331 resultados para SILOS


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During the process of silage corn, should take into consideration some aspects that will result in better utilization. The aim of this study was to evaluate the degradability of dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP), neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and starch digestibility and in vitro dry matter (DM) of silage corn hybrids due two textures, three stages of harvest, three particle sizes and processing by crushing. After harvesting and chipping, part of the material was crushed and then ensiled and sealed for 45 days. After opening the silos, analyzed the degradability in the incubation time of 20 hours using the technique in situ macro bag. The experimental design was a randomized split plot. The DM degradability was influenced only by the effect of stages of sampling used. The degradability of CP showed interaction between processing and particle size (Tp), noting that increased degradation due to processing. For NDF degradation significant interaction of factors, hybrid and processing, similar to the degradation of starch. The IVDMD was influenced by the effects of hybrid, stadium, Tp and processing. It can be concluded that benefits were higher with the use of processing associated with more advanced stages of harvest, in larger particle sizes.


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A three-laser heterodyne system was used to measure the frequencies of twelve optically pumped laser emissions from 13CH3OH in the far-infrared (FIR) region. These emissions, ranging from 54 to 142 μm, are reported with fractional uncertainties up to ±2 × 10-7 along with their polarization relative to the CO2 pump. Using the 9P32 and 10R14 CO2 lines, complete spectroscopic assignments for two laser systems were confirmed.


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Este trabalho foi conduzido para avaliar o valor nutritivo de silagens de capim-elefante (Pennisetum purpureum, Schum.) com 0, 4, 8, 12 e 16% de pedúnculo de caju (Anacardium occidentale L.) desidratado, com base na matéria natural. Utilizou-se o delineamento inteiramente casualizado com quatro repetições. Como silos experimentais, foram utilizados tambores plásticos de 210 L. Determinaram-se a composição nutricional, os valores de pH e os teores de nitrogênio amoniacal, ácido lático, acético, propiônico e butírico. A inclusão de pedúnculo de caju desidratado na ensilagem de capim-elefante promoveu aumento das concentrações de matéria seca (MS), proteína bruta (PB), extrato etéreo (EE), carboidratos não-fibrosos (CNF), nitrogênio insolúvel em detergente neutro (NIDN, % do N total), nitrogênio insolúvel em detergente ácido (NIDA, % do N total), pH e ácidos lático e propiônico. Por outro lado, os teores de FDN, FDA, hemicelulose, N-NH3 (% do N total) e ácido butírico diminuíram de forma linear conforme aumentaram os níveis do subproduto na ensilagem. O pedúnculo de caju desidratado não influenciou os teores de carboidratos totais e ácido acético das silagens. Esse subproduto pode ser ensilado com o capim-elefante até o nível de 16%, uma vez que aumenta os teores de PB e CNF e reduz os teores de FDN e FDA, melhorando o padrão de fermentação das silagens.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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We report the frequency measurements of 18 optically pumped far-infrared (FIR) laser lines generated from CD3OH and (CH3OH)-C-13. We use the heterodyne technique of mixing FIR laser radiations and microwave radiation on a metal-insulator-metal point-contact tunnel diode to determine the FIR laser frequencies. Two FIR laser systems, consisting of CO2 waveguide pump lasers and Fabry-Perot FIR laser cavities, were used as optical sources. (C) 1997 Optical Society of America.


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We have used Fourier Transform spectral data on the C-O stretching mode of (CD3OD)-C-13 in order to perform a vibro-rotational analysis for this molecule. We have estimated a few molecular parameters of the ground and C-O stretching vibrational modes. Based on these parameters, and by using the Kwan-Dennison model, we propose assignments for a number of far-infrared laser transitions of (CD3OD)-C-13.


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This work focuses basically on the design and analysis of simple and low cost hardware systems efficiency for temperature measurement in agricultural area. The main objective is to prove quantitatively, through statistical data analysis, to what extent a simple hardware designed with inexpensive components can be used safely in the indoor temperature measurement in farm buildings, such as greenhouses, warehouse or silos. To verify the of simple hardware efficiency, its data were compared with data from measurements with a high performance LabVIEW platform. This work proved that a simple hardware based on a microcontroller and the LM35 sensor can perform well. It presented a good accuracy but a relatively low precision that can be improved when performed some consecutive signal sampling and then used its average value. Although there are many papers that explain these components, this work has the distinction of presenting a data analysis in numerical form and using high performance systems to ensure critical data comparison.


