thoracic width)-(463.7×race [1=Asian, 0=Caucasian]), most accurately predicted the TLV in the validation dataset as compared with any other formulas. The graft volume for LDLT was correlated with the postoperative prothrombin time, and the graft volume/SLV ratio calculated using the new formula was significantly better correlated with the postoperative prothrombin time than the graft volume/SLV ratio calculated using the other formulas or the graft volume/body weight ratio. CONCLUSIONS: The new formula derived using the age, thoracic width and race predicted both the TLV in the healthy patient group and the SLV in LDLT recipients more accurately than any other previously reported formulas.


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The advent of multiparametric MRI has made it possible to change the way in which prostate biopsy is done, allowing to direct biopsies to suspicious lesions rather than randomly. The subject of this review relates to a computer-assisted strategy, the MRI/US fusion software-based targeted biopsy, and to its performance compared to the other sampling methods. Different devices with different methods to register MR images to live TRUS are currently in use to allow software-based targeted biopsy. Main clinical indications of MRI/US fusion software-based targeted biopsy are re-biopsy in men with persistent suspicious of prostate cancer after first negative standard biopsy and the follow-up of patients under active surveillance. Some studies have compared MRI/US fusion software-based targeted versus standard biopsy. In men at risk with MRI-suspicious lesion, targeted biopsy consistently detects more men with clinically significant disease as compared to standard biopsy; some studies have also shown decreased detection of insignificant disease. Only two studies directly compared MRI/US fusion software-based targeted biopsy with MRI/US fusion visual targeted biopsy, and the diagnostic ability seems to be in favor of the software approach. To date, no study comparing software-based targeted biopsy against in-bore MRI biopsy is available. The new software-based targeted approach seems to have the characteristics to be added in the standard pathway for achieving accurate risk stratification. Once reproducibility and cost-effectiveness will be verified, the actual issue will be to determine whether MRI/TRUS fusion software-based targeted biopsy represents anadd-on test or a replacement to standard TRUS biopsy.


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Coxiella burnetii and members of the genus Rickettsia are obligate intracellular bacteria. Since cultivation of these organisms requires dedicated techniques, their diagnosis usually relies on serological or molecular biology methods. Immunofluorescence is considered the gold standard to detect antibody-reactivity towards these organisms. Here, we assessed the performance of a new automated epifluorescence immunoassay (InoDiag) to detect IgM and IgG against C. burnetii, Rickettsia typhi and Rickettsia conorii. Samples were tested with the InoDiag assay. A total of 213 sera were tested, of which 63 samples from Q fever, 20 from spotted fever rickettsiosis, 6 from murine typhus and 124 controls. InoDiag results were compared to micro-immunofluorescence. For acute Q fever, the sensitivity of phase 2 IgG was only of 30% with a cutoff of 1 arbitrary unit (AU). In patients with acute Q fever with positive IF IgM, sensitivity reached 83% with the same cutoff. Sensitivity for chronic Q fever was 100% whereas sensitivity for past Q fever was 65%. Sensitivity for spotted Mediterranean fever and murine typhus were 91% and 100%, respectively. Both assays exhibited a good specificity in control groups, ranging from 79% in sera from patients with unrelated diseases or EBV positivity to 100% in sera from healthy patients. In conclusion, the InoDiag assay exhibits an excellent performance for the diagnosis of chronic Q fever but a very low IgG sensitivity for acute Q fever likely due to low reactivity of phase 2 antigens present on the glass slide. This defect is partially compensated by the detection of IgM. Because it exhibits a good negative predictive value, the InoDiag assay is valuable to rule out a chronic Q fever. For the diagnosis of rickettsial diseases, the sensitivity of the InoDiag method is similar to conventional immunofluorescence.


