936 resultados para Short range order correlations
Bien que ce soit un procédé industriel répandu, les films de copolymères à blocs préparés par trempage (« dip-coating ») sont moins étudiés que ceux obtenus par tournette (« spin-coating »). Pourtant, il est possible grâce à cette technique de contrôler précisément les caractéristiques de ces films. Au-delà de la méthode de fabrication, la capacité de modifier la morphologie des films trempés à l’aide d’autres facteurs externes est un enjeu primordial pour leur utilisation dans les nanotechnologies. Nous avons choisi, ici, d’étudier l’influence d’une petite molécule sur la morphologie de films supramoléculaires réalisés par « dip-coating » à partir de solutions de poly(styrène-b-4-vinyl pyridine) (PS-P4VP) dans le tétrahydrofurane (THF). En présence de 1-naphtol (NOH) et d’1-acide napthoïque (NCOOH), qui se complexent par pont hydrogène au bloc P4VP, ces films donnent, respectivement, une morphologie en nodules (sphères) et en stries (cylindres horizontaux). Des études par spectroscopie infrarouge ont permis de mesurer la quantité de petite molécule dans ces films minces, qui varie avec la vitesse de retrait mais qui s’avère être identique pour les deux petites molécules, à une vitesse de retrait donnée. Cependant, des études thermiques ont montré qu’une faible fraction de petite molécule est dispersée dans le PS (davantage de NOH que de NCOOH à cause de la plus faible liaison hydrogène du premier). La vitesse de retrait est un paramètre clé permettant de contrôler à la fois l’épaisseur et la composition du film supramoléculaire. L’évolution de l’épaisseur peut être modélisée par deux régimes récemment découverts. Aux faibles vitesses, l’épaisseur décroît (régime de capillarité), atteint un minimum, puis augmente aux vitesses plus élevées (régime de drainage). La quantité de petite molécule augmente aux faibles vitesses pour atteindre un plateau correspondant à la composition de la solution aux vitesses les plus élevées. Des changements de morphologie, à la fois liés à l’épaisseur et à la quantité de petite molécule, sont alors observés lorsque la vitesse de retrait est modifiée. Le choix du solvant est aussi primordial dans le procédé de « dip-coating » et a été étudié en utilisant le chloroforme, qui est un bon solvant pour les deux blocs. Il s’avère qu’à la fois la composition ainsi que la morphologie des films de PS-P4VP complexés sont différentes par rapport aux expériences réalisées dans le THF. Premièrement, la quantité de petite molécule reste constante avec la vitesse de retrait mais les films sont plus riches en NCOOH qu’en NOH. Deuxièmement, la morphologie des films contenant du NOH présente des stries ainsi que des lamelles à plat, tandis que seules ces dernières sont observables pour le NCOOH. Ce comportement est essentiellement dû à la quantité différente de petite molécule modulée par leur force de complexation différente avec le P4VP dans le chloroforme. Enfin, ces films ont été utilisés pour l’adsorption contrôlée de nanoparticules d’or afin de guider leur organisation sur des surfaces recouvertes de PS-P4VP. Avant de servir comme gabarits, un recuit en vapeurs de solvant permet soit d’améliorer l’ordre à longue distance des nodules de P4VP, soit de modifier la morphologie des films selon le solvant utilisé (THF ou chloroforme). Ils peuvent être ensuite exposés à une solution de nanoparticules d’or de 15 nm de diamètre qui permet leur adsorption sélective sur les nodules (ou stries) de P4VP.
