887 resultados para Representations of algebras
The concept of ideal geometric configurations was recently applied to the classification and characterization of various knots. Different knots in their ideal form (i.e., the one requiring the shortest length of a constant-diameter tube to form a given knot) were shown to have an overall compactness proportional to the time-averaged compactness of thermally agitated knotted polymers forming corresponding knots. This was useful for predicting the relative speed of electrophoretic migration of different DNA knots. Here we characterize the ideal geometric configurations of catenanes (called links by mathematicians), i.e., closed curves in space that are topologically linked to each other. We demonstrate that the ideal configurations of different catenanes show interrelations very similar to those observed in the ideal configurations of knots. By analyzing literature data on electrophoretic separations of the torus-type of DNA catenanes with increasing complexity, we observed that their electrophoretic migration is roughly proportional to the overall compactness of ideal representations of the corresponding catenanes. This correlation does not apply, however, to electrophoretic migration of certain replication intermediates, believed up to now to represent the simplest torus-type catenanes. We propose, therefore, that freshly replicated circular DNA molecules, in addition to forming regular catenanes, may also form hemicatenanes.
Significant progress has been made with regard to the quantitative integration of geophysical and hydrological data at the local scale for the purpose of improving predictions of groundwater flow and solute transport. However, extending corresponding approaches to the regional scale still represents one of the major challenges in the domain of hydrogeophysics. To address this problem, we have developed a regional-scale data integration methodology based on a two-step Bayesian sequential simulation approach. Our objective is to generate high-resolution stochastic realizations of the regional-scale hydraulic conductivity field in the common case where there exist spatially exhaustive but poorly resolved measurements of a related geophysical parameter, as well as highly resolved but spatially sparse collocated measurements of this geophysical parameter and the hydraulic conductivity. To integrate this multi-scale, multi-parameter database, we first link the low- and high-resolution geophysical data via a stochastic downscaling procedure. This is followed by relating the downscaled geophysical data to the high-resolution hydraulic conductivity distribution. After outlining the general methodology of the approach, we demonstrate its application to a realistic synthetic example where we consider as data high-resolution measurements of the hydraulic and electrical conductivities at a small number of borehole locations, as well as spatially exhaustive, low-resolution estimates of the electrical conductivity obtained from surface-based electrical resistivity tomography. The different stochastic realizations of the hydraulic conductivity field obtained using our procedure are validated by comparing their solute transport behaviour with that of the underlying ?true? hydraulic conductivity field. We find that, even in the presence of strong subsurface heterogeneity, our proposed procedure allows for the generation of faithful representations of the regional-scale hydraulic conductivity structure and reliable predictions of solute transport over long, regional-scale distances.
In mice, barrels in layer IV of the somatosensory cortex correspond to the columnar representations of whisker follicles. In barrelless (BRL) mice, barrels are absent, but functionally, a columnar organization persists. Previously we characterized the aberrant geometry of thalamic projection of BRL mice using axonal reconstructions of individual neurons. Here we proceeded with the analysis of the intracortical projections from layer VI pyramidal neurons, to assess their contribution to the columnar organization. From series of tangential sections we reconstructed the axon collaterals of individual layer VI pyramidal neurons in the C2 barrel column that were labelled with biocytin [controls from normal (NOR) strain, 19 cells; BRL strain, nine cells]. Using six morphological parameters in a cluster analysis, we showed that layer VI neurons in NOR mice are distributed into four clusters distinguished by the radial and tangential extent of their intracortical projections. These clusters correlated with the cortical or subcortical projection of the main axon. In BRL mice, neurons were distributed within the same four clusters, but their projections to the granular and supragranular layers were significantly smaller and their tangential projection was less columnar than in NOR mice. However, in both strains the intracortical projections had a preference for the appropriate barrel column (C2), indicating that layer VI pyramidal cells could participate in the functional columnar organization of the barrel cortex. Correlative light and electron microscopy analyses provided morphometric data on the intracortical synaptic boutons and synapses of layer VI pyramidal neurons and revealed that projections to layer IV preferentially target excitatory dendritic spines and shafts.