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The quality of plastic films used for horizontal silos is important to limit losses in the upper silage layer. The aim of this work was to study the effectiveness of different plastic films in reducing the top losses in maize silage. The following treatments were evaluated: (i) coextruded polyethylene/polyamide oxygen barrier film (OB), (ii) polyethylene film (PE), (iii) polyvinyl chloride film (PVC), and (iv) coextruded PE/polyvinyl alcohol film (PVOH). These treatments differed according to oxygen permeability with values of 75, 722, 982 and 289 cm(3) m(-2) per 24 hour respectively. OB and PVOH films had better temperature and fermentation profiles than the more permeable films. The OB film was effective in reducing the dry-matter (DM) losses during storage (82 g kg(-1)), and the PVOH film had an intermediate value of DM loss (101 g kg(-1)). PE and PVC films had higher losses (138 and 145 g kg(-1) respectively). Oxygen permeability of the films promoted a positive correlation with DM losses (P < 0.05; r2 = 0.945). The results indicate that O2 permeability through the plastic film is a crucial factor for maintaining silage quality in the upper layer of the silo when it is perfectly sealed.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of adding alkalis on the fermentative pattern, aerobic stability and nutritive value of the sugarcane silage. A completely randomized design with 6 additives in two concentrations (1 or 2%), plus a control group, totalizing 13 treatments [(6x2)+1] with four replications, was used. The additives were sodium hydroxide (NaOH), limestone (CaCO3), urea (CO(NH2)(2)), sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3), quicklime (CaO) and hydrated lime (Ca(OH)(2)). The material was ensiled in 52 laboratory silos using plastic buckets with 12 L of capacity. Silos were opened 60 days after ensiling, when organic acids concentration, aerobic stability and chemical composition were determined. The Relative Biological Efficiency (RBE) was calculated by the slope ratio method, using the data obtained from ratio between desirable and undesirable silage products, according to the equation: D/U ratio = [lactic/(ethanol + acetic + butyric)]. All additives affected dry matter, crude protein, acid detergent fiber, neutral detergent fiber contents and buffering capacity. Except for urea and quicklime, all additives increased the in vitro dry matter digestibility. In general, these additives altered the fermentative pattern of sugarcane silage, inhibiting alcoholic fermentation and improving lactic acid production. The additive that showed the best RBE in relation to sodium hydroxide (100%) was limestone (89.4%). The RBE values of urea, sodium bicarbonate and hydrated lime were 49.2%, 47.7% and 34.3%, respectively.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate accuracy, precision and robustness of two methods to obtain silage samples, in comparison with extraction of liquor by manual screw-press. Wet brewery residue alone or combined with soybean hulls and citrus pulp were ensiled in laboratory silos. Liquor was extracted by a manual screw-press and a 2-mL aliquot was fixed with 0.4 mL formic acid. Two 10-g silage samples from each silo were diluted in 20 mL deionized water or 17% formic acid solution (alternative methods). Aliquots obtained by the three methods were used to determine the silage contents of fermentation end-products. The accuracy of the alternative methods was evaluated by comparing mean bias of estimates obtained by manual screw-press and by alternative methods, whereas precision was assessed by the root mean square prediction error and the residual error. Robustness was determined by studying the interaction between bias and chemical components, pH, in vitro dry matter digestibility (IVDMD) and buffer capacity. The 17% formic acid method was more accurate for estimating acetic, butyric and lactic acids, although it resulted in low overestimates of propionic acid and underestimates of ethanol. The deionized water method overestimated acetic and propionic acids and slightly underestimated ethanol. The 17% formic acid method was more precise than deionized water for estimating all organic acids and ethanol. The robustness of each method with respect to variation in the silage chemical composition, IVDMD and pH is dependent on the fermentation end-product at evaluation. The robustness of the alternative methods seems to be critical at the determination of lactic acid and ethanol contents.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the chemical composition, fermentation patterns and aerobic stability of sugarcane silages with addition of amino acid production (monosodium glutamate) by-product (APB) and microbial inoculants. Mature sugarcane was chopped and ensiled in laboratory silos (n = 4/treatment) without additives (control) and with APB (10 g/kg), Pioneer 1174® (PIO, 1.0 mg/kg, Lactobacillus plantarum + Streptoccoccus faecium, Pioneer), Lalsil Cana (2.0 mg/kg, Lactobacillus buchineri, Lallemand) or Mercosil Maís 11C33® (1.0 mg/kg, Lactobacillus buchineri + Lactobacillus plantarum + Streptoccoccus faecium, Timac Agro). Fresh silage and silage liquor samples were obtained to assess pH, chemical composition and organic acid concentrations. Silage temperature was recorded throughout seven days to evaluate aerobic stability. The addition of APB decreased lactic acid levels, increased pH and N-NH3 and did not alter ethanol, acetic and butyric acids concentrations or dry matter (DM) losses. Microbial inoculants enhanced acetic acid levels, although only Pioneer 1174® and Mercosil Maís 11C33® lowered ethanol, butyric acid and DM losses. The addition of APB increased CP content and did not modify DM, soluble carbohydrates contents or in vitro dry matter digestibility. Additives did not alter silage maximum temperature or temperature increasing rate; however, Pioneer 1174® and Mercosil Maís 11C33® increased the time elapsed to reach maximum temperature. Monosodium glutamate production by-product does not alter fermentation patterns or aerobic stability of sugarcane silages, whereas homofermentative bacteria can provide silages of good quality.


