510 resultados para Secrets commerciaux
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"The stories of the [Gilbert and Sullivan] operas": p. 136-184.
Mode of access: Internet.
"February 1997."
The key to successful team management lies in the manager's ability to trust, recruit, delegate, nurture and inspire. This practical guide shows how to become the perfect balance of inspirational leader, efficient manager and understanding coach.
In November 2013 the European Commission issued the “Proposal for a Directive on the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of undisclosed know-how and business information (trade secrets) against their unlawful acquisition, use and disclosure” (referred to as “TSD”). The TSD offers minimum harmonisation and aims at promoting sharing of knowledge, and the exploitation of innovations on the Internal Market. The European Parliament adopted the TSD on April 14, 2016 and the EU Member States will have two years to implement it. The TSD includes a harmonised definition of a trade secret that builds on the definition provided in Article 39 of the TRIPS Agreement. Moreover, it also ensures the freedom of expression and information and the protection of whistle-blowers. Appropriate means of actions and remedies against unlawful acquisition, use and disclosure of trade secrets are also included, such as provisional and pecuniary measures, injunctions and corrective measures or allocation of damages. This study examines the protection of trade secrets in the course of litigation regulated in Article 9 of the TSD. Currently, the protection of trade secrets within the EU is fragmented especially in this regard, which makes companies reluctant to resort to litigation when a trade secret has unlawfully been misappropriated or it is suspected that a trade secret is being misused. The regulations in Article 9 expand only to the hearing in court. Such protection is welcomed and a step in the right direction. However, in my study I have found that in order for the protection to be sufficient there is a need to further establish measures to protect trade secrets during the entire process, from the filing of the claim to the end when the judgement is given. Consequently, I also discuss different measures that could be used to strengthen the protection of trade secrets before the hearing in court, as evidence are gathered.
In November 2013 the European Commission issued the “Proposal for a Directive on the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of undisclosed know-how and business information (trade secrets) against their unlawful acquisition, use and disclosure” (referred to as “TSD”). The TSD offers minimum harmonisation and aims at promoting sharing of knowledge, and the exploitation of innovations on the Internal Market. The European Parliament adopted the TSD on April 14, 2016 and the EU Member States will have two years to implement it. The TSD includes a harmonised definition of a trade secret that builds on the definition provided in Article 39 of the TRIPS Agreement. Moreover, it also ensures the freedom of expression and information and the protection of whistle-blowers. Appropriate means of actions and remedies against unlawful acquisition, use and disclosure of trade secrets are also included, such as provisional and pecuniary measures, injunctions and corrective measures or allocation of damages. This study examines the protection of trade secrets in the course of litigation regulated in Article 9 of the TSD. Currently, the protection of trade secrets within the EU is fragmented especially in this regard, which makes companies reluctant to resort to litigation when a trade secret has unlawfully been misappropriated or it is suspected that a trade secret is being misused. The regulations in Article 9 expand only to the hearing in court. Such protection is welcomed and a step in the right direction. However, in my study I have found that in order for the protection to be sufficient there is a need to further establish measures to protect trade secrets during the entire process, from the filing of the claim to the end when the judgement is given. Consequently, I also discuss different measures that could be used to strengthen the protection of trade secrets before the hearing in court, as evidence are gathered.
C’est en supposant l’existence de la richesse interactionnelle des espaces publics que nous analysons, dans cet article, les flux de circulation contemporains des centres commerciaux comme étant l’expression d’une certaine socialité. Bien loin d’être un phénomène propre d’une foule amorphe ou un simple procédé de déplacements individuels, ces marches montrent un besoin de grégarité assumant une forme nomade ou itinérante. Nous soutenons que les centres commerciaux rendent actuels une structure anthropologique faisant de l’agrégation autour de l’espace une base pour la socialité. Ce qui distingue la socialité itinérante est la traversée de l’espace et de la matérialité physique dans le seul but de la transcender. Bien plus que simplement consommer ou se déplacer fonctionnellement, ces flux semblent répondre à l’exigence, face à une austérité urbaine, des formes communautaires du lien social.
C’est en supposant l’existence de la richesse interactionnelle des espaces publics que nous analysons, dans cet article, les flux de circulation contemporains des centres commerciaux comme étant l’expression d’une certaine socialité. Bien loin d’être un phénomène propre d’une foule amorphe ou un simple procédé de déplacements individuels, ces marches montrent un besoin de grégarité assumant une forme nomade ou itinérante. Nous soutenons que les centres commerciaux rendent actuels une structure anthropologique faisant de l’agrégation autour de l’espace une base pour la socialité. Ce qui distingue la socialité itinérante est la traversée de l’espace et de la matérialité physique dans le seul but de la transcender. Bien plus que simplement consommer ou se déplacer fonctionnellement, ces flux semblent répondre à l’exigence, face à une austérité urbaine, des formes communautaires du lien social.
The usage of version control systems and the capabilities of storing the source code in public platforms such as GitHub increased the number of passwords, API Keys and tokens that can be found and used causing a massive security issue for people and companies. In this project, SAP's secret scanner Credential Digger is presented. How it can scan repositories to detect hardcoded secrets and how it manages to filter out the false positives between them. Moreover, how I have implemented the Credential Digger's pre-commit hook. A performance comparison between three different implementations of the hook based on how it interacts with the Machine Learning model is presented. This project also includes how it is possible to use already detected credentials to decrease the number false positive by leveraging the similarity between leaks by using the Bucket System.
The Jabirian Corpus refers to the K. Thahirat Al-`Iskandar, ""The Book of the Treasure of Alexander"" (hereafter BTA), as one of several forgeries suggesting that alchemical secrets were hidden in inscriptions in various places. The book was neglected until 1926, when Julius Ruska discussed it in his work on the Emerald Tablet, placing the BTA within the literature related to the development of Arabic alchemy. His preliminary study became an essential reference and encouraged many scholars to work on the BTA in the following decades. Some years ago, we completed the first translation of the BTA into a Western language. The work was based on the acephalous Escorial manuscript, which we identified as a fourteenth-century copy of the BTA. This manuscript is peculiar, as part of it is encoded. After finishing our translation, we started to establish the text of the BTA. At present, the text is in process of fixation-to be followed by textual criticism-and has been the main focus of a thorough study of ours on medieval hermeticism and alchemy. A sample of the work currently in progress is presented in this paper: an analysis of the variations between different manuscripts along with a study and English translation of its alchemical chapter.
The field of protein crystallography inspires and enthrals, whether it be for the beauty and symmetry of a perfectly formed protein crystal, the unlocked secrets of a novel protein fold, or the precise atomic-level detail yielded from a protein-ligand complex. Since 1958, when the first protein structure was solved, there have been tremendous advances in all aspects of protein crystallography, from protein preparation and crystallisation through to diffraction data measurement and structure refinement. These advances have significantly reduced the time required to solve protein crystal structures, while at the same time substantially improving the quality and resolution of the resulting structures. Moreover, the technological developments have induced researchers to tackle ever more complex systems, including ribosomes and intact membrane-bound proteins, with a reasonable expectation of success. In this review, the steps involved in determining a protein crystal structure are described and the impact of recent methodological advances identified. Protein crystal structures have proved to be extraordinarily useful in medicinal chemistry research, particularly with respect to inhibitor design. The precise interaction between a drug and its receptor can be visualised at the molecular level using protein crystal structures, and this information then used to improve the complementarity and thus increase the potency and selectivity of an inhibitor. The use of protein crystal structures in receptor-based drug design is highlighted by (i) HIV protease, (ii) influenza virus neuraminidase and (iii) prostaglandin H-2-synthetase. These represent, respectively, examples of protein crystal structures that (i) influenced the design of drugs currently approved for use in the treatment of HIV infection, (ii) led to the design of compounds currently in clinical trials for the treatment of influenza infection and (iii) could enable the design of highly specific non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that lack the common side-effects of this drug class.
Angola, jeje e ketu: Memórias e identidades em casas e nações de candomblé na Região Metropolitana da Grande Vitória (ES), que é o tema desta dissertação, requer adentrar em análises de categorias nativas do povo de santo, e, em seguida, passar a questões teóricas sobre esses temas. Na cidade de Serra encontram-se as quatro casas de santo onde a pesquisa de campo foi realizada com três iyalorixás e um babalorixá, que dividem suas memórias e experiências religiosas compondo um exercício teórico sobre a história e a formação do candomblé no Espírito Santo. Nesse estado, que não é referência dessa religião, a mesma encontra-se em ascensão. A preocupação dos integrantes das comunidades de terreiros é transformar parte das tradições orais em produção escrita. Tendo em vista os processos políticos de reconhecimento legal da diversidade cultural, o debate se deu em torno de hibridização e múltiplas formas de identidade. O universo encantador e mágico do candomblé é composto pelos toques dos atabaques, danças rituais e fé em forças da natureza. Os “filhos da diáspora africana” trazidos para o Brasil eram de várias regiões da África, o que nos permite entender a diversidade cultural que marca esses grupos. Em função do sincretismo entre as próprias religiões de matriz africana e delas com o catolicismo e as doutrinas espiritualistas, essas religiões encontram-se de norte a sul do país. Este encontro de crenças e rituais é tão evidente que já não dizemos religiões “africanas” e sim religiões “afro-brasileiras”. O candomblé, desde o seu surgimento, vem sendo criado e recriado pela transmissão de suas tradições e ritos. A tradição oral nas comunidades de terreiro é um dos elementos demarcadores da construção da sua identidade, a partir de uma organização interna e do aprendizado hierarquicamente transmitido pelos depositários do saber, seguindo uma ordem de senioridade de iniciação, os antigos são detentores dos saberes e segredos. Por ser uma religião iniciática, o aprendizado ocorre permanentemente, em especial o da língua ritual, onde o exercício e o contato levam a transmissão cultural. O povo de santo reconstrói uma ligação com uma comunidade imaginada que remonta a África e desenvolve relações de parentesco ficcional entre os membros das comunidades de terreiro e forma uma família de santo e de axé.
O tecido adiposo é um órgão endócrino dinâmico, secretando factores importantes na regulação do metabolismo, fluxo vascular sanguíneo e linfático, e função imunológica, entre outros. Em caso de acumulação de tecido adiposo por ingestão de uma dieta gorda, ou por disfunção metabólica, os adipócitos podem desencadear uma reacção inflamatória por falha na drenagem linfática, acumulando-se mediadores inflamatórios, os quais potenciam a propagação da reacção. Assim, questiona-se uma potencial associação entre o aumento de tecido adiposo na obesidade, hipóxia adipocitária e estimulação da linfangiogénese. Além disso, a expressão de adipocinas varia de acordo com a distribuição do tecido adiposo (subcutâneo, TAS e visceral, TAV). Deste modo, pretende-se com este estudo contribuir para o aumento do conhecimento sobre os complexos mecanismos moleculares subjacentes à linfangiogénese. Ensaios com ratinhos da estirpe C57Bl/6J (modelo de obesidade) e BALB/c (modelo de asma e obesidade), divididos em grupos submetidos a dieta normal e dieta rica em gordura. Avaliação semi-quantitativa da expressão tecidular de LYVE-1 (marcador da linfangiogénese) por imunohistoquímica em material embebido em parafina, no TAS e TAV, e cromatografia líquida de ultra-performance acoplada de espectrometria de massa (UPLC-MS) para análise da expressão plasmática de ceramida e esfingosina-1-fosfato (S1P). No modelo de obesidade observou- -se diminuição do número de vasos linfáticos e expressão de LYVE-1 ao longo do tempo no TAV, e aumento de ambos os parâmetros e hipertrofia adipocitária no TAS. As concentrações de ceramida e S1P corroboram a existência de um processo inflamatório nos ratinhos em estudo, ainda que numa fase muito inicial. No modelo de asma e obesidade, após 17 semanas de tratamento, observou-se incremento da linfangiogénese no TAV, mas não no TAS. A resposta inflamatória avaliada através dos diferentes parâmetros permite afirmar que num estadio inicial de obesidade a proliferação linfática poderá estar a ser retardada pela hipertrofia adipocitária. A libertação de adipocinas será observada apenas numa fase posterior, desencadeando todo o processo inflamatório que incrementará a proliferação linfática. Adicionalmente, é possível sugerir que a maior pressão à qual o TAV se encontra sujeito não favorece a proliferação linfática, pelo menos num estadio incial.