962 resultados para Relojes de sol
Título anterior de la publicación: Boletín de la Comisión Española de la UNESCO
Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n
Se propone una forma de abordar en el aula el respeto hacia el medio ambiente, apoyada en la canci??n ???La nube y el sol???, de la autora canaria Isabel Medina. Este recurso da la posibilidad de destacar la importancia que tiene el agua para los seres vivos y la necesidad de usar, adecuadamente, este bien tan valioso. La experiencia contada nos da pautas interesantes para llevar al aula las caracter??sticas del paisaje canario desde temprana edad, y para reflexi??nar sobre la importancia de la educaci??n medioambiental para el cuidado y conservaci??n de nuestros ecosistemas.
Bibliograf??a al final del art??culo
Se expone el trabajo de una maestra especialista en m??sica que presenta un material muy ??til para la introducci??n a la m??sica en el primer ciclo de primaria y el 2.?? ciclo de educaci??n infantil. La idea principal es la creaci??n de materiales y el dise??o de actividades para acercar los conceptos musicales (pentagramas, silencios, notas, ritmos, corcheas y clave de sol) a los m??s peque??os del sistema educativo. Se utiliza el cuento como recurso did??ctico que sirve para dar paso a la teor??a musical. Se explica cada elemento como algo nuevo, original y divertido, facilitando el desarrollo de las competencias b??sicas.
Se pone en com??n una actividad a trabajar con alumnado de secundaria, dentro de los contenidos del ??rea de Ciencias Naturales y F??sica Qu??mica. Se centra en los efectos nocivos del sol y sus poder de actuaci??n sobre nuestra piel, teniendo en cuenta las altas dosis de radiaciones a las que est?? expuesta la poblaci??n de Canarias, especialmente en las zonas tur??sticas costeras. Se estudian sus efectos acumulativos y las consecuencias que se desarrollar??n a largo plazo.
Ilustraciones: Paz Rodero y Jos?? R. Ballesteros
La crisi econòmica és un fet molt recent, però pel qual mai s’està preparat. El gran allau de notícies tant en mitjans televisius, com de radio, diaris, etc., els quals en parlen constantment, ha motivat la curiositat per esbrinar si la crisi econòmica està afectant al sector turístic i de quina manera. Com és sabut, des de fa ja uns anys es parla de les destinacions en crisi, d’un turisme de sol i platja en crisi, ja que les noves destinacions estan fent ombra a aquelles que durant els 70 i 80 van tenir un boom i una gran acceptació, la qual cosa fa pensar que la situació actual de la crisi econòmica pot fer agreujar aquest estat de davallada del turisme de masses
This doctoral thesis deals with the intellectual biography of the writer and journalist Manuel Brunet (Vic, 1889, Figueres, 1956). It reconstructs the life and professional studies of the author, and the most important facets of his literature and journalism. In addition, it examines his literary texts. A special emphasis has been placed on the study of journalistic production of Brunet and on the analysis of the professional profile of the author. Examination and assessment of its production has been accurate, including a classification of the items and a comparison of his journalistic style with that of other contemporary authors, both Catalan (Josep Pla and Joseph M. de Sagarra), French (Charles Maurras and Léon Daudet) and English (GK Chesterton and Hilaire Belloc). The latter part of the work analysises the condition of "victor won" of Manuel Brunet after the Spanish Civil War, and how this author is an example of a whole generation of conservative Catalan nationalist witers who lived a difficult situation after the conflict.
El informe interinstitucional psicosocial y de derechos humanos del Caso Luluncoto fue elaborado de forma coordinada por las Organizaciones: Comisión Ecuménica de Derechos Humanos (CEDHU), Fundación Regional de Asesoría en Derechos Humanos (INREDH) y el Proyecto de Reparación Socio-ambiental Clínica Ambiental con asesoría del Dr. Carlos Martín Beristain. Las organizaciones mencionadas diseñaron un protocolo de evaluación centrado en dos componentes: un primer componente de análisis a nivel de los 10 presos políticos y un segundo componente a nivel de los familiares. Así mismo, cada componente fue estructurado en función de los instrumentos y variables o campos de análisis.
Tungsten carbide/oxide particles have been prepared by the gel precipitation of tungstic acid in the presence of an organic gelling agent [10% ammonium poly(acrylic acid) in water, supplied by Ciba Specialty Chemicals]. The feed solution; a homogeneous mixture of sodium tungstate and ammonium poly(acrylic acid) in water, was dropped from a 1-mm jet into hydrochloric acid saturated hexanol/concentrated hydrochloric acid to give particles of a mixture of tungstic acid and poly(acrylic acid), which, after drying in air at 100 degrees C and heating to 900 degrees C in argon for 2 h, followed by heating in carbon dioxide for a further 2 h and cooling, gives a mixture of WO, WC, and a trace of NaxWO3, with the carbon for the formation of WC being provided by the thermal carbonization of poly(acrylic acid). The pyrolyzed product is friable and easily broken down in a pestle and mortar to a fine powder or by ultrasonics, in water, to form a stable colloid. The temperature of carbide formation by this process is significantly lower (900 degrees C) than that reported for the commercial preparation of tungsten carbide, typically > 1400 degrees C. In addition, the need for prolonged grinding of the constituents is obviated because the reacting moieties are already in intimate contact on a molecular basis. X-ray diffraction, particle sizing, transmission electron microscopy, surface area, and pore size distribution studies have been carried out, and possible uses are suggested. A flow diagram for the process is described.
An aqueous solution of a poly(ethylene glycol)-polycaprolactone-poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG-PCL-PEG) with a composition of EG13CL23EG13 undergoes multiple transitions, from sol-to-gel (hard gel)-to-sol-to-gel (soft gel)-to-sol, in the concentration range 20.0∼35.0 wt.-%. Through dynamic mechanical analysis, UV-vis spectrophotometry, small angle X-ray scattering, differential scanning calorimetry, microcalorimetry and 13C NMR spectroscopy, the mechanism of these transitions was investigated. The hard gel and soft gel are distinguished by the crystalline and amorphous state of the PCL. The extent of PEG dehydration and the molecular motion of each block also played a critical role in the multiple transitions. This paper suggests a new mechanism for these multiple transitions driven by temperature changes.
Sol-gel derived inorganic materials are of interest as hosts for non-linear optically active guest molecules and they offer particular advantages in the field of non-linear optics. Orientationally ordered glasses have been prepared using a sol-gel system based on tetramethoxysilane, methyltrimethoxysilane and a non-linear optical chromophore Disperse Red 1. The novel technique of photo-induced poling was used to generate enhanced levels of polar order. The level of enhancement is strongly dependent on the extent of gelation and an optimum preparation time of ∼100 h led to an enhancement factor of ∼5. Films prepared in this manner exhibited a high stability of the polar order.