984 resultados para Sõts†ov, Andrei: Eesti õigeusu piiskopkond Stalini ajal aastail 1945-53


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The spectrum of linearized excitations of the Type IIB SUGRA on AdS(5) x S-5 contains both unitary and non-unitary representations. Among the non-unitary, some are finite-dimensional. We explicitly construct the pure spinor vertex operators for a family of such finite-dimensional representations. The construction can also be applied to in finite-dimensional representations, including unitary, although it becomes in this case somewhat less explicit.


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In the classical pure spinor worldsheet theory of AdS(5) x S-5 there are some vertex operators which do not correspond to any physical excitations. We study their flat space limit. We find that the BRST operator of the worldsheet theory in flat space-time can be nontrivially deformed without deforming the worldsheet action. Some of these deformations describe the linear dilaton background. But the deformation corresponding to the nonphysical vertex differs from the linear dilaton in not being worldsheet parity even. The nonphysically deformed worldsheet theory has nonzero beta-function at one loop. This means that the classical Type IIB SUGRA backgrounds are not completely characterized by requiring the BRST symmetry of the classical worldsheet theory; it is also necessary to require the vanishing of the one-loop beta-function.


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Nos últimos anos, os avanços nas Ciências Biológicas têm levado a sociedade a discutir diversas questões no campo da moral e da ética. Questões como engenharia genética, clonagem e pesquisas com células-tronco são questões chamadas de sociocientíficas por estarem na interface entre a ciência e a sociedade. Nesse trabalho buscamos entender como estudantes de Ensino Médio percebem e interpretam questões relacionadas à manipulação genética em seres humanos. Houve divisão de opiniões em relação à eugenia negativa, que se destina a remover características desfavoráveis das pessoas; mas a eugenia positiva, que busca melhoramento de características estéticas, foi rejeitada por todos os estudantes. As variações nas opiniões em relação ao assunto tratado podem ser, em grande medida, devidas às representações sociais dos estudantes.


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Este estudo investigou a influência de características do estímulo visual e o efeito da intenção nas respostas do controle postural frente à manipulação visual de adultas idosas. As 20 participantes permaneceram em pé em uma sala móvel durante sete tentativas com duração de 1 minuto cada, olhando para um alvo fixo, medindo-se sua oscilação corporal. Na primeira tentativa não houve qualquer movimento da sala, porém a partir da segunda a sala foi movimentada no sentido ântero-posterior. Para dez participantes, a velocidade de pico da movimentação foi de 0,6 cm/s e, para as demais, de 1,0 cm/s. A partir da quinta tentativa, as participantes foram informadas do movimento da sala e orientadas a resistir à movimentação. Os resultados indicam que a oscilação corporal das idosas é induzida pelo movimento da sala móvel. Intenção e alteração da característica do estímulo visual reduzem a influência da informação visual na oscilação corporal, mas a manipulação de propriedade do estímulo (neste caso, velocidade), é menos efetiva que a intenção. Essa maior dependência da intenção para alterar a influência de um estímulo sensorial no controle postural indica que o funcionamento do sistema de controle postural em idosos não possibilita ajustes automáticos de respostas posturais frente a pequenas variações das condições ambientais. Iinformações sobre tais variações podem ser direcionadas de forma a compensar essa diferença.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Acute myelopathy are characterized by spinal cord dysfunction, developing sensitive, motor and autonomic signs and symptons. Since they are relatively rare, there are some difficulties to early diagnosis and to the beginning of the treatment. So, literature was reviewed to describe the main aetiologies of acute non compressive myelopathy: 1) demyelinating diseases; 2) systemic disease; 3) parainfectious; 4) delayed radiation myelopathy; 5) vascular myelopathy; 6) idiopatic and 7) vitamin B12 deficiency. Besides, we suggest an algorithm to initial approach of these patients and further aethiologic investigation. © Copyright Morelra Jr. Editora.


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Incluye Bibliografía


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Clinical studies on nasal topical medications require the standardization of nasosinusal normality in order to establish control groups through a specific evaluation of the upper airways. Aim: to standardize the evaluation of candidates for control groups in clinical studies on nasal topical medications. Material and Methods: healthy male volunteers of 18 to 50 years of age, asymptomatic from the nasosinusal standpoint were subjected to a sequential and excluding assessment made up of clinical evaluation, immediate hypersensitivity skin test, saccharin test, flexible nasofibroscopy and nasal cytology. Study design: Crosssectional contemporary cohort. Results: Of the 33 people originally enrolled, 14 (42.4%) were excluded for clinical reasons. Of the 19 remaining, 2 (10.5%) had atopy diagnosed in the skin test and were excluded. 17 were tested with saccharin and presented normal mucociliary clearance. Evaluation by nasal endoscopy showed abnormality in 2 cases (11.8%) and these were excluded. The remaining 15 were submitted to nasal cytology, which proved normal, representing 45.5% of those initially included. Conclusion: The proposed protocol for sequential and excluding evaluation was effective in defining candidates for the establishment of control groups in clinical studies on nasal topical medications. © Revista Brasileira de Otorrinolaringologia. All Rights reserved.


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Chronic chagasic cardiomyopathy is a leading cause of heart failure in Latin American countries. About 30% of Trypanosoma cruzi-infected individuals develop this severe symptomatic form of the disease, characterized by intense inflammatory response accompanied by fibrosis in the heart.We performed an extensive microarray analysis of hearts from a mouse model of this disease and identified significant alterations in expression of ~12% of the sampled genes. Extensive up-regulations were associated with immune-inflammatory responses (chemokines, adhesion molecules, cathepsins, and major histocompatibility complex molecules) and fibrosis (extracellular matrix components, lysyl oxidase, and tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase 1). Our results indicate potentially relevant factors involved in the pathogenesis of the disease that may provide newtherapeutic targets in chronic Chagas disease. © 2010 by the Infectious Diseases Society of America.