In recent years, there is a visible trend for products/services which demand seamless integration of cellular networks, WLANs and WPANs. This is a strong indication for the inclusion of high speed short range wireless technology in future applications. In this context UWB radio has a significant role to play as an extension/complement to existing cellular/access technology. In the present work, we have investigated two major types of wide band planar antennas: Monopole and Slot. Four novel compact broadband antennas, suitable for poratble applications, are designed and characterized, namely 1. Elliptical monopole 2. Inverted cone monopole 3. Koch fractal slot 4. Wide band slot The performance of these designs have been studied using standard simulation tools used in industry/academia and they have been experimentally verified. Antenna design guidelines are also deduced by accounting the resonances in each structure. In addition to having compact sized, high efficiency and broad bandwidth antennas, one of the major criterion in the design of impulse-UWB systems have been the transmission of narrow band pulses with minimum distortion. The key challenge is not only to design a broad band antenna with constant and stable gain but to maintain a flat group delay or linear phase response in the frequency domain or excellent transient response in time domain. One of the major contributions of the thesis lies in the analysis of the frequency and time-domain response of the designed UWB antennas to confirm their suitability for portable pulsed-UWB systems. Techniques to avoid narrowband interference by engraving narrow slot resonators on the antenna is also proposed and their effect on a nano-second pulse have been investigated.
Tropical Mesoscale Convective Systems and Associated Energetics : Observational and Modeling Studies
The main purpose of the thesis is to improve the state of knowledge and understanding of the physical structure of the TMCS and its short range prediction. The present study principally addresses the fine structure, dynamics and microphysics of severe convective storms.The structure and dynamics of the Tropical cloud clusters over Indian region is not well understood. The observational cases discussed in the thesis are limited to the temperature and humidity observations. We propose a mesoscale observational network along with all the available Doppler radars and other conventional and non—conventional observations. Simultaneous observations with DWR, VHF and UHF radars of the same cloud system will provide new insight into the dynamics and microphysics of the clouds. More cases have to be studied in detail to obtain climatology of the storm type passing over tropical Indian region. These observational data sets provide wide variety of information to be assimilated to the mesoscale data assimilation system and can be used to force CSRM.The gravity wave generation and stratosphere troposphere exchange (STE) processes associated with convection gained a great deal of attention to modem science and meteorologist. Round the clock observations using VHF and UHF radars along with supplementary data sets like DWR, satellite, GPS/Radiosondes, meteorological rockets and aircrafl observations is needed to explore the role of convection and associated energetics in detail.
We present a theoretical investigation of shot-noise properties in nondegenerate elastic diffusive conductors. Both Monte Carlo simulations and analytical approaches are used. Two interesting phenomena are found: (i) the display of enhanced shot noise for given energy dependences of the scattering time, and (ii) the recovery of full shot noise for asymptotic high applied bias. The first phenomenon is associated with the onset of negative differential conductivity in energy space that drives the system towards a dynamical electrical instability in excellent agreement with analytical predictions. The enhancement is found to be strongly amplified when the dimensionality in momentum space is lowered from three to two dimensions. The second phenomenon is due to the suppression of the effects of long-range Coulomb correlations that takes place when the transit time becomes the shortest time scale in the system, and is common to both elastic and inelastic nondegenerate diffusive conductors. These phenomena shed different light in the understanding of the anomalous behavior of shot noise in mesoscopic conductors, which is a signature of correlations among different current pulses.
Within a drift-diffusion model we investigate the role of the self-consistent electric field in determining the impedance field of a macroscopic Ohmic (linear) resistor made by a compensated semi-insulating semiconductor at arbitrary values of the applied voltage. The presence of long-range Coulomb correlations is found to be responsible for a reshaping of the spatial profile of the impedance field. This reshaping gives a null contribution to the macroscopic impedance but modifies essentially the transition from thermal to shot noise of a macroscopic linear resistor. Theoretical calculations explain a set of noise experiments carried out in semi-insulating CdZnTe detectors.
