863 resultados para Rural labour market
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Although the economies of Latin America and the Caribbean grew more slowly in 2011 than in 2010, there were some improvements on the employment front. Workers benefited from the region’s satisfactory economic performance in an increasingly complex international setting. The unemployment rate fell from 7.3% in 2010 to 6.7% in 2011 thanks to a halfpercentage- point gain in the urban employment rate. Both rates are at levels that have not been seen for a long time. The proportion of formal jobs with social benefits rose as well, and underemployment declined. The average wage and the minimum wage both increased in real terms, albeit only moderately. Economic performance and the employment situation varied widely among the subregions. The unemployment rate dropped by 0.6 percentage points in South America but 0.4 percentage points in the countries of the northern part of Latin America. In the countries of the Caribbean, the employment rate was up by 0.2 percentage points. The data show that substantial labour market gaps and serious labour-market insertion issues remain. This is especially the case for women and young people, for whom unemployment rates and other labour indicators are still unfavourable. The second part of this report looks at whether the fruits of economic growth and rising productivity have been distributed equitably between workers and companies. Between 2002 and 2008 (the most recent expansionary economic cycle), wages as a percentage of GDP fell in 13 of the 21 countries of the region for which data are available and rose in just 8. This points to redistribution that is unfavourable to workers, which is worrying in a region which already has the most unequal distribution of income in the world. Underlying this trend is the fact that, worldwide, wages have grown less than productivity. Beyond the ethical dimension of this issue, it jeopardizes the social and economic sustainability of growth. For example, one of the root causes of the recent financial crisis was that households in the United States responded to declining wage income by borrowing more to pay for consumption and housing. This turned out to be unsustainable in the long run. Over time, it undermines the labour market’s contribution to the efficient allocation of resources and its distributive function, too, with negative consequences for democratic governance. Among the triggers of this distributive worsening most often cited in the global debate are market deregulation and its impact on financial globalization, technological change that favours capital over labour, and the weakening of labour institutions. What is needed here is a public policy effort to help keep wage increases from lagging behind increases in productivity. Some countries of the region, especially in South America, saw promising developments during the second half of the 2000s in the form of a positive trend reversal in wages as a percentage of GDP. One example is Brazil, where a minimum wage policy tailored to the dynamics of the domestic market is considered to be one of the factors behind an upturn in the wage share of GDP. The region needs to grow more and better. Productivity must grow at a steady pace, to serve as the basis for sustained improvements in the well-being of the populace and to narrow the gap between the economies of Latin America and the Caribbean and the more advanced economies. And inequality must be decreased; this could be achieved by closing the productivity gap between upgraded companies and the many firms whose productivity is low. As set out in this report, the region made some progress between 2002 and 2010, with labour productivity rising at the rate of 1.5% a year. But this progress falls short of that seen in other regions such as Sub-Saharan Africa (2.1%) and, above all, East Asia (8.3%, not counting Japan and the Republic of Korea). Moreover, in many of the countries of the region these gains have not been distributed equitably. Therein lies a dual challenge that must be addressed: continue to increase productivity while enhancing the mechanisms for distributing gains in a way that will encourage investment and boost worker and household income. The Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) and the International Labour Organization (ILO) estimate that the pace of economic growth in the region will be slightly slower in 2012 than in 2011, in a global economic scenario marked by the cooling of several of the main economic engines and a high degree of uncertainty concerning, above all, prospects for the euro zone. The region is expected to continue to hold up well to this worsening scenario, thanks to policies that leveraged more favourable conditions in the past. This will be felt in the labour markets, as well, so expectations are that unemployment will edge down by as much as two tenths of a decimal point.
