996 resultados para Rusia-Historia-Catalina II-1762-1796
El presente trabajo se centra en el análisis de los conflictos que giraron en torno a las operaciones de compra de esclavos en el nororiente neogranadino durante el siglo XVIII. Legalizaciones aplazadas, ventas desautorizadas, pagos pendientes, esclavos hipotecados y confusiones sobre el estado real del esclavo comercializado fueron situaciones que desataron enconadas disputas y pleitos judiciales que terminaron algunas veces con la declaratoria de redhibitoria, es decir, la anulación del contrato de venta y la devolución del esclavo. En vista de estos antecedentes, y con un ánimo preventivo, los negociantes se aseguraron de fijar en las escrituras de compraventa ciertas garantías o aclaraciones para no verse involucrados en tales litigios.
Este trabajo analiza cómo, entre 1917 y 1930, se inscribe en Ecuador un nuevo ideal de mujer a través de anuncios publicitarios en revistas de corte modernista. Los anuncios muestran mujeres bellas, elegantes, seductoras, de cuerpos esbeltos, promueven trabajo y entretenimiento, y, aunque se cuestionan los roles tradicionales y se genera una tensión entre lo público y lo privado, el cuerpo femenino sigue siendo objeto de la visión dominante, esta vez desde la normativa del mercado.
Los días 24 y 25 de febrero de 2010, es decir en fecha muy reciente, se celebró en El Colegio de México un encuentro internacional de revistas de historia convocado por Historia Mexicana con la participación activa de Red Columnaria, abordando los problemas más relevantes sobre Historia y del trabajo académico y de editores de revistas.
El miércoles 6 de febrero de 1861, el periódico oficial El Nacional, que circulaba en Quito, publicó el “Reglamento la Academia de Dibujo o Academia Ecuatoriana”, fechado el 26 de diciembre del 1861 y firmado por su director, el pintor Luis Cadena, y su secretario el señor Nicolás Manrique. Este documento forma parte de una serie de evidencias del proceso de construcción de un campo artístico moderno a lo largo del siglo XIX e inicios del XX.
This article explains how the colonial economic system was set up on the what is now the Ecuadorian coast. It also shows how social and precolonial economic forms funcioned and its articulation with the colonial economy. In this geographic zone where merchandise was exchanged and where people mingled and information was shared linking the distant mother country with the viceroyalty, the production and circulation of a wide array of goods provided the cornerstone for crestfallen indigenas societies. The sources provide evidence on the methods used by local rulers, who were essential actors in colonial implantation.
The salasacas are an indigenous group with a controversial history of origen. Many manuscripts state that they descend from an uprooted Inca population that traveled north from present Bolivia to their new settlement that is now Ecuador. The article presents an alternative narrative that identifies three separate migrations to Salasaca, by different indigenas groups, in the Sixteenth Century. It shows that the modern Salasacan nationality emerged during colonial and postcolonial transformations. It contends that the ethnic distinction of the salasacas is due to the fact that they opted to collectively unite as one solid ethnic group in order to remain as an Indigenas enclave in a region that was experiencing whitening or widespread emergence of half castes.
Supported by newspaper, collected letters and other documents, this article explores the relationships between politics and religion, taking into account the proposal of “politicized religion” contextually bound to the times of Gabriel García Moreno in Ecuador. It seeks to deepen understanding concerning the use of spirituality, representations and religious institutions for purposes of strengthening the State and its legitimacy of power. At the same time, it goes beyond the limits of this plane in order to advance the construction of a model of a Catholic nation based on an opposition to impiety.
Around 1930, Argentina was one of the richest, most dynamic and modern countries in Latin America and, at the same time, the only one on the continent that had not separated Church from State. This observation can be summed up and singled out among the many hypotheses during the last decades that have permitted the questioning of the most schematic, linear and teleological reports concerning the secularization process. This article puts forward a report concerning the double process of state and ecclesiastical construction in Argentina in the Nineteenth Century. Its purpose is to suggest keys for understanding said report that permit the comprehension of special features concerning the type of laicism that Argentina adopted at the beginning of the Twentieth Century.
Presenta el debate en torno al recientemente publicado estudio, Desmemoria y olvido. La economía arrocera en la cuenca del Guayas, 1920-1950, del historiador ecuatoriano Roque Espinosa.
Se transcribe la parte correspondiente a los años 1939-1942 de la entrevista a Mariano Suárez Ventimilla.
An index to the personal names contained in these volumes was published in 1896, in an edition of 100 copies, under title: Personal names in Hening's Statutes at large of Virgina and Shepherd's continuation. By Joseph J. Casey, a.m. New York, 1896.
"Danielis HeinsI Introductio in doctrinam, quae libris Hesiodi [Ergōn kai Hēmerōn] continetur ... Item notae, emendationes, & observationes in Hesiodum" (p. [190]-292) has separate t.p.
"Del Boletín de la Academia nacional de historia.--vol. II--núm. 3-4."
The relationship between population and government in the City of Buenos Aires is analyzed, focusing on the tensions generated by the arrival of new individuals, a local elite with great interests in commerce and in charge of community affairs, and Spanish functionaries that progressively adopted the ideals of the Bourbon Dynasty, despite also being implicated in local logics. It interests us to observe the governors’ perspectives with respect to everyday developments in the city, their preoccupations and interests, and how they would vary the mechanisms to which they resorted in order to organize daily life, in the period defined between 1740 and 1776.