997 resultados para Reservatórios mamíferos
Developing an efficient methodology for oil recovery is extremely important . Within the range of enh anced oil recovery, known as EOR, the injection of polymer solutions becomes effective in controlling the mobility of displacing fluid . This method consists of adding polymers to the injection water to increase its viscosity, so that more water diffuses in to the porous medium and increasing the sweep efficiency in the reservoir. This work is studied by numerical simulation , application of the injection polymer solution in a homogeneous reservoir , semisynthetic with similar characteristics to the reservoirs of the Brazilian Northeast , numerical simulations were performed using thermal simulator STARS from CMG (Computer Modelling Group ). The study aimed to analyze the influence of some parameters on the behavior of reservoir oil production, with the response to cumulative production. Simulations were performed to analyze the influence of water injection, polymer solution and alternating injection of water banks and polymer solution, comparing the results for each simulated condition. The primary outcomes were: oil viscosity, percentage of injected polymer, polymer viscosity and flow rate of water injection. The evaluation of the influence of variables consisted of a complete experimental design followed a Pareto analysis for the purpose of pointing out which va riables would be most influential on the response represented b y the cumulative oil production . It was found that all variables significantly influenced the recovery of oil and the injection of polymer solution on an ongoing basis is more efficient for the cumulative production compared to oil recovery by continuous water injection. The primary recovery show ed low levels of oil production , water injection significantly improves the pro duction of oil in the reservoir , but the injection of polymer solution em erges as a new methodology to increase the production of oil, increasing the life of the well and possible reduction of water produced.
Reservoirs are the main sources of surface water in Brazil´s semiarid region. The majority of these water supplies, however, are compromised by eutrophication. A severe drought in 2012 contributed to significant losses in water volume, influencing the availability of resources (nutrients and light) for phytoplankton. The aim of this study is to understand the dynamics of the functional groups of phytoplankton and the factors that affect them during a severe drought in the semiarid reservoirs of the northeast. We therefore studied the Dourado, Gargalheiras and Passagem das Traíras reservoirs in Rio Grande do Norte from January 2012 to January 2013. The effect of drought favoured homogeneity within the reservoir, in relation to biotic and abiotic variables, notably the absence of water supply given the lack of flow from its tributaries (intermittent river). The phytoplankton functional groups of bloomforming cyanobacteria (SN, S1 and M) dominated throughout the year 2012, in both the shallow and deep areas of the three reservoirs studied. The groups were related to high concentrations of volatile solids, total phosphorus and ammonia, and high turbidity. Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii (SN group) was the species with the greatest biomass in the three reservoirs. M group (Sphaerocavum brasiliense) performed better in shallow waters with more available phosphorus. Our data showed that high concentrations of nutrients and low availability of light, besides the stability of the water column due to lack of flow and the system´s high residence time, favoured the dominance of bloom-forming cyanobacteria groups, especially those tolerant to shadow
This research aims to set whether is possible to build spatial patterns over oil fields using DFA (Detrended Fluctuation Analysis) of the following well logs: sonic, density, porosity, resistivity and gamma ray. It was employed in the analysis a set of 54 well logs from the oil field of Campos dos Namorados, RJ, Brazil. To check for spatial correlation, it was employed the Mantel test between the matrix of geographic distance and the matrix of the difference of DFA exponents of the well logs. The null hypothesis assumes the absence of spatial structures that means no correlation between the matrix of Euclidean distance and the matrix of DFA differences. Our analysis indicate that the sonic (p=0.18) and the density (p=0.26) were the profiles that show tendency to correlation, or weak correlation. A complementary analysis using contour plot also has suggested that the sonic and the density are the most suitable with geophysical quantities for the construction of spatial structures corroborating the results of Mantel test