Automatic classification of makams from symbolic data is a rarely studied topic. In this paper, first a review of an n-gram based approach is presented using various representations of the symbolic data. While a high degree of precision can be obtained, confusion happens mainly for makams using (almost) the same scale and pitch hierarchy but differ in overall melodic progression, seyir. To further improve the system, first n-gram based classification is tested for various sections of the piece to take into account a feature of the seyir that melodic progression starts in a certain region of the scale. In a second test, a hierarchical classification structure is designed which uses n-grams and seyir features in different levels to further improve the system.
Business organisations are excellent representations of what in physics and mathematics are designated "chaotic" systems. Because a culture of innovation will be vital for organisational survival in the 21st century, the present paper proposes that viewing organisations in terms of "complexity theory" may assist leaders in fine-tuning managerial philosophies that provide orderly management emphasizing stability within a culture of organised chaos, for it is on the "boundary of chaos" that the greatest creativity occurs. It is argued that 21st century companies, as chaotic social systems, will no longer be effectively managed by rigid objectives (MBO) nor by instructions (MBI). Their capacity for self-organisation will be derived essentially from how their members accept a shared set of values or principles for action (MBV). Complexity theory deals with systems that show complex structures in time or space, often hiding simple deterministic rules. This theory holds that once these rules are found, it is possible to make effective predictions and even to control the apparent complexity. The state of chaos that self-organises, thanks to the appearance of the "strange attractor", is the ideal basis for creativity and innovation in the company. In this self-organised state of chaos, members are not confined to narrow roles, and gradually develop their capacity for differentiation and relationships, growing continuously toward their maximum potential contribution to the efficiency of the organisation. In this way, values act as organisers or "attractors" of disorder, which in the theory of chaos are equations represented by unusually regular geometric configurations that predict the long-term behaviour of complex systems. In business organisations (as in all kinds of social systems) the starting principles end up as the final principles in the long term. An attractor is a model representation of the behavioral results of a system. The attractor is not a force of attraction or a goal-oriented presence in the system; it simply depicts where the system is headed based on its rules of motion. Thus, in a culture that cultivates or shares values of autonomy, responsibility, independence, innovation, creativity, and proaction, the risk of short-term chaos is mitigated by an overall long-term sense of direction. A more suitable approach to manage the internal and external complexities that organisations are currently confronting is to alter their dominant culture under the principles of MBV.
Objective This study aims to explore medical students’ social representations of mental ill health in older adults. Method It comprises an exploratory and qualitative investigation based on the theory of social representations. Two focus groups with pre-clinical medics (group 1, N=4; group 2, N=4) and 10 individual interviews with clinical medical students were conducted. Thematic analysis at a latent level explored meanings and differences between groups. Results Three overarching themes reflect participants’ representations of mental health problems in later life – mental ill health in old age, polarisation of care, and challenges to care. Primary health care appears as an important strategy to overcome barriers to mental health care in the community. Nevertheless, disqualifying representations, stigma and organization of services constitute the main challenges to quality mental health care in later life. Conclusion This paper highlights the need to address cultural and organizational barriers to promote quality care.
OBJECTIVE To analyze the social representations of the Nursing Technicians and Community Health Agents about domestic violence against women. METHOD A qualitative study carried out in the city of Rio Grande, RS, in which evocations and interviews were collected between July and November 2013. For the treatment of data were used the EVOC 2005 software and the context analysis. RESULT It is a structured representation, in which the central nucleus contains conceptual, imaging and attitudinal elements, namely: abuse, aggression, physical aggression, cowardice and lack of respect. Such terms were present in the context of the interviews. The professionals acknowledged that violence is not limited to physical aspects and were judgemental about the acts of the aggressor. CONCLUSION This knowledge may enable the problematization of the studied phenomenon with the team, and facilitate the search for prevention and intervention strategies for victims, offenders and managers of health services.