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The Internet of Things (IoT) is the next industrial revolution: we will interact naturally with real and virtual devices as a key part of our daily life. This technology shift is expected to be greater than the Web and Mobile combined. As extremely different technologies are needed to build connected devices, the Internet of Things field is a junction between electronics, telecommunications and software engineering. Internet of Things application development happens in silos, often using proprietary and closed communication protocols. There is the common belief that only if we can solve the interoperability problem we can have a real Internet of Things. After a deep analysis of the IoT protocols, we identified a set of primitives for IoT applications. We argue that each IoT protocol can be expressed in term of those primitives, thus solving the interoperability problem at the application protocol level. Moreover, the primitives are network and transport independent and make no assumption in that regard. This dissertation presents our implementation of an IoT platform: the Ponte project. Privacy issues follows the rise of the Internet of Things: it is clear that the IoT must ensure resilience to attacks, data authentication, access control and client privacy. We argue that it is not possible to solve the privacy issue without solving the interoperability problem: enforcing privacy rules implies the need to limit and filter the data delivery process. However, filtering data require knowledge of how the format and the semantics of the data: after an analysis of the possible data formats and representations for the IoT, we identify JSON-LD and the Semantic Web as the best solution for IoT applications. Then, this dissertation present our approach to increase the throughput of filtering semantic data by a factor of ten.


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Uno dei più importanti problemi irrisolti nel settore ceramico è il trasporto dell’atomizzato che è attualmente trasportato mediante nastri trasportatori che prelevano il materiale dal basso all’uscita dell’atomizzatore per poi coprire lunghe distanze, attraversando l'ambiente di lavoro fino ai silos di stoccaggio. Questo tipo di trasporto seppur basato su una tecnologia affidabile produce polveri sottili, causando inquinamento nell’ambiente di lavoro e generando rischi per la salute dei lavoratori (silicosi). Questa tesi si prefigge di descrivere questo innovativo sistema di trasporto pneumatico per l’industria ceramica e di gettare alcune basi per risolvere il problema del deterioramento del materiale sia dal punto di vista granulometrico sia dal punto di visto igrometrico dovuto a problemi relativi alla linea di trasporto. Questo approccio, basato sul controllo di parametri fluidodinamici e termoigrometrici, è stato possibile grazie allo studio del trasporto pneumatico su un impianto di prova e all’utilizzo di un software di simulazione (TPSimWin) basato su studi precedenti riguardo al trasporto di un flusso bifase gas-solido.


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The High-Altitude Water Cherenkov (HAWC) Experiment is a gamma-ray observatory that utilizes water silos as Cherenkov detectors to measure the electromagnetic air showers created by gamma rays. The experiment consists of an array of closely packed water Cherenkov detectors (WCDs), each with four photomultiplier tubes (PMTs). The direction of the gamma ray will be reconstructed using the times when the electromagnetic shower front triggers PMTs in each WCD. To achieve an angular resolution as low as 0.1 degrees, a laser calibration system will be used to measure relative PMT response times. The system will direct 300ps laser pulses into two fiber-optic networks. Each network will use optical fan-outs and switches to direct light to specific WCDs. The first network is used to measure the light transit time out to each pair of detectors, and the second network sends light to each detector, calibrating the response times of the four PMTs within each detector. As the relative PMT response times are dependent on the number of photons in the light pulse, neutral density filters will be used to control the light intensity across five orders of magnitude. This system will run both continuously in a low-rate mode, and in a high-rate mode with many intensity levels. In this thesis, the design of the calibration system and systematic studies verifying its performance are presented.


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The current state of health and biomedicine includes an enormity of heterogeneous data ‘silos’, collected for different purposes and represented differently, that are presently impossible to share or analyze in toto. The greatest challenge for large-scale and meaningful analyses of health-related data is to achieve a uniform data representation for data extracted from heterogeneous source representations. Based upon an analysis and categorization of heterogeneities, a process for achieving comparable data content by using a uniform terminological representation is developed. This process addresses the types of representational heterogeneities that commonly arise in healthcare data integration problems. Specifically, this process uses a reference terminology, and associated "maps" to transform heterogeneous data to a standard representation for comparability and secondary use. The capture of quality and precision of the “maps” between local terms and reference terminology concepts enhances the meaning of the aggregated data, empowering end users with better-informed queries for subsequent analyses. A data integration case study in the domain of pediatric asthma illustrates the development and use of a reference terminology for creating comparable data from heterogeneous source representations. The contribution of this research is a generalized process for the integration of data from heterogeneous source representations, and this process can be applied and extended to other problems where heterogeneous data needs to be merged.