937 resultados para Sistema da cadeia agro-alimentar
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FMVZ
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Environmental monitoring of aquatic systems is an important tool to support policy makers and environmental managers' decisions. Long-term, continuous collection of environmental data is fundamental to the understanding of an aquatic system. This paper aims to present the integrated system for environmental monitoring (SIMA), a long-term temporal series system with a web-based archive for limnological and meteorological data. The following environmental parameters are measured by SIMA: chlorophyll-a (µgL-1), water surface temperature (ºC), water column temperature by a thermistor string (ºC), turbidity (NTU), pH, dissolved oxygen concentration (mg L-1), electric conductivity (µS cm-1), wind speed (ms-1) and direction (º), relative humidity (%), shortwave radiation (Wm-2) and barometric pressure (hPa). The data were collected in a preprogrammed time interval (1 hour) and were transmitted by satellite in quasi-real time for any user within 2500 km of the acquisition point. So far, 11 hydroelectric reservoirs are being monitored with the SIMA buoy. Basic statistics (mean and standard deviation) and an example of the temporal series of some parameters were displayed at a database with web access. However, sensor and satellite problems occurred due to the high data acquisition frequency. Sensors problems occurred due to the environmental characteristics of each aquatic system. Water quality sensors rapidly degrade in acidic waters, rendering the collected data invalid. Data is also rendered invalid when sensors become infested with periphyton. Problems occur with the satellites' reception of system data when satellites pass over the buoy antenna. However, the data transfer at some inland locations was not completed due to the satellite constellation position. Nevertheless, the integrated system of water quality and meteorological parameters is an important tool in understanding the aquatic system dynamic. It can also be used to create hydrodynamics models of the aquatic system to allow for the study of meteorological implications to the water body.
The lack of risk management can generate disruption in the supply chain, and there is little literature related to the aerospace industry. This article aims at identifying the risk factors for supply chain of the main Brazilian aircraft manufacturer. Nine risk factors specific to aircraft manufacturers were identified: Environmental, Natural and Political, Supply Chain, Business Strategy, Product Management, Indicators, Organization, Productivity, and Quality and Information System. These factors were quantitatively evaluated with respect to their criticality using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). The Quality and Productivity factors were considered the most relevant in this study, which can be classified as a single case study. The necessary data were obtained through interviews with professionals from different areas of the studied enterprise.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This work aimed to evaluate the repellent and deterrent effect of the application of concentrations of neem and chinaberry oil on bean leaves on the leaf beetles Diabrotica speciosa (Germar) and Cerotoma arcuata (Olivier). The concentrations of neem oil tested were 0.625, 1.25, 2.50, 5.00, 10.00 and 20,00 mL, corresponding respectively to 1, 2, 4, 8, 17 and 33 ppm of azadirachtin A and the concentrations of chinaberry oil used were the same used to neem oil, corresponding, however, to 1.875, 3.75, 7.50, 15.00, 30.00 and 60.00 mg mL(-1) of chinaberry extract, respectively. For the free-choice tests, glass containers were used as arenas, whereas for the no-choice tests Petri dishes were used, where in both one insect per treatment was released in the center. Attractiveness was evaluated in predetermined time periods, in addition to the leaf consumption, at the end of the experiment. Neem oil is repellent to D. speciosa and C. arcuata, with more efficient results at the 5.00, 10.00 and 20.00 mL concentrations. All concentrations of neem oil reduce leaf consumption of both insects, except in the no-choice test with D. speciosa, in which only the 10.00 and 20.00 mL concentrations are deterrent. Chinaberry oil provides high repellent activity on both leaf beetle species, and the 10.00 and 20.00 mL concentrations stood out. The 10.00 and 20.00 mL concentrations of chinaberry oil are deterrent to D. speciosa and C. arcuata.