Reservoirs are artificial ecosystems, intermediate between rivers and lakes, with diferent morphological and hydrological characteristics that can provide many important benefits to society. However, the use of this water for human consumption, watering livestock, leisure, irrigated agricultural production and pisciculture development, directly influence the increase loading of nutrients to aquatic environments and contribute to acceleration of eutrophication. Furthermore, global climate models are predicting a higher occurrence of extreme events such as floods and severe droughts, which will create hydrological stresses in lakes. In the semiarid northeast we can see the occurrence of these events, the drought of the years 2012, 2013 and 2014 was the worst drought in 60 years, according to the National Water Agency (ANA). Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the quality of the semiarid tropical water sources, identifying temporal patterns in periods with extreme hydrological events (floods and severe droughts). The study results showed that Gargalheiras and Cruzeta reservoirs presented significative changes in the limnological variables between rain and severe drought periods, with better appearance and in the most of the water quality variables in the rainy season and higher nutrientes concentrations and high electrical conductivity values in severe season, indicating decay of its quality. However, we found diferent behaviors between the reservoirs in severe drought. While Gargalheiras showed a typical behavior of the region, with high concentrations of algal biomass, indicating the worsening eutrophication, Cruzeta demonstrated a colapse in the total phytoplankton biomass, evidenced by the decrease in chla concentrations. This fact occurred because the low depth and proximity with the sediment facilited the inorganic solids resuspension and, consequently, resulted in turbid water column and light by limitation. In addition, the different behaviors between the reservoirs indicate that the responses of these environments problems such as extreme events must take into account factors such the region climate, size, depth of the reservoir and the basin characteristics.
In the last 16 years emerged in Brazil a segment of independent producers with focus on onshore basins and shallow waters. Among the challenges of these companies is the development of fields with projects with a low net present value (NPV). The objective of this work was to study the technical-economical best option to develop an oil field in the Brazilian Northeast using reservoir simulation. Real geology, reservoir and production data was used to build the geological and simulation model. Due to not having PVT analysis, distillation method test data known as the true boiling points (TBP) were used to create a fluids model generating the PVT data. After execution of the history match, four development scenarios were simulated: the extrapolation of production without new investments, the conversion of a producing well for immiscible gas injection, the drilling of a vertical well and the drilling of a horizontal well. As a result, from the financial point of view, the gas injection is the alternative with lower added value, but it may be viable if there are environmental or regulatory restrictions to flaring or venting the produced gas into the atmosphere from this field or neighboring accumulations. The recovery factor achieved with the drilling of vertical and horizontal wells is similar, but the horizontal well is a project of production acceleration; therefore, the present incremental cumulative production with a minimum rate of company's attractiveness is higher. Depending on the crude oil Brent price and the drilling cost, this option can be technically and financially viable.
Los telómeros se encuentran en el foco de atención de muchas investigaciones por su papel en el mantenimiento de la integridad cromosómica y su implicación en procesos como el envejecimiento, el cáncer y la regeneración tisular. En ausencia de mecanismos compensatorios, el ADN telomérico sufre un acortamiento progresivo en cada división celular debido a la incapacidad de las ADN polimerasas convencionales de replicar el extremo 5’ de los cromosomas. La telomerasa, una ribonucleoproteína con actividad transcriptasa inversa (componente TERT), compensa el acortamiento telomérico sintetizando las secuencias teloméricas de novo en el extremo 3’ de los cromosomas utilizando como molde una molécula de ARN asociada (componente TERC). La mayoría de los tipos celulares presentan una actividad telomerasa limitada, acortándose los telómeros en cada división mitótica. Por ello, la actividad de la telomerasa y el acortamiento telomérico son factores limitantes en la esperanza de vida de los mamíferos, mientras que el acortamiento de los telómeros contribuye al envejecimiento limitando la regeneración tisular. Durante el desarrollo embrionario los telómeros se alargan, quedando determinadas las reservas teloméricas con las que contará el recién nacido. Por este motivo, el estudio de la dinámica de la elongación telómerica y su regulación durante el desarrollo embrionario temprano en mamíferos es de gran interés debido a las implicaciones que la longitud telomérica (LT) del recién nacido tiene en las etapas posteriores del desarrollo...