As predicted in the first bulletin, produced jointly by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) and the International Labour Organization (ILO), the impact of the economic crisis continued to be felt in Latin America and the Caribbean during the second quarter of 2009. Regional exports of goods and services contracted in response to sluggish demand on international markets, while remittances and foreign direct investment flows continued to fall, credit lost its buoyancy and the total wage bill diminished, owing mainly to job losses. As a result, the growth forecasts of many countries had to be adjusted downwards. Since the end of 2008, the countries of the region had started to implement countercyclical policies —albeit with significant differences— in an effort to use public spending to counter flagging investment and consumer-spending levels and boost aggregate demand. In this second bulletin, ECLAC and ILO show how the impact of the crisis has deepened in labour markets in the region in the first half of the year and examine existing options and the outcome of public-infrastructure and emergency employment programmes designed to mitigate the impact of the crisis on the labour market. The unemployment rate has risen in practically all countries compared with the previous year and this situation worsened further in the second quarter, when urban unemployment exceeded the rate of the corresponding period in 2008 by 1 percentage point (to stand at 8.5%, up from 7.5%), while in the first quarter, the variation was 0.6 of a percentage point. Labour indicators also point to an increase in informality, a decline in employment with social protection and a decrease in full-time employment. Labour-market trends observed in the first half-year, together with the forecast for a 1.9% decline in regional GDP in 2009, suggest that the average annual rate of urban unemployment in the region will be close to 8.5%. This forecast is slightly less pessimistic than the estimate given in the first bulletin; this is attributable to the fall in the participation rate in the first half-year to levels that are expected to remain low for the rest of the year. Without this reduction in the labour supply, due largely to the “discouragement effect”, the annual average urban unemployment rate would stand at between 8.8% and 8.9%. Thus, the open urban unemployment figure would increase by 2.5 million and if the “discouraged job-seekers” are included, then the number of additional persons not finding a niche in the urban labour market would climb to 3.2 million. In the region, as in the rest of the world, there are signs that the crisis may have reached bottom in the middle of the year. In many countries, production levels have ceased their decline and there are indications of an incipient recovery leading to cautious optimism that there may be a moderate upturn in labour markets in the fourth quarter. The pace of recovery will vary from one country to the next and is expected to be gradual at best. Even with the return to a growth path, there should be no illusion that the labour problems will immediately disappear. First, the recovery in employment is expected to lag behind the upturn in economic activity. Second, since economic growth is likely to remain moderate in the short term and well below the rates recorded between late 2003 and mid-2008, demand for labour and consequently the generation of good-quality jobs will continue to be weak. Thus, countries should not relax their efforts to defend and create decent jobs, but rather should take steps to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of available instruments. In this way, the region will be in a better position not only to confront the challenges of economic recovery, but also to strengthen the foundations for social inclusion and for advancing under more favourable conditions towards fulfilment of the Millennium Development Goals.
The present doctoral thesis is structured as a collection of three essays. The first essay, “SOC(HE)-Italy: a classification for graduate occupations” presents the conceptual basis, the construction, the validation and the application to the Italian labour force of the occupational classification termed SOC(HE)-Italy. I have developed this classification under the supervision of Kate Purcell during my period as a visiting research student at the Warwick Institute for Emplyment Research. This classification links the constituent tasks and duties of a particular job to the relevant knowledge and skills imparted via Higher Education (HE). It is based onto the SOC(HE)2010, an occupational classification first proposed by Kate Purcell in 2013, but differently constructed. In the second essay “Assessing the incidence and wage effects of overeducation among Italian graduates using a new measure for educational requirements” I utilize this classification to build a valid and reliable measure for job requirements. The lack of an unbiased measure for this dimension constitutes one of the major constraints to achieve a generally accepted measurement of overeducation. Estimations of overeducation incidence and wage effects are run onto AlmaLaurea data from the survey on graduates career paths. I have written this essay and obtained these estimates benefiting of the help and guidance of Giovanni Guidetti and Giulio Pedrini. The third and last essay titled “Overeducation in the Italian labour market: clarifying the concepts and addressing the measurement error problem” addresses a number of theoretical issues concerning the concepts of educational mismatch and overeducation. Using Istat data from RCFL survey I run estimates of the ORU model for the whole Italian labour force. In my knowledge, this is the first time ever such model is estimated on such population. In addition, I adopt the new measure of overeducation based onto the SOC(HE)-Italy classification.
