984 resultados para Southern water vole
The uptake of Cu, Zn, and Cd by fresh water plankton was studied by analyzing samples of water and plankton from six lakes in southern California. Co, Pb, Mn, Fe, Na, K, Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba, and Al were also determined in the plankton samples. Special precautions were taken during sampling and analysis to avoid metal contamination.
The relation between aqueous metal concentrations and the concentrations of metals in plankton was studied by plotting aqueous and plankton metal concentrations vs time and comparing the plots. No plankton metal plot showed the same changes as its corresponding aqueous metal plot, though long-term trends were similar. Thus, passive sorption did not completely explain plankton metal uptake.
The fractions of Cu, Zn, and Cd in lake water which were associated with plankton were calculated and these fractions were less than 1% in every case.
To see whether or not plankton metal uptake could deplete aqueous metal concentrations by measurable amounts (e.g. 20%) in short periods (e.g. less than six days), three integrated rate equations were used as models of plankton metal sorption. Parameters for the equations were taken from actual field measurements. Measurable reductions in concentration within short times were predicted by all three equations when the concentration factor was greater than 10^5. All Cu concentration factors were less than 10^5.
The role of plankton was regulating metal concentrations considered in the context of a model of trace metal chemistry in lakes. The model assumes that all particles can be represented by a single solid phase and that the solid phase controls aqueous metal concentrations. A term for the rate of in situ production of particulate matter is included and primary productivity was used for this parameter. In San Vicente Reservoir, the test case, the rate of in situ production of particulate matter was of the same order of magnitude as the rate of introduction of particulate matter by the influent stream.
The Mediterranean region is characterised by a variable climate with most of the rain falling during the winter and frequent summer droughts. Such warm, dry periods are ideal for the growth of large algal blooms that often consist of potentially toxic Cyanobacteria. This makes the management of water for human use particularly challenging in such a climate and it is important to understand how such blooms can be avoided or at least be reduced in size. PROTECH (Phytoplankton RespOnses To Environmental CHange) is a model that simulates the dynamics of different species of phytoplankton populations in lakes and reservoirs. Its distinct advantage over similar models is its ability to simulate the relative composition of the algal flora, allowing both quantitative and qualitative conclusions to be drawn e.g. whether Cyanobacteria could be a potential problem. PROTECH has been applied primarily to lakes and reservoirs in northern Europe. Recently, however, the model has been applied to water bodies in lower latitudes, including Australia to a water supply reservoir in the south of Spain, El Gergal. El Gergal is the last in a chain of reservoirs that supply water to the city of Seville. It was brought into service in April 1979 and has a maximum storage volume of 35 000 000 m3. This article summarises the application of PROTECH in order to simulate the following problems: • the effect of a large influx of Ceratium biomass into El Gergal from another reservoir • the effect of using alternative water sources instead of the Guadalquivir River (used occasionally to raise water levels in El Gergal) • the effect of installing tertiary sewage treatment on the Cala River • the effect of simulated drought conditions on phytoplankton in the reservoir.
The dace, Leuciscus leuciscus (L.) is an important cyprinid in terms of population biomass in chalk streams of southern England. Dace recruitment has been shown to vary widely from year to year and it is thought that this variation is largely as a result of the influence of abiotic factors, chiefly water temperature. From 1968 to 1981 there was a thirteen-fold difference in the year class structure index between the minimum index (0.25 in 1972) and the maximum (3.21 in 1976). The problems of such variation, especially those that could ensue from a succession of poor year-classes, are offset by the spread of reproductive effort by each female over several years.
This review examines water quality and stress indicators at levels of organisation from the individual to the community and beyond by means of three case studies concentrating on rocky shores within the north-east Atlantic. Responses of dogwhelks (Nucella) to tributyltin pollution from antifouling paints is examined as the main case study. There are effects at the individual level (development of male sexual characteristics in the female leading to effective sterility) and population level (reduction in juveniles, few females and eventual population disappearance of dogwhelks in badly contaminated areas) but information on community level effects of dogwhelk demise is sparse. Such effects were simulated by dogwhelk removal experiments on well studied, moderately exposed ledges on shores on the Isle of Man. The removal of dogwhelks reduced the size and longevity of newly established Fucus clumps that had escaped grazing. Removal of dogwhelks also increased the likelihood of algal escapes. In a factorial experiment dogwhelks were shown to be less important than limpets \{Patella) in structuring communities but still had a significant modifying effect by increasing the probability of algal escapes. Community level responses to stress on rocky shores are then explored by reference to catastrophic impacts such as oil spills, using the Torrey Canyon as a case study. Recovery of the system in response to this major perturbation took between 10-15 years through a series of damped oscillations. The final case study is that of indicators of ecosystem level change in response to climate fluctuations, using ratios of northern \{Semibalanus balanoides) and southern (Chthamalus spp.) barnacles. Indices derived from counts on the shore show good correlations with inshore sea-water temperatures after a 2-year lag phase. The use of barnacles to measure offshore changes is reviewed. The discussion considers the use of bioindicators at various levels of organisation.