In recent years, there is a visible trend for products/services which demand seamless integration of cellular networks, WLANs and WPANs. This is a strong indication for the inclusion of high speed short range wireless technology in future applications. In this context UWB radio has a significant role to play as an extension/complement to existing cellular/access technology. In the present work, three major types of ultra wide band planar antennas are investigated: Monopole and Slot. Three novel compact UWB antennas, suitable for poratble applications, are designed and characterized, namely 1) Ground modified monopole 2) Serrated monopole 3) Triangular slot The performance of these designs have been studied using standard simulation tools used in industry/academia and they have been experimentally verified. Antenna design guidelines are also deduced by accounting the resonances in each structure. In addition to having compact sized, high efficiency and broad bandwidth antennas, one of the major criterion in the design of impulse-UWB systems have been the transmission of narrow band pulses with minimum distortion. The key challenge is not only to design a broad band antenna with constant and stable gain but to maintain a flat group delay or linear phase response in the frequency domain or excellent transient response in time domain. One of the major contributions of the thesis lies in the analysis of the frequency and timedomain response of the designed UWB antennas to confirm their suitability for portable pulsed-UWB systems. Techniques to avoid narrowband interference by engraving narrow slot resonators on the antenna is also proposed and their effect on a nano-second pulse have been investigated
Zinc ferrite belongs to the class of normal spinels where it is assumed to have a cation distribution of Zn2`(Fe3`)2(O2~)4, and it is purported to be showing zero net magnetisation. However, there have been recent reports suggesting that zinc ferrite exhibits anomaly in its magnetisation. Zinc ferrite samples have been prepared by two di¤erent routes and have been analysed using low energy ion scattering, Mo¬ ssbauer spectroscopy and magnetic measurements. The results indicate that zinc occupies octahedral sites, contrary to the earlier belief that zinc occupies only the tetrahedral sites in a normal spinel. The amount of zinc on the B site increases with decrease in particle size. The LEIS results together with the Mo¬ ssbauer results and the magnetic measurements lead to the conclusion that zinc occupies the B site and the magnetisation exhibited by ultraÞne particles of zinc is due to short range ordering
Magnetism and magnetic materials have been playing a lead role in improving the quality of life. They are increasingly being used in a wide variety of applications ranging from compasses to modern technological devices. Metallic glasses occupy an important position among magnetic materials. They assume importance both from a scientific and an application point of view since they represent an amorphous form of condensed matter with significant deviation from thermodynamic equilibrium. Metallic glasses having good soft magnetic properties are widely used in tape recorder heads, cores of high-power transformers and metallic shields. Superconducting metallic glasses are being used to produce high magnetic fields and magnetic levitation effect. Upon heat treatment, they undergo structural relaxation leading to subtle rearrangements of constituent atoms. This leads to densification of amorphous phase and subsequent nanocrystallisation. The short-range structural relaxation phenomenon gives rise to significant variations in physical, mechanical and magnetic properties. Magnetic amorphous alloys of Co-Fe exhibit excellent soft magnetic properties which make them promising candidates for applications as transformer cores, sensors, and actuators. With the advent of microminiaturization and nanotechnology, thin film forms of these alloys are sought after for soft under layers for perpendicular recording media. The thin film forms of these alloys can also be used for fabrication of magnetic micro electro mechanical systems (magnetic MEMS). In bulk, they are drawn in the form of ribbons, often by melt spinning. The main constituents of these alloys are Co, Fe, Ni, Si, Mo and B. Mo acts as the grain growth inhibitor and Si and B facilitate the amorphous nature in the alloy structure. The ferromagnetic phases such as Co-Fe and Fe-Ni in the alloy composition determine the soft magnetic properties. The grain correlation length, a measure of the grain size, often determines the soft magnetic properties of these alloys. Amorphous alloys could be restructured in to their nanocrystalline counterparts by different techniques. The structure of nanocrystalline material consists of nanosized ferromagnetic crystallites embedded in an amorphous matrix. When the amorphous phase is ferromagnetic, they facilitate exchange coupling between nanocrystallites. This exchange coupling results in the vanishing of magnetocrystalline anisotropy