959 resultados para Recursive Partitioning and Regression Trees (RPART)


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Concept maps are an important tool to knowledge organization,representation, and sharing. Most current concept map tools do not provide full support for hand-drawn concept map creation and manipulation, largely due to the lack of methods to recognize hand-drawn concept maps. This paper proposes a structure recognition method. Our algorithm can extract node blocks and link blocks of a hand-drawn concept map by combining dynamic programming and graph partitioning and then build a concept-map structure by relating extracted nodes and links. We also introduce structure-based intelligent manipulation technique of hand-drawn concept maps. Evaluation shows that our method has high structure recognition accuracy in real time, and the intelligent manipulation technique is efficient and effective.


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Shock wave lithotripsy is the preferred treatment modality for kidney stones in the United States. Despite clinical use for over twenty-five years, the mechanisms of stone fragmentation are still under debate. A piezoelectric array was employed to examine the effect of waveform shape and pressure distribution on stone fragmentation in lithotripsy. The array consisted of 170 elements placed on the inner surface of a 15 cm-radius spherical cap. Each element was driven independently using a 170 individual pulsers, each capable of generating 1.2 kV. The acoustic field was characterized using a fiber optic probe hydrophone with a bandwidth of 30 MHz and a spatial resolution of 100 μm. When all elements were driven simultaneously, the focal waveform was a shock wave with peak pressures p+ =65±3MPa and p−=−16±2MPa and the −6 dB focal region was 13 mm long and 2 mm wide. The delay for each element was the only control parameter for customizing the acoustic field and waveform shape, which was done with the aim of investigating the hypothesized mechanisms of stone fragmentation such as spallation, shear, squeezing, and cavitation. The acoustic field customization was achieved by employing the angular spectrum approach for modeling the forward wave propagation and regression of least square errors to determine the optimal set of delays. Results from the acoustic field customization routine and its implications on stone fragmentation will be discussed.


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We consider type systems that combine universal types, recursive types, and object types. We study type inference in these systems under a rank restriction, following Leivant's notion of rank. To motivate our work, we present several examples showing how our systems can be used to type programs encountered in practice. We show that type inference in the rank-k system is decidable for k ≤ 2 and undecidable for k ≥ 3. (Similar results based on different techniques are known to hold for System F, without recursive types and object types.) Our undecidability result is obtained by a reduction from a particular adaptation (which we call "regular") of the semi-unification problem and whose undecidability is, interestingly, obtained by methods totally different from those used in the case of standard (or finite) semi-unification.


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A comparison study was carried out between a wireless sensor node with a bare die flip-chip mounted and its reference board with a BGA packaged transceiver chip. The main focus is the return loss (S parameter S11) at the antenna connector, which was highly depended on the impedance mismatch. Modeling including the different interconnect technologies, substrate properties and passive components, was performed to simulate the system in Ansoft Designer software. Statistical methods, such as the use of standard derivation and regression, were applied to the RF performance analysis, to see the impacts of the different parameters on the return loss. Extreme value search, following on the previous analysis, can provide the parameters' values for the minimum return loss. Measurements fit the analysis and simulation well and showed a great improvement of the return loss from -5dB to -25dB for the target wireless sensor node.


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The ability to quickly detect and respond to visual stimuli in the environment is critical to many human activities. While such perceptual and visual-motor skills are important in a myriad of contexts, considerable variability exists between individuals in these abilities. To better understand the sources of this variability, we assessed perceptual and visual-motor skills in a large sample of 230 healthy individuals via the Nike SPARQ Sensory Station, and compared variability in their behavioral performance to demographic, state, sleep and consumption characteristics. Dimension reduction and regression analyses indicated three underlying factors: Visual-Motor Control, Visual Sensitivity, and Eye Quickness, which accounted for roughly half of the overall population variance in performance on this battery. Inter-individual variability in Visual-Motor Control was correlated with gender and circadian patters such that performance on this factor was better for males and for those who had been awake for a longer period of time before assessment. The current findings indicate that abilities involving coordinated hand movements in response to stimuli are subject to greater individual variability, while visual sensitivity and occulomotor control are largely stable across individuals.