A decade-long time series recorded in southern Monterey Bay, California demonstrates that the shallow, near-shore environment (17 m depth) is regularly inundated with pulses of cold, hypoxic and low pH water. During these episodes, oxygen can drop to biologically threatening levels, and pH levels were lower than expected. Weekly water chemistry monitoring revealed that the saturation state of aragonite (the more soluble form of calcium carbonate) was often below saturation and had a moderate positive relationship with pH, however, analytical and human error could be high. Pulses of hypoxia and low pH water with the greatest intensity arise at the onset of the spring upwelling season, and fluctuations are strongly semidurnal (tidal) and diurnal. Arrival of cold, hypoxic water on the inner shelf typically occurs 3 days after the arrival of a strong upwelling event and appears to be driven by upwelling modulated by internal tidal fluctuations. I found no relationship between the timing of low-oxygen events and the diel solar cycle nor with terrestrial nutrient input. These observations are consistent with advection of hypoxic water from the deep, offshore environment where water masses experience a general decline of temperature, oxygen and pH with depth, and inconsistent with biochemical forcing. Comparisons with concurrent temperature and oxygen time series taken ~20 km away at the head of the Monterey Canyon show similar patterns but even more intense hypoxic events due to stronger semidiurnal forcing there. Analysis of the durations of exposure to low oxygen levels establishes a framework for assessing the ecological relevance of these events. Increasing oceanic hypoxia and acidification of both surface and deep waters may increase the number, intensity, duration and spatial extent of future intrusions along the Pacific coast. Evaluation of the resiliency of nearshore ecosystems such as kelp forests, rocky reefs and sandy habitats, will require consideration of these events.
Despite its recreational and commercial importance, the movement patterns and spawning habitats of winter flounder (Pseudopleuronectes americanus) in the Gulf of Maine are poorly understood. To address these uncertainties, 72 adult winter flounder (27–48 cm) were fitted with acoustic transmitters and tracked by passive telemetry in the southern Gulf of Maine between 2007 and 2009. Two sympatric contingents of adult winter flounder were observed, which exhibited divergent spawning migrations. One contingent remained in coastal waters during the spawning season, while a smaller contingent of winter flounder was observed migrating to estuarine habitats. Estuarine residence times were highly variable, and ranged from 2 to 91 days (mean=28 days). Flounder were nearly absent from the estuary during the fall and winter months and were most abundant in the estuary from late spring to early summer. The observed seasonal movements appeared to be strongly related to water temperature. This is the first study to investigate the seasonal distribution, migration, and spawning behavior of adult winter flounder in the Gulf of Maine by using passive acoustic telemetry. This approach offered valuable insight into the life history of this species in nearshore and estuarine habitats and improved the information available for the conservation and management of this species.
There is increasing interest in the potential impacts that fishing activities have on megafaunal benthic invertebrates occurring in continental shelf and slope ecosystems. We examined how the structure, size, and high-density aggregations of invertebrates provided structural relief for fishes in continental shelf and slope ecosystems off southern California. We made 112 dives in a submersible at 32−320 m water depth, surveying a variety of habitats from high-relief rock to flat sand and mud. Using quantitative video transect methods, we made 12,360 observations of 15 structure-form-ing invertebrate taxa and 521,898 individuals. We estimated size and incidence of epizoic animals on 9105 sponges, black corals, and gorgonians. Size variation among structure-form-ing invertebrates was significant and 90% of the individuals were <0.5 m high. Less than 1% of the observations of organisms actually sheltering in or located on invertebrates involved fishes. From the analysis of spatial associations between fishes and large invertebrates, six of 108 fish species were found more often adjacent to invertebrate colonies than the number of fish predicted by the fish-density data from transects. This finding indicates that there may be spatial associations that do not necessarily include physical contact with the sponges and corals. However, the median distances between these six fish species and the invertebrates were not particularly small (1.0−5.5 m). Thus, it is likely that these fishes and invertebrates are present together in the same habitats but that there is not necessarily a functional relationship between these groups of organisms. Regardless of their associations with fishes, these invertebrates provide structure and diversity for continental shelf ecosystems off southern California and certainly deserve the attention of scientists undertaking future conservation efforts.