which improves the soft magnetic properties. From a fundamental perspective, exchange correlation length and grain size are the deciding factors that determine the magnetic properties of these nanocrystalline materials. In thin films, surfaces and interfaces predominantly decides the bulk property and hence tailoring the surface roughness and morphology of the film could result in modified magnetic properties. Surface modifications can be achieved by thermal annealing at various temperatures. Ion irradiation is an alternative tool to modify the surface/structural properties. The surface evolution of a thin film under swift heavy ion (SHI) irradiation is an outcome of different competing mechanism. It could be sputtering induced by SHI followed by surface roughening process and the material transport induced smoothening process. The impingement of ions with different fluence on the alloy is bound to produce systematic microstructural changes and this could effectively be used for tailoring magnetic parameters namely coercivity, saturation magnetization, magnetic permeability and remanence of these materials. Swift heavy ion irradiation is a novel and an ingenious tool for surface modification which eventually will lead to changes in the bulk as well as surface magnetic property. SHI has been widely used as a method for the creation of latent tracks in thin films. The bombardment of SHI modifies the surfaces or interfaces or creates defects, which induces strain in the film. These changes will have profound influence on the magnetic anisotropy and the magnetisation of the specimen. Thus inducing structural and morphological changes by thermal annealing and swift heavy ion irradiation, which in turn induce changes in the magnetic properties of these alloys, is one of the motivation of this study. Multiferroic and magneto-electrics is a class of functional materials with wide application potential and are of great interest to material scientists and engineers. Magnetoelectric materials combine both magnetic as well as ferroelectric properties in a single specimen. The dielectric properties of such materials can be controlled by the application of an external magnetic field and the magnetic properties by an electric field. Composites with magnetic and piezo/ferroelectric individual phases are found to have strong magnetoelectric (ME) response at room temperature and hence are preferred to single phasic multiferroic materials. Currently research in this class of materials is towards optimization of the ME coupling by tailoring the piezoelectric and magnetostrictive properties of the two individual components of ME composites. The magnetoelectric coupling constant (MECC) (_ ME) is the parameter that decides the extent of interdependence of magnetic and electric response of the composite structure. Extensive investigates have been carried out in bulk composites possessing on giant ME coupling. These materials are fabricated by either gluing the individual components to each other or mixing the magnetic material to a piezoelectric matrix. The most extensively investigated material combinations are Lead Zirconate Titanate (PZT) or Lead Magnesium Niobate-Lead Titanate (PMNPT) as the piezoelectric, and Terfenol-D as the magnetostrictive phase and the coupling is measured in different configurations like transverse, longitudinal and inplane longitudinal. Fabrication of a lead free multiferroic composite with a strong ME response is the need of the hour from a device application point of view. The multilayer structure is expected to be far superior to bulk composites in terms of ME coupling since the piezoelectric (PE) layer can easily be poled electrically to enhance the piezoelectricity and hence the ME effect. The giant magnetostriction reported in the Co-Fe thin films makes it an ideal candidate for the ferromagnetic component and BaTiO3 which is a well known ferroelectric material with improved piezoelectric properties as the ferroelectric component. The multilayer structure of BaTiO3- CoFe- BaTiO3 is an ideal system to understand the underlying fundamental physics behind the ME coupling mechanism. Giant magnetoelectric coupling coefficient is anticipated for these multilayer structures of BaTiO3-CoFe-BaTiO3. This makes it an ideal candidate for cantilever applications in magnetic MEMS/NEMS devices. SrTiO3 is an incipient ferroelectric material which is paraelectric up to 0K in its pure unstressed form. Recently few studies showed that ferroelectricity can be induced by application of stress or by chemical / isotopic substitution. The search for room temperature magnetoelectric coupling in SrTiO3-CoFe-SrTiO3 multilayer structures is of fundamental interest. Yet another motivation of the present work is to fabricate multilayer structures consisting of CoFe/ BaTiO3 and CoFe/ SrTiO3 for possible giant ME coupling coefficient (MECC) values. These are lead free and hence promising candidates for MEMS applications. The elucidation of mechanism for the giant MECC also will be the part of the objective of this investigation.