Business organisations are excellent representations of what in physics and mathematics are designated "chaotic" systems. Because a culture of innovation will be vital for organisational survival in the 21st century, the present paper proposes that viewing organisations in terms of "complexity theory" may assist leaders in fine-tuning managerial philosophies that provide orderly management emphasizing stability within a culture of organised chaos, for it is on the "boundary of chaos" that the greatest creativity occurs. It is argued that 21st century companies, as chaotic social systems, will no longer be effectively managed by rigid objectives (MBO) nor by instructions (MBI). Their capacity for self-organisation will be derived essentially from how their members accept a shared set of values or principles for action (MBV). Complexity theory deals with systems that show complex structures in time or space, often hiding simple deterministic rules. This theory holds that once these rules are found, it is possible to make effective predictions and even to control the apparent complexity. The state of chaos that self-organises, thanks to the appearance of the "strange attractor", is the ideal basis for creativity and innovation in the company. In this self-organised state of chaos, members are not confined to narrow roles, and gradually develop their capacity for differentiation and relationships, growing continuously toward their maximum potential contribution to the efficiency of the organisation. In this way, values act as organisers or "attractors" of disorder, which in the theory of chaos are equations represented by unusually regular geometric configurations that predict the long-term behaviour of complex systems. In business organisations (as in all kinds of social systems) the starting principles end up as the final principles in the long term. An attractor is a model representation of the behavioral results of a system. The attractor is not a force of attraction or a goal-oriented presence in the system; it simply depicts where the system is headed based on its rules of motion. Thus, in a culture that cultivates or shares values of autonomy, responsibility, independence, innovation, creativity, and proaction, the risk of short-term chaos is mitigated by an overall long-term sense of direction. A more suitable approach to manage the internal and external complexities that organisations are currently confronting is to alter their dominant culture under the principles of MBV.
The main information sources to study a particular piece of music are symbolic scores and audio recordings. These are complementary representations of the piece and it isvery useful to have a proper linking between the two of the musically meaningful events. For the case of makam music of Turkey, linking the available scores with the correspondingaudio recordings requires taking the specificities of this music into account, such as the particular tunings, the extensive usage of non-notated expressive elements, and the way in which the performer repeats fragmentsof the score. Moreover, for most of the pieces of the classical repertoire, there is no score written by the original composer. In this paper, we propose a methodology to pair sections of a score to the corresponding fragments of audio recording performances. The pitch information obtained from both sources is used as the common representationto be paired. From an audio recording, fundamental frequency estimation and tuning analysis is done to compute a pitch contour. From the corresponding score, symbolic note names and durations are converted to a syntheticpitch contour. Then, a linking operation is performed between these pitch contours in order to find the best correspondences.The method is tested on a dataset of 11 compositions spanning 44 audio recordings, which are mostly monophonic. An F3-score of 82% and 89% are obtained with automatic and semi-automatic karar detection respectively,showing that the methodology may give us a needed tool for further computational tasks such as form analysis, audio-score alignment and makam recognition.
Modern scholarship often discusses Roman women in terms of their difference from their male counterparts, frequently defining them as 'other'. This book shows how Roman male writers at the turn of the first century actually described women as not so different from men: the same qualities and abilities pertaining to the domains of parenthood, intellect and morals are ascribed by writers to women as well as to men. There are two voices, however: a traditional, ideal voice and an individual, realistic voice. This creates a duality of representations of women, which recurs across literary genres and reflects a duality of mentality. How can we interpret the paradoxical information about Roman women given by the male-authored texts? How does this duality of mentality inform us about gender roles and gender hierarchy? This work analyses well-known, as well as overlooked, passages from the writings of Pliny the Younger, Tacitus, Suetonius, Quintilian, Statius, Martial and Juvenal and sheds new light on Roman views of women and their abilities, on the notions of private and public and on conjugal relationships. In the process, the famous sixth satire of Juvenal is revisited and its topic reassessed, providing further insights into the complex issues of gender roles, marriage and emotions. By contrasting representations of women across a broad spectrum of literary genres, this book provides consistent findings that have wide significance for the study of Latin literature and the social history of the late first and early second centuries.
