570 resultados para Shopping
This wallet card has been produced to help maximise awareness of the abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) screening programme in Northern Ireland. It provides the website address of the screening programme - www.aaascreening.info - as well as email and telephone contact details for the screening programme office. A postal address is also included. The wallet cards will be distributed to eligible men through the following channels, among others: public events, eg talks with men's groups, Farm Families Health Checks programme;health information stands in shopping centres, supermarkets etc;GP practices;pharmacies. �
Al llarg d'aquest treball es desenvolupa un sistema de micropagament basat en un model client - servidor en què el procés d'intercanvi de dades no necessita ser validat en temps real. El client té una cartera on guarda les monedes de què disposa per a fer les compres, i el servidor demana les monedes abans de fer la transferència del producte adquirit; aquestes monedes són guardades pel servidor i al final del dia es fa la conversió a diners.
If you think you could be inching towards bad health then this leaflet is packed with tips and advice to help you keep your weight and waistline healthy.Now includes food and physical activity diaries to complete, and a pull-out section for a weekly meal planner and shopping list.
Se incluye toda la documentación y código licenciado como software libre, correspondiente con el proyecto fin de gestión integral de las promociones de los centros comerciales de una ciudad. Existen en Zaragoza zonas/centros comerciales. Estos núcleos de comercios se encuentran diseminados por la ciudad, demandando una gestión unificada de sus eventos publicitarios y ofertas comerciales. Este proyecto nace para que una zona/centro comercial pueda ofrecer una oferta conjunta y de mayor envergadura, lo que favorece el acercamiento del visitante y potenciales clientes a los establecimientos.
Some people cannot buy products without first touching them, believing that doing so will create more assurance and information and reduce uncertainty. The international consumer marketing literature suggests an instrument to measure consumers' necessity for pohysical contact, called Need for Touch (NFT). This paper analyzes whether the Need for Touch structure is empirically consistent. Based on a literature review, we suggest six hypotheses in order to assess the nomological, convergent, and discriminant validity of the phenomenon. Departing from these, data supported four assumptions in the predicted direction. Need for Touch was associated with Need for Input and with Need for Cognition. Need for Touch was not associated with traditional marketing channels. The results also showed the dual characterization of Need for Touch as a bi-dimensional construct. The moderator effect indicated that when the consumer has a higher (vs. lower) Need for Touch autotelic score, the experiential motivation for shopping played a more (vs. less) important role in impulsive motivation. Our Study 3 supports the NFT structure and shows new associations with the need for unique products and dependent decisions.
The spectacular failure of top-rated structured finance products has broughtrenewed attention to the conflicts of interest of Credit Rating Agencies (CRAs). We modelboth the CRA conflict of understating credit risk to attract more business, and the issuerconflict of purchasing only the most favorable ratings (issuer shopping), and examine theeffectiveness of a number of proposed regulatory solutions of CRAs. We find that CRAs aremore prone to inflate ratings when there is a larger fraction of naive investors in the marketwho take ratings at face value, or when CRA expected reputation costs are lower. To theextent that in booms the fraction of naive investors is higher, and the reputation risk forCRAs of getting caught understating credit risk is lower, our model predicts that CRAs aremore likely to understate credit risk in booms than in recessions. We also show that, due toissuer shopping, competition among CRAs in a duopoly is less efficient (conditional on thesame equilibrium CRA rating policy) than having a monopoly CRA, in terms of both totalex-ante surplus and investor surplus. Allowing tranching decreases total surplus further.We argue that regulatory intervention requiring upfront payments for rating services (beforeCRAs propose a rating to the issuer) combined with mandatory disclosure of any ratingproduced by CRAs can substantially mitigate the con.icts of interest of both CRAs andissuers.
The collapse of so many AAA-rated structured finance products in 2007-2008has brought renewed attention to the causes of ratings failures and the conflicts of interestin the Credit Ratings Industry. We provide a model of competition among Credit RatingsAgencies (CRAs) in which there are three possible sources of conflicts: 1) the CRA conflictof interest of understating credit risk to attract more business; 2) the ability of issuersto purchase only the most favorable ratings; and 3) the trusting nature of some investorclienteles who may take ratings at face value. We show that when combined, these give riseto three fundamental equilibrium distortions. First, competition among CRAs can reducemarket efficiency, as competition facilitates ratings shopping by issuers. Second, CRAs aremore prone to inflate ratings in boom times, when there are more trusting investors, andwhen the risks of failure which could damage CRA reputation are lower. Third, the industrypractice of tranching of structured products distorts market efficiency as its role is to deceivetrusting investors. We argue that regulatory intervention requiring: i) upfront paymentsfor rating services (before CRAs propose a rating to the issuer), ii) mandatory disclosure ofany rating produced by CRAs, and iii) oversight of ratings methodology can substantiallymitigate ratings inflation and promote efficiency.