We derive a universal model for atom pairs interacting with non-resonant light via the polarizability anisotropy, based on the long range properties of the scattering. The corresponding dynamics can be obtained using a nodal line technique to solve the asymptotic Schrödinger equation. It consists of imposing physical boundary conditions at long range and vanishing the wavefunction at a position separating the inner zone and the asymptotic region. We show that nodal lines which depend on the intensity of the non-resonant light can satisfactorily account for the effect of the polarizability at short range. The approach allows to determine the resonance structure, energy, width, channel mixing and hybridization even for narrow resonances.
The effect of A-block polydispersity on the phase behavior of AB diblock copolymer melts is examined using a complete self-consistent field theory treatment that allows for fractionation of the parent molecular-weight distribution. In addition to observing the established shift in phase boundaries, we find the emergence of significant two-phase coexistence regions causing, for instance, the disappearance of the complex phase window. Furthermore, we find evidence that polydispersity relieves packing frustration, which will reduce the tendency for long-range order.
ERA-40 is a re-analysis of meteorological observations from September 1957 to August 2002 produced by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) in collaboration with many institutions. The observing system changed considerably over this re-analysis period, with assimilable data provided by a succession of satellite-borne instruments from the 1970s onwards, supplemented by increasing numbers of observations from aircraft, ocean-buoys and other surface platforms, but with a declining number of radiosonde ascents since the late 1980s. The observations used in ERA-40 were accumulated from many sources. The first part of this paper describes the data acquisition and the principal changes in data type and coverage over the period. It also describes the data assimilation system used for ERA-40. This benefited from many of the changes introduced into operational forecasting since the mid-1990s, when the systems used for the 15-year ECMWF re-analysis (ERA-15) and the National Centers for Environmental Prediction/National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCEP/NCAR) re-analysis were implemented. Several of the improvements are discussed. General aspects of the production of the analyses are also summarized. A number of results indicative of the overall performance of the data assimilation system, and implicitly of the observing system, are presented and discussed. The comparison of background (short-range) forecasts and analyses with observations, the consistency of the global mass budget, the magnitude of differences between analysis and background fields and the accuracy of medium-range forecasts run from the ERA-40 analyses are illustrated. Several results demonstrate the marked improvement that was made to the observing system for the southern hemisphere in the 1970s, particularly towards the end of the decade. In contrast, the synoptic quality of the analysis for the northern hemisphere is sufficient to provide forecasts that remain skilful well into the medium range for all years. Two particular problems are also examined: excessive precipitation over tropical oceans and a too strong Brewer-Dobson circulation, both of which are pronounced in later years. Several other aspects of the quality of the re-analyses revealed by monitoring and validation studies are summarized. Expectations that the second-generation ERA-40 re-analysis would provide products that are better than those from the firstgeneration ERA-15 and NCEP/NCAR re-analyses are found to have been met in most cases. © Royal Meteorological Society, 2005. The contributions of N. A. Rayner and R. W. Saunders are Crown copyright.
A high-resolution textural study has been made of laminated and banded estuarine silts exposed intertidally at representative localities and horizons in the Holocene deposits of the Severn Estuary Levels. The laminae, on a submillimetre to millimetre scale, are sharp-based, graded couplets formed of a lower silty part overlain by a finer-textured clayey element. The centimetre- to decimetre-scale banding is formed of laminae in alternating, gradually intergrading sets of relatively coarse and relative fine-grained examples. At outcrop in the field, the banding is recognizable because the coarse sets prove to be recessive to varying degrees under the influence of weathering and current action. Independent evidence at two localities points toward an annual origin for the banding; at a third it arose during part of what appears to have been a relatively short period. Quantified physical arguments suggest that the textural banding is a response of suspended fine sediment to marked seasonal changes in sea temperature and windiness. The banded silts occur in four distinct stratigraphical contexts and record high deposition rates (order 0.01-0.1 m/yr). Because physical factors determine their textures, the silts potentially afford insights in all contexts into aspects of changing Holocene climatic conditions. In one context, the thickness of the bands points to high (order 0.01-0.1 m/yr) but comparatively short-lived (order 10s-100s yrs) rates of relative water-level rise. In the others, however, the banding has no implications for sea-level behaviour, and simply records gross environmental disequilibrium, for example, the recovery of mudflats/marshes after an erosional episode. Similarly, because on account of their rapid accumulation the banded silts preserve animal and human tracks and trackways especially well, they provide an archive of animal and human behaviour in the area during the Holocene.