A filtering method to correct time-lapse 3D ERT data and improve imaging of natural aquifer dynamics
We have developed a processing methodology that allows crosshole ERT (electrical resistivity tomography) monitoring data to be used to derive temporal fluctuations of groundwater electrical resistivity and thereby characterize the dynamics of groundwater in a gravel aquifer as it is infiltrated by river water. Temporal variations of the raw ERT apparent-resistivity data were mainly sensitive to the resistivity (salinity), temperature and height of the groundwater, with the relative contributions of these effects depending on the time and the electrode configuration. To resolve the changes in groundwater resistivity, we first expressed fluctuations of temperature-detrended apparent-resistivity data as linear superpositions of (i) time series of riverwater-resistivity variations convolved with suitable filter functions and (ii) linear and quadratic representations of river-water-height variations multiplied by appropriate sensitivity factors; river-water height was determined to be a reliable proxy for groundwater height. Individual filter functions and sensitivity factors were obtained for each electrode configuration via deconvolution using a one month calibration period and then the predicted contributions related to changes in water height were removed prior to inversion of the temperature-detrended apparent-resistivity data. Applications of the filter functions and sensitivity factors accurately predicted the apparent-resistivity variations (the correlation coefficient was 0.98). Furthermore, the filtered ERT monitoring data and resultant time-lapse resistivity models correlated closely with independently measured groundwater electrical resistivity monitoring data and only weakly with the groundwater-height fluctuations. The inversion results based on the filtered ERT data also showed significantly less inversion artefacts than the raw data inversions. We observed resistivity increases of up to 10% and the arrival time peaks in the time-lapse resistivity models matched those in the groundwater resistivity monitoring data.
Learning-induced plasticity in auditory spatial representations revealed by electrical neuroimaging.
Auditory spatial representations are likely encoded at a population level within human auditory cortices. We investigated learning-induced plasticity of spatial discrimination in healthy subjects using auditory-evoked potentials (AEPs) and electrical neuroimaging analyses. Stimuli were 100 ms white-noise bursts lateralized with varying interaural time differences. In three experiments, plasticity was induced with 40 min of discrimination training. During training, accuracy significantly improved from near-chance levels to approximately 75%. Before and after training, AEPs were recorded to stimuli presented passively with a more medial sound lateralization outnumbering a more lateral one (7:1). In experiment 1, the same lateralizations were used for training and AEP sessions. Significant AEP modulations to the different lateralizations were evident only after training, indicative of a learning-induced mismatch negativity (MMN). More precisely, this MMN at 195-250 ms after stimulus onset followed from differences in the AEP topography to each stimulus position, indicative of changes in the underlying brain network. In experiment 2, mirror-symmetric locations were used for training and AEP sessions; no training-related AEP modulations or MMN were observed. In experiment 3, the discrimination of trained plus equidistant untrained separations was tested psychophysically before and 0, 6, 24, and 48 h after training. Learning-induced plasticity lasted <6 h, did not generalize to untrained lateralizations, and was not the simple result of strengthening the representation of the trained lateralizations. Thus, learning-induced plasticity of auditory spatial discrimination relies on spatial comparisons, rather than a spatial anchor or a general comparator. Furthermore, cortical auditory representations of space are dynamic and subject to rapid reorganization.
Among the types of remote sensing acquisitions, optical images are certainly one of the most widely relied upon data sources for Earth observation. They provide detailed measurements of the electromagnetic radiation reflected or emitted by each pixel in the scene. Through a process termed supervised land-cover classification, this allows to automatically yet accurately distinguish objects at the surface of our planet. In this respect, when producing a land-cover map of the surveyed area, the availability of training examples representative of each thematic class is crucial for the success of the classification procedure. However, in real applications, due to several constraints on the sample collection process, labeled pixels are usually scarce. When analyzing an image for which those key samples are unavailable, a viable solution consists in resorting to the ground truth data of other previously acquired images. This option is attractive but several factors such as atmospheric, ground and acquisition conditions can cause radiometric differences between the images, hindering therefore the transfer of knowledge from one image to another. The goal of this Thesis is to supply remote sensing image analysts with suitable processing techniques to ensure a robust portability of the classification models across different images. The ultimate purpose is to map the land-cover classes over large spatial and temporal extents with minimal ground information. To overcome, or simply quantify, the observed shifts in the statistical distribution of the spectra of the materials, we study four approaches issued from the field of machine learning. First, we propose a strategy to intelligently sample the image of interest to collect the labels only in correspondence of the most useful pixels. This iterative routine is based on a constant evaluation of the pertinence to the new image of the initial training data actually belonging to a different image. Second, an approach to reduce the radiometric differences among the images by projecting the respective pixels in a common new data space is presented. We analyze a kernel-based feature extraction framework suited for such problems, showing that, after this relative normalization, the cross-image generalization abilities of a classifier are highly increased. Third, we test a new data-driven measure of distance between probability distributions to assess the distortions caused by differences in the acquisition geometry affecting series of multi-angle images. Also, we gauge the portability of classification models through the sequences. In both exercises, the efficacy of classic physically- and statistically-based normalization methods is discussed. Finally, we explore a new family of approaches based on sparse representations of the samples to reciprocally convert the data space of two images. The projection function bridging the images allows a synthesis of new pixels with more similar characteristics ultimately facilitating the land-cover mapping across images.
