987 resultados para SOU 1976:19
This is the report from the South and West Cumberland Fisheries Advisory Committee meeting, which was held on the 28th June, 1976. The report contains sections on Branthwaite Weir and fisheries activities. The section on fisheries activities during the period 13th January-2nd March includes stocking; biological surveys; fish mortalities; hatcheries and redd counting. The section on fisheries activities during the period 2nd March-20th May includes a general report of the area; fry stocking/rearing; River works (River Ehen, Calder, Derwent, and Glenderamackin); coarse fish removal; and fish transfers. The Fisheries Advisory Committee was part of the Regional Water Authorities, in this case the North West Water Authority. This preceded the Environment Agency which came into existence in 1996.
This is the report from the Mersey and Weaver Cumberland Fisheries Advisory Committee meeting, which was held on the 23rd June, 1976. The report contains sections on fisheries activities and fishing licence distributors in the Mersey and Weaver Area. The section on fisheries activities is reported by the area fisheries officer and includes general fisheries management; stocking; biological work in Rivers Etherow, Bollin, Mersey, Irwell and Hllingworth Lake; fish mortalities and fishing. The Fisheries Advisory Committee was part of the Regional Water Authorities, in this case the North West Water Authority. This preceded the Environment Agency which came into existence in 1996.
This is the Water Resources in West Cumbria November 1976 report produced by the North West Water Authority. The report focuses on the provision of additional supplies of water in West Cumbria. In certain areas of West Cumbria difficulties arose in meeting peak demands. Moreover British Nuclear Fuels Ltd. (B.N.F.L) required additional water supplies. The area under consideration forms the western edge of the Lake District National Park and all the sources considered in this report, apart from the aquifer in the immediate vicinity of Calder Hall, lie wholly or partly within the National Park boundaries. The Rivers Ehen, Calder and Irt support migratory trout and salmon and are angling streams of a high quality. Amenity considerations therefore play an important part in determining the location and extent of any development.
The workshop and symposium titled Sustainable Small-scale Fisheries: Towards FAO Guidelines on Marine and Inland Small-scale Fisheries was jointly organized by the National Fishworkers’ Forum (NFF) and the Society for Direct Initiative for Social and Health Action (DISHA), in collaboration with the International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF). The workshop was the first in a series of consultations around the world organized to discuss the Voluntary Guidelines on Small-scale Fisheries (VGSSF) and propose measures, keeping in mind the interests and concerns of small-scale fisheries and fishing communities. The workshop was also a forum to make the role of small-scale fisheries and fishworkers more visible in the context of food security, poverty alleviation and sustainable use of fishery resources. The workshop had 62 participants from both the marine and inland sectors, representing 10 States of India. The participants included fishworkers, representatives of fishworker organizations, policymakers and representatives of multilateral organizations. The workshop was structured to facilitate active interaction and discussion among participants, taking into account linguistic diversity and the contextual differences of the marine and inland sectors. This publication will be useful for fishworkers, fishworker organizations, researchers, policymakers, fish farmers, members of civil society and anyone interested in small-scale fisheries and livelihoods.