Los procesos económicos y sociales producen efectos territoriales. Cada territorio expresa dichos procesos de manera específica y distintiva de acuerdo con su historia productiva y con las prácticas y estrategias de los diferentes agentes sociales involucrados en la gestión de los cambios. Si bien estos procesos se enmarcan en un conjunto de tendencias globales que sirven de contexto a las diversas respuestas, en algunos casos estas sólo pueden comprenderse adecuadamente teniendo en cuenta las características distintivas del territorio particular. En la Provincia de San Luis, a lo largo de las últimas dos décadas, la producción del territorio estuvo signada por las transformaciones ocurridas a partir de la puesta en marcha de los planes nacionales de promoción industrial, que afectaron a todas las dimensiones de la vida social. En efecto, esta nueva situación no sólo cambió la orientación productiva de la provincia, sino que impactó también sobre los comportamientos individuales y familiares que, a nivel agregado, determinan el nivel y las fluctuaciones de la dinámica demográfica. Particularmente, se verificó un desplazamiento poblacional hacia los parques industriales de los principales centros urbanos de la provincia y, consecuentemente, un despoblamiento de las áreas rurales. De esta manera, la industrialización tuvo una nueva expresión territorial, que conformó nuevos paisajes de segregación y nuevas formas de exclusión. A mediados de la década de 1990, frente a la finalización de los beneficios promocionales, se implementó una serie de políticas públicas, encaminadas a la búsqueda de nuevos perfiles productivos, que generaron nuevos impactos sobre la organización territorial. Este trabajo propone un análisis de esos procesos, tomando especialmente en cuenta que las transformaciones en el empleo y el territorio se impactan mutuamente. Vale decir: las transformaciones en la competitividad territorial se expresan en problemas de empleo y de mercado de trabajo y, a su vez, los cambios en el empleo generan fuertes cambios en la perspectiva de un área territorial
A pesar de los excelentes avances historiográficos sobre la expansión agrícola santafesina decimonónica, faltan aún datos clave sobre este fenómeno, entre ellos, el comportamiento de los precios de la tierra por lo menos en el mediano y largo plazo. El artículo buscará analizar la emergencia y la evolución del mercado inmobiliario rural en la provincia y, a la vez, presentar series de precios de la tierra entre 1860 y 1895, realizadas a partir de información provista por protocolos notariales. Buscamos así que dicha evidencia no sólo pueda ser de utilidad para investigaciones paralelas, sino que también aporte nuevas hipótesis al conocimiento sobre la formación de los mercados inmobiliarios en la región pampeana
A pesar de los excelentes avances historiográficos sobre la expansión agrícola santafesina decimonónica, faltan aún datos clave sobre este fenómeno, entre ellos, el comportamiento de los precios de la tierra por lo menos en el mediano y largo plazo. El artículo buscará analizar la emergencia y la evolución del mercado inmobiliario rural en la provincia y, a la vez, presentar series de precios de la tierra entre 1860 y 1895, realizadas a partir de información provista por protocolos notariales. Buscamos así que dicha evidencia no sólo pueda ser de utilidad para investigaciones paralelas, sino que también aporte nuevas hipótesis al conocimiento sobre la formación de los mercados inmobiliarios en la región pampeana
Los procesos económicos y sociales producen efectos territoriales. Cada territorio expresa dichos procesos de manera específica y distintiva de acuerdo con su historia productiva y con las prácticas y estrategias de los diferentes agentes sociales involucrados en la gestión de los cambios. Si bien estos procesos se enmarcan en un conjunto de tendencias globales que sirven de contexto a las diversas respuestas, en algunos casos estas sólo pueden comprenderse adecuadamente teniendo en cuenta las características distintivas del territorio particular. En la Provincia de San Luis, a lo largo de las últimas dos décadas, la producción del territorio estuvo signada por las transformaciones ocurridas a partir de la puesta en marcha de los planes nacionales de promoción industrial, que afectaron a todas las dimensiones de la vida social. En efecto, esta nueva situación no sólo cambió la orientación productiva de la provincia, sino que impactó también sobre los comportamientos individuales y familiares que, a nivel agregado, determinan el nivel y las fluctuaciones de la dinámica demográfica. Particularmente, se verificó un desplazamiento