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The application of multivariate calibration techniques to multicomponent analysis by UV-VIS molecular absorption spectrometry is a powerful tool for simultaneous determination of several chemical species. However, when this methodology is accomplished manually, it is slow and laborious, consumes high amounts of reagents and samples, is susceptible to contaminations and presents a high operational cost. To overcome these drawbacks, a flow-batch analyser is proposed in this work. This analyser was developed for automatic preparation of standard calibration and test (or validation) mixtures. It was applied to the simultaneous determination of Cu2+, Mn2+ and Zn2+ in polyvitaminic and polymineral pharmaceutical formulations, using 4-(2-piridilazo) resorcinol as reagent and a UV-VIS spectrophotometer with a photodiode array detector. The results obtained with the proposed system are in good agreement with those obtained by flame atomic absorption spectrometry, which was employed as reference method. With the proposed analyser, the preparation of calibration and test mixtures can be accomplished about four hours, while the manual procedure requires at least two days. Moreover, it consumes smaller amounts of reagents and samples than the manual procedure. After the preparation of calibration and test mixtures, 60 samples h-1 can be carried out with the proposed flow-batch analyser.


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The study aimed to evaluate tear production by means of modified Schirmer tear tes-1 (mSTT-1) in neonate cats. Likewise, correlation between mSTT-1 and STT-1 was assessed in vitro. Standard SST strips were cut in half and after eye lid opening, tear production of neonates (n=15) was daily measured in both eyes (mSTT-1), until the 7th day, and at day 14, 21, and 28. Animals were daily weighted until 28 days of age. Results were compared statistically (P<0.05). During the first 7 days, the overall mSTT-1 mean was 0.76 wetting/minute. Significant differences between right and left eyes were not observed at any time point (P=1.00). Tear secretion increased significantly, from the 14th to 28th day, in comparison with 7 first days (P<0.05). Positive correlation between maturity parameters and tear secretion was observed (P<0.0001). Distance between slopes of each strip changed significantly (P<0.0001). It was concluded that tear secretion in the neonatal period of cats is very below the reference values described for young and adults of the same species. It is not possible to extrapolate results obtained with mSTT-1 to standard STT-1.