Microcohorts of white shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei, were sampled with a cast net at fortnightly intervals in the Mar Muerto Lagoon, Southern Mexico. Shrimp recruited to the lagoon throughout the sampling period (January to August 1993). Mean growth rates of microcohorts ranged from 0.21 to 1.21 mm total length (TL) per day. Juvenile shrimp mainly between the sizes of 70 to 80 mm TL emigrated from the lagoon. Growth and the onset of emigration appeared to be related to water salinity.
This is the report from the Southern Area Fisheries Advisory Committee meeting, which was held on the 14th January, 1981. It covers information on the review of fisheries byelaws and the proposal of having a separate coarse fish licences. It also includes the report by the area fisheries officer on fisheries activities. This comments on river conditions and fishing and an update on Hollingworth and Pilot hatchery. Finally the report adds about fish mortalities, and lists of stockings carried out for non migratory trout and coarse fish by the North West Water Authority and Angling Associations which gives the size of the fish, the source from which they came from and the receiving water. The Fisheries Advisory Committee was part of the Regional Water Authorities, in this case the North West Water Authority. This preceded the Environment Agency which came into existence in 1996.
This is the report from the Southern Area Fisheries Advisory Committee meeting, which was held on the 8th April, 1981. It includes the report by the area fisheries officer on fisheries activities between December 1980 to February, 1981. This comments on river conditions and fishing, and an update on Hollingworth and the pilot hatchery, salmon cages in Dalton-in-Furness, and Langcliffe hatchery. Finally the report adds about stockings of coarse fish and non migratory trout added by the Angling Associations, fish mortalities and fish disease. The Fisheries Advisory Committee was part of the Regional Water Authorities, in this case the North West Water Authority. This preceded the Environment Agency which came into existence in 1996.
This is the report from the Southern Area Fisheries Advisory Committee meeting, which was held on the 9th September, 1981. It covers information including the consultation paper on the review of Inland and Coastal fisheries in England and Wales, and a paper on 'A National Salmon Policy'. The Fisheries Advisory Committee was part of the Regional Water Authorities, in this case the North West Water Authority. This preceded the Environment Agency which came into existence in 1996.
This is the report from the Southern Area Fisheries Advisory Committee meeting, which was held on the 21st October, 1981. It includes the information on the recommendations of the Area Fisheries Advisory Committees on the Review of Inland and Coastal Fisheries in England and Wales, and the restructuring of rod and line fishing licence duties. It also covers the report by the area fisheries officer on fisheries activities between March and August 1981. This comments on river conditions and fishing, and an update on Hollingworth and the Pilot Hatchery. Finally the report adds about stockings carried out by the Angling Associations, fish disease, fish mortality and management work. The Fisheries Advisory Committee was part of the Regional Water Authorities, in this case the North West Water Authority. This preceded the Environment Agency which came into existence in 1996.
This is the report from the Central and Southern Area Fisheries Advisory Committee meeting, which was held on the 18th January, 1982. It includes information on the restructuring of rod and line fishing licence duties, proposed introduction of fishery improvement grant and fishery equipment loan, schemes in 1983. The Fisheries Advisory Committee was part of the Regional Water Authorities, in this case the North West Water Authority. This preceded the Environment Agency which came into existence in 1996.
This is the report from the Southern Area Fisheries Advisory Committee meeting, which was held on the 7th April, 1982. It includes information on the report by the area fisheries officer on fisheries activites from September 1981 to January 1982. The report covers information on river conditions and fishing, and an update on the work at Hollingworth and the Pilot hatchery. It also includes stocking numbers of fish and fish ova by the Angling Associations, fish disease, fish mortalities and management work. The Fisheries Advisory Committee was part of the Regional Water Authorities, in this case the North West Water Authority. This preceded the Environment Agency which came into existence in 1996.
This is the report from the Southern Area Fisheries Advisory Committee meeting, which was held on the 20th October, 1982. The report contains sections on Rod and Line Fishing Licences Format, Fishing offences and prosecution, and Report of Fisheries Activities. The section on fisheries activities is reported by the area fisheries officer and includes river conditions and fishing, migratory movement, hatcheries, (Hollingworth, Pilot Hatchery), stocking by the Authority, fish disease, management works and prosecutions. The Fisheries Advisory Committee was part of the Regional Water Authorities, in this case the North West Water Authority. This preceded the Environment Agency which came into existence in 1996.