poblacional hacia los parques industriales de los principales centros urbanos de la provincia y, consecuentemente, un despoblamiento de las áreas rurales. De esta manera, la industrialización tuvo una nueva expresión territorial, que conformó nuevos paisajes de segregación y nuevas formas de exclusión. A mediados de la década de 1990, frente a la finalización de los beneficios promocionales, se implementó una serie de políticas públicas, encaminadas a la búsqueda de nuevos perfiles productivos, que generaron nuevos impactos sobre la organización territorial. Este trabajo propone un análisis de esos procesos, tomando especialmente en cuenta que las transformaciones en el empleo y el territorio se impactan mutuamente. Vale decir: las transformaciones en la competitividad territorial se expresan en problemas de empleo y de mercado de trabajo y, a su vez, los cambios en el empleo generan fuertes cambios en la perspectiva de un área territorial
A pesar de los excelentes avances historiográficos sobre la expansión agrícola santafesina decimonónica, faltan aún datos clave sobre este fenómeno, entre ellos, el comportamiento de los precios de la tierra por lo menos en el mediano y largo plazo. El artículo buscará analizar la emergencia y la evolución del mercado inmobiliario rural en la provincia y, a la vez, presentar series de precios de la tierra entre 1860 y 1895, realizadas a partir de información provista por protocolos notariales. Buscamos así que dicha evidencia no sólo pueda ser de utilidad para investigaciones paralelas, sino que también aporte nuevas hipótesis al conocimiento sobre la formación de los mercados inmobiliarios en la región pampeana
Los procesos económicos y sociales producen efectos territoriales. Cada territorio expresa dichos procesos de manera específica y distintiva de acuerdo con su historia productiva y con las prácticas y estrategias de los diferentes agentes sociales involucrados en la gestión de los cambios. Si bien estos procesos se enmarcan en un conjunto de tendencias globales que sirven de contexto a las diversas respuestas, en algunos casos estas sólo pueden comprenderse adecuadamente teniendo en cuenta las características distintivas del territorio particular. En la Provincia de San Luis, a lo largo de las últimas dos décadas, la producción del territorio estuvo signada por las transformaciones ocurridas a partir de la puesta en marcha de los planes nacionales de promoción industrial, que afectaron a todas las dimensiones de la vida social. En efecto, esta nueva situación no sólo cambió la orientación productiva de la provincia, sino que impactó también sobre los comportamientos individuales y familiares que, a nivel agregado, determinan el nivel y las fluctuaciones de la dinámica demográfica. Particularmente, se verificó un desplazamiento poblacional hacia los parques industriales de los principales centros urbanos de la provincia y, consecuentemente, un despoblamiento de las áreas rurales. De esta manera, la industrialización tuvo una nueva expresión territorial, que conformó nuevos paisajes de segregación y nuevas formas de exclusión. A mediados de la década de 1990, frente a la finalización de los beneficios promocionales, se implementó una serie de políticas públicas, encaminadas a la búsqueda de nuevos perfiles productivos, que generaron nuevos impactos sobre la organización territorial. Este trabajo propone un análisis de esos procesos, tomando especialmente en cuenta que las transformaciones en el empleo y el territorio se impactan mutuamente. Vale decir: las transformaciones en la competitividad territorial se expresan en problemas de empleo y de mercado de trabajo y, a su vez, los cambios en el empleo generan fuertes cambios en la perspectiva de un área territorial
Using data from a self-administered survey of 1,017 households we assess the long-term impact of establishing a special economic zone, on those who are exogenously selected to be displaced. We find those who are displaced suffer from lower land compensation and lack of adequate property rights. There is also some evidence of lower labour market participation among those who are displaced. However, in the long term, across measurable welfare indicators, we do not find that displaced households are significantly different from other households. One source of this resilience is through employment at the special economic zone – which is higher among displaced households compared to other households. Another factor that contributed to the absence of differences is spill-over effects; which made access to employment, education and other facilities about homogenous across displaced and non-displaced households.
