986 resultados para Sidney, Algernon, 1623-1683.
PURPOSE. Fungal keratitis (FK) is a sight-threatening disease, more prevalent in developing regions. The present retrospective study was conducted in order to evaluate the epidemiologic and clinical aspects and the progression of FK in patients treated at two ophthalmologic reference centers in Southeast Brazil. METHODS. The charts of patients with infectious keratitis treated between 2000 and 2004 were reviewed. For the 66 cases of FK confirmed by microbiological analysis, data related to patient, disease, and therapeutic approaches were obtained. RESULTS. Mean patient age was 40.7 +/- 16 years. Fifty-three were men and 13 were women. Ocular trauma occurred in 40% of cases (27). Previous medications taken by the patients were quinolone in 72.5% and antimycotics in 30%. Visual acuity (VA) at presentation was >0.3 in 16% and <0.1 in 74.5%. Penetrant keratoplasty was performed in 38% and evisceration in 15%. The causing agents were Fusarium sp in 67%, Aspergillus sp in 10.5%, and Candida sp in 10%. Medication alone resolved 39% of cases within a mean period of 24.5 +/- 12 days. Final VA was >0.3 in 28%, and <0.1 in 63%. CONCLUSIONS. Fungal keratitis presented as a disease with severe complications, predominantly among young males, and was mostly caused by filamentous fungi. The present information permits the establishment of preventive strategies. Reducing the time between onset and treatment and using more accessible specific medication would reverse the negative prognosis. (Eur J Ophthalmol 2009; 19: 355-61)
Purpose: To investigate the proliferative behavior of the corneal and limbal epithelia after debridement on the central region of the rabbit cornea. Methods: After scraping a circular epithelial area, 5 mm in diameter, in the center of the cornea, (3)H-thymidine ((3)H-TdR) was injected intravitreally, and the rabbits killed from 1 to 49 days afterward. The cornea, together with the adjacent conjunctiva, was processed for autoradiography. Results: The regenerating epithelium at the center of the cornea exhibited high frequencies of labeled nuclei when compared to controls. The mitotic indexes for the limbus were comparable in experimental and control eyes. The unique basal stratum of the limbal epithelium exhibited quick proliferation and vertical migration in all eyes. Cells that remained labeled for four weeks or more were observed throughout the corneal epithelium, including its basal stratum, and this did not depend on epithelial damage. Conclusion: Corneal epithelium wounds are healed by sliding and proliferation of cells surrounding the epithelial gap without any evidence for the participation of the limbal epithelium. Daughter cells labeled with (3)H-TdR were visualized in all layers of the corneal epithelium up to 7 weeks after the DNA precursor injection. However, at this long interval, the only labeled cells in the limbus were in the suprabasal layers.
The investigation was centered on the morphological features of the conjunctiva-cornea transition (limbus) of the rabbit eye and the proliferative behavior of its epithelium. The eyes were processed for examination with light and electron microscopy, as well as for autoradiography after intravitreal injection of [H-3]thymidine ([H-3]TdR). At the sites of extraocular muscle insertion, the vascularization of the stroma extended to the peripheral cornea, and the limbal epithelium was thin with its basal stratum made up by clear cuboidal cells. In between the muscle insertions, the cuboidal clear cells, as well as the stroma blood vessels; were scarce. At the light microscope level, the basement membrane was distinct in the cornea but not in the limbus or the conjunctiva. Autoradiographs demonstrated that, at the limbus, the basal cells migrated very quickly to the suprabasal region and remained there up to the 28-day interval. Labeled cells were identified in all epithelial layers of the cornea, including the basal one, at 21 and 28 days but not in the limbal basal clear cells. The rate of renewal of conjunctival epithelium was similar to that observed for the transition with scarce clear cells. The high-resolution autoradiographs demonstrated that the basal cuboidal clear limbal cells exhibit a quick renewal and that they are not label-retaining cells. These latter ones were detected all over the corneal epithelium and in the suprabasal layers of the limbus up to 28 days, in physiological conditions, without the need of stimulation by damage to the corneal epithelium.