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Tässä tutkimuksessa selvitetään ilman hitsauslisäainetta tapahtuvan laser–TIG–hybridihitsausprosessin soveltuvuus 6 mm ja 8 mm paksujen päittäisliitettyjen S355 K2 ja Laser 355 MC rakenneterästen hitsaukseen. Hitsien tarkastelussa huomio kiinnitetään hitsausnopeuteen, hitsien tunkeumaan, liittämistehokkuuteen, hitsien kovuuteen ja hitsausliitoksen ulkonäköön. Muita tutkittavia asioita ovat laser-TIG-hybridihitsattujen levyjen muodonmuutokset ja suuresta hitsausnopeudesta sekä pienestä t8/5 jäähtymisajasta johtuvat mahdolliset kylmähalkeamat. Laser-TIG-hybridihitsejä verrataan robotti-MAG- ja käsin MAG-hitseihin sekä kaarihitsausstandardin SFS-EN ISO 5817 hitsiluokkien mukaisiin raja-arvoihin. Laser-TIG-hybridihitsausprosessissa TIG-valokaari mahdollistaa tasaisen ja lähes roiskeettoman hitsin ja lasersäde aikaansaa syvän tunkeuman sekä tasalaatuisen juurihitsin. Laser-TIG-hybridihitsausprosessilla 6 mm paksut S355 K2 rakenneteräslevyt on mahdollista hitsata levyn yhdeltä puolelta kerralla valmiiksi. Paksummat 8 mm levyt voidaan hitsata levyn yhdeltä tai molemmilta puolilta suoritettavalla laser-TIG-hybridihitsauksella. Laser-TIG-hybridihitsausprosessilla hitsatut hitsit ovat hyvin siistejä ja lähes roiskeettomia. Verrattaessa laser-TIG-hybridihitsausprosessia muihin hitsausprosesseihin sen voidaan todeta olevan erittäin kilpailukykyinen 6 mm paksujen päittäisliitettyjen rakenneterästen hitsaamisessa, mutta se soveltuu myös 8 mm paksujen rakenneterästen hitsaamiseen. Tutkitut hitsit täyttävät kaarihitsausstandardin SFS-EN ISO 5817 B- ja D-hitsiluokkien mukaiset raja-arvot. Vertailukokeet 6 mm paksulla S355 rakenneteräksellä osoittavat, että yhdeltä puolelta suoritettavan laser-TIG-hybridihitsauksen hitsausnopeus on robotti-MAG-hitsaukseen verrattuna yli nelinkertainen ja MAG-käsinhitsaukseen verrattuna yli viisinkertainen. Laser-TIG-hybridihitsauksessa liittämistehokkuus on noin viisinkertainen robotti-MAGhitsaukseen verrattuna. Molemmilta puolilta suoritettavalla laser-TIG-hybridihitsauksella voidaan 8 mm paksulla S355 rakenneteräksellä saavuttaa noin kolminkertainen hitsausnopeus ja liittämistehokkuus robotti-MAG-hitsaukseen verrattuna. Laser-TIG-hybridihitsauksessa TIG-kaaren tuoman lisälämmön ansiosta suurillakin hitsausnopeuksilla (1 m/min) voidaan saavuttaa edulliset kovuusarvot. Kovuusmittausten tulosten perusteella 6 mm ja 8 mm paksujen S355 K2 ja Laser 355 MC rakenneterästen hitsit eivät ylittäneet kaarihitsausstandardin määrittelemää 350 HV kovuuden enimmäisrajaa. Laser-TIG-hybridihitsauksen edullisesta lämmöntuonnista johtuen levyjen pituus- ja poikittaissuuntaiset muodonmuutokset ovat noin 80 prosenttia pienemmät kuin käsin suoritettavassa MAG-hitsauksessa. Laser-TIG-hybridihitsausprosessilla käytetään I-railoa, mutta robotti-MAG- ja käsin MAG-hitsausprosesseilla joudutaan käyttämään V-railoa, jolloin lämmöntuonti ja siitä johtuvat muodonmuutokset ovat suuremmat. Korkea liittämistehokkuus ja edullinen lämmöntuonti merkitsevät vähäisempiä muodonmuutoksia ja siten merkittäviä säästöjä työ-, materiaali- ja energiakustannuksissa. 8 mm ja sitä paksummilla S355 rakenneteräksillä levyn yhdeltä puolelta suoritettava päittäisliitoksen hitsaaminen on laser-TIG hybridihitsauksella haastavaa, koska yli 200 A:n TIG-kaarivirralla suuri metallisula aiheuttaa avaimenreiän sulkeutumisen ja avaimenreiän alaosaan muodostuu kaasukuplia. Tästä voidaan tehdä sellainen johtopäätös, että päittäisliitettävien levyjen ilmarakoa pitäisi kasvattaa niin suureksi, että avaimenreiän sulavirtaus ei pääse estymään. Yli 0,25 mm:n ilmarako edellyttää lasersäteen vaaputusta tai säteen halkaisijan kasvattamista. Ilmaraon kasvattaminen edellyttää myös lisäaineen käyttöä. Tutkimustulosten perusteella laser-TIG-hybridihitsausprosessilla voidaan saavuttaa merkittäviä etuja ja kustannussäästöjä, joten sen hyödyntämistä kannattaa harkita 8 mm ja sitä ohuempien päittäisliitettävien tuotteiden konepaja- ja tehdastuotannossa. Laser-TIGhybridihitsausprosessi soveltuu esimerkiksi seuraavien tuotteiden hitsaamiseen: päittäisliitettävät levyt, palkit, koneenosat, putket, säiliöt ja erilaiset pyörähdyskappaleet.


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The objectives of the present study were 1) to compare results obtained by the traditional manual method of measuring heart rate (HR) and heart rate response (HRR) to the Valsalva maneuver, standing and deep breathing, with those obtained using a computerized data analysis system attached to a standard electrocardiograph machine; 2) to standardize the responses of healthy subjects to cardiovascular tests, and 3) to evaluate the response to these tests in a group of patients with diabetes mellitus (DM). In all subjects (97 healthy and 143 with DM) we evaluated HRR to deep breathing, HRR to standing, HRR to the Valsalva maneuver, and blood pressure response (BPR) to standing up and to a sustained handgrip. Since there was a strong positive correlation between the results obtained with the computerized method and the traditional method, we conclude that the new method can replace the traditional manual method for evaluating cardiovascular responses with the advantages of speed and objectivity. HRR and BPR of men and women did not differ. A correlation between age and HRR was observed for standing (r = -0.48, P<0.001) and deep breathing (r = -0.41, P<0.002). Abnormal BPR to standing was usually observed only in diabetic patients with definite and severe degrees of autonomic neuropathy.


