991 resultados para Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate (SDS)
The D2 polypeptide of the photosystem II (PSII) complex in the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii is thought to be reversibly phosphorylated. By analogy to higher plants, the phosphorylation site is likely to be at residue threonine-2 (Thr-2). We have investigated the role of D2 phosphorylation by constructing two mutants in which residue Thr-2 has been replaced by either alanine or serine. Both mutants grew photoautotrophically at wild-type rates, and noninvasive biophysical measurements, including the decay of chlorophyll fluorescence, the peak temperature of thermoluminescence bands, and rates of oxygen evolution, indicate little perturbation to electron transfer through the PSII complex. The susceptibility of mutant PSII to photoinactivation as measured by the light-induced loss of PSII activity in whole cells in the presence of the protein-synthesis inhibitors chloramphenicol or lincomycin was similar to that of wild type. These results indicate that phosphorylation at Thr-2 is not required for PSII function or for protection from photoinactivation. In control experiments the phosphorylation of D2 in wild-type C. reinhardtii was examined by 32P labeling in vivo and in vitro. No evidence for the phosphorylation of D2 in the wild type could be obtained. [14C]Acetate-labeling experiments in the presence of an inhibitor of cytoplasmic protein synthesis also failed to identify phosphorylated (D2.1) and nonphosphorylated (D2.2) forms of D2 upon sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Our results suggest that the existence of D2 phosphorylation in C. reinhardtii is still in question.
Phospholipase A2 (PLA2) was purified about 180,000 times compared with the starting soluble-protein extract from developing elm (Ulmus glabra) seeds. On sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis the purified fraction showed a single protein band with a mobility that corresponded to 15 kD, from which activity could be recovered. When analyzed by matrix-assisted laser-desorption ionization-time-of-flight mass spectrometry, the enzyme had a deduced mass of 13,900 D. A 53-amino acid-long N-terminal sequence was determined and aligned with other sequences, giving 62% identity to the deduced amino acid sequence of some rice (Oryza sativa) expressed sequence tag clones. The purified enzyme had an alkaline pH optimum and required Ca2+ for activity. It was unusually stable with regard to heat, acidity, and organic solvents but was sensitive to disulfide bond-reducing agents. The enzyme is a true PLA2, neither hydrolyzing the sn-1 position of phosphatidylcholine nor having any activity toward lysophosphatidylcholine or diacylglycerol. The biochemical data and amino acid sequence alignments indicate that the enzyme is related to the well-characterized family of animal secretory PLA2s and, to our knowledge, is the first plant enzyme of this type to be described.
Partial Purification and Characterization of the Maize Mitochondrial Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Complex1
The pyruvate dehydrogenase complex was partially purified and characterized from etiolated maize (Zea mays L.) shoot mitochondria. Analysis by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis showed proteins of 40, 43, 52 to 53, and 62 to 63 kD. Immunoblot analyses identified these proteins as the E1β-, E1α-, E2-, and E3-subunits, respectively. The molecular mass of maize E2 is considerably smaller than that of other plant E2 subunits (76 kD). The activity of the maize mitochondrial complex has a pH optimum of 7.5 and a divalent cation requirement best satisfied by Mg2+. Michaelis constants for the substrates were 47, 3, 77, and 1 μm for pyruvate, coenzyme A (CoA), NAD+, and thiamine pyrophosphate, respectively. The products NADH and acetyl-CoA were competitive inhibitors with respect to NAD+ and CoA, and the inhibition constants were 15 and 47 μm, respectively. The complex was inactivated by phosphorylation and was reactivated after the removal of ATP and the addition of Mg2+.