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Aim: Ecological niche modelling can provide valuable insight into species' environmental preferences and aid the identification of key habitats for populations of conservation concern. Here, we integrate biologging, satellite remote-sensing and ensemble ecological niche models (EENMs) to identify predictable foraging habitats for a globally important population of the grey-headed albatross (GHA) Thalassarche chrysostoma. Location: Bird Island, South Georgia; Southern Atlantic Ocean. Methods: GPS and geolocation-immersion loggers were used to track at-sea movements and activity patterns of GHA over two breeding seasons (n = 55; brood-guard). Immersion frequency (landings per 10-min interval) was used to define foraging events. EENM combining Generalized Additive Models (GAM), MaxEnt, Random Forest (RF) and Boosted Regression Trees (BRT) identified the biophysical conditions characterizing the locations of foraging events, using time-matched oceanographic predictors (Sea Surface Temperature, SST; chlorophyll a, chl-a; thermal front frequency, TFreq; depth). Model performance was assessed through iterative cross-validation and extrapolative performance through cross-validation among years. Results: Predictable foraging habitats identified by EENM spanned neritic (<500 m), shelf break and oceanic waters, coinciding with a set of persistent biophysical conditions characterized by particular thermal ranges (3–8 °C, 12–13 °C), elevated primary productivity (chl-a > 0.5 mg m−3) and frequent manifestation of mesoscale thermal fronts. Our results confirm previous indications that GHA exploit enhanced foraging opportunities associated with frontal systems and objectively identify the APFZ as a region of high foraging habitat suitability. Moreover, at the spatial and temporal scales investigated here, the performance of multi-model ensembles was superior to that of single-algorithm models, and cross-validation among years indicated reasonable extrapolative performance. Main conclusions: EENM techniques are useful for integrating the predictions of several single-algorithm models, reducing potential bias and increasing confidence in predictions. Our analysis highlights the value of EENM for use with movement data in identifying at-sea habitats of wide-ranging marine predators, with clear implications for conservation and management.


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Aim: Ecological niche modelling can provide valuable insight into species' environmental preferences and aid the identification of key habitats for populations of conservation concern. Here, we integrate biologging, satellite remote-sensing and ensemble ecological niche models (EENMs) to identify predictable foraging habitats for a globally important population of the grey-headed albatross (GHA) Thalassarche chrysostoma. Location: Bird Island, South Georgia; Southern Atlantic Ocean. Methods: GPS and geolocation-immersion loggers were used to track at-sea movements and activity patterns of GHA over two breeding seasons (n = 55; brood-guard). Immersion frequency (landings per 10-min interval) was used to define foraging events. EENM combining Generalized Additive Models (GAM), MaxEnt, Random Forest (RF) and Boosted Regression Trees (BRT) identified the biophysical conditions characterizing the locations of foraging events, using time-matched oceanographic predictors (Sea Surface Temperature, SST; chlorophyll a, chl-a; thermal front frequency, TFreq; depth). Model performance was assessed through iterative cross-validation and extrapolative performance through cross-validation among years. Results: Predictable foraging habitats identified by EENM spanned neritic (<500 m), shelf break and oceanic waters, coinciding with a set of persistent biophysical conditions characterized by particular thermal ranges (3–8 °C, 12–13 °C), elevated primary productivity (chl-a > 0.5 mg m−3) and frequent manifestation of mesoscale thermal fronts. Our results confirm previous indications that GHA exploit enhanced foraging opportunities associated with frontal systems and objectively identify the APFZ as a region of high foraging habitat suitability. Moreover, at the spatial and temporal scales investigated here, the performance of multi-model ensembles was superior to that of single-algorithm models, and cross-validation among years indicated reasonable extrapolative performance. Main conclusions: EENM techniques are useful for integrating the predictions of several single-algorithm models, reducing potential bias and increasing confidence in predictions. Our analysis highlights the value of EENM for use with movement data in identifying at-sea habitats of wide-ranging marine predators, with clear implications for conservation and management.


