971 resultados para Sorghum Brachypodum
Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar a influência de temperaturas constantes na germinação de sementes de espécies de plantas daninhas da família Poaceae que apresentam ocorrência em áreas de pastagem, para isto, foram analisadas as sementes de Digitaria insularis, Leptochloa virgata, Pennisetum setosum e Sorghum halepense coletadas manualmente de diversas plantas em áreas de pastagem. As sementes foram dispostas em caixas gerbox sobre folha dupla de papel "germitest", umedecido com água destilada equivalente a 2,5 vezes a massa do papel seco. As caixas foram incubadas em três germinadores verticais tipo MANGELSDORF com as temperaturas de 25ºC, 30ºC e 35ºC e fotoperíodo de 12 horas. As avaliações foram realizadas, efetuando-se a contagem diária das ocorrências germinativas, a partir da protrusão da radícula, durante 28 dias após o início do estudo. Os parâmetros avaliados foram porcentagem e índice de velocidade de germinação (IVG), efetuando-se a análise estatística pela análise de variância com comparação de médias pelo teste de Tukey a 5% de probabilidade e transformação dos resultados de porcentagem de germinação. As temperaturas que proporcionam os melhores resultados de porcentagem e velocidade de germinação são 30 e 35°C, para as espécies de D. insularis, L. virgata e S. halepense, por outro lado, a espécie de P. setosum não apresenta germinação em nenhuma das temperaturas avaliadas (25º 30º e 35ºC) não são adequadas para a sua germinação.
Objetivou-se selecionar dentre 24 genótipos de sorgo os superiores para produção de silagem. O estudo foi conduzido no campo experimental da Embrapa Milho e Sorgo, município de Sete Lagoas, Estado de Minas Gerais. Utilizados 24 genótipos de sorgo forrageiro, 21 híbridos do cruzamento entre fêmeas graníferos e machos forrageiros (12F38019, 12F38006, 12F40006, 12F40005, 12F40019, 12F37016, 12F37005, 12F37043, 12F39006, 12F39005, 12F39019, 12F38005, 12F38007, 12F37007, 12F39007, 12F40007, 12F38014, 12F37014, 12F39014, 12F40014 e 12F38009) e três testemunhas: BRS 610, BRS 655 e Volumax. Estimada a produtividade por área, digestibilidade in vitro da matéria seca, características bromatológicas e fermentativas das silagens de sorgo. A digestibilidade in vitro da matéria seca, proteína indisponível em detergente neutro, fibra em detergente neutro corrigido para cinzas, proteína, fibra em detergente ácido, hemicelulose e lignina foram diferentes quanto aos genótipos testados. O pH e nitrogênio amoniacal das silagens também apresentaram diferenças entre genótipos. A maioria dos genótipos testados é favorável à produção de silagem, exceto o híbrido com maior teor de lignina 12F370014 e os híbridos 12F37007 e 12F370014, que apresentaram os maiores valores de FDNcp.
Objetivou-se avaliar as características agronômicas de genótipos de sorgo e o valor nutricional das silagens produzidas. Foram utilizados 15 genótipos de sorgo. O plantio foi realizado em blocos casualizados com três repetições por genótipo num total de 45 (quarenta e cinco) parcelas. Avaliaram-se as características agronômicas, nutricionais e qualidade da silagem. Houve diferença entre os genótipos para todas as características analisadas, com exceção dos teores de nitrogênio indisponível em detergente ácido (NIDA), proteína indisponível em detergente ácido (PIDA) e atividade de água (aw). Avaliando os parâmetros, com exceção dos genótipos 1016013, 1016025, 1016037, 1016039, Volumax, BRS 610, que apresentaram teor proteico abaixo de 7 %, os demais estão aptos a serem utilizados para a ensilagem, pois possuem um bom perfil de fermentação e digestibilidade in vitro da matéria seca; no entanto, o genótipo SF 15 é o mais favorável para a produção de silagem, devido à sua menor participação na fração de fibra em detergente neutro.
Recent surveys have identified anthelmintic effects from many bioactive substances particularly from condensed tannin (CT) sources. The aims of the present study were to investigate the potential anthelmintic effects of condensed tannins (CT) on Trichostrongylus colubriformis in experimentally infected sheep and the nutritional consequences on animals. Twenty helminth-free lambs were divided into five groups of four animals. Groups I to IV were artificially infected with 6,000 third stage larvae (L3) of T. colubriformis. Group I was the infected control and group V was the uninfected control. Twenty-eight days post-infection (p.i.) lambs from GII were supplemented with tanniniferous sorghum (350 g/animal/day, during seven days); GIII were drenched with Acacia mearnsii extract (15% CT) for just one day and GIV during two days (1.6 g extract/kg BW). At day 36 p.i., animals from infected group (GI to GIV) were slaughtered. Faecal egg counts (FEC) values present a reduction on GII when compared with GI at day 29 p.i. (P < 0.05) and between GIII and GI at day 35 and 36 p.i. (P < 0.05). The values of egg hatchability and number of L3 recovered from the faeces were not statistical analyzed (there was no duplicate data), however there was a considerable reduction between the values from treated and control group. The use of CT on diet did not cause significant difference on blood parameters, body-weight and carcass-weight (P > 0.05). No difference was related on total worm burden between treatments; however, GIV presented lower number of females than GI (P < 0.05). The use of CT could be a promising alternative source to reduce the pasture contamination and to control T. colubriformis infection in sheep.
The aim of this paper was to study a method based on gas production technique to measure the biological effects of tannins on rumen fermentation. Six feeds were used as fermentation substrates in a semi-automated gas method: feed A - aroeira (Astronium urundeuva); feed B - jurema preta (Mimosa hostilis), feed C - sorghum grains (Sorghum bicolor); feed D - Tifton-85 (Cynodon sp.); and two others prepared mixing 450 g sorghum leaves, 450 g concentrate (maize and soybean meal) and 100 g either of acacia (Acacia mearnsii) tannin extract (feed E) or quebracho (Schinopsis lorentzii) tannin extract (feed F) per kg (w:w). Three assays were carried out to standardize the bioassay for tannins. The first assay compared two binding agents (polyethylene glycol - PEG - and polyvinyl polypirrolidone - PVPP) to attenuate the tannin effects. The complex formed by PEG and tannins showed to be more stable than PVPP and tannins. Then, in the second assay, PEG was used as binding agent, and this assay was done to evaluate levels of PEG (0, 500, 750, 1000 and 1250 mg/g DM) to minimize the tannin effect. All the tested levels of PEG produced a response to evaluate tannin effects but the best response was for dose of 1000 mg/g DM. Using this dose of PEG, the final assay was carried out to test three compounds (tannic acid, quebracho extract and acacia extract) to establish a curve of biological equivalent effect of tannins. For this, five levels of each compound were added to I g of a standard feed (Lucerne hay). The equivalent effect showed not to be directly related to the chemical analysis for tannins. It was shown that different sources of tannins had different activities or reactivities. The curves of biological equivalence can provide information about tannin reactivity and its use seems to be important as an additional factor for chemical analysis. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Taking into account that information about the host status of cover crops for Pratylenchus brachyurus is scarce or contradictory, this study was undertaken to assess the host status of selected graminaceous cover crops by estimating nematode reproduction and their ability to decrease the nematode density in glasshouse conditions. Furthermore, the reproductive fitness of three P. brachyurus populations was assessed for Brachiaria grasses. Silage and forage sorghum proved to be good hosts for P. brachyurus; consequently, they should be avoided in fields infested with this lesion nematode, mainly before susceptible crop such as soybean, common bean, cowpea, and cotton. Dictyoneura grass, the pearl millet cv. ADR 300, and black oat were poor hosts for P. brachyurus but may increase densities of this nematode over time. Consequently, these cover crops might be used in infested fields for only short periods, because they could increase the P. brachyurus population density slowly but progressively.
Expressed sequence tags derived markers have a great potential to be used in functional map construction and QTL tagging. In the present work, sugarcane genomic probes and expressed sequence tags having homology to genes, mostly involved in carbohydrate metabolism were used in RFLP assays to identify putative QTLs as well as their epistatic interactions for fiber content, cane yield, pol and tones of sugar per hectare, at two crop cycles in a progeny derived from a bi-parental cross of sugarcane elite materials. A hundred and twenty marker trait associations were found, of which 26 at both crop cycle and 32 only at first ratoon cane. A sucrose synthase derived marker was associated with a putative QTL having a high negative effect on cane yield and also with a QTL having a positive effect on Pol at both crop cycles. Fifty digenic epistatic marker interactions were identified for the four traits evaluated. Of these, only two were observed at both crop cycles.
When building genetic maps, it is necessary to choose from several marker ordering algorithms and criteria, and the choice is not always simple. In this study, we evaluate the efficiency of algorithms try (TRY), seriation (SER), rapid chain delineation (RCD), recombination counting and ordering (RECORD) and unidirectional growth (UG), as well as the criteria PARF (product of adjacent recombination fractions), SARF (sum of adjacent recombination fractions), SALOD (sum of adjacent LOD scores) and LHMC (likelihood through hidden Markov chains), used with the RIPPLE algorithm for error verification, in the construction of genetic linkage maps. A linkage map of a hypothetical diploid and monoecious plant species was simulated containing one linkage group and 21 markers with fixed distance of 3 cM between them. In all, 700 F(2) populations were randomly simulated with and 400 individuals with different combinations of dominant and co-dominant markers, as well as 10 and 20% of missing data. The simulations showed that, in the presence of co-dominant markers only, any combination of algorithm and criteria may be used, even for a reduced population size. In the case of a smaller proportion of dominant markers, any of the algorithms and criteria (except SALOD) investigated may be used. In the presence of high proportions of dominant markers and smaller samples (around 100), the probability of repulsion linkage increases between them and, in this case, use of the algorithms TRY and SER associated to RIPPLE with criterion LHMC would provide better results. Heredity (2009) 103, 494-502; doi:10.1038/hdy.2009.96; published online 29 July 2009
The export of nitrogen (N) from senescent plant parts is important for the efficient use of this macronutrient. The objective of this study was to establish correlations among the photosynthetic pigment content, total N, and the photosynthetic variables with the SPAD-502 readings in Coffea arabica leaves. Correlations were established among the chlorophyll content, N content, and chlorophyll a and b with SPAD-502 readings taken on coffee leaves at different months. The results show that all variables decreased with time. However, correlation increased linearly with N doses. Total chlorophyll presented a direct linear correlation with readings of the portable chlorophyll meter. The SPAD readings have shown to be a good tool to diagnose the integrity of the photosynthetic system in coffee leaves. Thus, the portable chlorophyll SPAD-502 instrument can be used to evaluate the N status and can also help to evaluate the photosynthetic process in coffee plants.