Dichloroacetamide safeners protect maize (Zea mays L.) against injury from chloroacetanilide and thiocarbamate herbicides. Etiolated maize seedlings have a high-affinity cytosolic-binding site for the safener [3H](R,S)-3-dichloroacetyl-2,2,5-trimethyl-1,3-oxazol-idine ([3H]Saf), and this safener-binding activity (SafBA) is competitively inhibited by the herbicides. The safener-binding protein (SafBP), purified to homogeneity, has a relative molecular weight of 39,000, as shown by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, and an isoelectric point of 5.5. Antiserum raised against purified SafBP specifically recognizes a 39-kD protein in etiolated maize and sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.), which have SafBA, but not in etiolated wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), oat (Avena sativa L.), barley (Hordeum vulgare L.), tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.), or Arabidopsis, which lack SafBA. SafBP is most abundant in the coleoptile and scarcest in the leaves, consistent with the distribution of SafBA. SBP1, a cDNA encoding SafBP, was cloned using polymerase chain reaction primers based on purified proteolytic peptides. Extracts of Escherichia coli cells expressing SBP1 have strong [3H]Saf binding, which, like binding to the native maize protein, is competitively inhibited by the safener dichlormid and the herbicides S-ethyl dipropylthiocarbamate, alachlor, and metolachlor. SBP1 is predicted to encode a phenolic O-methyltransferase, but SafBP does not O-methylate catechol or caffeic acid. The acquisition of its encoding gene opens experimental approaches for the evaluation of the role of SafBP in response to the relevant safeners and herbicides.
We have identified maize (Zea mays L. inbred B73) mitochondrial homologs of the Escherichia coli molecular chaperones DnaK (HSP70) and GroEL (cpn60) using two-dimensional sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and immunoblots. During heat stress (42°C for 4 h), levels of HSP70 and cpn60 proteins did not change significantly. In contrast, levels of two 22-kD proteins increased dramatically (HSP22). Monoclonal antibodies were developed to maize HSP70, cpn60, and HSP22. The monoclonal antibodies were characterized with regard to their cross-reactivity to chloroplastic, cytosolic, and mitochondrial fractions, and to different plant species. Expression of mitochondrial HSP22 was evaluated with regard to induction temperature, time required for induction, and time required for degradation upon relief of stress. Maximal HSP22 expression occurred in etiolated seedling mitochondria after 5 h of a +13°C heat stress. Upon relief of heat stress, the HSP22 proteins disappeared with a half-life of about 4 h and were undetectable after 21 h of recovery. Under continuous heat-stress conditions, the level of HSP22 remained high. A cDNA for maize mitochondrial HSP22 was cloned and extended to full length with sequences from an expressed sequence tag database. Sequence analysis indicated that HSP22 is a member of the plant small heat-shock protein superfamily.
A cDNA of pea (Pisum sativum L.) RbcS 3A, encoding a small subunit protein (S) of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco), has been expressed in Arabidopsis thaliana under control of the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter, and the transcript and mature S protein were detected. Specific antibodies revealed two protein spots for the four Arabidopsis S and one additional spot for pea S. Pea S in chimeric Rubisco amounted to 15 to 18% of all S, as judged by separation on two-dimensional isoelectric focusing/sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis gels from partially purified enzyme preparations and quantitation of silver-stained protein spots. The chimeric enzyme had 11 ± 1% fewer carbamylated sites and a 11 ± 1% lower carboxylase activity than wild-type Arabidopsis Rubisco. Whereas pea S expression, preprotein transport, and processing and assembly resulted in a stable holoenzyme, the chimeric enzyme was reproducibly catalytically less efficient. We suggest that the presence of, on average, one foreign S per holoenzyme is responsible for the altered activity. In addition, higher-plant Rubisco, unlike the cyanobacterial enzyme, seems to have evolved species-specific interactions between S and the large subunit protein that are involved in carbamylation of the active site.
Studies were conducted to identify a 64-kD thylakoid membrane protein of unknown function. The protein was extracted from chloroplast thylakoids under low ionic strength conditions and purified to homogeneity by preparative sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Four peptides generated from the proteolytic cleavage of the wheat 64-kD protein were sequenced and found to be identical to internal sequences of the chloroplast-coupling factor (CF1) α-subunit. Antibodies for the 64-kD protein also recognized the α-subunit of CF1. Both the 64-kD protein and the 61-kD CF1 α-subunit were present in the monocots barley (Hordeum vulgare), maize (Zea mays), oat (Avena sativa), and wheat (Triticum aestivum); but the dicots pea (Pisum sativum), soybean (Glycine max Merr.), and spinach (Spinacia oleracea) contained only a single polypeptide corresponding to the CF1 α-subunit. The 64-kD protein accumulated in response to high irradiance (1000 μmol photons m−2 s−1) and declined in response to low irradiance (80 μmol photons m−2 s−1) treatments. Thus, the 64-kD protein was identified as an irradiance-dependent isoform of the CF1 α-subunit found only in monocots. Analysis of purified CF1 complexes showed that the 64-kD protein represented up to 15% of the total CF1 α-subunit.