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For many applications of emotion recognition, such as virtual agents, the system must select responses while the user is speaking. This requires reliable on-line recognition of the user’s affect. However most emotion recognition systems are based on turnwise processing. We present a novel approach to on-line emotion recognition from speech using Long Short-Term Memory Recurrent Neural Networks. Emotion is recognised frame-wise in a two-dimensional valence-activation continuum. In contrast to current state-of-the-art approaches, recognition is performed on low-level signal frames, similar to those used for speech recognition. No statistical functionals are applied to low-level feature contours. Framing at a higher level is therefore unnecessary and regression outputs can be produced in real-time for every low-level input frame. We also investigate the benefits of including linguistic features on the signal frame level obtained by a keyword spotter.


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A 40mcore from Loagan Bunut,Malaysian Borneo, yielded a high-resolution early Holocene (11.3e6.75 ka) sequence of marginal-marine deposits. Palynological analysis showed relatively stable fire-regulated lowland forest through this time, with the local development and regression of mangrove vegetation. A general trend of rising rainfall and thus strengthening North East monsoonal circulation linked to the migration of the mean position of the ICTZ was interrupted by what may be episodes of drier climate and weakening monsoonal activity at 9250-8890, 7900 and 7600-7545 cal. BP. Magnetic susceptibility peaks suggestmarked short-term ENSO-style activity superimposed upon this record. Repeated markers for openand disturbed habitats, plus occasional imported and probably-cultivated taxa, point towards human impact from the earliest Holocene on the wet tropical forest at Loagan Bunut.


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Background: There is growing interest in the potential utility of molecular diagnostics in improving the detection of life-threatening infection (sepsis). LightCycler® SeptiFast is a multipathogen probebased real-time PCR system targeting DNA sequences of bacteria and fungi present in blood samples within a few hours. We report here the protocol of the first systematic review of published clinical diagnostic accuracy studies of this technology when compared with blood culture in the setting of suspected sepsis. Methods/design: Data sources: the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, the Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects (DARE), the Health Technology Assessment Database (HTA), the NHS Economic Evaluation Database (NHSEED), The Cochrane Library, MEDLINE, EMBASE, ISI Web of Science, BIOSIS Previews, MEDION and the Aggressive Research Intelligence Facility Database (ARIF). Study selection: diagnostic accuracy studies that compare the real-time PCR technology with standard culture results performed on a patient's blood sample during the management of sepsis. Data extraction: three reviewers, working independently, will determine the level of evidence, methodological quality and a standard data set relating to demographics and diagnostic accuracy metrics for each study. Statistical analysis/data synthesis: heterogeneity of studies will be investigated using a coupled forest plot of sensitivity and specificity and a scatter plot in Receiver Operator Characteristic (ROC) space. Bivariate model method will be used to estimate summary sensitivity and specificity. The authors will investigate reporting biases using funnel plots based on effective sample size and regression tests of asymmetry. Subgroup analyses are planned for adults, children and infection setting (hospital vs community) if sufficient data are uncovered. Dissemination: Recommendations will be made to the Department of Health (as part of an open-access HTA report) as to whether the real-time PCR technology has sufficient clinical diagnostic accuracy potential to move forward to efficacy testing during the provision of routine clinical care.


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Objective: The buccal absorption of captopril does not exhibit the classical pH/partition hypothesis, suggesting that mechanisms other than passive diffusion are involved in its absorption; animal studies have suggested that a peptide carrier-mediated transport system may be responsible for its absorption. The present study evaluated the effects of pH on octanol partitioning, and on the buccal absorption of enalapril and lisinopril, using in vitro techniques and buccal partitioning in human volunteer subjects.