A presente pesquisa analisa as transformações nas famílias brasileiras do ponto de vista dos diferenciais entre classes e da autonomia feminina no período de 1976 a 2012. Elegeu-se analisar aspectos da formação de família, reprodução, socialização dos filhos e divisão do trabalho (doméstico e remunerado). Na primeira parte, apresenta-se o objeto da pesquisa, seu referencial teórico e histórico. O capítulo 1 apresenta o problema de pesquisa, situando-o no quadro geral das mudanças na condição das mulheres nas famílias no Ocidente e em face das hipóteses de classe presentes nas pesquisas de gênero e família no Brasil. O capítulo 2 apresenta o referencial teórico empregado, considerando a relação entre vida familiar e as estratificações de classe e gênero, e a mudança social como transformação no equilíbrio de poder. O capítulo 3 oferece evidências históricas da diversidade e das mudanças, na longa duração, das práticas familiares e dos rótulos a elas associados, aprofundando-se, a seguir, a experiência de modernização do contexto de 1976 a 2012, escolhido para a análise de dados. Na parte dois investigam-se as transformações nas dimensões centrais da vida familiar, relativas à conjugalidade, reprodução e socialização de filhos. Destacam-se o controle da fecundidade pela contracepção, o adiamento da união e da maternidade, as mudanças no equilíbrio de poder nos casais, e a superação e até inversão das desigualdades educacionais das filhas comparadas aos filhos. Abordam-se também aspectos persistentes de desigualdades em cada uma dessas esferas, como a violência entre parceiros íntimos, a maternidade na adolescência e as dificuldades no processo de autonomização dos jovens. Na terceira parte, indaga-se sobre a construção da autonomia econômica das mulheres na intersecção entre as dimensões do trabalho doméstico e remunerado. No capítulo 7, após constatar a tendência geral e as variações por classe no crescimento da participação das mulheres no mercado de trabalho, nota-se que o engajamento feminino ainda é afetado pelas características familiares. Constata-se também o crescimento da presença de renda de trabalho ou de outra fonte, o que leva a considerar o debate em torno das políticas sociais que concedem titularidade às mulheres. No capítulo 8, analisa-se a divisão do trabalho doméstico e de cuidado, aspecto no qual as desigualdades de gênero seguem expressivas não apenas na geração adulta, mas também entre os filhos, o que conduz à discussão dos limites das mudanças na estratificação de gênero e das propostas em torno da conciliação entre trabalho e família e do direito ao cuidado. Na conclusão, destaca-se que, a despeito das variações por classe no ritmo e grau das mudanças, as mulheres brasileiras, no período 1976-2012, movem-se em direção a um melhor equilíbrio de gênero nas relações familiares. Também são problematizados os limites das mudanças e algumas de suas implicações para as dinâmicas de classe e gênero, indicando ainda algumas direções para pesquisas futuras.
•2010 PICES Science: A Note from the Former Science Board Chairman (pp. 1-4) •2010 PICES Awards (pp. 5-7) •The First Year of FUTURE: A Progress Report (pp. 8-13) •New Chairmen in PICES (pp. 14-19) •Pacific Ocean Interior Carbon Data Synthesis, PACIFICA, in Progress (pp. 20-23) •2011 PICES Calendar (p. 23) •Ecosystems 2010: Global Progress on Ecosystem-based Fisheries Management (pp. 24-26) •PICES 2010 Rapid Assessment Survey (pp. 27-29) •PICES Workshop on “An Introduction to Rapid Assessment Survey Methodologies for Application in Developing Countries” (pp. 30-31) •The State of the Western North Pacific in the First Half of 2010 (pp. 32-34) •PICES Interns (p. 34) •The State of the Bering Sea in 2010 (pp. 35-37) •The State of the Northeast Pacific in 2010 (pp. 38-40)