El Museo de Ciencias Naturales de Madrid (MNCN-CSIC) data de 1776, momento en que se constituyó como Real Gabinete de Historia Natural con la adquisición de las colecciones de Pedro Franco Dávila (1711-1786). Posee una colección de mamíferos y aves formada por unos 57.000 especímenes preparados como pieles, fluidos, esqueletos y especímenes montados entre otros, provenientes principalmente del territorio español y de áreas de influencia colonial (América del Sur y Centroamérica, Guinea Ecuatorial, Filipinas y Marruecos). La colección de especímenes montados está compuesta por 3415 ejemplares que abarcan periodos desde el siglo XVIII hasta el XX, entre los que cabe destacar algunos ejemplares extintos. Las naturalizaciones más reconocidas, formando generalmente grupos biológicos, están realizadas por los hermanos Benedito. También cabe subrayar algún ejemplar de Rowland Ward Ltd. Las colecciones del museo han sufrido numerosos avatares y deterioros que han ocasionado pérdidas de ejemplares y daños diversos como ataques de plagas, desmembramientos, disociación, etc. Además, los ejemplares destinados a exposición poseen una estructura compleja y gran variedad de materiales diferentes en su constitución, lo que origina problemas técnicos para conservar íntegramente su morfología. Pero el problema más grave y acuciante es la falta de espacio y asignación económica, conservándose la gran mayoría de los ejemplares en unos almacenes en Arganda del Rey que no reúnen las condiciones medioambientales idóneas para su salvaguarda, por lo que siguen deteriorándose a pesar de haber sido restaurados. Actualmente varios de estos ejemplares requieren de operaciones de recuperación. Hoy en día en el Museo de Ciencias Naturales de Madrid se están aplicando tratamientos de conservación preventiva y la intención de la presente tesis doctoral es investigar sobre aquellos criterios museísticos y de conservación y restauración que permitan establecer, a través de procedimientos científicos, los protocolos de actuación en el caso de las colecciones de aves y mamíferos de modo que complementen los trabajos ya realizados por esta institución...
Dissertação (Mestrado)
The eutrofization is a natural process of accumulation of nutrients in aquatic´s body that it has been accelerated for the human´s actives, mainly the related with the activities of camp, industrial and the inadequate disposition of the domestic sewage. The enrichment of the aquatic´s body with nutrients, mainly the nitrogen and the phosphorus, and the consequent proliferation of algae and Cyanobacteria can commit the quality of the water for the public provisioning, for the fish farming and for other ends. The problem becomes more critical when there is a shortage of water naturally as in the semi-arid area of the Brazilian northeast. Before that problem this work had as objective evaluates the trophic state of six reservoirs of the basin of River Seridó of Rio Grande of Norte and also estimate the capacity of load of match of the reservoir and risk probabilities based on the established limits by the resolution Conama 357/05. The results demonstrate that the six reservoirs are eutrofization, with concentration of total phosphorus and cloro a in the water upster to 50 e 12 μg l-1. The results show that space homogeneity exists in the state trophic of the reservoirs, but a significant variation interanual in function of the increase of the concentrations of nutrients and decrease of the transparency of the water with the reduction of the body of water accumulated in the reservoirs.The results of the simulation risk estocastic show that the reservoirs could receive annually from 72 to 216 Kg of P, assuming a risk of 10% of increasing in more than 30 μg l-1 the annual medium concentrations of total match in the water of these reservoirs. This load could be high in until 360 kg of P a year in case the managers assume a risk of 10% of increasing in more than 50 μg l-1 the annual medium concentrations of total phosphorus in the waters of these reservoirs
