353 resultados para Recrutamento


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A extensa fragmentação das florestas tropicais e conseguinte perda da fauna de dispersores e predadores de sementes trazem importantes consequências às interações planta-animal. A predação de sementes, que representa uma etapa crítica no recrutamento de plantas tropicais, é um dos processos que sofrem com este impacto. A falta dos agentes dispersores e predadores de sementes pode alterar a dinâmica natural dessa interação trófica ao ponto de não corresponder mais ao modelo de Janzen-Connell, que prediz que quanto mais próximo da planta parental, maior a probabilidade de predação e, por conseqüência, menor será a dispersão. Esse estudo avaliou em três fragmentos com níveis diferenciado de defaunação (Mata São José, Reserva Municipal Santa Genebra e Estação Ecológica dos Caetetus) a predação (e/ou dispersão) de sementes de palmito juçara (Euterpe edulis Martius) abaixo e longe da planta-mãe, buscando testar o modelo Janzen-Connell. Em cada área cinco sementes foram dispostas em tratamento aberto e cinco em tratamento fechado, abaixo e distante 10 metros do parental em 15 palmeiras e avaliado o destino das sementes após 30 dias. Os resultados não oferecem suporte ao modelo, uma vez que apenas em um dos fragmentos pequenos e defaunados a predação abaixo do parental foi maior que distante, ou seja, nos demais fragmentos a distância da planta mãe não aumentou a sobrevivência das sementes. Nas áreas defaunadas a predação ocorreu principalmente por invertebrados e patógenos, enquanto que na área menos defaunada a predação foi feita principalmente por vertebrados. Diferenças significativas na predação de sementes entre os tratamentos só foram obtidas na área menos defaunada, o que mostra a importância dos predadores vertebrados de médio e grande porte na predação e/ou dispersão de sementes de E. edulis neste fragmento.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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We investigated the influence of environmental factors in spatial and temporal distribution of the seabob shrimp Xiphopenaeus kroyeri in Santos Bay and São Vicente Estuary, state of São Paulo, Brazil. Monthly samples were obtained, from May 2008 through April 2010, from four locations in the estuary and four in the bay. No individual was collected in the estuary and this was attributed to the low salinity means recorded in this environment. We collected 109,153 individuals in the bay and there was no difference in abundance between the two years comprised by the study period. The similarity in spatial distribution can be related to sediment grain size that in all sampling locations showed great amount of very fine sand. The largest amount of reproductive females was obtained in early 2010, when temperature was high, and this could have increased the juvenile recruitment in April 2010. According to our results, the distribution of X. kroyeri in the study area is influenced by temperature, which is related to reproduction, and salinity, limiting the entrance of individuals in the estuarine region.


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Chronic low back pain is a difficult condition to be treated. As some patients respond positively to treatment and others do not present any improvements, one can think there are others conditional factors that need to be elucidated. By means of this study, we sought to investigate the association between the occurrence of the formation of a positive relationship between patient and therapist, assessed by the therapeutic alliance inventory, and the adequate recruitment of the deep abdominal muscles, as well as to verify the effect of a protocol intervention based on motor control exercises on levels of pain and disability. The recruitment of the transverse abdominal and internal oblique muscles was examined by ultrasound imaging in 12 subjects with nonspecific chronic low back pain before and after implementation of a protocol for motor control exercises, with subsequent application of the therapeutic alliance inventory questionnaire. No association was found between the level of therapist/patient alliance and muscle recruitment. The proposed protocol was effective in reducing the levels of pain and disability; however, recruitment of transverse abdominal and internal oblique muscles showed no significant changes in the end of the intervention. Based on these findings, we verified that the therapeutic alliance has no association with muscle recruitment in the short term. However, although there were no changes in muscle recruitment after the intervention program, the level of pain and disability was reduced.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em Ginecologia, Obstetrícia e Mastologia - FMB


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Current research analyzes the importance of human resources managers in organizational sustainability through the ack-nowledgement of the external variables and innovatory practices, such as environment management. In fact, the latter is a challenge for organizations and consequently for the human resources’ area. Investigation comprised a revision of the literature: theoretical and empirical articles that deal with the role of human resources’ mana-gement and on the environmental issue which is daily in the news. The essay is divided into three parts: the first section emphasizes the role of human resources’ managers; empirical evidences of the activities of HR managers in international contexts are dealt with in the second part; the third section deals with the environmental ma-nagement issue as a new challenge for HR managers. HR managers should acknowledge and incorporate in human resources practice the environmental dimension from the stages of recruitment, selec-tion and training. If people with attitudes and competences in the environment are rewarded, they will contribute towards an effective environmental management and, consequently, improvements in organizational results will materialize.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)