836 resultados para Snyder, Timothy
We report here genome sequences and comparative analyses of three closely related parasitoid wasps: Nasonia vitripennis, N. giraulti, and N. longicornis. Parasitoids are important regulators of arthropod populations, including major agricultural pests and disease vectors, and Nasonia is an emerging genetic model, particularly for evolutionary and developmental genetics. Key findings include the identification of a functional DNA methylation tool kit; hymenopteran-specific genes including diverse venoms; lateral gene transfers among Pox viruses, Wolbachia, and Nasonia; and the rapid evolution of genes involved in nuclear-mitochondrial interactions that are implicated in speciation. Newly developed genome resources advance Nasonia for genetic research, accelerate mapping and cloning of quantitative trait loci, and will ultimately provide tools and knowledge for further increasing the utility of parasitoids as pest insect-control agents.
Establishment of the left-right axis is a fundamental process of vertebrate embryogenesis. Failure to develop left-right asymmetry leads to incorrect positioning and morphogenesis of numerous internal organs, and is proposed to underlie the etiology of several common cardiac malformations. The transcriptional modulator Cited2 is essential for embryonic development: Cited2-null embryos die during gestation with profound developmental abnormalities, including cardiac malformations, exencephaly and adrenal agenesis. Cited2 is also required for normal establishment of the left-right axis; we demonstrate that abnormal heart looping and right atrial and pulmonary isomerism are consistent features of the left-right-patterning defect. We show by gene expression analysis that Cited2 acts upstream of Nodal, Lefty2 and Pitx2 in the lateral mesoderm, and of Lefty1 in the presumptive floor plate. Although abnormal left-right patterning has a major impact on the cardiac phenotype in Cited2-null embryos, laterality defects are only observed in a proportion of these embryos. We have therefore used a combination of high-resolution imaging and three-dimensional (3D) modeling to systematically document the full spectrum of Cited2-associated cardiac defects. Previous studies have focused on the role of Cited2 in cardiac neural crest cell development, as Cited2 can bind the transcription factor Tfap2, and thus affect the expression of Erbb3 in neural crest cells. However, we have identified Cited2-associated cardiac defects that cannot be explained by laterality or neural crest abnormalities. In particular, muscular ventricular septal defects and reduced cell density in the atrioventricular (AV) endocardial cushions are evident in Cited2-null embryos. As we found that Cited2 expression tightly correlated with these sites, we believe that Cited2 plays a direct role in development of the AV canal and cardiac septa. We therefore propose that, in addition to the previously described reduction of cardiac neural crest cells, two other distinct mechanisms contribute to the spectrum of complex cardiac defects in Cited2-null mice; disruption of normal left-right patterning and direct loss of Cited2 expression in cardiac tissues.
Mental rotation involves the creation and manipulation of internal images, with the later being particularly useful cognitive capacities when applied to high-level mathematical thinking and reasoning. Many neuroimaging studies have demonstrated mental rotation to be mediated primarily by the parietal lobes, particularly on the right side. Here, we use fMRI to show for the first time that when performing 3-dimensional mental rotations, mathematically gifted male adolescents engage a qualitatively different brain network than those of average math ability, one that involves bilateral activation of the parietal lobes and frontal cortex, along with heightened activation of the anterior cingulate. Reliance on the processing characteristics of this uniquely bilateral system and the interplay of these anterior/posterior regions may be contributors to their mathematical precocity.
Purpose Dasatinib is a BCR-ABL inhibitor, 325-fold more potent than imatinib against unmutated BCR-ABL in vitro. Phase II studies have demonstrated efficacy and safety with dasatinib 70 mg twice daily in chronic-phase (CP) chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) after imatinib treatment failure. In phase I, responses occurred with once-daily administration despite only intermittent BCR-ABL inhibition. Once-daily treatment resulted in less toxicity, suggesting that toxicity results from continuous inhibition of unintended targets. Here, a dose-and schedule-optimization study is reported. Patients and Methods In this open-label phase III trial, 670 patients with imatinib-resistant or -intolerant CP-CML were randomly assigned 1: 1: 1: 1 between four dasatinib treatment groups: 100 mg once daily, 50 mg twice daily, 140 mg once daily, or 70 mg twice daily. Results With minimum follow-up of 6 months (median treatment duration, 8 months; range, = 1 to 15 months), marked and comparable hematologic (complete, 86% to 92%) and cytogenetic (major, 54% to 59%; complete, 41% to 45%) response rates were observed across the four groups. Time to and duration of cytogenetic response were similar, as was progression-free survival (8% to 11% of patients experienced disease progression or died). Compared with the approved 70-mg twice-daily regimen, dasatinib 100 mg once daily resulted in significantly lower rates of pleural effusion (all grades, 7% v 16%; P = .024) and grade 3 to 4 thrombocytopenia (22% v 37%; P = .004), and fewer patients required dose interruption (51% v 68%), reduction (30% v 55%), or discontinuation (16% v 23%). Conclusion Dasatinib 100 mg once daily retains the efficacy of 70 mg twice daily with less toxicity. Intermittent target inhibition with tyrosine kinase inhibitors may preserve efficacy and reduce adverse events.
Objective: Individuals with autism spectrum disorders typically have normal visuospatial abilities but impaired executive functioning, particularly in abilities related to working memory and attention. The aim of this study was to elucidate the functioning of frontoparietal networks underlying spatial working memory processes during mental rotation in persons with autism spectrum disorders. Method: Seven adolescent males with normal IQ with an autism spectrum disorder and nine age- and IQ-matched male comparison subjects underwent functional magnetic resonance imaging scans while performing a mental rotation task. Results: The autism spectrum disorders group showed less activation in lateral and medial premotor cortex, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, anterior cingulate gyrus, and caudate nucleus. Conclusions: The finding of less activation in prefrontal regions but not in parietal regions supports a model of dysfunction of frontostriatal networks in autism spectrum disorders.
A new variation of holographic interferometry has been utilized to perform simultaneous two-wavelength measurements, allowing quantitative analysis of the heavy particle and electron densities in a superorbital facility. An air test gas accelerated to 12 km/s was passed over a cylindrical model, simulating reentry conditions encountered by a space vehicle on a superorbital mission. Laser beams with two different wavelengths have been overlapped, passed through the test section, and simultaneously recorded on a single holographic plate. Reconstruction of the hologram generated two separate interferograms at different. angles from which the quantitative measurements were made. With this technique, a peak electron concentration of (5.5 +/- 0.5) x 10(23) m(-3) was found behind a bow shock on a cylinder. (C) 1997 Optical Society of America.
BACKGROUND The genetic analysis of human primary immunodeficiencies has defined the contribution of specific cell populations and molecular pathways in the host defense against infection. Disseminated infection caused by bacille Calmette-Guerin (BCG) vaccines is an early manifestation of primary immunodeficiencies, such as severe combined immunodeficiency. In many affected persons, the cause of disseminated BCG disease is unexplained. METHODS We evaluated an infant presenting with features of severe immunodeficiency, including early-onset disseminated BCG disease, who required hematopoietic stem-cell transplantation. We also studied two otherwise healthy subjects with a history of disseminated but curable BCG disease in childhood. We characterized the monocyte and dendritic-cell compartments in these three subjects and sequenced candidate genes in which mutations could plausibly confer susceptibility to BCG disease. RESULTS We detected two distinct disease-causing mutations affecting interferon regulatory factor 8 (IRF8). Both K108E and T80A mutations impair IRF8 transcriptional activity by disrupting the interaction between IRF8 and DNA. The K108E variant was associated with an autosomal recessive severe immunodeficiency with a complete lack of circulating monocytes and dendritic cells. The T80A variant was associated with an autosomal dominant, milder immunodeficiency and a selective depletion of CD11c+CD1c+ circulating dendritic cells. CONCLUSIONS These findings define a class of human primary immunodeficiencies that affect the differentiation of mononuclear phagocytes. They also show that human IRF8 is critical for the development of monocytes and dendritic cells and for antimycobacterial immunity. (Funded by the Medical Research Council and others.)
Human T lymphotropic virus type 1 (HTLV-1) infects 10-20 million people worldwide. The majority of infected individuals are asymptomatic; however, approximately 3% develop the debilitating neurological disease HTLV-1-associated myelopathy/tropical spastic paraparesis (HAM/TSP). There is also currently no cure, vaccine or effective therapy for HTLV-1 infection, and the mechanisms for progression to HAM/TSP remain unclear. NK T cells are an immunoregulatory T cell subset whose frequencies and effector functions are associated critically with immunity against infectious diseases. We hypothesized that NK T cells are associated with HAM/TSP progression. We measured NK T cell frequencies and absolute numbers in individuals with HAM/TSP infection from two cohorts on two continents: Sao Paulo, Brazil and San Francisco, CA, USA, and found significantly lower levels when compared with healthy subjects and/or asymptomatic carriers. Also, the circulating NK T cell compartment in HAM/TSP subjects is comprised of significantly more CD4(+) and fewer CD8(+) cells than healthy controls. These findings suggest that lower numbers of circulating NK T cells and enrichment of the CD4(+) NK T subset are associated with HTLV-1 disease progression.
Objective: Natural killer T (NKT) cells are efficiently targeted by HIV and severely reduced in numbers in the circulation of infected individuals. The functional capacity of the remaining NKT cells in HIV-infected individuals is poorly characterized. This study measured NKT cell cytokine production directly ex vivo and compared these responses with both the disease status and NKT subset distribution of individual patients. Methods: NKT cell frequencies, subsets, and ex-vivo effector functions were measured in the peripheral blood mononuclear cells of HIV-infected patients and healthy controls by flow cytometry. We measured cytokines from NKT cells after stimulation with either a-galactosyl ceramide-loaded CD1d dimers (DimerX-alpha GalCer) or phorbol myristate acetate and ionomycin. Results: The frequencies of NKT cells secreting interferon-gamma and tumor necrosis factor-alpha were significantly lower in HIV-infected patients than healthy controls after DimerX-alpha GalCer treatment, but responses were similar after treatment with phorbol myristate acetate and ionomycin. The magnitude of the interferon-gamma response to DimerX-alpha GalCer correlated inversely with the number of years of infection. Both interferon-gamma and tumor necrosis factor-alpha production in response to DimerX-alpha GalCer correlated inversely with CD161 expression. Conclusion: The ex-vivo Th1 responses of circulating NKT cells to CD1d-glycolipid complexes are impaired in HIV-infected patients. NKT cell functions may be progressively lost over time in HIV infection, and CD161 is implicated in the regulation of NKT cell responsiveness. (C) 2009 Wolters Kluwer Health vertical bar Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
A 59-year-old woman presented with a large mediastinal mass. At thoracotomy, the mass was found tightly adherent to the esophageal wall and right lower lobe of the lung. Histological examination showed a solid tumor composed of closely packed nests of cells with clear and eosinophilic cytoplasm, which were strongly and diffusely positive for S 100 protein but negative for HMB45 and Melan-A. The diagnosis of clear cell sarcoma was supported by demonstrating the presence of an EWS gene rearrangement by fluorescence in situ hybridization. There was no evidence that this lesion represented metastatic disease. To the best of our knowledge, primary mediastinal clear cell sarcoma has not been previously reported in the literature. We present the case and discuss the differential diagnosis. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
We used high-resolution SNP genotyping to identify regions of genomic gain and loss in the genomes of 212 medulloblastomas, malignant pediatric brain tumors. We found focal amplifications of 15 known oncogenes and focal deletions of 20 known tumor suppressor genes (TSG), most not previously implicated in medulloblastoma. Notably, we identified previously unknown amplifications and homozygous deletions, including recurrent, mutually exclusive, highly focal genetic events in genes targeting histone lysine methylation, particularly that of histone 3, lysine 9 (H3K9). Post-translational modification of histone proteins is critical for regulation of gene expression, can participate in determination of stem cell fates and has been implicated in carcinogenesis. Consistent with our genetic data, restoration of expression of genes controlling H3K9 methylation greatly diminishes proliferation of medulloblastoma in vitro. Copy number aberrations of genes with critical roles in writing, reading, removing and blocking the state of histone lysine methylation, particularly at H3K9, suggest that defective control of the histone code contributes to the pathogenesis of medulloblastoma.
We demonstrated previously that, in mice with chronic angiotensin II-dependent hypertension, gp91phoxcontaining NADPH oxidase is not involved in the development of high blood pressure, despite being important in redox signaling. Here we sought to determine whether a gp91phox homologue, Nox1, may be important in blood pressure elevation and activation of redox-sensitive pathways in a model in which the renin-angiotensin system is chronically upregulated. Nox1-deficient mice and transgenic mice expressing human renin (TTRhRen) were crossed, and 4 genotypes were generated: control, TTRhRen, Nox1-deficient, and TTRhRen Nox1-deficient. Blood pressure and oxidative stress (systemic and renal) were increased in TTRhRen mice (P < 0.05). This was associated with increased NADPH oxidase activation. Nox1 deficiency had no effect on the development of hypertension in TTRhRen mice. Phosphorylation of c-Src, mitogen-activated protein kinases, and focal adhesion kinase was significantly increased 2-to 3-fold in kidneys from TTRhRen mice. Activation of c-Src, p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase, c-Jun N-terminal kinase, and focal adhesion kinase but not of extracellular signal regulated kinase 1/2 or extracellular signal regulated kinase 5, was reduced in TTRhRen/Nox1-deficient mice (P < 0.05). Expression of procollagen III was increased in TTRhRen and TTRhRen/Nox1-deficient mice versus control mice, whereas vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 was only increased in TTRhRen mice. Our findings demonstrate that, in Nox1-deficient TTRhRen mice, blood pressure is elevated despite reduced NADPH oxidase activation, decreased oxidative stress, and attenuated redox signaling. Our results suggest that Nox1-containing NADPH oxidase plays a key role in the modulation of systemic and renal oxidative stress and redox-dependent signaling but not in the elevation of blood pressure in a model of chronic angiotensin II-dependent hypertension.