•The 2011 Inter-sessional Science Board Meeting: A Note from Science Board Chairman (pp. 1-4) •Indicators for Status and Change within North Pacific Marine Ecosystems: A FUTURE Workshop (pp. 5-8) •PICES Calendar (p. 8) •2011 ESSAS Open Science Meeting (pp. 9-13) •The 5th Zooplankton Production Symposium (pp. 14-17) •Workshop on "Individual-Based Models of Zooplankton” (pp. 18-21) •New Book Release on the 100th Anniversary of the T/S Osharu Maru (p. 21) •Workshop on “Advances in Genomic and Molecular Studies of Zooplankton” (pp. 22-24) •Workshop on “Updates and Comparisons of Zooplankton Time Series” (pp. 25-27) •Workshop on “Impacts of Ocean Acidification on Zooplankton” (pp. 28-29) •Workshop on “Automated Visual Plankton Identification” (p. 30) •Professor Plum in the Dining Room with a Knife (p. 31) •PICES and ICES on the River Elbe (p. 32) •The State of the Western North Pacific in the Second Half of 2010 (pp. 33-34) •The Bering Sea: Current Status and Recent Events (pp. 35-37) •Northeast Pacific News (pp. 38-39) •PICES Advice on Marine Ecology at a Canadian Judicial Inquiry (p. 40)
本文重点分析了黄华属植物的形态变异,并结合微形态、植物地理及分子生物学的证据,对全世界黄华属植物首次进行了全面的分类学修订,承认全世界黄华属植物共5组、21种、6变种。对Czefranova (1954,1958,1970,1976)的分类系统/2亚属、4组、38种,及其他学者描述的种进行了修正。对7个种进行了归并处理:确认了3个种的分类学地位;新组合了两个变种;建立了1个新组。 考证了属的正确模式及一些种的合法学名。长期被误用的本属模式 Thermopsis lanceolata R.Br. (1811)实际上是根据Sophora lupinoides L.(1973)同 模式(轮生花)建立的一个多余名,这个命名法上的异名应当被废弃而代之以T. lupinoides (L.) Link (1821)。而长期被误用的东北亚互生花黄华的正确名称应当是T. fabacea (Pall.) DC. (1825). 本文首次较全面的研究了黄华属植物的地理学。黄华属基本上为东亚-北美间断分布属。东亚地区是黄华属植物的现代分布及分化中心。伊朗-土兰地区及落基山地区是次生分布和次生演化中心,该属的多倍性现象也出现在这二地区,而且自此二地区曾经描述了许多新分类群,同时也被归并了很多,然而,最近的分子生物学证据又揭示,在这些地区曾被归并的一些分类群应是不同的实体,这似乎也在提醒分类学家,对这些物种分化较活跃的区域进行分类处理时,无论是描述新分类群,抑还归并或新组合旧分类群都应持谨慎态度。 据黄华属植物的现代地理分布、形态演化趋势、现有的化石及地质历史资料推测,黄华属植物在中新世之前早已存在,并且很可能在早第三纪或晚白垩纪,起源于劳亚古陆上一个含羽扇豆生物碱的古槐成员。两大陆分离后,在不同的促进种化因子的影响下,形成了各自的演化格局。根据黄华属植物的系统演化趋势、原始类群的分布式样及特有现象分析,东亚地区的中国,日本亚区和北美的阿把拉契亚省可能是可能是本属现存植物的原始类型保存中心。
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), in cooperation with the New Jersey Marine Sciences Consortium (NJMSC), hosted a workshop at Rutgers University on 19-21 September 2005 to explore ways to link the U.S. Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS) to the emerging infrastructure of the National Water Quality Monitoring Network (NWQMN). Participating partners included the Mid-Atlantic Coastal Ocean Observing Regional Association, U.S. Geological Survey, Rutgers University Coastal Ocean Observing Laboratory, and the New Jersey Sea Grant College. The workshop was designed to highlight the importance of ecological and human health linkages in the movement of materials, nutrients, organisms and contaminants along the Delaware Bay watershed-estuary-coastal waters gradient (hereinafter, the “Delaware Bay Ecosystem [DBE]”), and to address specific water quality issues in the mid-Atlantic region, especially the area comprising the Delaware River drainage and near-shore waters. Attendees included federal, state and municipal officials, coastal managers, members of academic and research institutions, and industry representatives. The primary goal of the effort was to identify key management issues and related scientific questions that could be addressed by a comprehensive IOOS-NWQMN infrastructure (US Commission on Ocean Policy 2004; U.S. Ocean Action Plan 2004). At a minimum, cooperative efforts among the three federal agencies (NOAA, USGS and EPA) involved in water quality monitoring were required. Further and recommended by the U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy, outreach to states, regional organizations, and tribes was necessary to develop an efficient system of data gathering, quality assurance and quality control protocols, product development, and information dissemination.