Cytogenetic studies of atypical choroid plexus papillomas (CPP) have been poorly described. In the present report, the cytogenetic investigation of an atypical CPP occurring in an infant is detailed. CPP chromosome preparations were analyzed by giemsa-trypsin-banding (GTG-banding) and comparative genome hybridization (CGH). Conventional karyotype analysis of tumor culture showed a normal chromosome complement. The results were confirmed by CGH, showing normal hybridization patterns for the sample. To date, the few atypical CPPs described in the literature have shown disparate cytogenetic information. This is the first report of a normal chromosome complement in atypical CPP. The heterogenic genetic features observed in these small series may reflect the diverse genetic background of choroid plexus tumors in children.
Hyperglycemia induces overproduction of superoxide and it is related to diabetic complications. In this study, we analyzed the antioxidant enzymatic defense and the lipid peroxidation of rat salivary glands in six different periods of diabetic condition. Ninety-six rats were divided into 12 groups: C7/14/21128/45/60 (non-diabetic animals) and D7/14/21/28/45/60 (diabetic animals). Diabetes was induced by streptozotocin and the rats were euthanized after 7, 14, 21, 28, 45, or 60 days. Their parotid (PA) and submandibular (SM) glands were removed soon after the sacrifice and the total protein and malondialdehyde (MDA) concentrations, as well as, the superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione peroxidase (GPx), and catalase (CAT) activities were determined. Twenty-one days after the diabetes induction, the SM glands showed an increase in SOD, CAT, and GPx activities, as well as, MDA concentration. Concerning the PA glands, an increase in the CAT activity and MDA content was observed throughout the observation period. The results suggest that diabetes can cause alterations on the salivary glands and that PA and SM glands react differently when exposed to diabetes condition. However, no impairment of antioxidant system was observed in the group whose diabetic condition had been induced 60 days earlier, herein named 60-day group. Copyright (C) 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Objective: Cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) has been effectively used in the treatment of alcohol dependence. Clinical studies report that the anticraving drug naltrexone, is a useful adjunct to treatment. Currently, few data are available on the impact of adding this medication to programmes in more typical, outpatient, and rehabilitation settings. The objective of this study was to examine the impact on outcome of adding naltrexone to an established outpatient alcohol rehabilitation program which employed CBT. Method: Fifty patients participated in an established 12-week, outpatient, 'contract'-based alcohol abstinence programme which employed CBT. They also received naltrexone 50 mg orally daily (CBT + naltrexone). Outcomes were compared with 50 historical, matched controls, all of whom participated in the same programme without an anticraving medication (CBT alone). All patients met DSM-IV criteria for alcohol dependence. Results: Programme attendance across the eight treatment sessions was lower in the CBT alone group (p < 0.001). Relapse to alcohol use occurred sooner and more frequently in the CBT alone group (p < 0.001). Rehabilitation programme completion at 12 weeks was 88% (CBT + naltrexone) compared with 36% for (CBT alone) (p < 0.001). Alcohol abstinence at 12 weeks was 76% (CBT + naltrexone) compared with 18% (CBT alone) (p < 0.001). Conclusion: When employing the same outpatient rehabilitation programme and comparing outcomes using matched historical controls, the addition of naltrexone substantially improves programme attendance, programme completion and reported alcohol abstinence. In a typical outpatient programme, naltrexone addition was associated with significantly improved programme participation, better outcomes and was well tolerated.
It has been reported that mutations in the quorum-sensing genes lasI and rhlI in Pseudomonas aeruginosa result in, among many other things, loss of twitching motility (A. Glessner, R. S. Smith, B. H. Iglewski, and J. B. Robinson, J. Bacteriol. 181:1623-1629, 1999). We constructed knockouts of lasI and rhlI and the corresponding regulatory genes lasR and rhlR and found no effect on twitching motility. However, twitching-defective variants accumulated during culturing of lasI and rhlI mutants. Further analysis showed that the stable twitching-defective variants of lasI and rhlI mutants had arisen as a consequence of secondary mutations in vfr and algR, respectively, both of which encode key regulators affecting a variety of phenotypes, including twitching motility. In addition, when grown in shaking broth culture, lasI and rhlI mutants, but not the wild-type parent, also accumulated unstable variants that lacked both twitching motility and swimming motility and appeared to be identical in phenotype to the S1 and S2 variants that were recently reported to occur at high frequencies in P. aeruginosa strains grown as a biofilm or in static broth culture (E. Deziel, Y. Comeau, and R. Villemur, J. Bacteriol. 183:1195-1204, 2001). These results indicate that mutations in one regulatory system may create distortions that select during subsequent culturing for compensatory mutations in other regulatory genes within the cellular network. This problem may have compromised some past studies of regulatory hierarchies controlled by quorum sensing and of bacterial regulatory systems in general.