Albumin-binding proteins identified in vascular endothelial cells have been postulated to contribute to the transport of albumin via a process involving transcytosis. In the present study, we have purified and characterized a 57- to 60-kDa (gp60) putative albumin-binding protein from bovine pulmonary microvessel endothelial cells. The endothelial cell membranes were isolated from cultured cells by differential centrifugation and solubilized with sodium cholate and urea. The solubilized extract was concentrated after dialysis by ethanol precipitation and reextracted with Triton X-100, and the resulting extract was subjected to DEAE-cellulose column chromatography. Proteins eluted from this column were further separated using preparative sodium dodecyl sulfate/polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and used for immunizing rabbits. Fluorescence-activated cell sorter analysis using the anti-gp60 antibodies demonstrated the expression of gp60 on the endothelial cell surface. Affinity-purified anti-gp60 antibodies inhibited approximately 90% of the specific binding of 125I-labeled albumin to bovine pulmonary microvessel endothelial cell surface. The anti-gp60 antibodies reacted with gp60 from bovine pulmonary artery, bovine pulmonary microvessel, human umbilical vein, and rat lung endothelial cell membranes. Bovine anti-gp60 antibodies also reacted with bovine secreted protein, acidic and rich in cysteine (SPARC). However, bovine SPARC NH2-terminal sequence (1-56 residues) antibodies did not react with gp60, indicating that the endothelial cell-surface-associated albumin-binding protein gp60 was different from the secreted albumin-binding protein SPARC. We conclude that the endothelial cell-surface-associated gp60 mediates the specific binding of native albumin to endothelial cells and thus may regulate the uptake of albumin and its transcytosis.
Mesoporous Ni(OH)(2) is synthesized using sodium dodecyl sulfate as a template and urea as a hydrolysis-controlling agent. Mesoporous NiO with a centralized pore-size distribution is obtained by calcining Ni(OH)(2) at different temperatures. The BET specific surface area reaches 477.7 m(2) g(-1) for NiO calcined at 250 degreesC. Structure characterizations indicate a good mesoporous structure for the nickel oxide samples. Cyclic voltammetry shows the NiO to have good capacitive behaviour due to its unique mesoporous structure when using a large amount of NiO to fabricate the electrode. Compared with NiO prepared by dip-coating and cathodic precipitation methods, mesoporous NiO with a controlled pore structure can be used in much larger amounts to fabricate electrodes and still maintain a high specific capacitance and good capacitive behaviour. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Labeled surfactants have impurities in the form of un-reacted molecules or distributed products which is a constraint in evaluating its performance. This short review deals with the purity issue of surfactants and is divided into two parts. The first part deals with the methods of purification employed for obtaining a surface chemically pure surfactant for evaluation. In the second part the use of surface chemically impure surfactant in application areas of formulations is presented to highlight the impending impact on reproducibility of results.
n-Octyl-beta-D-glueopyranoside (OG) is a non-ionic glycolipid, which is used widely in biotechnical and biochemical applications. All-atom molecular dynamics simulations from two different initial coordinates and velocities in explicit solvent have been performed to characterize the structural behaviour of an OG aggregate at equilibrium conditions. Geometric packing properties determined from the simulations and small angle neutron scattering experiment state that OG micelles are more likely to exist in a non-spherical shape, even at the concentration range near to the critical micelle concentration (0.025 M). Despite few large deviations in the principal moment of inertia ratios, the average micelle shape calculated from both simulations is a prolate ellipsoid. The deviations at these time scales are presumably the temporary shape change of a micelle. However, the size of the micelle and the accessible surface areas were constant during the simulations with the micelle surface being rough and partially elongated. Radial distribution functions computed for the hydroxyl oxygen atoms of an OG show sharper peaks at a minimum van der Waals contact distance than the acetal oxygen, ring oxygen, and anomeric carbon atoms. This result indicates that these atoms are pointed outwards at the hydrophilic/hydrophobic interface, form hydrogen bonds with the water molecules, and thus hydrate the micelle surface effectively. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
We have developed a highly pure, self-adjuvanting, triepitopic Group A Streptococcal vaccine based on the lipid core peptide system, a vaccine delivery system incorporating lipidic adjuvant, carrier, and peptide epitopes into a single molecular entity. Vaccine synthesis was performed using native chemical ligation. Due to the attachment of a highly lipophilic adjuvant, addition of 1% (w/v) sodium dodecyl sulfate was necessary to enhance peptide solubility in order to enable ligation. The vaccine was synthesized in three steps to yield a highly pure product (97.7% purity) with an excellent overall yield. Subcutaneous immunization of B10. BR (H-2(k)) mice with the synthesized vaccine, with or without the addition of complete Freund's adjuvant, elicited high serum IgG antibody titers against each of the incorporated peptide epitopes.