A fragmentação de habitats decorrente principalmente da expansão da agropecuária no Brasil, bem como o declínio observado em escala mundial dos polinizadores (abelhas em sua maioria), atestam a gravidade do problema ambiental que enfrentamos atualmente. Baixos níveis de polinização de plantas em geral podem ocasionar problemas econômicos na área da alimentação humana, visto que muitas espécies vegetais importantes para nosso consumo dependem das abelhas para sua reprodução e conseqüente formação de frutos. Assim, a execução de planos de manejo em áreas cultivadas, envolvendo medidas de proteção para polinizadores e que visem a manutenção de áreas verdes no entorno de plantações são importantes estratégias para amenizar o impacto que o homem exerce sobre a natureza. Nesse aspecto, esse estudo tratou de investigar a preferência alimentar de abelhas amostradas em flores de Solanum viarum Dunal e a biologia floral e sistema de reprodução nessa espécie. Os conhecimentos e informações obtidos a partir de trabalhos como esses compreendem uma parte essencial de planos de conservação para o grupo de polinizadores. S. viarum é uma solanácea ruderal, que ocorre em campos abertos e ambientes perturbados. Apresenta deiscência das anteras do tipo poricida, é auto-incompatível e possui grande atratividade para inúmeras espécies de abelhas vibradoras, como as dos gêneros Bombus, Exomalopsis e da Família Halictidae. De acordo com os presentes resultados, pode-se afirmar que S. viarum caracteriza-se como uma espécie potencialmente doadora de pólen para os polinizadores acima citados, e que seu plantio e manejo controlados ao redor de cultivos agrícolas, juntamente com outros tipos vegetais, pode aumentar a densidade de abelhas no entorno dessas áreas e a rentabilidade de tais cultivos
The concentration of metal pollutants such as lead (Pb), has grown and developed in populated areas due to pollution and other human activities. Consequently, the potential for achieve this element food chain has also increased. Lead is very toxic to humans, especially to children, and exposure to lead can cause adverse health effects mainly on human nervous system, bone marrow and kidneys, interfering with chromosomal or genetic processes. This paper presents an overview of the main aspects related to environmental contamination by lead from battery plants. The assessment of an area contaminated by lead in Bauru-SP next a battery factory was reported in this work as well as the entire history of monitoring, classification and application of processes applied by CETESB since 2002. Analyzing the issue in its economic aspects, we found that the degradation of the environment is directly related to the development model adopted by the capitalist system, which is based on the law of supply and demand for products and services. The data presented indicate that Brazil still needs a broader policy where government agencies, industries and population through awareness can be united for the same purpose: to preserve life
The consuming of the natural resources in the agricultural sector does not represent only one external factor of the productive process, but also it implies in a bigger cost for the production, justified for this environmental degradation. In view of the necessity of evaluating the sustainment of the agricultural businesses, the use of performance indicators if makes of extreme importance. The measurement of the support through environmentalindicators is one of the most accepted forms of performing the evaluation of one given agricultural activity. In this context, the Base System for Eco-certification of Agricultural Businesses (Eco-cert Rural) developed by the Embrapa Environment at Jaguariúna/SP, has for purpose to present a method of evaluation of the agricultural businesses, not only of the point of view of the ecological performance, as well as considering the social, economic and organizational aspects. Through the analysis of the performance of the activity and the regularization of the disconformities found, it makes possible the eco-certification of the activities in the varied existing protocols, offering technologies designed to the sustainable development of the agricultural businesses. Using Eco-cert.Rural, this work evaluated the contribution of the use of mechanized harvest in sugar cane handling, front to the traditional system of manual harvest, using the fire. In the Sugar Cane Activity General Performance Index, Agrícola Rio Claro scored 2,08 of a maximum of 15. Amongst all the indicators, those wich reached performance worse had been related to the Use of Energy and the Income, by increasing fossil fuel consumptiom, and implying income concentration due to resignations of rural workers. However, the improvements on the environment quality by supressing manual harvest through fire are very significant. Beyond the great reduction in...(Complete abstract click electronic access below)