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Understanding how communities assemble is a key challenge in ecology. Conflicting hypotheses suggest that plant traits within communities should show divergence to reflect strategies to reduce competition or convergence to reflect strong selection for the environmental conditions operating. Further hypotheses suggest that plant traits related to productivity show convergence within communities, but those related to disturbance show divergence. Data on functional diversity (FD ) of 12 traits from 30 communities ranging from arable fields, mown and grazed grasslands to moorland and woodland were employed to test this using randomisations tests and correlation and regression analysis. No traits showed consistent significant convergence or divergence in functional diversity. When correlated to measures of the environment, the most common pattern was for functional diversity to decline (7 out of 12 traits) and the degree of convergence (7 out of 12 traits) to increase as the levels of productivity (measured as primary productivity, soil nitrogen release and vegetation C:N) and disturbance increased. Convergence or a relationship between functional diversity and the environment was not seen for a number of important traits, such as LDMC and SLA, which are considered as key predictors of ecosystem function. The analysis indicates that taking into account functional diversity within a system may be a necessary part of predicting the relationship between plant traits and ecosystem function, and that this may be of particular importance within less productive and less disturbed systems. © 2011 Springer-Verlag.


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Background: Tobacco smoke is a major risk to the health of its users and arsenic is among the components of smoke present at concentrations of toxicological concern. There are significant variations in human toxicity between inorganic and organic arsenic species and the aim of this study was to determine whether there are predictable relationships among major arsenic species in tobacco that could be useful for risk assessment.

Methods: 14 samples of tobacco were studied spanning a wide range of concentrations in samples from different geographical regions, including certified reference materials and cigarette products. Inorganic and major organic arsenic species were extracted from powdered tobacco samples by nitric acid using microwave digestion. Concentrations of arsenic species in these extracts were determined using HPLC-ICPMS.

Results: The concentrations of total inorganic arsenic species range from 144 to 3914 mu g kg(-1), while organic species dimethylarsinic acid (DMA) ranges from 21 to 176 mu g As kg(-1), and monomethylarsonic acid (MA) ranges from 30 to 116 mu g kg(-1). The percentage of species eluted compared to the total arsenic extracted ranges from 11.1 to 36.8% suggesting that some As species (possibly macro-molecules, strongly complexed or in organic forms) do not elute from the column. This low percentage of column-speciated arsenic is indicative that more complex forms of arsenic exist in the tobacco. All the analysed species correlate positively with total arsenic concentration over the whole compositional range and regression analysis indicates a consistent ratio of about 4:1 in favour of inorganic arsenic compared with MA + DMA.

Conclusions: The dominance of inorganic arsenic species among those components analysed is a marked feature of the diverse range of tobaccos selected for study. Such consistency is important in the context of a WHO expert panel recommendation to regulate tobacco crops and products using total arsenic concentration. If implemented more research would be required to develop models that accurately predict the smoker's exposure to reduced inorganic arsenic species on the basis of leaf or product concentration and product design features.


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The environmental fate of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), a group of flame retardants that are considered to be persistent organic pollutants (POPs), around the Zhuoshui River and Changhua County regions of Taiwan was assessed. An investigation into emissions, partitioning, and fate of selected PBDEs was conducted based on the equilibrium constant (EQC) fugacity model developed at Trent University, Canada. Emissions for congeners PBDE 47, PBDE 99, and PBDE 209 to air (4.9–92 × 10−3 kg/h), soil (0.91–17.4 × 10−3 kg/h), and water (0.21–4.04 × 10−3 kg/h), were estimated by modifying previous models on PBDE emission rates by considering both industrial and domestic rates. It was found that fugacity modeling can give a reasonable estimation of the behavior, partitioning, and concentrations of PBDE congeners in and around Taiwan. Results indicate that PBDE congeners have a high affinity for partitioning into sediments then soils. As congener number decreases, the PBDEs then partition more readily into air. As the degree of bromination increases, congeners more readily partition to sediments. Sediments may then act as a long-term source of PBDEs which can be released back into the water column due to resuspension during storm events.