339 resultados para Restaurações indirectas


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Currently, periodontal aesthetics has been prized for harmony of the smile. The clinical crown lengthening, gingival excess or altered passive eruption, is effectively corrected by periodontal surgery. The purpose of this paper is to show, through a literature review, some types of surgery on clinical crown lengthening and root coverage. Clinical crown lengthening is done to Change the size of the anterior teeth and to optimize the cosmetic result of treatment with new coronal restoration and other cosmetic dental care. In general, the treatment plan and the choice of operative technique begin with careful clinical examination. Recessions tissue can be defined as a displacement of the gingival margin toward the junction mucogingival exposing the root surface. These, when present, impacting on patient comfort by providing the occurrence of cervical dentin hypersensitivity, and the esthetic, the amendment of the gum line. Successful treatment of recessions is based on knowledge of its etiology and assessment of predictability of surgical techniques that aim to root coverage. Through literature review, we can conclude that the types of surgery most often used are: 1) to increase the clinical crown, gingivectomy, flap surgery and gingivoplasty osteotomy, and 2) for root coverage, the use will depend on the amount of gum keratinized and especially the classification of Miller.


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The reestablishment of a harmonious smile through dental ceramics, when properly conducted and with specific indications, can achieve extremely predictable results. For aesthetic and functional rehabilitation, many ceramic materials can be used such as zirconia, leucite, alumina, feldspar, and lithium disilicate. Among these materials the lithium disilicate stands out due to the following characteristics: its resistance to wear, to chemical attack, high temperatures and oxidation; low electrical conductivity; near zero thermal expansion; good optical properties and biocompatibility with periodontal; excellent esthetics; color stability and reinforcement of tooth structure. The indications for the use of lithium disilicate are not limited to multiple facets of teeth in cases where there was no favorable response to tooth whitening, and also comprehend teeth with multiple restorations, diastema closure, shape alteration, and dental contouring, replacement of missing or fractured teeth, among others. The versatility of lithium disilicate ceramics allows its utilization in several clinical situations. The concomitant use of lithium disilicate for veneers and over metal has satisfactory aesthetic results, as reported in the present studying cases that require both aesthetics and resistance.


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Color is an important variable in cosmetic dentistry, and it has traditionally been measured by a visual method, comparing teeth with standard color guides. In recent decades, electronic instruments have been developed to eliminate the subjective factor of visual measurement. This objective method has mainly been performed with colorimeters, spectrophotometers and the analysis of images obtained with digital cameras. These instruments have proven to be reliable with a high degree of precision and accuracy. Its use is recommended as an adjunctive tool to assess color in direct and indirect restorations, in aesthetic treatments like bleaching, and to facilitate communication with the dental laboratory. The spectrophotometer is the device that has reported better “in- vitro “ and “in -vivo” performance, being the “Vita Easyshade “ the one with more reliable results.


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Atualmente, os pacientes buscam cada vez mais estética, e o profissional deve ser capaz de suprir a necessidade da demanda atual. Para isso, os profissionais devem estar atentos a não somente devolver funcionalidade a seus procedimentos restauradores, mas acima de tudo buscar excelência estética. Entre esses procedimentos, as restaurações adesivas diretas são capazes de mimetizar o que é artificial, tornando as restaurações naturais. Esse artigo tem o objetivo de expor uma sequência clínica, de certa maneira simplificada, em que o profissional conseguiu uma restauração altamente estética.


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Periodontitis is a chronic inflammatory disease that results in the destruction of teeth and their supporting tissues with subsequent tooth loss. The replacement of missing teeth for implant-supported restorations has proven to be a highly predictable treatment method with good long-term prognosis. However, some consequences of tooth loss prevents dental implant placement in an ideal position, where regenerative procedures are necessary for this type of rehabilitation. Less invasive procedures such as conventional prosthesis emerge as a therapeutic option in cases where there is enough bone structure for implants and patient´s non-acceptance for invasive procedures. Thus, this paper aims to present the resolution of rehabilitation through a noninvasive and multidisciplinary treatment. One female patient referred to the clinic presented maladaptive bilateral mandibular fixed prostheses, endodontic lesions, gingival recession, and root sensitivity. For proper resolution of this case, an association among osseointegrated implants, fixed partial prosthesis, tooth extraction, and aesthetic periodontal procedures with the use of subepithelial connective tissue graft was proposed. After two years, the patient shows excellent aesthetics and chewing. Within the limits of this scenario, this paper discusses the various factors that may affect the choice of a particular treatment modality for the rehabilitation of edentulous single spaces.