Objective: To review the literature regarding the effectiveness of 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HT) and L-tryptophan in the treatment of unipolar depression. Methods: A systematic review of the literature from 1966 to 2000 using the search terms 'tryptophan', 5-hydroxytryptophan', '5-HTP', '5-HT' and 'depression'. We extracted and grouped data for meta-analysis by pooling odds ratios (OR) and relative risks where possible. Results: One hundred and eight studies were located of which only two studies, one of 5-HT and one of L-tryptophan, with a total of 64 patients met sufficient quality criteria to be included. These studies suggest 5-HT and L-tryptophan are better than placebo at alleviating depression (Peto OR = 4.1, 95% CI = 1.3-13.2). However, the small size of the studies, and the large number of inadmissible, poorly executed studies, casts doubt on the result from potential publication bias, and suggests that they are insufficiently evaluated to assess their effectiveness. Conclusions: A large body of evidence was subjected to very basic criteria for assessing reliability and validity, and was found to largely be of insufficient quality to inform clinical practice. More well-designed studies are urgently required to enable an assessment of what may be an effective class of agents.
Experimental studies on phase equilibria and liquidus in the multicomponent system PbO-ZnO-CaO-SiO2-FeO-Fe2O3 in air have been conducted over the temperature range between 1323 K (1050 degreesC) and 1623 K (1350 degreesC) to characterize the phase relations of the complex slag systems encountered in lead and zinc blast furnace sinters. The liquidus in two pseudoternary sections ZnO-Fe2O3-(PbO + CaO + SiO2) with the CaO/SiO2 weight ratio of 0.933 and PbO/(CaO + SiO2) weight ratios of 2.0 and 3.2 have been constructed.
A Comiss??o de implementa????o e acompanhamento dos trabalhos relativos ?? Lei de Acesso ?? Informa????o (LAI) na ENAP foi criada pela Portaria n?? 166, de 3 de julho de 2013, com o objetivo de coordenar a implementa????o dos trabalhos referentes ?? LAI, principalmente, em virtude da cria????o e acompanhamento do Servi??o de Informa????es ao Cidad??o (SIC).
A cont??nua capacita????o da carreira de Especialista em Pol??ticas P??blicas e Gest??o Governamental (EPPGG) ?? um desafio para a gest??o p??blica. Este estudo objetivou analisar as necessidades de treinamento para essa carreira por meio de pesquisa descritivo-explicativa de abordagem qualitativa, com entrevistas individuais com os representantes institucionais - Minist??rio do Planejamento, Or??amento e Gest??o e a Escola Nacional de Administra????o P??blica - e com 40 EPPGGs. Conclui-se que a avalia????o de necessidades de capacita????o para a carreira deve considerar aspectos transversais relacionados ?? carreira e fatores espec??ficos ou contextuais relativos ?? atua????o dos EPPGGs nos setores e ??rg??os de Governo.
Os autores apresentam um caso de colesteatoma de conduto auditivo externo (CCAE) com extensa invasão da mastóide, mas estando preservadas a membrana timpânica e a cadeia ossicular. Como único sintoma apresentava otorréia crônica. O diagnóstico da lesão foi clínico, sendo o seu estadiamento e planejamento cirúrgico realizados através da tomografia computadorizada. Como tratamento procedeu-se a mastoidectomia radical modificada associada à meatoplastia. O CCAE, por seu caráter insidioso e correlação topográfica com estruturas nobres, deve ser sempre lembrado no diagnóstico diferencial das lesões do conduto auditivo externo. O relato deste caso tem o objetivo de revisar alguns aspectos clínicos e cirúrgicos no tratamento do CCAE e expor nossa conduta em um caso bastante evoluído da doença.