The objective of this work is to analyze the viability of incorporation in a microcomputer box of a nobreak with an ultracapacitor as energy storage device, substituting the conventional chemical battery. An advantage of this inclusion is cost reduction because a specific metallic or plastic frame won’t be necessary to protect the components of the nobreak; the microcomputer metallic frame offers the necessary protection for both equipments. Moreover, a large quantity of internal space of microcomputers box isn’t used, and is possible to use it to wrap up the nobreak. This work uses data about average power consumption of microcomputers; operation of switching mode power supplies for microcomputers; electrical and mechanical characteristics of ultracapacitors and operation of power circuits of nobreaks, with the purpose of present a study of energy storage capacity that an ultracapacitor should have to allow a safe switching off of a microcomputer in case of electrical network fail. It was noticed that the use of ultracapacitors is feasible to feed an 180 W load for 75 s, using a capacitive bank with sixteen ultracapacitors, with a total capacitance of 350 F and voltage of 10,8 V. The use of the proposed nobreak increases the reliability of the microcomputer by reducing the probability of user data losses in case of an electrical network fail, offering a high cost/benefit product. The substitution of the battery by an ultracapacitor allows a quick nobreak recharge, with low maintenance costs, since ultracapacitors have a lifetime bigger than batteries; beyond reducing the environmental impact, because they don’t use potentially toxic chemical compounds
Embora a doença de Chagas seja amplamente estudada, ainda não se conhece todos os interferentes que modulam a relação parasitária Trypanosoma cruzi- vetor- hospedeiro vertebrado. Sabe-se que as aves são refratárias ao T. cruzi, ou seja, o parasito não consegue estabelecer parasitismo nas mesmas, enquanto que nos camundongos a infecção ocorre. Essa refratariedade representa um exemplo de resistência natural do hospedeiro a uma infecção parasitária. Originalmente, acreditava-se que isso ocorria devido à presença de um anticorpo natural contra o T. cruzi no sangue das aves, porém estudos atuais atribuem tal atividade ao sistema complemento presente no sangue das mesmas. Pretendeu-se avaliar neste projeto se a referida característica peculiar do sangue das aves interfere no processo e no nível de infecção dos triatomíneos, em especial de Rhodnius neglectus, espécie de comprovada importância epidemiológica. Para tanto, utilizou-se a cepa Y de T. cruzi e ninfas de 4º estádio de R. neglectus. Avaliou-se também a capacidade lítica do soro de galinha em formas epimastigotas e tripomastigotas em meio de cultura LIT, utilizando a cepa Y. Referente à influência de diferentes fontes alimentares na infecção de R. neglectus por T. cruzi, observou-se um decréscimo no número de exemplares infectados após alimentação em patos , apresentando Índice de Infecção médio de 19,74%. Por outro lado, exemplares infectados após alimentação em camundongos não apresentaram diferença significante na parasitemia total. Os testes in vitro demonstraram que a adição de soro de galinha em meio de cultura LIT, com formas epimastigotas e tripomastigotas, foi capaz de diminuir notoriamente a contagem de parasitos móveis até a contagem zero, uma hora após a adição. O conjunto desses resultados sugere que a refratariedade das aves ao T. cruzi influencia a infecção de R. neglectus pelo flagelado e foi demonstrada, in vitro, pela ...
The technologies are advancing at a pace so expressive that allow the increase of the power quality from generation until the distribution to end customers. This improvement has been made possible through the automation of the energy that follows to a better quality of the energy provided, a lower energy supply disruptions and a very short recovery time. The trend of today and the near future is the distributed energy generation. To keep the automated control of the chain, the presence of Smart Grids is needed and that will be the most efficient and economical way to manage the entire system. Within this theme, is going to be necessary analyze the electric cars that promise to promote a more sustainable transport because it doesn’t uses fossil fuels, and more healthy because it does not emit pollutants into the atmosphere. The popularization of this type of vehicle is estimated to happen in a few decades and the case study analyzing its influence on the demand of the electrical system is something that will be very important in the near future. This paper presents a study of the influence of the inclusion of charges refering to electric cars
Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS