356 resultados para SPINOR ELECTRODYNAMICS


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By replacing ten-dimensional pure spinors with eleven-dimensional pure spinors, the formalism recently developed for covariantly quantizing the d = 10 superparticle and superstring is extended to the d = 11 superparticle and supermembrane. In this formalism, kappa symmetry is replaced by a BRST-like invariance using the nilpotent operator Q = ∮ λ αdα where dα is the worldvolume variable corresponding to the d = 11 spacetime supersymmetric derivative and λα is an SO(10, 1) pure spinor variable satisfying λΓcλ = 0 for c = 1 to 11. Super-Poincaré covariant unintegrated and integrated supermembrane vertex operators are explicitly constructed which are in the cohomology of Q. After double-dimensional reduction of the eleventh dimension, these vertex operators are related to type-IIA superstring vertex operators where Q = QL + QR is the sum of the left and right-moving type-IIA BRST operators and the eleventh component of the pure spinor constraint, λΓ 11λ = 0, replaces the bL 0 - b R 0 constraint of the closed superstring. A conjecture is made for the computation of M-theory scattering amplitudes using these supermembrane vertex operators. © SISSA/ISAS 2002.


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It is proven that the pure spinor superstring in an AdS5 × S5 background remains conformally invariant at one loop level in the sigma model perturbation theory. © SISSA/ISAS 2003.


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After constructing a BRST operator from the fermionic Green-Schwarz constraints and a bosonic pure spinor ghost variable, the superstring is covariantly quantized and N-point tree amplitudes are computed in a manifestly ten-dimensional super-Poincaré covariant manner. © 2004 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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A generalized relativistic harmonic oscillator for spin 1/2 particles is studied. The Dirac Hamiltonian contains a scalar S and a vector V quadratic potentials in the radial coordinate, as well as a tensor potential U linear in r. Setting either or both combinations Σ=5+V and δ=V-S to zero, analytical solutions for bound states of the corresponding Dirac equations are found. The eigenenergies and wave functions are presented and particular cases are discussed, devoting a special attention to the nonrelativistic limit and the case Σ=0, for which pseudospin symmetry is exact. We also show that the case U=δ=0 is the most natural generalization of the nonrelativistic harmonic oscillator. The radial node structure of the Dirac spinor is studied for several combinations of harmonic-oscillator potentials, and that study allows us to explain why nuclear intruder levels cannot be described in the framework of the relativistic harmonic oscillator in the pseudospin limit.


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Different string theories in twistor space have recently been proposed for describing N = 4 super-Yang-Mills. In this paper, a string theory in (x, θ) space is constructed for self-dual N = 4 super-Yang-Mills. It is hoped that these results will be useful for understanding the twistor-string proposals and their possible relation with the pure spinor formalism of the D = 10 superstring. © SISSA/ISAS 2004.


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Hughston has shown that projective pure spinors can be used to construct massless solutions in higher dimensions, generalizing the four-dimensional twistor transform of Penrose. In any even (euclidean) dimension d = 2n, projective pure spinors parameterize the coset space SO(2n)/U(n), which is the space of all complex structures on ℝ2n. For d = 4 and d = 6, these spaces are ℂℙ1 and ℂℙ3 and the appropriate twistor transforms can easily be constructed. In this paper, we show how to construct the twistor transform for d > 6 when the pure spinor satisfies nonlinear constraints, and present explicit formulas for solutions of the massless field equations. © SISSA/ISAS 2005.


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A relation is found between nonlocal conserved charges in string theory and certain ghost-number two states in the BRST cohomology. This provides a simple proof that the nonlocal conserved charges for the superstring in an AdS 5 × S5 background are BRST-invariant in the pure spinor formalism and are κ-symmetric in the Green-Schwarz formalism. © SISSA/ISAS 2005.


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Using arguments based on BRST cohomology, the pure spinor formalism for the superstring in an AdS 5×S 5 background is proven to be BRST invariant and conformally invariant at the quantum level to all orders in perturbation theory. Cohomology arguments are also used to prove the existence of an infinite set of non-local BRST-invariant charges at the quantum level. © SISSA 2005.


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General relativity and quantum mechanics are not consistent with each other. This conflict stems from the very fundamental principles on which these theories are grounded. General relativity, on one hand, is based on the equivalence principle, whose strong version establishes the local equivalence between gravitation and inertia. Quantum mechanics, on the other hand, is fundamentally based on the uncertainty principle, which is essentially nonlocal. This difference precludes the existence of a quantum version of the strong equivalence principle, and consequently of a quantum version of general relativity. Furthermore, there are compelling experimental evidences that a quantum object in the presence of a gravitational field violates the weak equivalence principle. Now it so happens that, in addition to general relativity, gravitation has an alternative, though equivalent, description, given by teleparallel gravity, a gauge theory for the translation group. In this theory torsion, instead of curvature, is assumed to represent the gravitational field. These two descriptions lead to the same classical results, but are conceptually different. In general relativity, curvature geometrizes the interaction while torsion, in teleparallel gravity, acts as a force, similar to the Lorentz force of electrodynamics. Because of this peculiar property, teleparallel gravity describes the gravitational interaction without requiring any of the equivalence principle versions. The replacement of general relativity by teleparallel gravity may, in consequence, lead to a conceptual reconciliation of gravitation with quantum mechanics. © 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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We propose a SUSY variant of the action for a massless spinning particles via the inclusion of twistor variables. The action is constructed to be invariant under SUSY transformations and τ-reparametrizations even when an interaction field is including. The constraint analysis is achieved and the equations of motion are derived. The commutation relations obtained for the commuting spinor variables λα show that the particle states have fractional statistics and spin. At once we introduce a possible massive term for the non-interacting model. © SISSA 2006.


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We show that the conditions which originate the spin and pseudospin symmetries in the Dirac equation are the same that produce equivalent energy spectra of relativistic spin-1/2 and spin-0 particles in the presence of vector and scalar potentials. The conclusions do not depend on the particular shapes of the potentials and can be important in different fields of physics. When both scalar and vector potentials are spherical, these conditions for isospectrality imply that the spin-orbit and Darwin terms of either the upper component or the lower component of the Dirac spinor vanish, making it equivalent, as far as energy is concerned, to a spin-0 state. In this case, besides energy, a scalar particle will also have the same orbital angular momentum as the (conserved) orbital angular momentum of either the upper or lower component of the corresponding spin-1/2 particle. We point out a few possible applications of this result. © 2007 The American Physical Society.


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Using the results recently obtained for computing integrals over (non-minimal) pure spinor superspace, we compute the coefficient of the massless two-loop four-point amplitude from first principles. Contrasting with the mathematical difficulties in the RNS formalism where unknown normalizations of chiral determinant formulæ force the two-loop coefficient to be determined only indirectly through factorization, the computation in the pure spinor formalism can be smoothly carried out. © SISSA 2010.


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The first Brazilian mission to an asteroid is being planned. The target is the asteroid 2001 SN263, which has a NEA orbit of class AMOR. Spectral analysis indicated that this is a C-type asteroid. This type of asteroids are dark and difficult to be studied from Earth. They hold clues of the initial stages of planetary formation and also the origin of water and life on Earth. In fact, radar data showed that 2001 SN263 is composed of three bodies with diameters of about 2.8 km, 1.1 km and 0.4 km. Therefore, the spacecraft will have the opportunity to explore three bodies on the same trip. The mission is scheduled to be launched in 2015, reaching the asteroid in 2018. It will be used a small spacecraft (150 kg) with 30 kg for the payload. The set of scientific instruments being considered to explore the target of this mission include an Imaging Camera, a Laser Rangefinder, an Infrared Spectrometer, a Synthetic Aperture Radar and a Mass Spectrometer. The main measurements to be made include the bulk properties (size, shape, mass, density, dynamics, spin state), the internal properties (structure, gravity field) and surface properties (mineralogy, morphology, elemental composition). The mission also opens an opportunity for some relevant experiments, not directly related to the target. Two such experiments will take benefit from being on board of the spacecraft along the journey to the asteroid system, which will take about three years. The first is an astrobiology experiment. The main goal of this experiment is to determine the viability of the microorganisms survival in extraterrestrial environments simulated in laboratory (chemical atmosphere, temperature, desiccation, vacuum, microgravity and radiation). The second experiment is a plasma package. The main objectives of this experiment are to study the structure and electrodynamics of plasma along the trajectory, the plasma instability processes and the density and temperature of plasma of solar wind origin along the trajectory and near the asteroids. This mission represents a great challenge for the Brazilian space program. It is being structured to allow the full engagement of the Brazilian universities and technological companies in all the necessary developments to be carried out. In this paper, we present some aspects of this mission and details of the payload that will be used and the scientific expectations. Copyright ©2010 by the International Astronautical Federation. All rights reserved.


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In the study of the Type II superstring, it is useful to consider the BRST complex associated to the sum of two pure spinors. The cohomology of this complex is an infinite-dimensional vector space. It is also a finite-dimensional algebra over the algebra of functions of a single pure spinor. In this paper we study the multiplicative structure. © 2013 World Scientific Publishing Company.


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