Compared to naked DNA immunisation, entrapment of plasmid-based DNA vaccines into liposomes by the dehydration-rehydration method has shown to enhance both humoural and cell-mediated immune responses to encoded antigens administered by a variety of routes. In this paper, we have investigated the application of liposome-entrapped DNA and their cationic lipid composition on such potency after subcutaneous immunisation. Plasmid pI.18Sfi/NP containing the nucleoprotein (NP) gene of A/Sichuan/2/87 (H3N2) influenza virus in the pI.18 expression vector was incorporated by the dehydration-rehydration method into liposomes composed of 16 μmol egg phosphatidylcholine (PC), 8 μmoles dioleoyl phosphatidylethanolamine (DOPE) or cholesterol (Chol) and either the cationic lipid 1,2-diodeoyl-3-(trimethylammonium) propane (DOTAP) or cholesteryl 3-N-(dimethyl amino ethyl) carbamate (DC-Chol). This method, entailing mixing of small unilamellar vesicles (SUV) with DNA, followed by dehydration and rehydration, yielded incorporation values of 90-94% of the DNA used. Mixing or rehydration of preformed cationic liposomes with 100 μg plasmid DNA also led to similarly high complexation values (92-94%). In an attempt to establish differences in the nature of DNA association with these various liposome preparations their physico-chemical characteristics were investigated. Studies on vesicle size, zeta potential and gel electrophoresis in the presence of the anion sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) indicate that, under the conditions employed, formulation of liposomal DNA by the dehydration-rehydration generated submicron size liposomes incorporating most of the DNA in a manner that prevents DNA displacement through anion competition. The bilayer composition of these dehydration-rehydration vesicles (DRV(DNA)) can also further influence these physicochemical characteristics with the presence of DOPE within the liposome bilayer resulting in a reduced vesicle zeta potential. Subcutaneous liposome-mediated DNA immunisation employing two DRV(DNA) formulations as well as naked DNA revealed that humoural responses (immunoglobulin total IgG, and subclasses IgG1 and 1gG2a) engendered by the plasmid encoded NP were substantially higher after dosing twice, 28 days apart with 10 μg liposome-entrapped DNA compared to naked DNA. At all time points measured, mice immunised with naked DNA showed no greater immune response compared to the control, non-immunised group. In contrast, as early as day 49, responses were significantly higher in mice injected with DNA entrapped in DRV liposomes containing DOTAP compared to the control group and mice immunised with naked DNA. By day 56, all total IgG responses from mice immunised with both DRV formulations were significantly higher. Comparison between the DRV formulations revealed no significant difference in immune responses elicited except at day 114, where the humoural responses of the group injected with liposomal formulation containing DC-Chol dropped to significantly lower levels that those measured in mice which received the DOTAP formulation. Similar results were found when the IgG1 and IgG2a subclass responses were determined. These results suggest that, not only can DNA be effectively entrapped within liposomes using the DRV method but that such DRV liposomes containing DNA may be a useful system for subcutaneous delivery of DNA vaccines. © 2003 Taylor & Francis Ltd.
Contrary to previously held beliefs, it is now known that bacteria exist not only on the surface of the skin but they are also distributed at varying depths beneath the skin surface. Hence, in order to sterilise the skin, antimicrobial agents are required to penetrate across the skin and eliminate the bacteria residing at all depths. Chlorhexidine is an antimicrobial agent with the widest use for skin sterilisation. However, due to its poor permeation rate across the skin, sterilisation of the skin cannot be achieved and, therefore, the remaining bacteria can act as a source of infection during an operation or insertion of catheters. The underlying theme of this study is to enhance the permeation of this antimicrobial agent in the skin by employing chemical (enhancers and supersaturated systems) or physical (iontophoresis) techniques. The hydrochloride salt of chlorhexidine (CHX), a poorly soluble salt, was used throughout this study. The effect of ionisation on in vitro permeation rate across the excised human epidennis was investigated using Franz-type diffusion cells. Saturated solutions of CHX were used as donor and the variable studied was vehicle pH. Permeation rate was increased with increasing vehicle pH. The pH effect was not related to the level of ionisation of the drug. The effect of donor vehicle was also studied using saturated solutions of CHX in 10% and 20% ethanol as the donor solutions. Permeation of CHX was enhanced by increasing the concentration of ethanol which could be due to the higher concentration of CHX in the donor phase and the effect of ethanol itself on the membrane. The interplay between drug diffusion and enhancer pretreatment of the epidennis was studied. Pretreatment of the membrane with 10% Azone/PG demonstrated the highest diffusion rate followed by 10% olcic acid/PG pretreatment compared to other pretreatment regimens (ethanol, dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), propylene glycol (PG), sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) and dodecyl trimethyl ammonium bromide (DT AB). Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) was also employed to study the mode of action of these enhancers. The potential of supersaturated solutions in enhancing percutaneous absorption of CHX was investigated. Various anti-nucleating polymers were screened in order to establish the most effective agent. Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP, K30) was found to be a better candidate than its lower molecular weight counterpart (K25) and hydroxypropyl methyleellulose (HPMC). The permeation studies showed an increase in diffusion rate by increasing the degree of saturation. Iontophoresis is a physical means of transdemal drug delivery enhancement that causes an increased penetration of molecules into or through the skin by the application of an electric field. This technique was employed in conjunction with chemical enhancers to assess the effect on CHX permeation across the human epidermis. An improved transport of CHX, which was pH dependant was observed upon application of the current. Combined use of iontophoresis and chemical enhancers further increased the CHX transport indicating a synergistic effect. Pretreatment of the membrane with 10% Azone/PG demonstrated the greatest effect.
Plasmid DNA pRc/CMV HBS (5.6 kb) (100 microg) encoding the S (small) region of hepatitis B surface antigen was incorporated by the dehydration-rehydration method into liposomes composed of 16 micromol egg phosphatidylcholine (PC), 8 micromol dioleoylphosphatidylcholine (DOPE) and 1, 2-diodeoyl-3-(trimethylammonium)propane (DOTAP) (cationic liposomes) or phosphatidylglycerol (anionic liposomes) in a variety of molar ratios. The method, entailing mixing of small unilamellar vesicles (SUV) with the DNA, followed by dehydration and rehydration, yielded incorporation values of 95-97 and 48-54% of the DNA used, respectively. Mixing of preformed cationic liposomes with 100 microg plasmid DNA also led to high complexation values of 73-97%. As expected, the association of DNA with preformed anionic liposomes was low (9%). Further work with cationic PC/DOPE/DOTAP liposomes attempted to establish differences in the nature of DNA association with the vesicles after complexation and the constructs generated by the process of dehydration/rehydration. Several lines of evidence obtained from studies on vesicle size and zeta-potential, fluorescent microscopy and gel electrophoresis in the presence of the anion sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) indicate that, under the conditions employed, interaction of DNA with preformed cationic SUV as above, or with cationic SUV made of DOPE and DOTAP (1:1 molar ratio; ESCORT Transfection Reagent), leads to the formation of large complexes with externally bound DNA. For instance, such DNA is accessible to and can be dissociated by competing anionic SDS molecules. However, dehydration of the DNA-SUV complexes and subsequent rehydration, generates submicron size liposomes incorporating most of the DNA in a fashion that prevents DNA displacement through anion competition. It is suggested that, in this case, DNA is entrapped within the aqueous compartments, in between bilayers, presumably bound to the cationic charges.