Esta pesquisa mostra como o desenvolvimento do sistema jurídico institucional do mercado de crédito rural no Brasil se desenvolveu a ponto de permitir a convivência de dois modelos normalmente considerados antitéticos: o modelo de economia de mercado coordenado via bancos públicos e o modelo de economia de mercado liberal. O primeiro capítulo da dissertação reconstrói como a teoria do Law and Finance que permite identificar adequadamente esse resultado de pesquisa se desenvolve a partir da crise das postulações e premissas da teoria econômica neoclássica. O segundo capítulo narra o desenvolvimento e crise do modelo do Sistema Nacional de Crédito Rural entre as décadas de 1960 e 1980, partindo de uma análise sobre sua estrutura, regulação e institutos. Passando dos modelos de organização financeira para as modalidades de crédito rural, o capítulo narra a lógica, estrutura e evolução do modelo calcado na alocação de recursos por banco públicos, de modo que essa elucidação de contexto histórico permite que se verifique a grande ruptura que é introduzida no sistema de financiamento rural a partir dos anos 2000. O terceiro capítulo narra e descreve o surgimento da estrutura, regulação e institutos regidos pela lógica de mercado liberal, até então ausente no SNCR para, após, realizar uma apreciação do resultado alcançado. Ao final, a conclusão reúne os principais achados dessa pesquisa, destaca os principais pontos de sua narrativa e os problematiza para uma agenda de pesquisa futura.
Given a territory composed of basic geographical units, the delineation of local labour market areas (LLMAs) can be seen as a problem in which those units are grouped subject to multiple constraints. In previous research, standard genetic algorithms were not able to find valid solutions, and a specific evolutionary algorithm was developed. The inclusion of multiple ad hoc operators allowed the algorithm to find better solutions than those of a widely-used greedy method. However, the percentage of invalid solutions was still very high. In this paper we improve that evolutionary algorithm through the inclusion of (i) a reparation process, that allows every invalid individual to fulfil the constraints and contribute to the evolution, and (ii) a hillclimbing optimisation procedure for each generated individual by means of an appropriate reassignment of some of its constituent units. We compare the results of both techniques against the previous results and a greedy method.
The current debate taking place in continental Europe on the need to reform labour law to reduce the duality between labour market insiders and outsiders, thus giving new employment opportunities to young people seems to be, at its best, a consequence of the crisis, or at its worst, an excuse. The considerable emphasis placed on the power of legislation to reduce youth unemployment prevents real labour market problems from being clearly identified, thus reducing the scope to adopt more effective measures. Action is certainly required to help young people during the current crisis, yet interventions should not be exclusively directed towards increased flexibility and deregulation. This paper questions the “thaumaturgic power” wrongly attributed to legislative interventions and put forward a more holistic approach to solve the problem of youth employment, by focusing on the education systems, school-to-work transition and industrial relations. As a comparative analysis demonstrates, in order to effectively tackle the issue of youth employment, it is not enough to reform labour law. High quality education systems, apprenticeship schemes, efficient placement and employment services, cooperative industrial relations and flexible wage determination mechanisms are the key to success when it comes to youth employment, not only in times of recession.
This paper introduces a more sophisticated modelling of the labour market functioning of the European member and candidate states through the introduction of labour supply curves in an applied general equilibrium model. A labour supply curve offers a middle way in labour supply modelling, sitting between the two commonly adopted extremes of spare capacity and full employment. The first part of the paper outlines the theoretical foundation of the labour supply curve. Real world data is then used to derive labour supply curves for each member state, along with Croatia and Turkey. Finally, the impact of the newly specified labour markets on the results of an illustrative scenario involving reform of the common agricultural policy is explored. The results of computable general equilibrium analysis with the labour supply curve confirm the theoretical expectation that modelling the labour supply through an upwards-sloping curve produces results that lie between the extremes of spare capacity of the labour factor and fully employed labour. This specification captures a greater degree of heterogeneity in the labour markets of the member and candidate states, allowing for a more nuanced modelling of the effects of policy reform, including welfare effects.