The response of zooplankton assemblages to variations in the water quality of four man-made lakes, caused by eutrophication and siltation, was investigated by means of canonical correspondence analysis. Monte Carlo simulations using the CCA eingenvalues as test statistics revealed that changes in zooplankton species composition along the environmental gradients of trophic state and abiogenic turbidity were highly significant. The species Brachionus calyciflorus, Thermocyclops sp. and Argyrodiaptomus sp. were good indicators of eutrophic conditions while the species Brachionus dolabratus, Keratella tropica and Hexarthra sp. were good indicators of high turbidity due to suspended sediments. The rotifer genus Brachionus was the most species-rich taxon, comprising five species which were associated with different environmental conditions. Therefore, we tested whether this genus alone could potentially be a better biological indicator of these environmental gradients than the entire zooplankton assemblages or any other random set of five species. The ordination results show that the five Brachionus species alone did not explain better the observed pattern of environmental variation than most random sets of five species. Therefore, this genus could not be selected as a target taxon for more intensive environmental monitoring as has been previously suggested by Attayde and Bozelli (1998). Overall, our results show that changes in the water quality of man-made lakes in a tropical semi-arid region have significant effects on the structure of zooplankton assemblages that can potentially affect the functioning of these ecosystems
Con el objetivo de contribuir a la generación de información sobre mamíferos silvestres y los usos por la comunidad en el Parque Ecológico El Manzano, Municipio de Dulce Nombre de María, departamento de Chalatenango se logró determinar por medio de entrevistas, observaciones directas, rastros y pistas de huellas las especies de mamíferos medianos así como el uso que las comunidades hacen de los mamíferos que son cazados en el área. Los muestreos fueron realizados de Junio de 2005 hasta noviembre de 2005, registrando por medio de las entrevistas veinticinco especies y por medio de rastros, huellas en caminos y pistas de huellas doce especies. En cuanto a los usos de los mamíferos por las cuatro comunidades, se registraron cuatro usos: alimenticio, medicinal, mágico y artesanal. Según los resultados, no hay diferencia significativa en el número de especies encontradas en las distintas zonas donde se realizó el estudio, así como tampoco no hay diferencia en el uso que hacen los pobladores de los mamíferos silvestres. Con respecto a la actividad de la cacería que se practica en la zona, esta tiene características de una combinación de cacería deportiva y cacería de subsistencia, por lo que su importancia recae tanto en lo social, cultural y ambiental.
El control de la reproducción de los animales de granja fue una de las herramientas esenciales en la domesticación. Esto es aún de gran interés para la mejora genética, el ajuste de la producción a la disponibilidad de alimentos y del mercado y finalmente, para la reducción de los períodos improductivos. La detección del comportamiento del estro, la sincronización de las concepciones y el incremento de la potencialidad de difusión de los padres de alta genética son tres objetivos comunes a la producción de todas las especies. Los variados sistemas reproductivos entre los diversos sistemas de producción difieren a causa de las propiedades intrínsecas de las especies y de los diferentes grados de intensificación de estos sistemas. Tres tendencias claras son el continuo incremento de la productividad por medio de las mejoras de la eficiencia reproductiva, el desarrollo de técnicas nuevas y sostenibles sin el uso de hormonas y el continuo desarrollo de la inseminación artificial y de las biotécnicas reproductivas. Las futuras áreas de inversión en investigación podrían ser: las bases fisiológicas y etológicas de las interrelaciones socio-sexuales entre animales, el control genético de parámetros reproductivos, el incremento en la eficiencia de biotecnologías clásicas y nuevas y la ingeniería de técnicas reproductivas nuevas e innovativas para ser utilizadas a nivel de granja. Estas técnicas reproductivas deberían ser desarrolladas respetando los tres pilares de la sostenibilidad: el ambiente, la economía y la sociedad. Por ello deberían estar incluidas dentro de los sistemas de producción en los cuales se supone que serán aplicadas y donde deberían ser evaluadas en su sostenibilidad.
Estuda-se a associação de grandes mamíferos recolhida em unidades estratigráficas das "Salas 20 e 2" do Buraco da Moura de S. Romão (Seia) correspondentes a uma ocupação do Bronze Pleno. Devido à natureza predominantemente ácida dos terrenos de toda a região beirã, restos faunísticos como os agora estudados são excepcionais. Tal facto valoriza as conclusões obtidas do seu estudo, não apenas sobre as bases de subsistência e hábitos alimentares, mas também acerca da economia das populações que, no Bronze Pleno, ocuparam a Bacia do Alto Mondego. Comprovou-se uma importante actividadepastoril, documentada pela predominância, no espectro faunístico, dos bovinos e ovinos e onde a caça ocupava um lugar muito secundário. Tal situação reforça a proposta de atribuição da degradação do coberto florestal da área serrana como tendo origem antrópica, datando talvez desde o IV milénio a. C., ligando-se á necessidade da obtenção de terras de pastoreio.
A fauna de mamíferos do estado de São Paulo consta de 231 táxons, sendo este número uma estimativa da real diversidade presente na região, dado a falta de amostragem em grandes extensões do estado, e também de revisões taxonômicas para determinados grupos. Ainda assim, nosso conhecimento aumentou em 20% desde a última estimativa em 1998, principalmente em relação aos quirópteros e roedores. Estes dados são provenientes de inventários faunísticos, e também do estudo de espécimes depositados em coleções científicas oriundos de revisões taxonômicas. Também temos um maior volume de dados a respeito da distribuição dos mamíferos em relação às diferentes paisagens presentes no estado, o que nos permite dividir a mastofauna em três componentes distintos: o mais importante desses é o das espécies generalistas, que ocorrem em todas as principais paisagens do estado; o segundo grupo concentra espécies das formações abertas, e o terceiro grupo inclui as espécies essencialmente florestais. Além disso, o número de estudos que tem se preocupado com o efeito da fragmentação de hábitats sobre as comunidades de mamíferos, bem como a respeito da permeabilidade das espécies em áreas alteradas, também aumentaram. Dados a respeito da ocorrência, abundância e vulnerabilidade das espécies foram essenciais para traçar estratégias em relação à escolha de áreas e à indicação de ações prioritárias para a conservação dos mamíferos no estado, assim como classificar as espécies nas diferentes categorias de ameaças propostas, culminando na Lista das Espécies Ameaçadas do Estado de São Paulo. Entretanto, ainda existem inúmeras lacunas de conhecimento, que vão desde o número limitado de amostras zoológicas, até a falta de informações acerca da ecologia e história natural de várias espécies. É imprescindível que aumentemos as amostras de mamíferos em coleções zoológicas, principalmente em áreas de Floresta Ombrófila Densa, nos fragmentos de Cerrado, bem como em áreas do centro e oeste do Estado, que permanecem ainda pouco estudadas, com o objetivo de produzir um maior número de revisões taxonômicas em diversos grupos de mamíferos, e de estudos com abordagens filogeográficas e de genética de populações, para diagnosticarmos de forma efetiva a riqueza de mamíferos no estado, bem como os mecanismos evolutivos responsáveis por esta diversificação. Aliados a esses estudos serão necessárias abordagens ecológicas para gerarmos conhecimento, que em conjunto, nos permitirá avaliarmos o estado de conservação dos mamíferos de São Paulo e tomarmos decisões sobre as melhores estratégias para manejarmos e preservarmos estas espécies.
ICHNOFOSSILS (PALEO-BURROWS and CROTOVINES) ATTRIBUTED TO EXTINCT MAMMALS IN SOUTHEASTERN and SOUTH BRAZIL. This work presents information regarding tunnels which are attributed to large extinct mammals. These structures can be found in several places in southeastern and southern Brazil, in different types of substrate, occurring as hollow structures (paleo-burrows) or those filled with sediments (crotovines). The dimensions and osteoderm and claw imprints found along the internal walls of the paleo-burrow found on aluvial fan deposits near the town of Cristal (Rio Grande do Sul State) suggest that a dasypodid xenarthran might have dug this structure. Comparison with similar structures found in Argentina can provide more detailed information regarding the paleoecology and biostratigraphy of the organisms that made these burrows.