The two essential features of a decentralized economy taken intoaccount are, first, that individual agents need some informationabout other agents in order to meet potential trading partners,which requires some communication or interaction between theseagents, and second, that in general agents will face tradinguncertainty. We consider trade in a homogeneous commodity. Firmsdecide upon their effective supplies, and may create their ownmarkets by sending information signals communicating theirwillingness to sell. Meeting of potential trading partners isarranged in the form of shopping by consumers. The questions to beconsidered are: How do firms compete in such markets? And what arethe properties of an equilibrium? We establish existenceconditions for a symmetric Nash equilibrium in the firms'strategies, and analyze its characteristics. The developedframework appears to lend itself well to study many typicalphenomena of decentralized economies, such as the emergence ofcentral markets, the role of middlemen, and price-making.
One-on-one communication with driver’s license customers is the most valuable tool Driver Services employees use to help drivers stay independent and safe. Driver Services employees understand that a sense of remaining independent, in everything from running errands to shopping to visits with friends, family and doctors, depends on a driver’s license. There are times when Driver Services personnel, or even the drivers themselves, determine it’s time to stop driving. In those cases, people are given a free identification card. There are also times when the DOT must suspend a person’s driving privilege. This can be caused by vision problems, a medical condition or unsafe driving. If the driver cannot be relicensed, DOT personnel make the commitment to work with the individual by providing information about available transportation alternatives. We are providing this information to make the renewal process understandable and less stressful. We hope that by explaining why the DOT screens vision, requires medical information and requests drive tests, and describing how these all relate to highway safety, drivers will know what to expect. Personnel are available to answer questions or discuss concerns at any of the Iowa Department of Transportation or County Treasurer driver’s license sites. Please contact one of the driver’s license stations listed in this booklet.
Although there are many ways to cut you water heating bills, the all fall into two broad categories: reducing the amount of hot water you use and making your water heating system more efficient. Fortunately, there are several strategies that can help you consume less energy and save money - and still meet you hot water needs without sacrificing comfort or practicality. The booklet was designed to answer common questions about hot water systems and to provide you with the information necessary to make informed decision about a wide variety of topics, ranging from repairing hot water faucet leaks an insulation water supply pipes to installing low-flow shower heads and tuning you your existing water heather. You'll also find details on what to consider when it's time to go comparison shopping for a new water heater-including an evaluation of the alternatives to the common gas or electric storage tank unit that's found in the majority of homes in Iowa and across the country.
AVANT PROPOS L'abus des conventions de double imposition (treaty shopping) est une des problématiques les plus riches de la fiscalité internationale contemporaine. L'utilisation d'une telle convention (ci-après : CDI) par des personnes ne résidant effectivement dans aucun des Etats contractants à la convention constitue pour une majorité de la doctrine internationale un abus de droit. La problématique de l'abus des CDI a été identifiée de longue date en Suisse. Elle a suivi une évolution partiellement différente aux Etats-Unis. Les deux approches se sont rencontrées une première fois lors de la conclusion de la CDI CH-US de 1951 (art. XI). Longtemps évoquée, la révision de cette convention a été finalisée en 1996. Cette deuxième rencontre a fait entrer dans l'ordre juridique suisse une disposition d'un type complètement nouveau, qui aura des répercussions jusque dans la pratique anti-abus au plan interne en Suisse. La présente étude s'attachera à examiner l'évolution comparée de la lutte contre l'abus des CDI en Suisse tout d'abord (première partie), et aux Etats-Unis ensuite (IIe partie), ainsi que les relations entre les normes internes anti-abus et celles découlant d'une convention dans chacun des deux Etats. La clause spécifique de limitation des avantages de la Convention actuelle (art. 22 CDI-US) sera analysée dans la IIIe partie. La dernière partie (IVe partie) sera consacrée à une comparaison entre cette disposition et les mesures anti-abus contenues dans le Modèle de convention de l'OCDE afin de déterminer si cette clause constitue réellement l'instrument optimal pour lutter contre l'utilisation indue des conventions de double imposition.
West Africans in the United States may face negative responses from people in their community because of the current Ebola outbreak. People may say bad things about you, or try to stop you or your family from everyday activities like work, school, shopping, or spending time with friends. This is known as stigma. Stigma mostly occurs because of fear—people fear Ebola and the disease is linked with a specific region of the world. You are not more at risk for Ebola because of your specific race or country of origin.
A variety of behavioral disorders occurring abruptly in patients with Parkinson's disease (PD) has been recently published and attracted considerable attention in the press. Taking the form of pathological gambling, compulsive shopping, addiction to Internet and to other recreational activities, hypersexuality or bulimia, impulse control disorders (ICD) related to PD are probably more frequent than previously appreciated and may have consequences as spectacular as disastrous for the involved patients. ICD are currently viewed as particular adverse reactions to antiparkinsonian medications, notably to dopamine agonists, and, accordingly, tend to improve or disappear when PD therapy is appropriately adjusted.