The elucidation of spatial variation in the landscape can indicate potential wildlife habitats or breeding sites for vectors, such as ticks or mosquitoes, which cause a range of diseases. Information from remotely sensed data could aid the delineation of vegetation distribution on the ground in areas where local knowledge is limited. The data from digital images are often difficult to interpret because of pixel-to-pixel variation, that is, noise, and complex variation at more than one spatial scale. Landsat Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) and Satellite Pour l'Observation de La Terre (SPOT) image data were analyzed for an area close to Douna in Mali, West Africa. The variograms of the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) from both types of image data were nested. The parameters of the nested variogram function from the Landsat ETM+ data were used to design the sampling for a ground survey of soil and vegetation data. Variograms of the soil and vegetation data showed that their variation was anisotropic and their scales of variation were similar to those of NDVI from the SPOT data. The short- and long-range components of variation in the SPOT data were filtered out separately by factorial kriging. The map of the short-range component appears to represent the patterns of vegetation and associated shallow slopes and drainage channels of the tiger bush system. The map of the long-range component also appeared to relate to broader patterns in the tiger bush and to gentle undulations in the topography. The results suggest that the types of image data analyzed in this study could be used to identify areas with more moisture in semiarid regions that could support wildlife and also be potential vector breeding sites.
The ECMWF full-physics and dry singular vector (SV) packages, using a dry energy norm and a 1-day optimization time, are applied to four high impact European cyclones of recent years that were almost universally badly forecast in the short range. It is shown that these full-physics SVs are much more relevant to severe cyclonic development than those based on dry dynamics plus boundary layer alone. The crucial extra ingredient is the representation of large-scale latent heat release. The severe winter storms all have a long, nearly straight region of high baroclinicity stretching across the Atlantic towards Europe, with a tongue of very high moisture content on its equatorward flank. In each case some of the final-time top SV structures pick out the region of the actual storm. The initial structures were generally located in the mid- to low troposphere. Forecasts based on initial conditions perturbed by moist SVs with opposite signs and various amplitudes show the range of possible 1-day outcomes for reasonable magnitudes of forecast error. In each case one of the perturbation structures gave a forecast very much closer to the actual storm than the control forecast. Deductions are made about the predictability of high-impact extratropical cyclone events. Implications are drawn for the short-range forecast problem and suggestions made for one practicable way to approach short-range ensemble forecasting. Copyright © 2005 Royal Meteorological Society.
A novel type of tweezer molecule containing electron-rich 2-pyrenyloxy arms has been designed to exploit intramolecular hydrogen bonding in stabilising a preferred conformation for supramolecular complexation to complementary sequences in aromatic copolyimides. This tweezer-conformation is demonstrated by single-crystal X-ray analyses of the tweezer molecule itself and of its complex with an aromatic diimide model-compound. In terms of its ability to bind selectively to polyimide chains, the new tweezer molecule shows very high sensitivity to sequence effects. Thus, even low concentrations of tweezer relative to diimide units (<2.5 mol%) are sufficient to produce dramatic, sequence-related splittings of the pyromellitimide proton NMR resonances. These induced resonance-shifts arise from ring-current shielding of pyromellitimide protons by the pyrenyloxy arms of the tweezer-molecule, and the magnitude of such shielding is a function of the tweezer-binding constant for any particular monomer sequence. Recognition of both short-range and long-range sequences is observed, the latter arising from cumulative ring-current shielding of diimide protons by tweezer molecules binding at multiple adjacent sites on the copolymer chain.