996 resultados para Ribbeck, Otto, 1827-1898.
Título anterior de la publicación : Boletín de la Comisión Española de la UNESCO
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Després d'esbossar la trajectòria del grup empresarial dels Ensesa (la farinera, la metal·lúrgica Batlle, Solés i Cia, el Garatge Callicó, Indústries Químiques Tartàriques, la ciutat-jardí de S'Agaró, Suberolita, etc), la recerca s'orienta especialment cap a l'estudi del sistema d'informació comptable de "La Montserrat", que posa en relleu les característiques econòmiques, financeres i patrimonials de l'empresa. Des del principi, les activitats empresarials dels Ensesa tenen dimensions catalanes, espanyoles i internacionals, que s'amplien i diversifiquen molt ràpidament durant el primer terç del segle XX, en especial amb "els Químics" i la zona residencial de S'Agaró, on conflueixen la burgesia de Girona, Barcelona i el turisme de luxe. La seva adscripció a la burgesia catalanista sembla ser precisament el motiu de l'expedient de Responsabilitats Polítiques que els varen incoar al 1939-1940, però, absolts, recuperen les propietats que els havien estat col·lectivitzades durant la guerra civil, fins que a principis dels anys vuitanta procedeixen a la liquidació i venda de les indústries del grup empresarial.
Historical smoke concentrations at monthly resolution for the early twentieth century are found for Kew Observatory, London, using the atmospheric electricity proxy technique. Smoke particles modify the electrical properties of urban air: an increase in smoke concentration reduces air's electrical conductivity and increases the Potential Gradient (PG). Calibrated PG data are available from Kew since 1898, and air conductivity was measured routinely between 1909 and 1979 using the technique developed by C.T.R. Wilson. Automated smoke observations at the same site overlap with the atmospheric electrical measurements from 1921, providing an absolute calibration to smoke concentration. This shows that the late nineteenth century winter smoke concentrations at Kew were approximately 100 times greater than contemporary winter smoke concentrations. Following smoke emission regulations reducing the smoke concentration, the electrical parameters of the urban air did not change dramatically. This is suggested to be due to a composition change, with an increase in the abundance of small aerosol compensating for the decrease in smoke. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This essay traces the development of Otto Neurath’s ideas that led to the publication of one of the first series of children’s books produced by the Isotype Institute in the late 1940s, the Visual History of Mankind. Described in its publicity material as ‘new in content’ and ‘new in method’, it embodied much of Otto Neurath’s thinking about visual education, and also coincided with other educational ideas in the UK in the 1930s and 1940s. It exemplified the Isotype Institute’s approach: teamwork, thinking about the needs of younger readers, clear explanation, and accessible content. Further, drawing on correspondence, notes and drawings from the Otto and Marie Neurath Isotype Collection at the University of Reading, the essay presents insights to the making of the books and the people involved, the costs of production and the influence of this on design decisions, and how the books were received by teachers and children.