Naive scale invariance is not a true property of natural images. Natural monochrome images possess a much richer geometrical structure, which is particularly well described in terms of multiscaling relations. This means that the pixels of a given image can be decomposed into sets, the fractal components of the image, with well-defined scaling exponents [Turiel and Parga, Neural Comput. 12, 763 (2000)]. Here it is shown that hyperspectral representations of natural scenes also exhibit multiscaling properties, observing the same kind of behavior. A precise measure of the informational relevance of the fractal components is also given, and it is shown that there are important differences between the intrinsically redundant red-green-blue system and the decorrelated one defined in Ruderman, Cronin, and Chiao [J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 15, 2036 (1998)].
During my PhD, my aim was to provide new tools to increase our capacity to analyse gene expression patterns, and to study on a large-scale basis the evolution of gene expression in animals. Gene expression patterns (when and where a gene is expressed) are a key feature in understanding gene function, notably in development. It appears clear now that the evolution of developmental processes and of phenotypes is shaped both by evolution at the coding sequence level, and at the gene expression level.Studying gene expression evolution in animals, with complex expression patterns over tissues and developmental time, is still challenging. No tools are available to routinely compare expression patterns between different species, with precision, and on a large-scale basis. Studies on gene expression evolution are therefore performed only on small genes datasets, or using imprecise descriptions of expression patterns.The aim of my PhD was thus to develop and use novel bioinformatics resources, to study the evolution of gene expression. To this end, I developed the database Bgee (Base for Gene Expression Evolution). The approach of Bgee is to transform heterogeneous expression data (ESTs, microarrays, and in-situ hybridizations) into present/absent calls, and to annotate them to standard representations of anatomy and development of different species (anatomical ontologies). An extensive mapping between anatomies of species is then developed based on hypothesis of homology. These precise annotations to anatomies, and this extensive mapping between species, are the major assets of Bgee, and have required the involvement of many co-workers over the years. My main personal contribution is the development and the management of both the Bgee database and the web-application.Bgee is now on its ninth release, and includes an important gene expression dataset for 5 species (human, mouse, drosophila, zebrafish, Xenopus), with the most data from mouse, human and zebrafish. Using these three species, I have conducted an analysis of gene expression evolution after duplication in vertebrates.Gene duplication is thought to be a major source of novelty in evolution, and to participate to speciation. It has been suggested that the evolution of gene expression patterns might participate in the retention of duplicate genes. I performed a large-scale comparison of expression patterns of hundreds of duplicated genes to their singleton ortholog in an outgroup, including both small and large-scale duplicates, in three vertebrate species (human, mouse and zebrafish), and using highly accurate descriptions of expression patterns. My results showed unexpectedly high rates of de novo acquisition of expression domains after duplication (neofunctionalization), at least as high or higher than rates of partitioning of expression domains (subfunctionalization). I found differences in the evolution of expression of small- and large-scale duplicates, with small-scale duplicates more prone to neofunctionalization. Duplicates with neofunctionalization seemed to evolve under more relaxed selective pressure on the coding sequence. Finally, even with abundant and precise expression data, the majority fate I recovered was neither neo- nor subfunctionalization of expression domains, suggesting a major role for other mechanisms in duplicate gene retention.