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Introdução: a perda da dimensão vertical de oclusão (DVO) é resultada de um grande desequilíbrio oclusal, onde não apenas a perda dos dentes pode ser o fator responsável, mas também as parafunções, entre elas, o bruxismo. O restabelecimento da relação maxilomandibular é condição necessária para que uma adequada reabilitação bucal seja executada, devolvendo, assim, função e estética perdidas. Objetivo: descrever um caso clínico de reabilitação em paciente bruxista, com presença de desgastes dentários, desgastes de tratamentos restauradores previamente existentes, fratura de onlay e bordas incisais, restabelecendo uma nova DVO por meio de onlays posteriores em cerômeros, recuperando a estética com restaurações diretas em resinas compostas nos dentes anteriores. Conclusões: a reabilitação bucal com levante de mordida em onlays devolve a DVO perdida de maneira segura.


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O aprimoramento da odontologia estética restauradora está ligado ao desenvolvimento de materiais e técnicas inovadoras, os quais podem oferecer diversos benefícios, incluindo a integração cromática, policromatismo, forma anatômica, função, adequado contato proximal e aumento da integridade marginal. Em função desses aspectos, as restaurações de resina composta, aplicadas de forma direta, tendem a ganhar maior longevidade. Assim, o objetivo do presente relato de caso é fornecer ao leitor a visão dos desafios restauradores envolvidos no reparo de uma fratura classe IV de um dente incisivo superior, utilizando-se um novo sistema de resina composta híbrida nanoparticulada (FiltekTM Supreme - 3M ESPE). Resultados: com base no referido material e técnica, otimizamos a obtenção de resultados satisfatórios alcançados por meio da utilização adequada do sistema adesivo e resina composta, mantidos com sucesso após o acompanhamento de 4 anos. Conclusão: pode-se concluir que, interagindo técnica adequada de aplicação, princípios adesivos básicos e materiais de qualidade, o clínico pode garantir o sucesso na restauração da forma, função e estética de dentes anteriores.


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The knowledge of risk of carried during pregnant is essential for an appropriate treatment using educational and preventives actions to mother for a good care of their oral health and that of children. The main objective of present retrospective study was to identify the risk of caries of pregnants (aged 15-44, mean= 25 years) came to clinic of Preventive Odontology of Araraquara-UNSEP from 1999 to 2007, using 166 medical records obtained by the third pregraduate year students, following the pre-established guidelines. The information collected includes: classification of caries risk diagnosis, pregnancy trimester, carbohydrates ingestion (between or during foods), dental plaques (O'Leary's plaque control registry) and the number of teeth with caries. The statistical analysis used the Chi2 and ANOVA tests. Most of patients showed a 25 % or more of teeth surfaces with dental plaques (92.1 %) and carbohydrates consumption among foods (89.2 %). The mean (SD) of carried and restores teeth was of 7.9 (5.1) and 4.0 (3.4), respectively and the posterior teeth were the more involved by caries/restorations. As regards the diagnosis of caries risk, classification of high risk was observed in the 38.5 % of pregnants, moderate in the 47.6 %) and low in the 13.9 %. There was a statistically significant association (p= 0.001) between the carbohydrates consumption and the diagnosis of caries risk. The plaque's rate was similar in the different trimesters of pregnancy (f= 0.223; p= 0.803). The caries risk of most pregnant women was high or moderate and it was associated with the consumption of carbohydrates.


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Pós-graduação em Odontologia Restauradora - ICT


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Indirect composite resin systems have been routinely recommended for making restorations in distressed patients. The purpose of this study was to evaluate histologically in rats the effect of chronic stress on the reaction of subcutaneous connective tissue after implant of Artglass™. For this purpose, 60 rats were divided into four groups (GI (control), GII (stressed), GIII (Artglass™) and GIV (Artglass™. / stressed) received dorsal subcutaneous implants of polyethylene tubes containing saline solution (GI and GII) or Artglass™ (GIII and GIV). In groups of four animals were sacrificed at 7,14 and 28 days postoperatively. The results allowed to observe more intense inflammatory reaction and tissue organization later in the animals subjected to stress.


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The pigmentation of indirect composite resins has been one of the most common reasons that lead the restorative treatment to failure. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of different solutions on color stability of indirect composite resins. Five brands of indirect composite resins were tested: Adoro, Resilab, Cristobal, Sinfony and Epricord. The samples were immerged in eleven solutions (n=10): common liquid foods (coke soft drink, red wine, coffee and orange juice), mounthrinses (Listerine, Oral-B, Colgate Plax and Periogard) and bleaching agents (carbamide peroxide 16%, 7.5% and hydrogen peroxide 38%) and artificial saliva (control group). The color was measured by a spectrophotometer before and after 7, 14 and 21 days of immersion in common liquid foods, after 12, 24, 36 and 60 hours of immersion in mounthrinses and after 7 and 14 days of immersion in bleaching agents. The Cristobal and Adoro resins showed highest values of ΔE statistically significant compared to the others resin brands. Adoro’s ΔE values changed significantly after the immersion process in red wine and coffee and also between periods measured. The resins Cristobal and Sinfony showed the highest values of ΔE after the immersion process in Listerine with difference statistically significant in comparison to control group. Besides, there was difference statistically significant of the ΔE values  for  Cristobal  after  immersion  in hydrogen peroxide 7,5% in comparison to control group. It can be conclude that all the solutions promoted color change on the indirect composite resins. However, ΔE values  are  whitin  the  values clinically acceptable.


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The oral rehabilitation has achieved great prominence in the dental implant, especially in the cases of reposition of units dental elements, so it is possible to replace each missing element to implant into your space where the tooth was loss. The reverse planning is fundamental to an appropriate rehabilitation, because promote the elimination of problems that might compromise the aesthetics and function of future dental implants. The objective of this study was to report the treatment plan for a patient in need of oral rehabilitation with implant dental prosthesis, using indications and techniques based on the literature, emphasizing the importance of reverse planning. We conducted an osseointegrated implant surgery using the principles of a connect procedure, thus allowing their successfully installing increasing the predictability of treatment. It is concluded that the success of rehabilitation treatment is directly related to the initial planning, a correct clinical approach and an integrated multidisciplinary team.


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The demand for esthetic restorations has resulted in an increased use of dental ceramics and is the main alternative restorative material to tooth structure due to its favorable properties. Therefore, the aim of this work is to study the evolution of ceramic systems, involving different types and properties, indications, and clinical issues as aesthetic, cementing and longevity. In a detailed and advanced search in the database PubMed, 98 articles were found using the following key words: dental porcelain dental all-ceramic and ceramic according to the criteria for inclusion and exclusion left only 35 articles for review. Several ceramic systems are available in the market, making the prosthetic professionals need a constant recycling about their properties and directions, since good results are due to the selection of the best material for a particular case in all the skill of the practitioner.


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The Morse Taper implant system, developed from its introduction in engineering, has become increasingly effective for use in dentistry. However, other systems, main external hexagon type, have been used more frequently today. Current studies have been reported the positive features of the Morse taper system and even emphasized as ideal within the systems used in implantology. Unfortunately, some professional duty by not knowing this system, or even prefer hexagon type system by decreased cost of components, have refused to use it. Thus, this study was aimed to perform a brief review of the Morse taper system, emphasizing its main points of interest in dentistry, in an attempt to familiarize the professionals to at least learn more about this system that has the prospect to become the leading system implants used in dentistry in the coming years. It is concluded that this system of dental implants is favorable showing predictability and success.