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In order to analyze the different parameters used in the interpretation of C-peptide response in a functional test, we compared a group of 26 type 1 diabetics aged 21.1 ± 8.2 years, with a diabetes duration of 7.9 ± 6.7 months, with a group of 24 non-diabetic subjects aged 25.0 ± 4.4 years. A standard mixed meal of 317 kcal was used as a stimulus. Blood sampling for C-peptide determinations was performed at regular intervals. Although all the studied C-peptide variables were significantly lower in the diabetic group (P<0.0001), some overlapping of parameters was observed between the two groups. The highest degree of overlapping was found for basal value (BV) (30.8%) and percent increase (42.31%), and the lowest for incremental area, absolute increase, peak value (PV) (3.8%), and total area (7.7%) (c2 = 31.6, P<0.0001). We did not observe a definite pattern in the time of maximum response among the 21 diabetics who showed an increase in C-peptide levels after the stimulus. In this group, however, there was a highly significant number of late responses (120 min) (c2 = 5.7, P<0.002). Although BV showed a significant correlation with PV (rS = 0.95, P<0.0001), the basal levels of C-peptide did not differentiate the groups with and without response to the stimulus. We conclude that the diabetic group studied showed delayed and reduced C-peptide responses, and that the functional test can be an important tool for the evaluation of residual ß cell function.


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Undernutrition of dams and pups disrupts the retrieval efficiency of mothers. However, if the mothers are assessed in their home cages, they spend more time with their litters. In the present study the effect of test conditions on pup retrieval behavior of mothers receiving a 25% (well-nourished group) and 8% casein diet (undernourished group) was examined. In agreement with previous studies, undernourished mothers spent more time with their litters than well-nourished dams as lactation proceeded. Pup retrieval behavior varied with test conditions. In the first experiment, the maternal behavior of dams was assessed by the standard procedure (pups were separated from their mother and scattered over the floor of the home cage). The mother was then returned and the number of retrieved pups was recorded. From day 3 to 8, the retrieval efficiency of undernourished dams decreased, while the retrieval efficiency of well-nourished mothers did not vary. In the second experiment, mothers were subjected to a single retrieval test (on day 9 of lactation) using the procedure described for experiment 1. No difference between well-nourished and undernourished mothers was observed. In the third experiment, seven-day-old pups were separated from the mothers and returned individually to a clean home cage. Dietary treatment did not affect the retrieval efficiency. However, undernourished dams reconstructed the nest more slowly than did well-nourished dams. Taken together, these results suggest that pup retrieval behavior of the undernourished mother is not impaired by dietary restriction when the maternal environment is disturbed minimally.


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Coronary artery disease (CAD) is a worldwide leading cause of death. The standard method for evaluating critical partial occlusions is coronary arteriography, a catheterization technique which is invasive, time consuming, and costly. There are noninvasive approaches for the early detection of CAD. The basis for the noninvasive diagnosis of CAD has been laid in a sequential analysis of the risk factors, and the results of the treadmill test and myocardial perfusion scintigraphy (MPS). Many investigators have demonstrated that the diagnostic applications of MPS are appropriate for patients who have an intermediate likelihood of disease. Although this information is useful, it is only partially utilized in clinical practice due to the difficulty to properly classify the patients. Since the seminal work of Lotfi Zadeh, fuzzy logic has been applied in numerous areas. In the present study, we proposed and tested a model to select patients for MPS based on fuzzy sets theory. A group of 1053 patients was used to develop the model and another group of 1045 patients was used to test it. Receiver operating characteristic curves were used to compare the performance of the fuzzy model against expert physician opinions, and showed that the performance of the fuzzy model was equal or superior to that of the physicians. Therefore, we conclude that the fuzzy model could be a useful tool to assist the general practitioner in the selection of patients for MPS.